2023-06-08 兰陵笑笑生 17275

How do you feel about Chinese people calling you ‘Foreigner’ in China. Being labelled ‘Foreigner’ is, in my opinion, basic brainless caveman stuff.


I find the term pretty derogatory, how about you?
Considering it would be as rude and racist as hell to call a Chinese person ‘Foreigner’ in my country. What’s your take?
Expecting an avalanche of shit, do your worst.


Foreigner goes to foreign place and expects not to be called foreigner.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Depends man. As someone from a family of immigrants, being called foreigner non-stop when you want to make somewhere your home isn't pleasant. By the time I grew up it was pretty accepted that calling "foreigners" is not OK. But it had a huge impact on my mum and her parents.
If you're just a tourist or you're only gonna be there for a year or two then who gives a fuck but for people who want to make a place their home it isn't nice.


You're upset about this? Obvious foreigners, like white/brown/black people are like 0.02% of the population. We stand out, and people are going to note that. The same way if you saw someone who is 7'5" you're going to notice it in your home country.
Yeah, some people can be a bit racist, but just people noting that you're a foreigner, in a country with a very tiny foreign popular, isn't by itself derogatory.

Sometimes it's positive. One time I was out with another 外国人 in a Tier 3 city. I'm white, they're black. The waitress at the restaurant wanted a selfie with us. My friend was a bit upset, and it's true that black people face more discrimination here. But the waitress was very nice about it. I saw it as someone who is probably from a rural area being excited to see different people in the big city.

Kids obviously point it out more because they don't have a filter, and they don't know that a lot of foreigners know some Chinese. But that's just an opportunity to be nice and say hi.
The only shit I can't stand it people trying to badly sneak random pics.


I went to XinJiang last summer and it was crazy how many people wanted pictures with me and my pals. I’ve experienced a bit of that in other areas of China, but nothing like in XinJiang where they really don’t see many foreigners. One big restaurant we must have had pictures taken with 20 staff members at least. It was fun, they were all super friendly and polite about it. I don’t much like the secret pictures some people try to take, but if they are nice and ask I don’t see why anyone would get upset about it, although I’ve certainly met a good handful of foreigners here who take offence. Those people need to chill the fuck out.


The foreigner / superstar privilege is real.


I don’t see why anyone would get upset about it
It would be an introvert's nightmare and can get pretty annoying after a while
I wouldn't say it's offensive, but can be annoying


This foreigner is soft AF lol


Congrats! You now have the smallest, minuscule slice of what it feels like to be a minority. You have two options.
Option 1: You can moan and complain about how “racist the Chinese are”
Option 2: You can take your new found perspective and try to empathize more with marginalized groups in your home country. That kid on the street pointing “laowai!”? That undereducated factory boss that hand-waves something away with a “you’re a foreigner, you’ll never understand”? Those are called micro-aggressions. Now try to imagine how much worse it would be if your group wasn’t associated with historical power, but with historical weakness; how much more visceral the feeling would be if you actually grew up in a place, and if you didn’t have the option to leave.
A lot of people choose Option 1 because it’s a lot easier.
Further, simply on a personal level, I would agree with the chorus of commenters that you should try to… toughen up. You’re just plain not going to enjoy your time here if that sort of little thing bothers you. You’re living in China, not Disneyland. The society is not built for you in mind.
In any event, don’t mean to assume too much about you or come across as too harsh. Upvoted, fun topic nonetheless.


Lol microaggressions


Further, simply on a personal level, I would agree with the chorus of commenters that you should try to… toughen up. You’re just plain not going to enjoy your time here if that sort of little thing bothers you. You’re living in China, not Disneyland. The society is not built for you in mind.
No it's not, and if op is only gonna be there short term id also say who gives a fuck just get on with it. But if he is trying to make China his permanent home, as someone who comes from a family of immigrants, it's not nice to be constantly reminded that this will never be your home. Had a huge impact on my family in a pretty negative way. It's something that could be improved on and just cos China ain't built for you doesn't mean you can't say shit about it.
Saying that, the only time ive ever brought this up is when Chinese people have asked me my opinion on it. And I'd never bother raising it myself.

On a more positive note, the last year or two I have encountered Chinese people who have made a point of not calling me 老外 or 外国人. Which I was very impressed by considering the general lack of awareness of those kind of issues.

Well, they’re not wrong. Compared to how immigrants are treated in a lot of western countries it’s pretty mild. I just suck it up.
And calling Chinese tourists laowai when I’m in the UK is fun just to see their confused reactions.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I’m going back to the U.K. this summer for a holiday, I MUST remember to do this. I can’t wait to see their faces.


To be fair, in western countries no one cares if you are a foreigner. No one will stare at you or anything. And you are not othered in every social interaction like in China.


The most sensible comment!


Going buy a bottle in the supermarket "ni men laowai xi huan he ke le!"


That was my thought exactly after reading OP’s question lol I will do it too to all mainlanders visiting US and EU, they will forever be laowai


I did it in France back in December, It mostly annoyed my Chinese wife ^_^

我去年 12 月在法国这么干过,这让我的中国妻子很生气 ^_^

I did it once in NYC when my GF (China mainlander) in Chinese restaurant said it’s a good place so many foreigners here, I told her that probably the only foreigner there was her and all other were American . it’s funny how perspective changes everything


call them laozhong lmao


Even though that's kinda hilarious, the Chinese tourists you see in the UK and the group of people in China pointing at folks saying "laowai" are different groups of people.
Less than 10% of the Chinese pop. has a passport and even less have been abroad.


I mean, foreigner is literally defined by the Cambridge Dictionary as "a person who comes from another country." So like, if you are a person who comes from another country...


Using the word is fine. The reactions that people have can annoy me. People stare, children scream at you while parents do nothing, people ignoring that i exist and directing their responses to my questions to my chinese wife instead of me.


Oh that last one annoys the hell outta me.

My Chinese isn't great but it's good enough to get by day to day. Yet, when I'm out with my girlfriend just shopping or something everything gets directed at her and even when I talk or respond it's basically just ignored. Literally saying something as simple as numbers just results in a confused glance at me before turning back to my girlfriend with a 什么?

Shut up. I consistently rank 10% at my class of a US college and even English is not my native tongue I managed to speak it whenever possible. You don’t have to deal with most of the abuse I typically get here in the US. Percentage of assholes is way higher in Americans than Chinese.


I'd rather my wife deals with it. I prefer not to speak if I don't have to. most of what is being said is usually of no interest to me.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It’s not worth getting butthurt about. Most laowei don’t speak much Chinese, and most Chinese assume laowei don’t speak Chinese. I would imagine that’s the result of decades of foreigners coming to China and not learning how to speak the language because most only start a few years and don’t want to put the effort it. In my experience the people who ignore you when you speak to them in Chinese because they just assume you aren’t/can’t speak their language is a small minority. Most Chinese folks are impressed with any level of Chinese coming out of a foreigner, again in my experience. Keep in mind they’re just people too, and have a range of experienced and personalities. Some people in every country are just dicks. Most are pretty friendly.


I had this issue for years and I'm sorry to say, your Mandarin just isn't as good as you think it is. Its an effort for people to speak with you, to understand you. That is why they are defaulting to someone else. The clerks job is to perform a task, not converse with you. It is just much more efficient for her to get her job done if she isn't dealing with you.
People are complimenting your effort and expressing their surprise, not your actual skill at the language. Someone saying 'you speak Chinese well' is not a reflection on your actually speaking well, It is them recognizing you are speaking a foreign language.


This x100.
"I didn't even know you were a foreigner" is just a compliment and not level of ability.
I had a co-worker who thought his Chinese was great because he gave a speech in Chinese and audience members complimented on "how great his Chinese was". Yet, when we went to a restaurant the waiters didn't have a clue what he was ordering.


I don't think my mandarin is great, but it's passable. Meituan drivers are surprised I'm a foreigner after calling, and my girlfriend of 3 years speaks no English but we communicate fine. I get the efficiency to talk with a native though.


I’ve heard this before, and it’s absolutely idiotic. Are you from China? No? Then you’re a fucking foreigner. Stop taking your western ideas of language and applying them in the east. It’s not derogatory, it’s descxtive. China isn’t your country, and people don’t speak the same or have the same language issues here.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It’s just a habit. I’m constantly having to remind my wife that she’s the foreigner, not us.


I live pretty far out of town in a low level”T1” (should be T2) city. I saw a black woman the other day eating at a patio restaurant. I tried not to stare, but after we passed I leaned over to my wife and said “foreigner!” Just saying… it’s not always the locals that do that kind of thing


If you're going to be in China for any amount of time, you had better realize that you are experiencing a foreign culture, with foreign expectations, and foreign sensibilities.
China is almost entirely racially homogeneous, so yes, foreigners stand out and are noticed. You will have NO anonymity while you're in China. You will attract attention wherever you go. You will always be a "laowai" even if you become fluent in the language.
And given how often foreigners live better lives here in China with higher salaries, etc. We are often more privileged in China than the average citizen is.
Personally, I'm always waiting for a child to see me and call me a "waigouren" (foreign country person) so I can act pleasantly surprised and call them a "zhonggouhaizi" (Chinese child) This always confuses the hell out of the kid, which is funny in and of itself, but the parents always think it's hilarious.

就我个人而言,我总是在等待一个孩子看到我,叫我“waigouren”(外国的人),这样我就可以表现得很惊喜,叫他们 “zhonggouhaizi”(中国的孩子),这总是让孩子感到困惑,这本身就很有趣,父母也认为这很搞笑。

People who care about this shit are the miserable old farts in the corner of the bar that whine about everything and are angry anywhere.


*cough* serpentza *cough*

*咳咳* serpentza *咳咳*

Why would it be rude and racist to call a Chinese person a foreigner in your country? It would be accurate.. if they had been born outside your country. They are foreign. It's not racist to point that out.. although the manner in which you do so matters.
As for Chinese people in China calling me a foreigner. I am one. It doesn't bother me in the slightest. And when the kids call it out I find it cute.
As for the avalanche of shit, nah. I do think you're probably wrong to be in any non-western nation if you're bothered by this. Calling foreigners foreigners is pretty common in most countries.. particularly when we're not a common sight. TBH I think you need to pay a little more attention to the world and show some understanding. Very few mainland Chinese people have any meaningful contact with foreigners.. We're weird to them. That's perfectly natural.


For me it depends what mood I am in. Generally, I understand their interest because most of them have never seen a foreigner where I am. But if I am stressed, in a hurry, or I have been dragged through the mud, I don't want to deal with it sometimes. If my mood is bad, I compare it to how people react to seeing a Corgi, and it makes me feel like a token accessory haha.
But normally, I'll be very happy to talk to them because in that moment I am representing what a foreign person is. Also, the requests are always hilarious. "Hold my baby and take a picture"!
When your mood is bad about the attention, where sunglasses and a hat. Even if they recognize you are a foreigner they won't reap the benefits of staring into your soul.


I personally do not mind being called a foreigner. Although... on some occasions, I did find it annoying and a bit rude.
As per example, being at a friend's family dinner and they even know my Chinese name. They just kept naming me a foreigner. When addressing me, and or talking about me (well besides my friend who just called me by my name).
Found this in other instances as well, and yes of course we are foreigners. But I don't recall in any other country I was, that they just use the word foreigner to name you instead of using your name...

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It’s awkward. It’s impolite but the word can have different connotations in different languages.


Btw, Chinese call anyone not Chinese a foreigner, even in America


Hahaha I love reminding them who the foreigner is when I meet them abroad. Koreans do this too.


I feel I am a foreigner and therefore I am OK with this label. There is no negative background to this label.


For me it's not the word itself it's the way it's used. A lot of cases it's just kids who aren't exposed to seeing foreigners, and are curious. That doesn't bother me.
What is annoying is when you're just doing your own thing and you get followed by a group of kids all shouting it, in what sometimes is a disrespectful tone of voice. Kids are kids but I feel some parents should still teach their kids to be more respectful. Oh and those who try to take photos obviously without asking. That is rude.


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