2023-06-29 碧波荡漾恒河水 7558

Major San Francisco mall closing amid city’s changing economy


The Westfield San Francisco Centre is closing amid plunging sales and foot traffic. The stunning decision comes just weeks after Nordstrom announced its exit from the city center.


When one legalizes crime, and makes criminals (in effect) untouchable (as San Francisco has done), it destroys the very fabric of society.


You people voted for this now deal whit it LOL!


Blame remote work, online shopping for the city’s poor leadership. People aren’t shy from physical shopping trip, they just go to safer areas like valley fair in San Jose. I grew up in SF. Watching this great, diverse and beautiful city turn into Gotham city (Batman) is disheartening


The nice and law-abiding citizens won't vote for those sick people. Most of the people working for the city of SF city government are not common people. If someone is ordinary, he/she would eventually be squeezed out. SF is openly sick. Other than that, it is also a heaven for criminals. For normal people, don't even go to SF. Go south or north of the city, there are many beautiful and normal places. But don't go east though. Nothing there except for the great campus of Cal Berkeley.


Most places south of SF are better and safer. But some places can be bad too. Valley Fair is located at the intersection of Winchester and Stevens Creek. It is nice there but if someone drives a mile or 2 further south, that will turn into a questionable area.


They are ideological and out of touch with reality. I don't think you can be realistic and idealistic simultaneously.


Idealistic on the sick side.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@benthekeeshond545 I mean, being out of touch with reality could be a sickness.

@benthekeeshond545 我是说,脱离现实可能是一种病。

@carmennalan3673 lol at scapegoating remote work

@carmennalan3673 哈哈,把远程工作当作替罪羊。
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It's sad watching my city fall apart. My heart is stuck in San Francisco, but I don't know for how much longer. 5 years ago, I never thought about leaving this city. But wages aren't keeping up with inflation, the average 1 bedroom apartment is now $3600 a month, and a 1000 sqr ft starter home that needs remodeling and mold remediation is 1.2 million, all in a city where HUD says the poverty line is $82,000 a year. Yes, the homeless have more rights at this point. If you park a meter for too long, you'll get a $128 ticket. But set up a tent and block a store front and the sidewalk, and nothing happens to you. Heck, I saw homeless guy with working washers and dryers two days ago, illegally hooked up to a fire hydrant and lifted up a PG&E man hole cover to steal power. But If I miss my PG&E bill, they'll cut my power and take me to court. Yes, the homeless are untouchable, while the average citizen is being milked of every penny so they can keep increasing the homeless budget. Enough is enough.


You voted for it. Stop complaining! ENJOY IT!

你投了赞成票。别抱怨了! 好好享受!

You do understand that people can vote for the opposite and lost, right?


I have said the same about New York City. I’m from New York City, saying the same thing that you are we just do not keep up with the high cost of living at all the taxes are insane equivalent, or worst to California in every single way crime is out of control. I left two years ago, never looked back.


You complained that wages don't keep up with inflation yet has it ever occurred to you that the outrageous cost of living is PRECISELY the cause of high crime?


When people can't afford a place to live and must live on the streets, do you think they care about being decent anymore?


Bottom line:


Bring down the cost of living and crime will go down.


How do you bring down home prices?


Tax foreign home buyers, home flippers, and corporate buyers and use that tax to help local buyers offset the increased price.


A house is first and foremost for living in.

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If someone wants to use it as a way to make a quick buck, then they must pay for the devastation it causes.

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Simple as that!


@andyhughes1829 not a good Statement

@andyhughes1829 不是什么好话。

For those of you who have been living in SF or the bay area. Just stay there and don’t move enjoy your city and thank Gavin and Pelosi! Continue open thw borders for illegals and be liberal forever

对于那些一直住在旧金山或湾区的人。就呆在那里,不要移动,享受你的城市,感谢加文和佩洛西! 继续向非法移民开放边境,永远自由。

Honestly, this is very sad what is happening to America.


Its not happening across America, San Francisco is poorly led just Chicago and New York


Thank your local Democrat…….


@toddb8703 do you even go outside ? are you joking it’s not across America ? Homeless are in every state.

@toddb8703 你出过门吗? 你是在开玩笑吗? 每个州都有无家可归的人。

Yeah, this is what happens when we value profits over people. Eventually, those workers can't afford to support the corporations who employee them with poverty wages.


@lyraserpentine894 - This is what happens when people value getting high over having productive lives…….

@lyraserpentine894 当人们把快乐看得比富有成效的生活更重要时,就会发生这种情况……

Its harder to run a city with actual people unlike dumpsville, Alabama where all you have to worry about is a cow, two chickens, and a field of potatoes.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Only the looney Blue Cities


how is robbery not treated as a serious crime??? That is exactly the reason why people are leaving and not coming to SF..

为什么抢劫不被视为严重犯罪?? 这正是人们离开而不来旧金山的原因。

You know it,,that's why I never ever dare go thier


When druggies and criminals have more rights than its law abiding tax paying citizens..btw, where's London Breed

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

You can’t chase a shoplifter if they steal less than $1000. Retailers are losing in CA.


Storefronts carries the nation are closing. Its not specific to democrat or republican areas. Remote work, online shopping, rent......get over the idea its a crime


@mamatrain100 yep, jeff bezos is dancing in his vault $$$$$$

@mamatrain100 是啊,杰夫贝佐斯在他的避难所里翩翩起舞。

I left because it was expensive not the crime so much.


@LC0829 I'm 8n California they do

@LC0829 我住在加州,那里是这样。

@LC0829 he pinned the guy to the floor for a stealing a 20 dollor liquor

@LC0829 他把那家伙按在地板上,因为对方偷了20美元的酒。

I love how the title of the video doesn’t mention rising crime and vagrancy. Instead, it just mentions the “changing economy.”


Media sugarcoating it.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Its because thats the main reason. Pre-covid, homelessness in the area was always a problem but most of that was by tenderloin. If the foot traffic return to normal and people came back, the Westfield would still be around.


@kaym7704 Nope.


changing economy means anything under $900 is free.


@SlickRick330 No sugarcoating, just out and out lying to protect their narrative.

@SlickRick330 不是粉饰,只是彻头彻尾的撒谎,以保护他们的叙事。

protecting biden & democrats


I agree, the title of the video is incorrect.


I was expecting the reporter to get mugged and have his camera stolen.


crime isn't rising. He covered that in the video. The only crime that's rising is petty theft.


San Francisco isn't suffering from a "perception" of crime problem. It's a very real out of control crime problem. The only reason stats have dropped is because of the way the city compiles the number. (smoke and mirrors) and the fact that residents have just given up on reporting crime.


Ukraine is more important !


Hit the nail


people commiting the crimes are down on their luck. would you lock them up rather? waht if you were down on your luck would you like to go to jail

犯这种罪的人是时运不济。你会把他们关起来吗? 如果你时运不济,你愿意进监狱吗?

san francisco is the next chicago or detroit if the government will not do anything..


LOL at Dems trying to spin this as perception.


Completely agree with what you said but there is more to what you mentioned.


If someone committed a crime, he/she deserves to be procecuted by the law. Would you like to be robbed?


I used to live in San Francisco and worked at Glide when the city was still livable. I would shop at the mall, Nordstrom's being a favorite when I could afford to purchase there. It's sad to see this great city declining.


What was the last year that you lived in San Francisco?


Have to admit the clever change in descxtion for what's going on there , though .....the city's " changing economy " is to blame


Agree. I miss going to the “City,” the energy, night life, shopping and hanging out. But I haven’t been back since COVID. Completely different place and not worth the risk of daylight muggings and car break-ins. Going there at night is out of the question.


@outside3708 · I moved to Napa in 2001 but continued to commute to SF for work. Moved out of CA in 2008.

@outside3708 · 2001年,我搬到了纳帕,但仍然通勤到旧金山工作。2008年离开加州。

Sf getting worsen each year. Now I don't even want to visit it anymore won't feel safe and so dirty. Sf dan ny are so much alike.


You cannot coddle people who are homeless, drug dealers and thieves; you have to discipline them, enforce laws on them. You can’t simply let them run amok among us because this is what will happen.


They're dealing because people are buying and making them. Why? Because it's still a lucrative business. In theory, once the underlying issues are addressed (e.g., loneliness; lack of community support, connection, and resources; guidance; etc.), there's a much higher chance that drug addiction will reduce.

他们交易(毒品)是因为人们在购买和制造它们。为什么? 因为这仍然是一个有利可图的行业。理论上,一旦潜在的问题得到解决(例如,孤独;缺乏社区支持、联系和资源;指导;等等),那么减少毒品滥用的几率就会高得多。

The Mayor and DA absolutely deserve this


The voter absolutely deserves this! Bay Area mentality to blame but it’s lost on them.

这是选民应得的! 要怪旧金山湾区的心态,但他们没有意识到。

City and State Voters.


Dave, its affecting the shop owners and retail workers though. sad for them


and they will vote for the same mayor again. Just watch.


We're literally watching San Francisco decompose due to poor leadership.


You mean due to lack of high paying jobs to afford to live there. Cant have city government competing with the private sector creating jobs, right?


Last time I went to SF I was so disgusted. Once a very loved city of mine but it’s dangerous, dirty with homeless everywhere. I can say the exact same about Portland and Seattle because I lived there in 2007. What is this country becoming ?


@id10t98 economy is not the issue - San Francisco has highest GDP Per capita for any city - its poor governance. You make it sound like SF is like Detroit - it's not.

@id10t98 经济不是问题——旧金山的人均GDP是所有城市中最高的——问题在于治理不善。你说得好像旧金山就像底特律——其实不是。

@LC0829 3rd world country maybe? hope not but sure seems that way

@LC0829 也许是第三世界国家? 希望不是,但肯定是这样。

@ahmedzakikhan7639 You clearly have never taken a math class and learned how averages and medians are calculated.

@ahmedzakikhan7639 你显然没上过数学课也没学过平均值和中位数是怎么计算的。

Do you think these people would be homeless if they had jobs paying them $250,000/year? Where are the good paying jobs for these people to afford homes and apartments? The mayor of SF cant create those jobs, nor can the city council. Where's private industry after getting those tax cuts?

如果这些人有年薪25万美元的工作,你认为他们会无家可归吗? 哪里有高薪的工作让这些人买得起房子和公寓? 旧金山市长不能创造这些就业机会,市议会也不能。减税后的私营企业在哪里?

@id10t98 Dubai is a rich place like San Francisco and has worse income inequality. But do you ever see homeless in Dubai ? Do you see any crime in Dubai ? No. Cause the Goverment of Dubai is tough while liberal American goverments are weak and useless.

@id10t98 迪拜和旧金山一样富裕,但收入差距更大。你在迪拜见过无家可归的人吗? 你看到迪拜有犯罪行为吗? 没有。因为迪拜政府很强硬,而自由主义的美国政府软弱无能。

Tight zoning laws should be banned. Free market economics dictate private construction companies should be allowed to build high if buyers and sellers like it that way. It's their choice. Single family homes are not private choice.


@ahmedzakikhan7639 The USA has more people incarcerated than any other country on earth, how many prisons will it take to satisfy you and how much in taxes are you willing to pay for them all?

@ahmedzakikhan7639 美国被监禁的人比地球上任何其他国家都多,需要多少监狱才能满足你,你愿意为他们支付多少税?

@ahmedzakikhan7639 Dubai has free healthcare, free education and only ~ 3 million people they need to care for. The USA is 110X that size in population, let alone area/square miles.

@ahmedzakikhan7639 迪拜有免费医疗,免费教育,而且他们只需要照顾300万人。美国的人口是它的110倍,更不用说面积/平方英里了。

People not shopping in San Fran isn’t caused by remote work and a decline in tourism. It’s directly caused by high rent prices and the overall real estate market.


blame the governor


Well said !!! Has nothing to do with drug markets. Real estate is a boom-bust cycle. I remember stores like Montgomery Ward and Sears. People now buy online. The city has done nothing to address affordable housing or protect its citizens like most cities in America.

说得好!!跟毒品市场没有关系。房地产是一个繁荣-萧条的周期。我记得像Montgomery Ward和Sears这样的商店。人们现在在网上购物。像美国大多数城市一样,这座城市没有采取任何措施来解决经济适用房问题,也没有保护市民。

@jurassicthunder it’s not the governors fault when they are constantly blocked with everything they try to do.

@jurassicthunder 这不是州长的错,他们试图做的每件事都不断受阻。

@jurassicthunder Just look up how much a studio apartment costs in unx Square. $2200 a month for a jail cell.

@jurassicthunder 只要看看联合广场一套一室公寓的价格就知道了。一个月租2200美元。

@jurassicthunder blame the voters.

@jurassicthunder 都怪选民。

It's caused by refusing to prosecute criminals


Don’t forget crime


You're wrong. It's caused by remote work, decline tourism, and of course high crime and homeless!


They are blaming remote work? I hope they go bankrupt immediately. They deserve it.

他们在指责远程工作? 我希望他们马上破产。这是他们应得的。

Have you been down there lately? Its a ghost town in the middle of the day.

你最近去过那里吗? 它光天化日之下都是个鬼城。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@kaym7704 i have been there lately. more like a zombie town


That's kind of ironic, San Francisco should be one of those places you do remote work from. Places like Barcelona and Lisbon rents are skyrocking because it's where people move to work remotely from. (shake head)


@kaym7704 Its a ghost town because nobody feels like being a victim of crime.


Thank you for the " good " wish.


Omg I’m so glad I got to experience and live on Powell street there during its peak from 2004-2006. That mall is forever embedded in my memory as I used to eat at the Nordstrom cafe at the top of the mall almost every day and worked there on Powell street ❤️


what are you like 40yo

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@tony232cool YUP


@AquamarinaPearl old af


@adamszasz7962 and couldn’t be more proud of it


me too, good memories :)


Theft in SF may be down from last year but its still astoundingly high when compared to other major cities.


Last year was the worse, so to compare crime with last year's stats is very low standards.


We all need to look into our economy before its too late, The #1 priority for everyone right now should be investing in non-government alternative income sources. specifically in light of the present global economic crisis. Nowadays, investments in stocks, oil, and virtual currencies are still appealing.


I agree with you and I believe that the secret to financial stability is having the right investment ideas to enable you earn more money, I don’t know who agrees with me but either way I recommend either real estate or bitcoin and stocks.


“Changing economy.” Code words for high crime, people moved out and there’s more non-paying than paying


Our mall in downtown Indianapolis will probably close soon because of N the changing economic landscape. The reality is that people shop online now. Retailers don't need physical locations.


So true!


@celieboo2990 Only in your country I guess. We still love to go out and shop and dine rather than looking at the screen of our computers to shop. We want to see, feel, smell and taste what we want to buy. Can't do that online lol


correct. All of the closed stores should file a class action lawsuit against the city officials that allowed shoplifting with no punishment.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Not just shoplifting. A few owners confronted the shoplifters and got physically beaten. The city cops came and told the owners that it is against the law to confront the victims, the shoplifters.


To file a lawsuit against the city, I wonder if that is a plausible option. If the city government loses in court, it will indirectly incite its followers to riot, rob, and murder the hard-working people. Afterward, the murderers will be forgiven because they suffered too much already.


The thing is about San Fran is that it’s just not a respectable place anymore. The combination of crime and overcrowding, plus RIDICULOUS prices have left the city in bad shape. The entire bay area, though is still relatively pretty decent. It’s a very wealthy area in general and San Jose/Silicon Valley area is still thriving! Demographics are just simply shifting in response to what’s going on.

旧金山的问题是它不再是一个受人尊敬的地方了。犯罪和过度拥挤,再加上荒谬的物价,使这座城市陷入了糟糕的境地。不过整个海湾地区还是相当不错的。总的来说,这是一个非常富裕的地区,圣何塞/硅谷地区仍然很繁荣! 人口统计数据只是简单地根据所发生的变化而变化。

100 Billion to Ukraine


It is true to a certain extent but the South Bay Area is not immune to the same problem SF is facing. If there are enough crazy people voting crazy people into power, any city can evolve into another SF.


Even outside of this openly sick city of SF, California is heading for trouble. The CA State policies are hurting large corporations. Even Oracle moved to Texas. If I am correct, Tesla started in San Carlos and moved its headquarters to Texas. What if one day Apple, Google, Facebook, Intel, Nvidia, etc. run out of patience and move away? Silicon Valley used to be semiconductors. Where are the test houses and foundries? S. CA, like SF, for the most part is in a state of no return. I am worried about CA.

即使在旧金山这个赤裸裸病态的城市之外,加州也在走向麻烦。加州的政策正在伤害大公司。就连甲骨文也搬到了德克萨斯州。如果我没记错的话,特斯拉是从圣卡洛斯起家的,后来把总部搬到了德克萨斯州。如果有一天,苹果、谷歌、Facebook、英特尔、英伟达等公司失去耐心,离开了怎么办? 硅谷曾经是半导体产业。试验室和晶圆厂在哪里? 加州和旧金山一样,在很大程度上处于一种不归的状态。我很担心加州。

every major American city is gonna be like that if the country doesn't get it together .


Not going to happen.. america is so divided its sad.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

u mean if democrats get off power


@andresmattos7541 I thought the tax cuts for the 1% were going to create millions of high paying jobs, so what happened to those jobs and why are millions of people still homeless?

我原以为为1%的富人减税会创造数百万个高薪工作,那么这些工作怎么样了? 为什么还有数百万人无家可归?

It's the straight parents fault for wanting to harass people they do not know. Evil.


Transit Dude is RIGHT!


You are right. They’re all headed this way.


很赞 2