2023-06-03 大号儿童 4130
Napoleon Bonaparte was a French military and a political leader who came to power during the French Revolution. Napoleon dominated European and global affairs for a decade while leading France against a series of coalitions in the Napoleonic Wars. He was one of the greatest leaders who lived on this earth. Napoleon’s health began to deteriorate rapidly, and he reconciled with the Catholic Church. He died on 5 May 1821 at Longwood House at age 51.

拿破仑·波拿巴(Napoleon Bonaparte)是法国的一位军事和政治领袖,在法国大革命期间掌权。在拿破仑战争中,拿破仑带领法国对抗一系列联盟,在十年间主宰着欧洲和全球事务。他是地球上最伟大的领袖之一。拿破仑的健康状况迅速恶化,他与罗马天主教会和解。1821年5月5日,他在朗伍德别墅(Longwood House)去世,享年51岁。

Before his death , He was the the richest man of that era with net worth of $27 Trillion that includes tremendous amount of gold in his personal war chest.
All of us knew he was a conqueror and a Political leader, He had enormous amount of land under his name that includes 7 million Square miles of land that spread across Asia and Europe.
Some of the Possessions that he had in his lifetime were :-


The amount of land that he had acquired and had under his name at that time was totaled to an amount of whopping - $12 Trillion US Dollars.


When Napoleon died, almost his entire wealth was confiscated by “British Empire”(Don’t know why whenever some confiscation or theft matters come why there are always Britishers :) ).
At the end, he had only around 400 grams of gold, that were taken by his followers.

拿破仑去世时,几乎他所有的财富都被“英国帝国”没收(不知道为什么每当涉及到没收或偷窃问题时,为什么总是与英国有关 :)) 。

J. Mapp
Despite being the titular Emperor of France, King of Italy, and the Protector of the Rhine, Napoleon Bonaparte had a very humble upbringing and early career.


His father, Carlo, had accrued heavy debts in his lifetime and after his passing, Napoleon and his siblings would be left to pay for these burdens. However, as Napoleon was soon to become a commissioned officer in the French Army, the burden would fall to him.
One of my favorite stories of Napoleon took place when he was a young artillery officer stationed at Valence. All of his checks were being sent to Corsica to support his mother and siblings as well as paying off what debt his father had brought to the Bonaparte's. Therefore, the only luxuries he seems to have afforded himself were his books.


Napoleon's quarters in Valence were very modest, only containing a bed, table, and armchair. The studious lieutenant skipped meals just to afford more books to voraciously read.
In Andrew Roberts' book Napoleon: A Life, he writes:
He existed partly on charity; as First Consul he asked one of his interior ministers for news of a café owner who had often treated him to coffee at Valence, and upon hearing that she was still alive said, ‘I fear that I did not pay for all the cups of coffee that she served me; here are 50 louis [1,000 francs] that you will give to her on my behalf.’
The Napoleonic era is filled with many rags-to-riches stories that are often overlooked.
Even more overlooked is the early career and humble beginnings of the era's namesake.


Raymond Zhang
Napoleon described himself as quite poor in his earlier stages of life as an officer and general because of his love to his family.
He continuously paid for expensive schools for his sisters; brothers, and mother to take luxurious life and refuge, as at one point they were considered traitors for befriending Paoli, and old family friend who was considered a traitor to France.
Napoleon began to earn a steadier salary during the Egyptian campaign. He understood money perfectly, as at restoring France with new taxes, he himself used it wisely and more with balance, unlike the previous Louis XVI.


Mohamed Boubendir
On the eve of the Campaign of Italy in 1796, Napoleon’s campaign as an independent commanding officer, he gave a message to his soldiers, “…Rich provinces, great cities will be in your power. There you will find honor, glory, and riches.” Napoleon was quite known for his pillaging of Italian arts and riches in the cities he captured. Throughout his life, Napoleon was known for squeezing money out of whatever circumstance he was in, and always tried to get as much as he could. Napoleon’s personal wealth certainly reached into the millions throughout his various campaigns. Napoleon owned many palaces and castles, around 60, more than Louis XIV. Napoleon seized as much money as could during his wars, taking artifacts, pieces of arts, relics, anything. Not all of it was for money, or to be sold, but it is perhaps an indication of the money he have made personally.
In the Invasion of Russia in 1812, Napoleon once gave a slight inkling of the wealth he supposedly had, “I have more than four hundred million francs in the cellars of the Tuileries”, but that is extremely doubtful.

在1796年拿破仑作为一个独立指挥官进行意大利战役的前夕,他向士兵们发出了这样的信息:“……富饶的省份和伟大的城市将会在你们手中。在那里,你们将找到荣誉、荣耀和财富。” 拿破仑以掠夺征服的意大利城市的艺术和财富而闻名。在他的一生中,拿破仑以各种情况为契机赚取钱财,并尽可能多地获取利益。通过各种战役,拿破仑个人的财富达到了数百万法郎。他拥有许多宫殿和城堡,约60个,比路易十四还要多。拿破仑在战争中抢夺了尽可能多的财物、文物、艺术品等。其中不是所有的都是为了卖钱或个人获利,但这或许也表明了他个人所积累的金钱数量。
在1812年的俄罗斯战役中,拿破仑曾略微透露过他据称拥有的财富:“我在图伊勒里花园地窖里有四百多万法郎。” 但那是极其可疑的。

Paul Ringo
I've been an avid student of history for as long as I can remember.6y
There are reports that he cleaned out some of the resources that he had captured several years before he was so rudely deposed. Some of the reports indicate that Jean Lafitte may have been one of the sources that helped him pilfer the French valuables. Or not.


Jason Taylor
Bonaparte could arbitrarily nationalize any thing at any place under the command of his troops at any time making the calculation impossible. All dictatorships are in effect command economies whether or not they are philosophically so.


Barrie Nigel Thurlow
Thank you for asking me this, Daniel. I don’t have the figures, but I’m sure they’ll be available somewhere. But, in general terms, Napoleon started out as a younger son in a family of the poorer nobility. As a Republican general, he accumulated some personal wealth, then, once he became First Consul, a large salary would have been added to this.
When Napoleon became Emperor, in essence he was as wealthy as he decided to be - there were fewer restraints upon him than upon recent Kings of France. But I understand that he didn’t show any extraordinary greed in this respect, although the first Empress was noted for extravagance, I believe.
Thank you again - every good wish,

当拿破仑成为皇帝时,他能够拥有任何想要的财富 - 与法国最近的国王相比,他面临的限制更少。但据我了解,他在这方面并未表现出过度的贪婪,虽然第一任皇后被认为是挥霍无度。再次表示感谢 - 祝一切顺利,

Kasia Zezula
No one really knows for sure, but it’s estimated to be $27 trillion. As the emperor of France, he had access to the immense wealth of a vast empire that spanned across much of Europe.
But there aren’t many historical records showing what assets belonged to him and which belonged to the state.
The only real record of Napoleon’s wealth is a personal bank account mentioned in his will worth about six million francs.
But while he may not have benefited personally from the vast empire he helped create, his cultural legacy in France still lives on to this day.
Because Napoleon confiscated thousands of precious artworks back to France after his conquest of Italy, with the aim to “unite the greatest masterpieces of art in Paris”.
And he stored them in an immense gallery which would eventually become the Louvre.
But he’s not the only “royal” that had an eye for art. In fact, fine art has historically been a very popular investment vehicle for the ultra rich.


The British Royal family has been investing a portion of their fortune into art for centuries, and their collection is estimated to be worth over $10 billion.
And the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds both amassed collections worth billions.
Billionaires like David Geffen, Jeff Bezos, and Bill Gates are all avid art collectors.
Plus, there’s a long list of celebrities like Jay-Z, Oprah Winfrey, Steven Spielberg, Jack Nicholson, Madonna, and Ellen Degeneres who have invested millions into art.
The only problem is, regular investors have always been locked out of this asset class because it usually takes millions of dollars to purchase just one iconic piece.
But thanks to a revolutionary new investment platform called Masterworks investing in art just got easier.
Because they provide a simple way for anyone to invest in fractional shares of art from famous artists like Picasso, Banksy and Basquiat, for a fraction of the cost it would take to buy a single iconic piece.


Bill Shadis
The Powerful don’t need to be “rich”, in a conventional sense. Joe Stalin didn’t need a penny in his bank account. He didn’t need his name on a deed to the Kremlin. All he had to do was request something and she-zam! it would appear! Money’s only meaningful in a free society.

有权势的人不需要以传统意义上的“富有”为标准。斯大林在银行账户里一分钱都没有,克里姆林宫的产权证书上也没有他的名字。他只需要提出请求,瞬间就会实现! 在自由社会中,金钱才具有真正意义。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Frank Eggers
How could any of Napoleon’s assets belong to him? Surely those from whom whom the assets were stolen would not agree that they belonged to Napoleon.


Alan Spicer
So rich that I keep seeing this over and over and over again. Even twice in one page.


David Levenstam
The entire French economy (GDP) wouldn’t come to $27 trillion francs today, much less when Napoleon was emperor. What sort of rubbish is this?


Baron Rothschild was his financier. Napoleon traded land for cash, to pay for his wars.


Petra Grill
This is a bit of a tricky question to answer because
a) Napoleon Bonaparte’s wealth depended on his ever-changing status and
b) I often find it hard to discern between his personal money and that of the state (for example, I understand that the clothes Josephine was so famously spending incredible sums for did not actually belong to her but were property of the state).
This is for the time when Napoleon was emperor: According to the constitution, the “liste civile” (basically his personal income, taken from the French treasury ,i.e., tax payers’ money) of the emperor was 25 million Franc per year. 15 millions of that sum were needed for the imperial household, i.e., Napoleon’s personal entourage and court life. According to Pierre Branda (“Napoléon et ses hommes”), this household comprised 3384 people. I do not know how this compares to the other two European imperial courts, however, those of Austria and Russia. It surely does not sound like a small sum. In comparison: a construction worker at the time earned three Franc per day.
So, I guess one can say there was some inequality of wealth distribution.

以下是关于拿破仑成为皇帝时期的情况:根据宪法,“Civile liste”(即从法国财政部获取的他的个人收入,也就是纳税人的钱)每年为2500万法郎。其中1,500万法郎用于帝国家庭,即拿破仑的个人随从和朝臣生活所需。据彼埃尔·布兰达(《拿破仑及其人员》)所述,这个家庭共有3384人。我不知道这与其他两个欧洲帝国的宫廷相比如何,即奥地利和俄罗斯。但肯定不像一点点。相比之下,当时一名建筑工人每天只赚三法郎。

Carl Johnson
Pretty wealthy. Especially at the top of his power when he was basically the emperor of most of mainland Europe. As an emperor he had all of the power in his large empire and he could acquire any item he needed. So enough wealth to acquire anything in the time he lived in. Pretty wealthy I would say.


Thomas de La Marnierre (トマ・サレ)
Why did so many people like Napoleon?
What happens when all of Europe gang up on France ? With so much people in a coalition, surely the coalition should win right ? No. France under Napoléon beated the sh*t out of them ! FIVE times. In a ROW.
Napoléon appointed a woman, Sophie Blanchard, as his minister to plan an AERIAL invasion of England with aerostats. How cool is that. The Grande Armée was actually formed from the army that was supposed to invade England.
The Civil Code of the French (Napoleon Code) was considered at the time as the greatest piece of law to have been written. Everyone copied it afterwards.
Napoléon was also the jerk that restored slavery. This ought to be said.
It was a pyrrhic victory but Napoléon took Moscow. Hitler did not.
Napoléon was a master of propaganda. His campaign of Egypt was a loss, but he still managed to make it glorious to the French public.
You like egyptology ? It started with the people Napoléon brought with him in Egypt. It was a French soldier that found the Rosetta stone.
Napoléon destroyed the Holy Roman Empire, a venerable old state, that as Voltaire said, was neither Holy, neither Roman and neither an Empire.
For quite some times Italians had had enough of the German princes governing the north and the Bourbons in the South, and it was Napoléon that recreated a Kingdom of Italy. The Italians fought the entire 19th century to recreate a Kingdom of Italy, to be at last a power in Europe.


Alice Gordon
Related:Was Napoleon a great leader?
Of course he was. He was the author of terrible events like the slaughter of Egyptian officers as he felt he could not keep them and he was brutal in the handling of the Tyrolean rebellion for independence.
He was a very successful general in fact regarded as a genius and studied. He fought 70 battles and lost 7 not following the rules of battle as taught in school but being a strategic genius.
In the meantime he was a great ruler of France, he created honest tax collectors. Reformed the tax code, the legal system to what is used today emphasizing equality, the currency to what is used today, made a central bank, cleaned up Paris, made sewers and public health for free vaccinations, made secular high schools that taught science and military arts that the rest of Europe began to imitate and offered scholarships, he created the Legion of Honor, found sugar could be made cheaply of beets, united Italy, encouraged science and art, ended the Jewish ghettos everywhere he went, made divorce possible, he reformed the army, and made French the official language.
No one can compare but Peter the Great in reforming rot. But he lost and that was his sin. Going into Russia was his mistake. He took Moscow and expected that meant victory, but it was a big country.

当然他是。他是可怕事件的制造者,比如屠杀埃及官员,因为他觉得无法保住他们,他在处理提洛尔叛乱时也非常残酷,这场叛乱是为自由而战。 实际上,他是非常成功的将军,被认为是天才并受到了深度的研究。他参加了70次战斗,输了7次,没有按照学校教授的规则战斗,而是凭借自己的战略天赋取得了胜利。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Siddhartha Bhattacharjee
History is a commentary of the past events , persons and their deeds.Much of history is based on observers view point which is not entirely free of bias. In my opinion Napoleon met the following criteria of leadership :-
Set a vision for France and exhibited aspirations to cover Europe - with a singular aim of liberating people from rule of monarchy.
He was successful in executing a strategy of conquest and extended the French Empire to cover most of Europe. As a military strategist , he was exceptional till he was out smarted by the Russians.
Despite his physical stature he was able to cast a presence and command people’s respect . They saw in him as someone similar (not from nobility) yet with a magnetic power to make a difference.
Little known aspect outside of France “Napoléon Bonaparte believed that to be great, a nation has to be managed by a corps d'élites, la crème de la crème.Universities are for the mass, the brightest will be formed at the Grandes Écoles. He also introduced the Écoles Prépa to sélect the students who will get into the Grandes Ecoles.” This comment appeared in FB post from Mr Ponnoreay Iat - a French Citizen. He thought about high quality people for leadership positions.
While there are sevral criticisms about his ruthless treatment of foes and his dictatorship , I have no doubt in my mind , that Napoleon was a very effective leader who left a high impact.

除了在法国以外鲜为人知的一点是,“拿破仑·波拿巴(Napoléon Bonaparte)认为,要想伟大,一个国家必须由一支精英队伍来管理,即 creme de la crème。大学是为群众服务的,最聪明的人会在Grands Écoles(法国头号建校之一)里得到培养。他还推出了Écoles Prepа,以挑选那些有资格进入Grands Écoles(法国头号建校之一)的学生。”这段评论出自法国公民Ponnoreay Iat的FB帖子。他思考高质量领导人才。

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