印度超过中国,登顶世界上人口最多的国家,令其感到头痛; 印度网友怒了,中国人口最多的时候,就是好的;印度人最多的时候,就是麻烦?
2023-06-18 青丘国的守护者 23638

4 hours ago (edited)
India should make drastic changes to the education system, encourage innovation, stem corruption, have foreign companies to have a tech partnership with Indian companies to sell products in the country and have competent people running government organizations. For instance, a trip to any major city tells us that the city needs civil, environmental and electrical engineers. Yet, the inept people running the governmental agencies make no attempt to hire and train engineers but instead fill their pockets with tax money.
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4 hours ago
yes, looting money from foreign companies.


3 hours ago (edited)
The most important thing is that India will not spare any investors, and the money earned in India will never be taken away from India!


2 hours ago
China is the world's factory but witnesses 20% unemployment rate for young people in cities. I can't imagine the number in India! If it is low, then the only reason would be young people in India give up hopes in looking for jobs, so no need to register to the government. As the result, the "ratio of people seeking jobs" turns out to be low.


30 minutes ago
But corruption is in its DNA!


6 hours ago
As a Chinese currently living in Malaysia, I have a lot of Indian friends and I am also a big fan of Indian cuisine. I really hope the two most populous countries can put the misunderstandings aside and regain mutual trust and peace so that both of them can benefit from collaboration and co-prosperity.


5 hours ago
There is no misunderstanding, it is simply about scarcity of resource. And it's not about luxury resource such as gold or diamond. It is about the most important resource for any Human, WATER. The conflict of Galwan valley is about supply of Fresh Water. No country are willing to put their lifeline on other country hand.
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4 hours ago
but india is the real superpower they have the best highspeed rail and china is very poor


4 hours ago
Xiaomi has learned a bitter fact where their investment in endia will be frozen by endian government..


1 hour ago
There is no "misunderstanding" between China and India. Chinese leaders know exactly what India wants and vice versa.


4 hours ago
I think the growing population is helping India economically because of its unique demographics of young population. It took us 58 years to reach our first trillion dollars of GDP, 12 years to reach the next trillion and just five years for the third trillion. With the pace at which the government is simultaneously implementing a vast multitude of social and economic reforms, I expect that within the next decade, India will start adding a trillion dollars to its GDP every 12 to 18 months. Even some international institutions have predicted that this will put us on the path to becoming a $30 trillion economy by 2050, and a stock market capitalization that will likely exceed $45 trillion.


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4 hours ago
That's what they said about Japan back in the 80s


3 hours ago
India has never lived up to economic predictions by 'experts'. Many of those experts pumping up the story are Indian Origin in the institutions that did so... Morgan Stanley is a case in point.


3 hours ago (edited)
Grown in economy by increasing tax and GST rate on consumers. The government become richer, while the people become poorer.


3 hours ago
I think strong population means strong workforce which creates stronger economy but need to manage well.


1 hour ago
Indian citizen is diverted in to nationalism and religion Politician is enjoying


32 minutes ago
Though I am Indian my family has deep influence of China..my parents all uncle aunts embraced single child policy and I respect their decision too...no gender biasness lived life more comfortably peacefully


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

5 hours ago
More people in China = more consumers, more workers, more opportunities, a better economy - More people in India = more mouths to feed, more unemployment, more social unrest, more headaches


3 hours ago
Country with foreign forces and military bases is not a sovereign country.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

1 hour ago
More bickering


17 minutes ago
More people in India, the more cheap underwear are sold here.


4 hours ago
there is one thing missing when he talked about india's lacking infrastructures. sanitation !!!! in india, human's waste throws to rivers.


27 minutes ago
Yes! The Ganges is omni role


4 hours ago
*If you earn $3 a day, you're considered middle class in India already
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3 hours ago
No way india have only 66 million people earning $3 dollars a day . My family is middle class in india . My mother earning ₹40,000 a month that's total $500 a month means my mother earn $15 a day . India's cities population is around 550million (it can be more )compared to china its 1B - 1.1B it's hard to survive with $3 a day . 850 million lives in villages of india many of them earn almost $500 - $900 a month . That's make almost 500 -700M people living more than $3a day
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不可能,印度只有6600万人每天挣3美元。我家是印度的中产阶级。我妈妈一个月挣40000卢比,也就是一个月总共500美元,意味着我妈妈一天挣15美元。印度的城市人口大约是5.5亿(可能更多),相比之下,中国的中产只有10亿--11亿人,在印度每天3美元很难生存。8 . 5亿人生活在印度的乡村,他们中的许多人每月收入约500-900美元。这使得近5亿至7亿人每天的收入超过3美元;

5 hours ago
India need a strong or single party rule for next 25 years. And india should leave thought of any war for at least next 25-30 years


1 hour ago
That’s totally against Democracy norm

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@stephenhan9680 for us top priority is economy not democracy


1 hour ago
​ @amanverma2153 agree


1 hour ago

日本 韩国 新加坡 所以西方发达国家都是民主国家 民主不会阻碍发展

4 hours ago
China enjoyed 40 years of uninterrupted growth through industrialization and export led growth since early 80s - At a time of globalisation and free trade - Only now is India wanting to copy China's growth model of exports and manufacturing, at a time of protectionism, AI assisted automation in production etc. India missed the train
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2 hours ago
Sorry to say but your knowledge about two economies is nothing more than zero. First of all india is a service sector driven economy and it was so for almost 4 decades, and it's now when India is trying to be also a manufacturing country. Talking about china it was always a manufacturing country and it's the same. For india it can and is diversifying its economy but for China it's stuck with just manufacturing. So please don't say that india is copying china when you don't even know the basic difference between 2
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46 minutes ago
No lil too worried about the largest democracy in the world which has always passed the test of the time. I hope you are aware of the fact that for a country as diverse as India, things take time.


5 hours ago
Actually India already missed the train, they have the biggest citizen, but with all their skills workers dreaming for Europe, and western countries. Is hard for them to develop their own countries.


3 hours ago
Brain drain happens to all developing countries. Pray Indians are discriminated, hate crime targeted or government targeted, then they might come back to help rebuild the country.


6 hours ago
I really feel bad for India. India's state news The Hindu stated Tuesday that "India ranks 107 out of 121 countries on the Global Hunger Index in which it fares worse than all countries in South Asia including neighbor Pakistan or barring war-torn Afghanistan"


6 hours ago (edited)
You also have to consider the people who actually make these indices. When you know who they are, you have to understand their geopolitical status. After that you'll be able to see their interests. India ranks 161st on the Global Press Freedom Index. However, if you actually look at Indian media, it's actually a lot of "Anti-national" people who take control of these media institutions and show things according to their agenda.


5 hours ago
​ @floe5121 You need to stop lying to yourself and others, you must face the truth and reality.


5 hours ago
India is great country, they can overcome all of these difficulties and move forward no doubt


32 minutes ago
After years of "growth", lndia's per capita GDP now falls behind Bangladesh. The only growth in lndia is population


1 hour ago
India has to address its religious and ethnic differences. They have to sustainably feed its people. If they can't resolve either, then their large population will be a massive burden, just like it is for China.


3 hours ago
With AI taking over many jobs, unemployment will rise even more. Having a higher population will a burdensome


4 hours ago
Will India's population help or hurt its economy? What kind of question is that? It's already hurting India from inside out with massive unemployment, brain drain crisis, extreme poverty, unequal wealth distribution and No.107 position on the Global Hunger Index

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

4 hours ago
India needs to start with controlling the population before it's too late. The Indian economy is also cursed with religion and cast politics. People are busy trying to stop other religions/cast from getting ahead of them instead of just working together for the country. And need to Focus on making quality products that can be exported. Instead of just importing every little thing.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

7 minutes ago
For many years studies show, if you educate girls and women, they have less children and the community is healthier plus the economic growth can only be done with a female workforce. When I grow up watching Indira Gandhi, I had so much hope, not only for women in India, but in the world....


1 hour ago
According to the latest WHO report on world nutrition, the Chinese government is doing a great job in ensuring adequate calorie intake of 1.4 billion Chinese citizens. At 2,800 cal. per day which is slightly about the 2,500 cal. intake as recommended by the WHO. India however, continues to be of great concern for the WHO, almost ⅔ of all malnourished children in the world below the age of 5 come from India alone
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4 hours ago
China: It's about quality, not quantity


5 hours ago
Top 10 world cities with severe water shortages (UN World Population Review 2022): 1. Chennai
2. Cape Town 3. Bangalore
3. Mexico City 4. Cairo 5. Mumbai
6. Jakarta 7. New Delhi
8. Kanpur
9. Sao Paulo 10. Ahmedabad

7 ,新德里
9 圣保罗。

5 hours ago
When india got independence British said that we will fail and never get a leader of great calibre but today that Britain has pm of indian origin. India and Indian people have seen many difficult in last 200 years. These hardship has made us strong. I hope that our government and people will definitely deal with it

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

3 hours ago
Sunak escaped India like all the other Indians overseas and never came back


2 hours ago
LOL! Sunak went to UK from Kenya!


2 hours ago
@southcommercial6985 if a Chinese move to germany then he will gain German ethenciy


56 minutes ago
@southcommercial6985 so he's not Indian, he's Kenyan.


51 minutes ago
@gregwong2132 his roots is india. He is a Hindu. His wife hold indian passport


34 minutes ago
@amanverma2153 your mate @south commercial says he's from Kenya so he's Kenyan.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

2 hours ago
Indian workers are smarter, cheaper, and 10 years younger than the Chinese counterparts. - Who wouldn't love that?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

2 hours ago
Everyone is loving that in the business world that''s why CCP spreading these nuisance media reports out of insecurities.


2 hours ago
Had that been true, businesses moving out of China would have shifted to India but instead they went to Thailand, Vietnam, Taiwan, Indonesia and Textiles to Bangladesh.


2 hours ago
@anewlife5846 Apple iPhone 14 says hi from Indian factory.

@anewlife5846,苹果iPhone 14印度工厂向你问好。

1 hour ago
Yeah but our government doesn't seems to be interested improving our education system.


1 hour ago
Well indian unemployment is 45%


1 hour ago
@anewlife5846 they moved back into china


6 hours ago (edited)
It's as if India is still living in the early 1900s. They should be industrializing by now. Though, if women join the work force, jobs will be even more scarce and birthrates will drop, which is exactly the issue almost every other country in the world is currently dealing with. The ideal scenario is that India moves towards widespread industrialization, but most women should remain at home to continue having babies and raising families. And yes, the education system needs a major upgrade. India has SO much potential right now, and they have the opportunity to study how other developed countries grew and avoid the missteps that other countries have made in the long run.
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原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

5 hours ago
India is the 5th most industrised country dear


5 hours ago
@amanverma2153 Considering their population, they should at least be #2


4 hours ago
@amanverma2153 largest population and 5th is pretty bad


3 hours ago
@jetli740 I know it is slow but we will catch up


2 hours ago
@jetli740 Yes India should be 1st rank industrialised instead of 5th based on population. But Indias all industry was nationalized from 1970s era, that's why lack of industrialisation happened.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

2 hours ago
@amanverma2153 you will but too slow your law prevent or make it too difficult for forient company to invest


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