2023-06-04 yjl0518 6501

It is common for Eastern and Western cultures to communicate differently in everyday settings.


Between these two cultures, there are different patterns in speech, languages used, articulation techniques and emotional cues expressed.


At times stereotypical Eastern societies and Western societies express themselves in conflicting ways. Sometimes this can make doing business or socialising together challenging.


When I lived in Malaysia and Singapore, I got along with many of Asian background there. When I moved back to Australia, I realised people here have different mindsets and cultural values.


There’s much to be observed and learned from Eastern vs Western communication styles. That way you can understand cultural differences and minimise miscommunication, improving cross-cultural relationships.


Here are some key differences between Eastern and Western communication styles.


1. High context vs low context

1. 高语境vs低语境
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

In high context cultures (a term coined by anthropologist Edward T. Hall), communication is often indirect and some things aren’t openly said. Low context cultures involves direct communication and thoughts are clearly articulated.


Eastern cultures are often high context cultures. Collectivism and ‘saving face’ is a big part of Asian cultures. Before speaking some Asians might choose their words carefully to avoid pointing out flaws, upsetting or offending others – protecting their image at the same time.


On the other hand Western cultures are low context cultures. Westerners tend to be more individualistic, say things upfront and want to succinctly get their point across.


This can explain why some Asians are stereotypically seen as quiet and submissive while Westerners loud and assertive.


At times there is hidden meaning behind words. For instance in some Asian workplaces, employees usually say ‘Yes’ to tasks they are unsure of and keep quiet, which can lead to miscommunication down the line.


Personally I like to say ‘Yes’ to any challenge, then right away ask and annoy others how to get things done – learn as I go along and get things done.


2. Speaking up

2. 说出来

Westerners are more likely to speak up and say their mind. On the other hand, those in Asian countries are instinctively listen more.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

When there are people in a team who exhibit both these traits, that can get in the way of teamwork.


A study by the University of New South Wales on a class of Singapore university students found the class was mainly silent. It also found the students feared being wrong when asking questions but ask targeted questions. Often East-Asian international students often adopt the silent-strategy to deal with the English language barrier in classes, and are eager to learn just like European students.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Again, this communicating behaviour can be attributed to ‘saving face’. In Asian cultures listening and letting others speak is a sign of respect.


As I wrote in Why are some Asians so quiet all the time, generally Asians listen to learn from others. Westerners speak up to generate discussion among everyone and therefore learn through discussing ideas.


3. Non-verbal communication


Eastern and Western cultures interpret non-verbal communication differently. Not all emotions are expressed universally across both cultures.


Maintaining eye contact means confidence and paying attention in Western cultures. In Asian cultures that is a sign of aggression and rudeness.


Beckoning with hands is considered friendly in the West. Gesturing with the left hand is considered dirty and offensive in Middle Eastern cultures. Pointing is seen as rude in Malaysia.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Smiling at strangers in public is seen as friendly in Australia and the UK. In Asia, it’s strange to smile at strangers and a smile could be a cover-up for negative emotions.


Emotions are nuanced. Sometimes silence is consent, but other times silence is also not consent.


Spending part of my life in high-crime country Malaysia taught me being silent and sour-faced at strangers is for your own safety. You never know what attention you might invite being friendly with a stranger. I might be seen as impolite avoiding friendly Aussie strangers safety always comes first.


4. Leadership

4. 领导

Hierarchical structures in Asian workplaces are common and obeying authority is key. In China, guanxi is important for developing good business relationships within various industries.


On the other hand there is more of a flatter level-playing field in the western corporate world. Sharing ideas openly is encouraged. Friday after-work drinks with colleagues and bosses is pretty common in Australia.


An academic review of Western and Chinese leadership models found over time there is a convergence of workplace styles in both cultures. Education and efficiency is valued across both cultures.


Having worked in many different roles and sectors over the years, I find most white Australian managers and executives like planning things out – drawn out months of consulting before projects get started.


Working with freelance clients from Asia is mostly an opposite experience. Their approach was to pay me right away before I did any work. That was nice but it made drawing up contracts at the start and gauging workload challenging – and later having to put up with changing project priorities.


5. Time

5. 时间
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Both Eastern and Western cultures tend to regard punctuality with respect to different degrees.


Asian cultures have more of a stickler for things being on time. Showing up on time to work or an appointment is expected in Asia. In 2018 a Japanese railway company made a public apology when a train left its station 25 seconds early.


While in Germany things run on clockwork, Spain and France are more relaxed about time where deadlines are more flexible and there is time for nice wine and dine.


* * *
Not all of us will always get along. Sometimes it can be hard to see past our cultural values and see things from another’s point of view.


Sometimes someone’s communication style might rub off you all the time, making you annoyed.


While you might not always agree with someone’s cultural values, you can respect these values and different communication styles. You can always try to listen, let others speak and genuinely ask questions. You can avoid raising your voice, attacking opinions and asserting your opinion over others.


As Plato said, ‘Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something.’


How you communicate leaves an impression on others. More importantly how you communicate is a reflection of yourself.


Notably being civil to each other’s views might be easier face-to-face in person compared to online interactions. Research has shown online racial discrimination is increasing and online hate is constantly being directed at Asians on social media especially during the coronavirus pandemic.


It can be easy to hide behind a screen and express opinionated thoughts anonymously. When someone gives honest criticism face-to-face, they probably are really honest.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

One time I was walking in the city and a white guy randomly yelled ‘Hey chink!’ in my face. He looked young, rugged and didn’t look sorry. As he walked away looking at me, I walked away looking ahead. I didn’t see the point in confrontation.


Almost all of the time there is no point in engaging with hate speech. Sometimes even the most opinionated people just want to get on with their day. And so do you. And so do I.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

When you make genuine effort to communicate with someone of a different cultural background, there’s always a chance you’ll both get along.


Have you encountered different communication styles?


How angry and outdated that guy was to shout at you in the street and awful that in this day and age, you have to hear such a comment when minding your own business. I am sure he would not like being shouted to in the street.
It was very interesting reading about the different communication styles and wonderful that you can bridge the various cultures in understanding both.
Danish folks are notoriously critical of anyone who runs late – as they see it as disrespectful of their time. Australians are notoriously late for almost everything! Maybe they will be influenced to change this thinking in the future. I have Danish friends that call me on the appointed time to say where are you – but now I know how they are I tend to arrive five minutes earlier just to make sure!

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Mabel Kwong
That is interesting you say it is outdated the guy was shouting me. Very creative descxtion and I agree with that sentiment. Yes, in this day and age it is surprising to hear a racist comment when you are not even aware that person is around. Recently I had another similar incident, and I am sure this happens elsewhere all the time too. It’s the kind of communication where it’s very hard to get through to the other person, if not almost impossible as that is very stubborn attitude.
That is so interesting to learn about Danish folks being timely. When you agreed on a time to meet, it makes sense to show up on time and not waste the other person’s time. After all, they probably took a while to get there to meet you. That said, there are valid reasons to be late and that’s okay. That is very kind of you to try to be early to meet your Danish friends. It must be nice to be early and everyone gets off to a good start.


Such an interesting topic…and I live it every day! My experience with my Chinese-American in-laws has been the opposite of your post, though. They are very, VERY blunt, wanting to know how much money I make, how much rent costs, when we’re going to have a baby, etc. They don’t do subtext or avoid conflict.
The Japanese and Japanese-American women I know are much less likely to be confrontational, right in line with your breakdown. And so is my husband.
As for the rest of the U.S., well, it just depends. New Yorkers of all kinds have no problem getting in your face and yelling.


Mabel Kwong
Your Chinese-American in-laws do sound very blunt! It’s like they want answers right away. Questions like how much your rent is and what you do are honestly very judgemental of your character…which they probably don’t say to your face all the time. Maybe with the newer generation they tend more open-minded and value different things.
I’ve always wanted to go to New York…I had someone from New York tell me that if you jump ahead of the queue for the subway, the person behind you will tell you off for it and force you to the back – like you said, in your face and yelling loud. In Asia, people are pretty silent when this happens.


This post nicely analyses communication differences but Mabel, I would like to clarify some misconceptions. While I agree with collectivism in Asian culture, much of it is caused by fears – fear of getting disliked or dropped from a project, as submission and keeping quiet even when you disagree is considered to be a value. In other words, freedom of thought and expression is suppressed. It may be emphasized that listening quietly is a sign of respect but speaking against injustice is also construed as disrespect. When somebody is raised with snub and mute mechanism, they tend to become “passive” but there are many who choose to speak up even in the face of criticism.
Punctuality could never be generalized as it varies with each individual especially in Asian countries.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Mabel Kwong
So happy to see you here, Balroop. You always provide such insightful insights that make us all think. You bring up an excellent point, that in Asian culture collectivism is cause by fear and fear encourages a certain kind of behaviour. Sometimes it does make sense to remain quiet so as to fit in and it is the better thing to do than speaking up and offending others. Fear is probably an emotion many Asian cultures can relate to more than we want to admit…Very wise words from you and thank you for that.


Anne Mehrling
I found your points very interesting. I’ve not had discussions with many people from other cultures. However, I grew up in a Southern state in the US and lived in a Northern state for 50 years. There was a great difference in the way people talked and reacted to each other. I have been comfortable and felt at home in both areas.


Mabel Kwong
Thanks, Anne. It sounds like you had two different experiences in a Southern and Northern state in the US. Hopefully you didn’t have trouble understanding the way people talked and you acclimatized okay. Lovely to hear you felt comfortable in both places.


Very interesting essay, as always. The idea of ‘saving face’ – it reminds me of a previous article of yours, I think pertaining to paying for a family dinner or some such, in the context of showing off wealth. It does seem like there is a lot more emphasis put on gestures than direct communication. The distinction between high and low context styles of communication may not be specific to cultures either. Maybe it’s just a sad reflection on my part, but as a (perhaps gross) generalisation I notice when women want something for a gift they often won’t state it directly but instead drop hints, subtle cues. And then the poor bloke (like me) who has no idea what those hints are would much rather prefer things be said outright to avoid misunderstandings and disappointments…
Sometimes I wish I would shut up and listen instead of speaking (too) early. It’s a good trait to have. As you know from my long-winded comments I often don’t know when to stop speaking/writing. But perhaps that applies more in a one-on-one context. In a group context, I tend to be more reserved, unless the discussion is about something I know a lot about. It’s interesting to have a learning context where everyone is quiet – as one accustomed more to Western culture I’d find that awkward. (Did I not explain clearly? Am I not communicating well enough for them?) I know a few Caucasian folks who have had teaching experience in Asia – would be interesting to know if they’ve had this experience of a silent classroom. Maybe contrasting with rowdy students in a Western cultural background they really like that!
I didn’t know prolonged eye contact would be considered rude in an Eastern context. Funnily, I’d find the opposite to be rude – if someone is not looking at me (especially for a prolonged period) when I’m talking to them, I’d find that off-putting. Can still be a problem in Western culture too, where people often think it’s okay to look at their phones while you’re talking to them…
I think there is still hierarchy in the corporate world, even in Western contexts. But depending on the nature of the company and the individuals, it does seem like it’s more common to have approachable superiors and a more ‘all are equal’ kind of mentality. I find it interesting that your work experience has included the extremes of pre-planning and upfront payments. In the software development world (my field), excessive pre-planning is generally accepted as counter-productive, but it’s still insisted upon by traditional, business-minded folks. I’ve also learned about how some companies have flourished *because* they don’t hold to a traditional hierarchical structure, while those that do often stagnate and wither or even die.
I definitely agree with the approach to punctuality between cultures! My parents would often take me to appointments way too early – to the point where I’d be bored for a long time before anyone else showed up. And yet… to avoid doing that same thing as an adult I too often cut it too closely and wind up being a bit late instead… but that’s okay – Western culture almost expects tardiness! (Hence the term ‘fashionably late’)


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