2023-06-15 Kira_Yoshikage 8140

What is your secret that you can't tell anyone because it will probably ruin your life?


That I don't really have imposter syndrome, I'm actually a fraud.


Dude I'm with you. The very concept of imposter syndrome pre-supposes that you actually do have the qualifications that you fear you don't. I guess "fraud" is really the best way to describe it. I don't know about you, but most people in my life don't understand when I try to explain to them just how poorly suited I am for what I do. They don't want to believe that I'm actually incredibly incompetent.


A fellow developer, I see.


If you're an intern or junior dev, then you're paid to spend time learning, and maybe produce a bit of net positive output if you're junior. The bar is so low, that you can't really be a fraud, if you can code the most basic things, and learn in the process. And you can do the first part if you passed any technical interview at all.


I hid the extent of my alcoholism from everyone since I was 15, I’m now 35 and 8 weeks sober. No one knows I’m sober now as they’ve never known I had an alcohol issue

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This is me! I’m 27 and 95 days sober! No one in my life knows the extent of the drinking I did prior to getting pregnant in March. I plan to stay sober for my son when he is born and never go back to the place of hiding my alcoholism.


Congratulations on two months sober. That’s huge and incredible!


I was also a high functioning alcoholic. I started at 17. The people who lived with me knew, but my coworkers and friends at the charity where I volunteered had no idea.


When I finally decided to get sober I dropped off the face of the earth for about 3 months. No contact with anyone. Upon returning to said charity and explaining my situation and why I had ghosted, I was told by multiple people that I wasn't an alcoholic because they never saw me drunk.


It took a lot for me to look in the mirror and admit that I was out of control at 25. I sat in a recliner sweating my ass off, clutching the armrests so hard that my shoulder blades hurt - because I knew if I got out of that chair I was going to go to the liquor store. I couldn't fall asleep until after 2am for weeks. Knowing that I couldn't go get booze even if I wanted to quelled my anxiety.


I know what it takes to be your own intervention team. 8 weeks is fucking huge.


All my passwords are the same word with different combinations of numbers and punctuation marks


I’m 40 and my parents have no idea that I never actually graduated college. I went for almost 6 years and never felt like I really knew what I was doing. School wasn’t necessarily hard for me but I just couldn’t bring myself to focus or be dedicated to it. My parents were SUPER obsessed with the idea that everyone needs a degree to get any decent job, so there was a ton of pressure and dropping out wasn’t an option. Sooo, I “graduated” in a winter semester and “decided not to walk the stage” since the December ceremony was always pretty small and I knew they wouldn’t think that was weird. This happened to be during the recession in the 2000s so I had an excuse for not finding a conventionally professional job right after that. Now, I actually have a really good job with a company that focuses on hiring people based on experience, skill, and personality, so it turns out I didn’t even need that degree. But I will never tell my parents the truth.


Oh my god dude. I’m in the same boat. I was going to type the same thing and I just wanted to see anyone else has the same secret. I just feel a little relieved that there’s someone else like me.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I’m in a good position, and I think this secret will just disappoint everyone at this point, so I am not ever bringing it up.


I caught a guy r#ping a girl yelling for help in a tent at a very loud bush party in my university days.


I was drunk myself and I ended up blacking out with rage and beating him up with his pants around his ankles so bad that he was put in a coma for a couple of days.


I never saw any consequences other than probably a broken knuckle. Nobody "witnessed anything" and I got off scott free. The girl in the tent definitely wasn't going to say anything.


From his Facebook it looks like he is a happy and healthy father of 2 now. He doesn't know who I am.


But I think I came very close to killing someone with a rock caveman style that night.


I just love how all of the stories here are either "on September 3rd at 2:37 am i went to a truck stop and murdered someone in the bathroom" or "my homemade cookies arent homemade"

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My girl scout cookies are made with real girl scouts.


I think I’m not as nice as people believe I am. I am just acting according to social norms when in reality everything outside my home makes me feel tired and drained.


That actually means you're nice. It probably means you're nicer than the average nice person, really.


One of my closest family members offered me sex during one of the most mentally unstable times of his life. I wasn't interested, nothing else happened, and the topic never came up again. One of the main reasons why I haven't brought it up in-family is because his marriage is already unstable and I don't intend to make it worse.


I have no idea what I’m doing at work.


This is what I think is wild. I went from working in a medium-sized group, wearing multiple hats and getting shit done. To working in a giant corporation where if I draft an email reply then send it at the end of the day, everybody claps for me.

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And I make way more than I ever would at the job where I was actually doing things. It’s just crazy to me.


I’m used to it now, but it drove me nuts cause things I could do in a few hours would take other people weeks to complete. And that’s the norm.

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You better not be a structural engineer


He’s actually a pilot


The amount of time I spend clicking my mouse on my empty desktop and writing gibberish into a word doc (that I dexe at the end of the day), is shocking.


I take typing tests when I'm in the office to make it seem like I'm doing something productive.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Alt + Tab from Reddit when someone walks by. Book solo meeting rooms to watch YouTube or nap. There are no limits.


I stopped working at work 1 year back. I have no idea what the fuck they want from me because I watch 12 hours of shows on my laptop and work for 30 minutes a day by attending a team huddle and staying on mute.


3-4 years ago I was responsible for providing a few reports to different teams. Each month I'd generate the reports, format it in a presentable way for the team managers I was sending them to, and send them over. Nobody ever said anything about them, never a question about the data or even a reply to my email. So one month I just decided I wasn't going to send them, and then it turned into two months and three months. Nobody ever said a word about it so I just stopped doing it. Got promoted the following year.


Honestly best advice when you start a job like that is to stop sending reports and upxes, then see who notices.


So many reports are created because one manager didn't know one piece of info once, and got embarrassed.


Stop sending, work out what's important, and who needs to be kept happy, then focus your energy on useful tasks.


Is this place hiring?


I worked in an office with over 100 people and they started to have us track the most insignificant things that we did. It took as much time to track the action as to do the action, and the reality was that the action meant nothing but the new boss wanted it. After the first month I just changed the date on the top and sent the exact same thing in for the next two years.


I left that job 13 years ago and the manager that started the statistics craze left 14 years ago and I wonder if they’re still doing them?


Five years before my stepdad died of Alzheimers and Leukemia, I noticed he was very quiet in the evenings when I visited him and my mom. I asked him "Why don't you want to talk a bit more?", to which he responded "If I don't say anything I can't say anything wrong."


I took it to mean that he was afraid of conflicts with my mom, and said that I would want to hear anything he had to say.


After he died I realized why he said what he said. I was at a lunch with them when he tried to ask me something but put in completely wrong nouns, nonsense choices, and every time he did that my mom started laughing and said "Hahaha, now you've totally gotten things weird!".


She didn't know she was being condescending because she didn't know he was getting advanced dementia (none of us knew then), and she just brushed his mistakes off as being silly mistakes. She couldn't know it shamed him so much that he stopped talking, since he didn't trust his words anymore, nor his sense of balance.


I will never ever explain this to my mom, not even if I am super-angry. I would do unretractable damage to my relationship with her, she mourned him deeply.


Edit: to the heartless people insulting my mother over this post, she stood with my stepdad to the very end, sat with him in his room in the nursing home when he sometimes would scream for a half-hour in mortal dread as he realized the consequences of his worsening condition. Those days would completely crush her. She suffered more than anyone I know have done, and also saw her own dad die of cancer in her youth, so you know nothing of her sacrifice.


It’s not even about intention. My brain just doesn’t work that way. When people whom I’ve only met once remember my name, I’m genuinely floored.


While addicted to meth, I accidentally got caught up working for a Nazi gang in my hometown. They were just having me smurf and collect money for them, but by the time I realized what they were all about, they weren't about to let me just stop working. So I kept doing it until I was able to leave my hometown and make it out to tampa.


The things I got involved in while working with them could put me in prison for 20 years. Most of my family think I lived a pretty normal junkie life back then, but they have no idea how easy it is to get involved with big-name dealers in a town with such a high cartel presence.


I fall asleep every night in horror because my former best friend and I haven’t talked in 3 years because for her 21st birthday we both got massively blackout drunk and smoked I have no idea what happened that night. But she’s never answered a message I’ve sent since.


·This kind of thing is what made me stop binge drinking years ago.


You wake up the next morning (or afternoon), and the first thing someone says to you is, "Soooo, exactly how much do you remember about last night?"


And you know right away that whatever they say next is never a good thing.


To paraphrase a comedian I heard recently, it's never going to be "great news, you made $5,000 when you were blackout drunk last night!"


I have no real friends. My social media just makes it look like i do. I'm embarrassed and cover for certain things as I don't go out.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I haven''t asked my long term partner to marry me because I don''t know who I would invite to the wedding. Her side would be full. Mine would just be close family.


I am a first generation American with families in Ireland and Australia. Loner type and I was in the same boat. Hubby had tons of friends and fam. I invited a few coworkers I liked and my two friends were in my bridal party with my sister.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

We solved the problem by not having “sides” for seating. We had 100 people and I had 4family, 2 friends and 8 coworkers. So I had 14 and he had 86. Find a venue that fits total guests and don’t worry about it. Weddings are nothing like they used to be. It doesn’t have to be traditional.


You're worried about not having enough friends, and that's stopping you from marrying your best one? If you're ready for the step then I say ask her, dude. She won't care that there aren't 20+ extra guests to pay for.


I play most video games on easy mode. Then brag about how I’m so good to my wife who doesn’t know about games.


My husband plays sandbox style in games that are absolutely not designed to do that. The amount of time he's spent not going on missions but instead petting horses and admiring art is hilarious.


No cuz my bf allways makes sure that i know that he plays his games on very hard mode even if i dont know the difference, i make sure he knows i am very impressed


My childhood friend has 2 siblings that he doesn’t know exist…..they’re twins, around 2 years old now. I promised to keep it a secret, my dad and his dad are close friends. My dad is quite the gossip, and spilled every last detail to me. Apparently their father (handsome, tall, a sports prodigy) slept with a doctor who lied about being on birth control so that she could give birth to his children, who she claimed had “superior genetics”. She was his former doctor who pulled up his private records in order to score a date with him as she had all his contact info at hand. Never wanted child support or even a father in her kid’s lives, just an involuntary Sperm donor. Very weird.


Once after a hookup a chick asked me if I would donate my sperm because I'm handsome and she want to be a single mother and I wouldn't be legally bounded or anything. I just laughed, made an excuse to leave, grabbed my condom from the trash and left.


I won the lotto. Haven't told anyone or changed my lifestyle. I'm still going to finish my degree in data science, so I can say my money is from a new job.


Edit: Thank you for the kind words!! To answer some questions.


- Winnings just surpassed the 8 figure mark.


- $10 on quick picks.


- Why would a DS play the lotto? Well, I'm not one yet, but just for shits and giggles every once in a while. Yes, I know the odds. But that 0.000000024% chance could be you haha.


“That Data Science job must pay super good for our son. He just got his first check and purchased a $30 million dollar home in cash.”


Fuck you and congrats !!


I contemplate suicide daily, but my wife and daughter keep me going strong

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

After fleeing domestic violence and trying to make a new life, I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer, I'm fighting it but I'm just so tired of life. My last baby turns 18 this week and I feel like I've done all I'm supposed to. I'm sick of being strong for everyone else when all I want to do is go, I'm just so damn tired


My 54 year old secret would ruin several lives. My childhood best friend’s little brother is actually my son, and his children are my grandchildren.


Dude fucked his friend’s mom


My interactions with people is almost 90% scxted just to fit in certain situations. I just picked up habits and routines of the people around me that I've noticed that worked to be successful in human interaction. I don't care about anything and barely about anyone else. I enjoy company, but I don't need it. I do have friends and family around me but I don't have a need for them in particular. Might be an undiagnosed Psycho or something but I do feel certain feelings.


I wouldn't get good jobs or would not have friends If I acted my natural self. Probably would have been disowned by family.


I once jacked off to a picture of George W Bush’s bulge when I was like 12


Jesus. That's dark.


Somehow this is the worst one I’ve read so far


I didn't stop doing martial arts because I was annoyed that they took in a kids group and we were expected to help coach them while still paying for our own classes.


I stopped because fighting other men made me horny as hell and and that was not a context in which I wanted to interact with kids.


And then I realized how fucked up it was that I was fighting other guys for my sexual gratification while they just saw it as fighting, period.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

So fighting on a whole kinda got shameful and disgusting. So I quit.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Scariest mother fucker to fight is the one with a boner

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I sometimes have the strong urge to run away from my life, and start over. It may not ruin it but won’t be good


I've had the same idea for years. I've planned out details for years in my head like where I would go, how I would fake my death, how to get away with it, ect. lol it's fun to think about but idk if I would ever act on it.


I'm a nurse. I take care of people for a living. IRL, I can't even take care of myself.


My house is literally falling apart because I was super depressed and let the little things turn into big things. My only hope is that the whole thing just collapses or something.


I've tried to end my life 15 times. I'm fine now, it's been years since I felt that way, but I'm pretty sure the board of nursing looks down on that many attempts.


I'm broke. I make good money now, but before I was a nurse I lived well below the poverty line. I still have debt up to my eyeballs that I'm trying to dig myself out from under.


I wish bad things to happen to my ex. I love my life now, but he ruined it for a long time. The ways he hurt me and my family left their marks forever.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I'm very funny and outgoing at work, my patients love me, but I'd rather sit silently at home.


So, nothing too crazy, but maybe enough to lose my livelihood, thus ruining my life.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

At Christmas, my family LOVES my homemade eggnog. It's just high-end store bought eggnog and I put in 1-2 tiny pieces of eggshell to make it look like they were "missed" when I "strained" the eggnog.


The fucking eggshell is psycho/genius. I love it hahahaha


I hope the company that makes "your" eggnog stays in business until its your time to go or you are going to have to come up with a reeeeal good cover story.


You know they just don't make cinnamon like they used to. What are you gonna do?


I'm very practiced at explaining why my cooking is wildly inconsistent.


Those cookies I bought to the company picnic were store bought from a small bakery in town. Then I put them in my Tupperware. See you in hell.


I left my job at an electronics manufacturing company in 2002, but they continued paying me my full salary, including all incremental raises and annual bonus until they offered me a very generous redundancy package in 2022 due to 'departmental restructuring', including an £85,000 lump sum contribution to my pension fund. I even got the quarterly magazine and annual Christmas card sent to me.


In March of this year (2023) I got an invite to the 75th anniversary of the company, went along, had a great time at the free bar, and nobody realised I hadn't worked there for over 20 years.


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