2023-06-19 Kira_Yoshikage 4665

What is a profession that you have limitless respect for?


People involved in elder care. They are grossly underpaid.


I worked 5 years in a nursing home as a janitor and cook. I was cleaning rooms so I socialized with the old folks in their personal environment. A thing that people don't realize you live with as a worker – apart from the general misery and loneliness of these persons – is the fact that your "customers" die. Like you speak with a nice half-blind granny one day, ask her about her about her life, have a great talk, and then you come home to work the next morning and she's being rolled out the home on a stretcher in a leather bag. And you realize that this was her last conversation for eternity. You begin to wonder if you could have said something different, you wished you told her goodbye if you could have known it was her last day with us. There's no degree or training that can prepare you to this. It's weighs on your soul after a few dozens.


I quit because I'm becoming a teacher. I've experienced the human contact with elders in need, but now I hope to have the same emotional lix but with young people. I need my perspective to be oriented towards the future. Don't get me wrong, both are rewarding, but I just felt it was time for me to move on. I profoundly admire people who make a career of living with ill/dying people, it's so incredibly demanding on the mind and the body.


Thank you! I love my elderly residents but I sure wish I could live a bit more comfortably financially.


So true. I worked in a great elder care facility for veterans. Every single patient was someone’s favorite. And everyone was loved. If you think elderly people are anything but treasure, I just want to say that working with them is it’s own reward. And shout out to all the people caring for their family members in homes.


Sewage workers

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We like to be called brown trout fisherman or wastewater professionals ;)


brown trout fisherman


Oh man. New "takin a dump" phrase: Gonna go stock the river with brown trout!

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Janitors, those people are unsung heroes

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As a nurse, the hospital housekeepers. It’s a thankless, underpaid, miserable job, but so critical to patients’ health and well-being.


Yeah the OR cleaners are the best. They do so much for so little. Completely unsung heroes. 24/7 they are cleaning stray bone shrapnel off everything, fecal matter from the floors, and blood off all the monitors, just so we could muck it up all over again.


Was waiting for my wife getting treated for something minor at a major trauma center.


Medical staff came out of a room looking beaten and covered in blood.

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The cleaning staff went in and were there forever.




Lest we be buried in our own waste.


When they went on strike in Paris and streets were practically overflowing by the end of the month. It was downright apocalyptic, it really puts into perspective how much garbage people produce and how much work it takes to clean it up.


I did this for years. There’s so much more to it than people know. Also in the top 5 deadliest careers in the US.


Do you mind telling me about the dangers you faced when you worked as a garbageman?


Not OP, but my friend tells me all about her adventures driving a trash truck.


First and foremost: a lot of times, you are in the lane of travel picking up trash because there is nowhere else to pull over. Other drivers are NOT patient or understanding, and will whip around your truck at dangerous speeds. If you happen to step out into their way…well, that’s it for you.

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Also, you never know what people actually put in their trash bags. When using the blade to crush the trash into the truck, she’s had things catch fire and explode, shoot shrapnel out, or just pop and cover her in unknown liquids.

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The dumps/landfills are basically just dirt piles, and rolling your truck over is not uncommon.


And then there are the trucks themselves. They are the most kludged-together, hooptie pieces of shit you can imagine. Hydraulic lines rupture and catch fire, transmissions that just FALL OUT while driving down the road, “mechanics” that install parts backwards and refuse to listen when you tell them it’s not sounding right, etc.


Driving a trash truck is not for the weak.


Ex trashman here. In springtime when people go out and shovel up their dog poop and those bags explode with projectile poop soup. Seen many a soul get splashed.


The three most terrifying aspects were, in no particular order…

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Traffic. Everyone thinks that these trucks stop like personal vehicles. The truck is always in everyone’s way so they whip around and we we’re always worried about getting hit. It happens too much. So many blind spots.


Landfill. When you get out and have to walk through garbage sludge, sharp metal, broken glass with every kind of bird circling over you while pooping on everything. Then there’s the landfill equipment. It has severe blind spots and they sit high above you while navigating between many different garbage trucks, civilian vehicles, commercial refuse collectors and the occasional retiree that drove to far across the field. The ground is soft and some trucks roll up weighing close to forty tons. Trucks have rolled over people. There was a guy that found a box of pens, bent over and a DC10 dozer backed over him. Slipping and falls into the muck has lead to several 911 calls for severe lacerations.


Kids. They all live garbage truck and the garbage man. They always running. They will fly out of the garage running to the end of their driveway between two vehicles. Hyper vigilant is a gross understatement. We usually know every bus stop, home daycare and just about every kid on our route. And yes, if your child is a super fan, we are very much aware and go out of our way to wave and/or say hello. We always let each other know the specific places where the kids get too close. We have too many horror stories.

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I’ll say this as well, if you put out a heavy can, leave a $5. It’ll be left behind if you do this too often. No, don’t throw garbage in the back for me. The juices love to squirt whenever the truck is packing. Don’t ask me what it is…been collecting it all day. If you see the truck packing (blade crushing the garbage), don’t drive up close. See me standing way off to the side? I’ve seen the packer spit out half a couch.


Garbage trucks don’t break things, they destroy it.


Electrical Lineworkers. Those men and women go out in the worst temperatures and conditions at any time of night just to get your house it’s power back.


Agree. My dad used to work for the electrical company and one of his linemen thought that he was above using safety equipment properly. He didn't have the gloves up high enough and his tricep barely grazed a wire. The current went up his arm, through his chest and down his other arm. He lost both arms. People complain when it takes more than 10 minutes to get their power back on, but don't want to think of how the power gets turned back on.


Thank you for this! My husband is a lineman and has had people say nasty things to him, seen people throw food on his coworkers, etc, because they're not working fast enough. It's such a dangerous job, I can't think about it too much.


Ugh. What scum.


There are so many times where I just want people to think, did this person cause my problem or are they fixing MY problem?


Dispatchers in emergency call centers - Getting the relevant information out of desperate, shocked people who never gone through it before and panic all the time, and not asking a certain question or deciding the wrong having disastrous consequences - doing this for a living, I'd fail after 5 minutes.


I’ve worked 911 for the last 9 years and holy shit I never thought I’d see my profession on a “what job do you respect” list! Thank you!


Those people are undertrained, underpaid and aren't even offered the bare minimum of support required to mentally handle taking those calls on a daily basis (at least in my state).


Anyone who does it, even the quitters, has my respect.


My mom is a dispatcher and I’m a nurse. I know she feels more comfortable sharing certain things with me than others, but I also know she has seen a lot more than she mentions. I do the same. It’s hard to think about my mom going through something so bad that she can’t even talk to me about. Thankfully she seems to genuinely enjoy her job and coworkers… still doesn’t make it easy. They deserve the world.


Any profession whose work has a very real life or death consequence. I simply cannot imagine the pressure.


A surgeon going into do surgery. If they mess up, the patient might die.


An emergency call operator. They need to work with frantic, panicking people in order to get them emergency services to their location. Misunderstandings, slip ups, delays, etc, could mean death.


There are many more but I can't think of any right now.


All the jobs I've ever done, I feel the pressure to perform because I want to do my job as best as possible, but at the absolute worst it just means that customers have a bad experience. Sucks, but big whoop. I can't imagine holding someone's life in my hands.


I respect anyone who puts in a full day of honest work.


“honest work” … that’s really it right there.




I've met all kinds, angry nurses, educated nurses, shitty, entitled nurses.


I've never met one who didn't want to save me, so thank you




Yeah, most people assume that if someone has an advanced degree, they'll be well paid.


Hell no.


Scientists (not in industry) are paid shit.


Put it this way: If you're a scientist who works at a university, you're not paid to be a scientist, you're paid to be a professor. The university just EXPECTS you to do science shit, ON TOP OF teaching.

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So not only are you a teacher (with class sizes in the hundreds), but you have to do an entire other, very time consuming, job on top of it.


(Yes some very famous or very rich or very prominent scientists can just do research without teaching, but that's definitely not the norm.)


Become friends with the custodians, they’ll help you get away with anything.


I had a high school teacher that was known for being pretty arrogant. I learned a valuable lesson from him one day when one of the other students was making fun of the janitor. While he was yelling, I thought this teacher was going to rip this kid's head off, his face was red, eyes wide open and you can see every goddamn vein on his entire skull.


When he was finished with the kid he looked at the rest of us that were standing around in shock, and promptly let us know that you never ever treat someone like they're beneath you, especially the janitor. And that being friends with the janitor would open a lot of doors for you.


Fast forward a couple years I was living in the dorms at college. All the kids kept getting caught smuggling beer in. I was probably the only person in that whole building that was friendly with the janitor. I didn't try hard at all. I just treated him like a person. Asked him how his day was going, asked him how his family was doing, just normal shit. One day we were going to have a party and I asked him discreetly what would happen if we were to use the service elevator. He told me what the normal routine was, when he would be on the other side of the building, and how if he accidentally left the door unlocked for a half an hour or so and a resident used it he would not be obligated to tell anyone about anything he didn't see. Everyone on our floor was baffled how I managed to get a whole keg clear up to the 15th floor.


1000% true. spill red wine on the office carpet? if you're the one person in the building who treats me like a human your ass is getting off scott free


Anyone who investigates child sexual abuse of any kind


It’s seriously tough work. I need to be on my best form to do it and I luckily know how to take care of myself. There’s some days that I literally spend hours looking at cats and kittens subs to try and forget the horrors. This last week was particularly hard and some of the worst I’ve seen. Some people are absolute monsters.


So how do you actually train for a job like that? What mental prep do you have to do before a shift, and how do you try and decompress after - do you get free counseling for example? Must be a shocker of a job.


I had a friend who's job it was to follow in the police and seize computers and laptops before the suspected pedophile could erase them or destroy them. He then was responsible for pulling all images/videos/ data from them.


The shit he saw was unreal. He didn't do it for too long before he decided to move on to something else in the tech field.


The people Facebook/ Twitter hire to monitor for illegal material don't last long either and they need serious therapy

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Had a friend that had to inventory that shit for the fbi. He actually worked in the jared case. He would have to view / document all the actions in the photos/videos.

我有过一个朋友得给FBI做这种东西的分类。他参与过Jared Fogle的案件。他得把所有照片和视频里的行为都看一遍并且记录。

He used to be really happy and chill in college. During that time he got super depressed. They have mandatory therapy twice a week and get a lot of vacation and paid pretty well, he lasted 3 years or so. He gained about 100lbs and lost a lot of his carefree personality he used to have. I 100% blame that work for that happening. He still has ptsd symptoms almost a decade later.


Just any profession that has to interact with the average person as part of their day, honestly, people are fucking idiots!


the fire department in my town is 100% voluntary, the chief doesn’t even get paid even though it’s a full time job

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the town cuts their budget every year, many of them have ptsd from seeing people burn alive/carrying out charred bodies, they’re trying to get the town to cover therapy but they refuse to listen


it’s insane some people have been doing this for free for decades, people really take them for granted


The most important jobs seem to get the least pay and recognition. If there was ever a rallying cry to eat the rich and flip this greed pyramid upside down, this should be it...


teachers, i could never do their job.


I’m a teacher. Thanks for this. It’s gotten harder lately for two reasons.

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More and more parents outsource parenting to teachers. Most parents have their own jobs and don’t have the time and energy to devote to raise their kids fully, so they pass off a lot of things to us, like building community and basic critical thinking.


Smartphones have degraded intellectual curiosity, engagement, and basic writing skills to the point that the average 10th grader (2023) is now doing work at the level of an average seventh grader (2003).


Summers off allllmost evens it out :)


Surgeon. My brother in-law is one and the knowledge, confidence, and endurance they require to do their job is unparalleled. He often shares pictures of his work with me, most of it in-progress, and I am truly humbled by what he/they do.


My daughter had open heart surgery at 2 years old. I don’t know how anyone has the steady hand to cut open a toddler. Her surgeon is an absolute hero in my book.


There's the stereotype that surgeons are arrogant. And people say that's like it's bad but I get it.


I can't imagine having the confidence it takes to open a person up and fix what's inside of them without having a panic attack. I could never.


They mostly are arrogant and bold, but because surgery attracts that kind of person.


And if they weren't arrogant, then modern surgery would be nowhere near where it is now. They needed to be pompous enough to believe they could push the boundaries of what we thought possible.


I tend to give them a break considering they’re waking up at 4-5 am 6 days a week


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