2023-06-08 ARRRRRIES 4324

Mike Turner
You can start with yourself. Get rid of any guns you have and don’t buy any more. There. You are gun free. No go mind your own business and let other people do the same.


Ken Rabon
The “best” way? Here you go.
1.Decide if you mean
a.all guns, including those possessed by law enforcement and military or
b.just those that are privately owned (for this question, let’s go with “b” though it makes no difference in how quickly things will get very bad. Just remember that if you go with “a” you’ll want to attempt to disarm the populace first)
2.Make the decision, ahead of time, that getting rid of guns is worth killing as many people as you have to in order to accomplish your goal
3.Outlaw private possession of firearms. You can proceed with this in 1 of 2 ways.
a.begin the long, arduous and likely ineffective process of amending the Constitution so as to repeal the 2nd Amendment. “Crap” or not, the 2nd Amendment is a reality any effort to get rid of guns would have to address, pink sparkly unicorns notwithstanding.
b.outlaw them by fiat
4.Regardless of whether you choose 3a or 3b, be prepared for the bloody civil war that would follow.
5.Send out teams to collect privately held weapons. Undoubtedly, some of them would be effective. Others would simply not return.

1. 确定您的意思是
a. 包括执法和军事部门的所有枪支或
b. 只有私人拥有的枪支(对于这个问题,让我们选择“b”,尽管在事情变得非常糟糕的方式上没有区别。只要记住,如果您选择“a”,您需要首先试图解除武装民众)
2. 预先做出决定,消除枪支的价值高于杀死必要的人数来实现您的目标
3. 禁止私人持有枪支。您可以采用以下两种方式之一进行此项工作。
a. 开始漫长、艰苦且可能无效的修宪过程,以废除第二修正案。无论粉红色闪闪发光的独角兽是否存在,“废除枪支”的任何努力都必须考虑到第二修正案这个事实。
b. 通过行政命令禁止持有。
4. 无论您选择3a还是3b,都要做好准备,面对随之而来的血腥内战。
5. 派出小组收集私人持有的武器。毫无疑问,其中一些是有效的。其他人可能会叛变。

6.keep the membership of these teams secret to reduce the likelihood of team members being shot on the doorsteps of their houses.
7.Have a contingency plan for when significant numbers of law enforcement officers refuse to stack up at the front door of a gun owner’s house.
8.Have a contingency plan for when significant numbers of military personnel refuse to comply with the unconstitutional orders.
9.Have a contingency plan for when multiple National Guard units, and all the “goodies” at the nearest armory, simply disappear.
10.Have a contingency plan for all the active and former law enforcement and military personnel who choose to put their extensive training and experience to use in the service of the resistance.
11.Remember most of the resistance will not target your loyal-to-the-government combat troops directly, or at all. As a result, you must have a plan to protect

6. 保持这些团队的成员身份保密,以减少成员在家门口被枪杀的可能性。
7. 为当大量执法人员拒绝在枪支持有者家门口排队时制定应急计划。
8. 为当大量军事人员拒绝遵守违宪命令时制定应急计划。
9. 为当多个国民警卫队单位和最近军械库的所有物资突然消失时制定应急计划。
10. 为所有选择将其广泛的训练和经验用于反抗服务的现役和前任执法和军事人员制定应急计划。
11. 记住,大多数反抗者不会直接或完全针对你们忠诚于政府的战斗部队。因此,你必须有一个保护计划。

a.Senior military leaders when they are not in garrison
b.Political leaders who support this gross violation of civil liberty
c.Popular media figures who support the regime that engages in this travesty
d.Military supply units (tanks without fuel are not terribly effective)
12.Be prepared for your efforts to become increasingly unpopular as those who publicly support it begin to die in great numbers.
13.Answer this question: How many industries are you willing to nationalize to provide needed supplies for what will begin as an unpopular movement and only become increasingly so as the government kills more and more civilians?
See. That’s all there is to it.

a. 当高级军事领导不在军营时
b. 支持这种严重侵犯公民自由的政治领袖
c. 支持从事这种丑闻的政权的流行媒体人物
d. 军事补给单位(没有燃料的坦克效果不太好)
12. 准备好你的努力会越来越不受欢迎,因为那些公开支持这种行动的人会开始大量死亡。
13. 回答这个问题:你愿意国有化多少产业来为开始就不受欢迎并且随着政府杀害越来越多平民而变得越来越不受欢迎的运动提供所需的物资?

Barry Jantz
Well, if there was federal policy of complete gun confiscation, you know, forcing everyone to turn in their guns and then sending officers house to house to take firearms from anyone who didn't voluntarily turn theirs in, all of the millions and millions of guns would still not be found.
They would be significantly reduced, at least in the hands of the law abiding. The police and the military would of course still have them.
Would you be happy with your government taking away private ownership of guns, but then still having sole lawful ownership of firearms themselves? If so, you may be the problem.
History shows that periods of freedom are rare, and exist only when free citizens concertedly defend their rights.


Matthew Park Moore
Replace them with something better. I would happily trade all of my guns for a Star Trek phasor, and I would always keep it set on stun.
I know that sounds snarky, but you did ask for imaginative solutions. My solution is attractive because it replaces a political problem, where you are losing and will continue to lose for the foreseeable future, with a technological problem, which is not obviously unsolvable. Take all that money that you waste on gun prohibition advocacy and fund research into non-lethal self-defense weapons instead. Your chances of success are at least as good, you will have many fewer hostile interactions, and you might even get rich.
EDIT: I would actually prefer a Star Trek phasor modified so that it only has a stun setting. Lethality is a negative feature for civilian self defense, which I accept because lethal weapons are the only reliable weapons. A reliable stunning weapon would give me everything I want out of a firearm with fewer legal risks.


Paul Feist
Repeal the entire Bill of Rights.
Wage a bloody, violent, protracted civil war… and win.
Execute the 20–50 million Americans who will not submit for any reason.
Establish “reeducation camps” for another 40 million former gun owners. Exterminate at least 1/3 of the least compliant ones.
Spend the next 300 years going door to door, house to house, searching… digging up yards, etc.
That should do it.


Dennis Manning
Two thirds of Congress would have to vote for getting rid of them.
Thirty-eight states would have to ratify the gun ban.
Confiscation would be illegal. And unconstitutional. So they’d have to give fair market value to the gun owners. Not enough money in the coffers for that.
Cops and military called to enforce the ban. They will most likely refuse. They would have to go house to house anyway, and most folks would say they lost theirs.
SCOTUS could still halt the ban calling it unconstitutional.
In other words, too difficult to be feasible.


Anthony Caputo
don’t give me any second amendment crap or tell me it can’t me done, just use your imagination…”
You start a civil war and somehow win. In doing so you violate everyone’s basic human rights and dignity with house to house searches across the entire nation, killing all who refuse to comply with your orders to disarm. There is no way you cold do this through any other means.
Any law you pass that even hints at confiscation (such as a registry) would be ignored by the vast majority of gun owners. New York state implemented a mandatory registry a few years back (the SAFE Act). They are currently at an estimated 5% compliance rate, with even sheriffs of some counties daring the state to attempt enforcement. The state is wisely not going to attempt that enforcement, realizing the amount of bloodshed it would entail, and the law is now effectively dead letter.


Of course the logistics of a civil war would not be in your favor either, but I will leave that as an exercise for the reader to figure out (hint, the modern military does not stand a chance against a full scale civil uprising, no matter what you think about warfare with tanks and drones. And that even overlooks the likely scenario that a significant portion of the military defects, taking the tanks and drones with them). Needless to say your chances of disarming the American public are virtually nil. We just will not comply, and any attempt to enforce compliance will be met with the full force of our arms.
Death for millions is your only hope to achieve this goal. Molon Labe.
Addendum: To all the answers saying to pass laws or even repeal the 2nd amendment, you must remember that the Bill of Rights does not grant rights, it merely recognizes preexisting natural rights and guarantees that the government will not infringe on those natural rights. A repeal of those laws will merely exacerbate an already adversarial relationship between the people and the government, ultimately resulting in the above mentioned civil war. There is no way to accomplish this task through peaceful “legal” means.

你唯一能实现这个目标的希望就是让数百万人死亡。Molon Labe。

Yishan Wong
The only way to get rid of 300 million of anything is to induce a set of circumstances that causes the owners to decide that owning that thing is more trouble than it’s worth, so they discard them voluntarily.
With a question like this on Quora, you’re just going to get a bunch of answers from gun-rights people saying some variation on “from my cold dead hands, and if you try we will kill you.” They will make it sound like there is just no way to rid America of guns.
And there isn’t, not in the way that Australia or Britain did, because yes, there are way too many guns out there to practicably do that. But, as an aisle-straddling gun owner, I am going to present to you a way to effectively do it, using one very, very interesting statistic about guns in America.

像这样在Quora上提问,你只会得到一堆来自支持枪支权利的人的回答,说出一些变化版本的话,比如“除非从我的冰冷的手中抢过来,否则我们会杀了你。” 他们会让你觉得,美国没有办法消除枪支。
确实如此,不像澳大利亚或英国那样,因为实际上美国里有太多枪支了,无法实际操作。 但是,作为一个持枪人,我要向你提出一种有效的方法,利用一项非常有趣的有关美国枪支的统计数据。

First, you’ve probably heard that there are 300 million guns in America, more guns than people. That’s a phenomenal number, and you’d be hard-pressed to confiscate this many units of anything. Could we even confiscate 300 million Beanie Babies? That number has steadily grown over the past decade, fueled largely by fears of gun control legislation in reaction to news of mass shootings.
But here’s something else you don’t often hear: the percentage of households owning at least one gun has been dropping steadily over the past 50 years. In 1960, roughly 50% of households owned at least one gun. Depending on which survey you ask, today only about 15 - 22% of households own at least one gun. How can this be?

首先,你可能已经听说美国有3亿支枪,比人口还多。这是一个巨大的数字,而你很难去没收这么多东西。我们甚至能否没收3亿个“Beanie Babies”呢?这一数字在过去十年中稳步增长,主要是由于对大规模枪支管制立法的担忧,这是对大规模枪击事件的反应。

It’s because a relatively small number of people are buying a LOT of guns, but most people aren’t, or have even gotten rid of their guns.
People generally buy guns for home defense out of a fear of crime. While there’s a lot of news these days hyping up the crimes that do happen, the actual crime rate has also been dropping steadily over the past 50 years. People really are safer, most of them (correctly) feel safer and as a result, most of them don’t feel the need to own guns.
The distribution of gun ownership in America is really quite long-tail: 3% of Americans own more than half of those 300 million guns. Yes, that’s right, the gun ownership distribution today is:


78% of Americans don’t own any guns,
19% of Americans own 50% of guns, and
3% of Americans own the remaining 50% of the guns.
So despite “record numbers of guns” in America, they are all owned by less than a quarter of our population, and half of that by only 3% of the population. And that percentage of households owning at least one gun has been dropping steadily since 1960 (and before).
So here’s how you rid America, practicably speaking, of guns:
You just keep making it safer. You keep doing the things we have been doing over the past 50 years that have improved our communities, improved our schools, improved our policing, and improved our standard of life. And as people feel safer, they become less likely to feel they need a gun.
The people who own tons of guns are actually very responsible people. They take guns very seriously, and they practice extremely rigorous safety procedures in storing, using and transporting their guns.


So imagine having a handful of very gun-dedicated people owning ALL the guns in America, keeping them very safe, and most everyone else not owning a gun, primarily because they feel safe enough not to need one. And by “feel safe enough,” this usually means no one they know has been the victim of a violent crime, no one in their neighborhood has been the victim of a break-in, or if they have, police have responded quickly and effectively and they don’t feel any need to arm themselves.
It’s not about taking guns away. It’s about creating a society where people feel safe enough to not need guns.


Having a lot of guns in a society isn’t a primary problem, it’s the symptom of a problem: it means people feel so unsafe and so distrusting of the institutions designed to keep them safe that they feel they need to arm themselves with deadly force.
There’s a similar argument in the abortion-rights camp: we want all women to have the unfettered right to an abortion, but we would prefer a society where no abortions were ever necessary. Because a high abortion rate is not a primary problem, it’s the symptom of a problem: too many people are getting pregnant where they didn’t intend to. Comprehensive sex education and access to contraceptives is the answer here. As a liberal gun-control proponent, you’re probably sympathetic to this argument.


Thus, the real method to getting rid of guns in America is the opposite of the thing we’re trying to do around solving wealth inequality: we want to concentrate the ownership of guns into a tiny minority of people, responsible gun owners dedicated to acquiring and maintaining secure collections of guns.
Then, on a practical basis, there really won’t be that many “loose” guns floating around, easily acquirable by lunatics or mentally disturbed young men or toddlers. Because those are the guns that are a real practical danger, and the incidence of those occurrences has been falling for over 50 years now, and we just need to continue the trend of social and economic progress that has made that possible: the exercise of voluntary choice by people who have every right to own a gun but choose not to because they don’t need one.


Henry Mizer
Step by step. The same way they did in Britain. We could start by changing the age limit. Make it older than the voting age. Then ban certain features, say bump stocks or high capicity magazines. Then start getting sporting goods stores like say Dick's to stop selling supposed assault rifles. The slope continues from there. Just ban them one by one until there's nothing left but a pistol for target practice. Then say you really don't need those either because the intent all along was to ban guns… wait, I meant “to make Society safe”.
To those who don't want this, who realize that it is not a gun issue but a national values issue I say this: Give no ground! Not one inch! We have already given enough! The media makes these people into superstars and that is what they want. This is an issue with our media and our national values, nothing more.


Gregory Norton
The only instance of eliminating guns, that I know of, was in Japan during the Tokugawa Shogunate, 1603 to 1867. That was one of the most violent and repressive societies in human history, utterly closed from contact with the outside world. No goods were allowed in, and all domestic manufacturing was strictly controlled. Still, it took about 100 years to get rid of guns.
I believe that is the only way to rid a society of guns: control everything and everyone as much as possible, oppress and exploit the lower classes (essentially enslaving them), and isolate the society from all contact with the outside world.
Sounds like a wonderful idea, don’t you think?


David Adam Suddit
There are an estimated 400 million guns in the US, owned by about 80 million adult legal gun owners.
There are about 76 million dogs in the US owned by about 48 million dog owners. Just for comparison.
You would have more success getting rid of dogs; but why would you want to?
I realize that many of the people who do not have dogs think they are a nasty, noisy, potentially dangerous pain in the ass. But, 48 million people ain’t going to put up with anyone trying to get rid of their dogs. The 80 million gun owners ain’t going to put up with you trying to get rid of their guns either.
Find another political hobby. Why not campaign for ways to reduce the number of falls? Falls kill more than twice as many people as are murdered by guns in the US. Most of the fatalities are children and old farts. One source reported that falls account for about 800,000 hospitalization per year in the US. There are useful things you could be wasting your time and effort on.


Brent Weems
That’s the wrong question. Let me pose this one to you. Why would you want to? I can promise you that 99% of legal gun owners have no intention of harming anyone. The 1% that might have to deal with law enforcement and the remainder of those that are legally carrying. So many people that have them legally are one of the biggest reasons most criminals are in fear of their lives when they do something wrong. Don’t fear legal gun owners. Fear those that get them illegally. If you notice all the major events of shootings happen in surprise. The person doing the wrong do everything they can to maintain the element of surprise. Why? Because they know the police or someone conceal carrying could potentially stop their plan.
Also, making guns go away from us will open the door for countries to invade. Sure we have our military, but do you honestly think that’s the main reason countries don’t try to come over here? No. It’s money. But beyond that, they also know that we have so many guns beyond our military that they wouldn’t be just fighting them.
Also, if you take the guns away from the legal citizens, you leave the only ones available to the criminals. And you won’t/can’t get rid of them in the criminal sector. If there’s a way to threaten peace, someone is going to have it. Unfortunately that’s just how it is. There’s someone out there always that want to hurt others. Don’t give up your right to protect yourself from them, even if you don’t want a gun yourself.


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