2023-06-20 xky 12367
Which country has the most stupid people?


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Charles Lee
The United States EASILY.
Actually, I should clarify. Americans have been so totally manipulated that all they can do is repeat and am distracted by the mantra of hate that is embedded to them thru their media over and over again. You can see them here in Quora where they believe that their country is exceptional when:


their country is led by thieves who wage war and inflict death and destruction that had killed tens of millions of people since WW2
the biggest drug runner in their country is the CIA who also spies on them and control pedophile rings
while the world advance and progresses, their people do not have universal health care and the bottom half of their people have not seen a living standard increase for decades
they are manipulated to hate others - Muslims, Cubans, Russians, Iranians, Chinese, etc - so their military industrial complex can “take” more resources for themselves and divert their attention while they are doing so.
by all metrics - infant mortality, education, people incarcerated - the United States rank at or near the bottom of developed countries.


BillyBob Smith
As an American I agree, but I would put most of the blame on the corrupt deep state military industrial complex federal gov’t including all the corrupt alphabet agencies. And because it exists on both sides(right and left), it’s kinda hard to vote out. And what makes it virtually impossible to vote out is there’s too many people that think that that corruption mostly only takes place on the other side, the side they’re not part of.


Alvin Chen
your country now has access and there will be an america’s military base in papua new guinea. specially to counter china, this is too far sir. our territory will be damaged, just to satisfy your country's desire to become the richest n the greatest on earth


BillyBob Smith
Don’t worry if we keep spending money like a drunken sailor we will not be rich for very long, when we spend $850 billion on defense with no restrictions on it going up, along with a $32 trillion debt and millions of illegal aliens spilling across our southern border. The good news is our southern boarder problems will solve itself, when the US get’s as bad as the countries they’re coming from the illegal aliens will stop coming.


Charles Lee
Americans may be attempting to flee to Mexico to find work or join a drug gang.


Ben O
I don’t think you know enough about all the societies in the world to claim that the US is the MOST stupid. There are a lot of other nations out there that show more bigotry, group-think, and societal regression than the US. Like, a lot.


Manuel Palmeira
The US is actually one of the most civilized in the world, hence it’s unparralleled success.


Ben O
I agree. I’m not American (or even from a Western country), but it amuses me when people act like the USA is some ignorant backward country, when that’s clearly not the truth.


JF Pinero
As a Canadian I can confirm this, we almost share some of our culture, some parts being similar. Crossing the border, the only visible difference you spot is there are more american cars on the road than european/asian. Walk anywhere and you can't really tell the difference between a Canadian and American until you go further south and the accent changes slightly.


I don’t really think you’ve traveled enough and lived in enough countries to see just how stupid the average person around the world is. Also, I wouldn’t say that the Europeans or other countries’ people are smarter and more sophisticated. They foolishly let their governments enact authoritarian policies as we saw during the pandemic. This progress you talk about the rest of the world having, is ultimately progress towards a dystopia. Other than that all your other points are valid and I agree with them.


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Quang Nguyen
Well, all US immigrants as skilled workers do not think as you. US might be stupid to let stupid people to get in. I just don’t think US has most stupid people as somehow it is still the only superpower in this world nowadays, like it or not.


Douglas Kiambi
Wake up and smell the coffee. The world is changing from the prent unipolar system to a multipolar one.
A major change is the challenge to the dollar’s hegemony. A number of countries have begun using other currencies for their trade deals. Bangladesh recently paid Russia for a nuclear power plant in Chinese Yuan.
It was unthinkable in the past to go contrary to Washington's behest yet the example of Bangladesh is not in isolation. The BRICS alliance is growing in strength and though to topple a super power will take years if not decades, the first indicators of the changing world order are clear.


Superpower??? With the most debts in the whole world?? If i had a chance to borrow as much money as I want than i can be and do whatever I want too!
Like it or not…


Wenlon Asbury
America being a super power has little to with smarts, it’s all brute force; america is essentially the meathead bodybuilder.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Mel Victor
So when meathead meets hypersonic missiles power, a kaboom and a splat happened


Quang Nguyen
OK OK, ‘stupid’ people could make US superpower! Amazing! Let change the meaning of ‘stupid’ word.


Came Gérald
The most stupid? I don’t know.
The most ignorant of what’s going on outside of their country? DEFINITELY.


Thor Johnsen
I dunno man. USA has many flaws, one of them is that it is hard to make it over here. There is no comprehensive social safety net, schools are expensive and you have to work really hard to get an education and succeed in your career.
This is universally acknowledged, the media never stops talking about the war on the middle class and how hard it is to make it in America today. Despite that, the median family income in USA is ~75,000$, which puts us on par with the richest countries in Europe. Half of all Americans live better than most Europeans. In light of that, I think Americans must be freaking geniuses.


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Median family income in the US is around $65'000, not $75'000.
“According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the median household income for 2019 was $65,712. . Average household incomes by state range from $41,776 in Mississippi to $88,702 in the District of Columbia”
Remember to subtract medical insurance ($18′000 a year for a family of 4 plus additional not covered expenses) and 4 years of university for each kid you have ($105'000 for 4 years in state tuition at a state university. Double that for a private university. Times 2-3 kids. Need to save $10′000-$15'000 a year for 20 years just to educate your kids).
And no guaranteed benefits such as the 4-5 weeks paid vacation and extended maternity/paternity leave found in numerous European countries (4 weeks paid vacation being worth around $5′500 to a family taking in $65'000). By time you figure those 3 factors alone, the average American has less of a disposable income than all but 3 EU countries (Poland, Hungary, and Sloakia). Now toss in the fact that the US has a higher cost of living than the vast majority of EU countries (if not all). To be equal with the disposable income of the average EU citizen, Americans would have to make around $100'000 per household..and only 32% of American households take in around $100'000


60% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. 40 million Americans live in poverty. 25% of Americans live with food insecurity. Average US household has $102'000 in debts with an average of $7'000 on credit cards and $22'000 on autos. Americans love giving banks money and the average $300'000 home loan at 3% will cost an additional $160'000 in interest alone
Let's add in all the violence and murders in the US. Its crumbling infrastructure that needed investment 20 years ago already. The US being 28th on the global democracy index and 29th on the corruption index. Over 70% of Americans being obese/overweight with 78% of Americans unable to qualify for military service. Highest rate of drug use globally and the highest percentage of population imprisoned. And yikes..a rape rate of 46 putting the US in the top 10 most rapey countries


Not sure about the upper 50% in the US but for a measly $65'000 I'd prefer not to have my children go through school shooter drills with armed teachers while the Bible thumping coach pressures everyone to pray and some guy dressed as a woman is trying to read lgbt propaganda to grade schoolers in the corner.
But yeah..there is a certain appeal to going into debt for a house and 3 cars. Space is indeed a luxury and I admit I sometimes miss the days of taking the car to the corner store instead of having to walk and carry a few pounds of groceries. American grocery stores offer amazing sextions of everything from bleach soaked chickens to 100 different types of sugar laden breakfast cereals marketed to kids. If you don't mind GMOs and steroid/hormon raised livestock then it's the place to be. US restaurants are pretty cheap and offer huge portions.. just don't forget to add in a 20% tip because the US hospitality industry lobbies heavily to keep from paying fair wages to their employees.


Survey: Half of Americans Don’t Have $250 to Spare

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Thor Johnsen
You are using old data for income. Also, nobody in the middle class pays the full cost of medical insurance, employer usually covers >80%. Most Americans work for an employer that offers medical insurance, for those who don’t, ACA offers subsidized plans. Healthcare isn’t a big cost for an average American, my biggest expense besides income tax was always 401k contributions, but that is money you save to build up wealth. I don’t know how true it is that 60% of Americans can’t come up with $250 for an emergency expense, given that $1200 iPhones are nearly ubiquitous in US. It is overspending, not lack of income, that makes people live paycheck to paycheck.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Actually, only 49% of Americans have a job that pays for insurance.. so..not “most”..also seems as if the put of pocket cost is quite high..
“In 2021, the number of people covered by health insurance from their employer sits at around 156 million, or 49% of the country’s population. The average annual premium for employer-sponsored health insurance is around $7,739 for an individual and $22,221 for a family”


Thor Johnsen
…but most of that cost is paid by the employer. This is a fact.


62% of US bankruptcies are over medical expenses..doesn't seem quite as simplistic as you're trying to claim..

62% 的美国破产,是因为医疗费用……看起来并不像你想声称的那么简单:链接

Anthony Sepkowski
everything you said is pure BS . The average American has not seen a raise in decades . Meanwhile CEOs make 500 times what their own employees make . Healthcare costs are rediculous . Housing is unaffordable . The US is becoming the rich and the peasants .

你说的一切都是纯粹的废话。几十年来,美国人的平均工资都没上涨过。与此同时,CEO们的收入是员工收入的 500 倍。医疗保健费用是荒谬的。房子是负担不起的。美国正在分化成富人和佃农的世界。

Thor Johnsen
Victim mentality is an epidemic that affects more Americans than Covid did. It is also a self fulfilling prophecy. Stop thinking of yourself as a powerless victim and you will see that America is still a land of opportunity. It takes perseverance and grit to succeed, but America is one of the best places to embark on that journey.

受害者心态是一种流行病,它影响的美国人比 Covid 还多。这也是一个自我实现的预言。不要再认为自己是一个无能为力的受害者,你会发现美国仍然是一片充满机遇的土地。成功需要毅力和勇气,美国是踏上这一旅程的最佳地点之一。

Anthony Sepkowski
I agree with you to some point . But the American middle class has been suffering for decades . Some people work full time and have second jobs and still suffer financially . Years ago people could work at a gas station and support a family .


Peter Harris
they are letting idiots like Trump run rings around them and they are letting Him run for President again how stupid is that

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Anthony Sepkowski
He is going to jail


George Alvarez
Don’t forget all the drug users!


Charles Lee
The opiate crises in the United States began and was the result of the CIA transporting opium into the United States during the Vietnam war.


George Alvarez
Drug use is a choice that people make every day, and for most, not for the first time.


Keith Edwards
I’ve had the good fortune to travel extensively on business and on holiday. My experience is that no single Country qualifies. Mother Nature sprinkles the stupid everywhere in equal measure.


Boris Sanochkin
I hate to generalize, but it appears to be northwestern Europe, from Lithuania to Sweden, based on Quora.
You can see swarms of individuals from where, many claim sophisticated scientific degrees, spewing nonsense that would ordinarily put a fifth-grader to shame elsewhere.
And it's not just their lack of knowledge, but also the level of their arguments, which appear to remain stuck in the prepubescent stage for life.
Another factor to consider is that they are thought to be the most tolerant people on the planet. In reality, they are the most rabid, even if latent, racists, at least when it comes to attitudes against groups approved for hate.

我不想一概而论,但最愚蠢的似乎是西北欧,从立陶宛到瑞典,基于 Quora的认知。

Jason Zhang
A certain very high intelligence Finnish woman immediately comes to mind.


Julius Caesar
Bro, she literally said Nazis would win against the current Russian Army and she was serious. I mean we all get you hate Russian army, and you might have some good reason, but excuse me wtf.


Maxim Nesterenko
Ah, our dear 180 IQ Susie :)

啊,我们亲爱的智商180的Susie 。

Boris Sanochkin
Nothing beats Markku and Mika, the only two people here who have the talent to drive me mad by their toxic stupidity.


Swaminathan B
Well yes, but she does write well… when she is not writing about Russia :)


I’d say it’s the opposite. When she doesn’t talk about Russia, she lies about her “achievements” and about her life. Only when she talks about Russia, she is being largely reasonable.


Ian Kummer
Swedes. Yes, really the most obnoxiously ignorant and racist people on this platform. And they have this precious lack of self awareness about it too.



Myriam Yoneda (译注:这妹子去日本留学,然后嫁了个日本男人 )

USA. And women in Japan!!!


Mike Reininger
We Americans can be pretty damn stupid. Just look at how many people (legal and illegal) voted for our current President
As far as the women of Japan, I don’t think they are as stupid as you claim. In fact, that’s probably the one positive trait that Japanese women have. One of the downsides to Japanese women is that from what I’ve heard, they have a jealous streak. But then Hispanic women are probably worse in that regard.


Gerald Aultman


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