2023-07-02 汤沐之邑 6234
What would have happened in India if it hadn't been partitioned in 1947?


What would have happened if India was not partitioned?
I dont want to be harsh on anyone or any faith. What I m telling is facts. Period. Zero opinion. I chose to post this anonymously because i dislike writing this. But a fact is a fact. This review is purely technical in nature.
This part of the world would have become the hell hole. There would be private armies consolidating into 2 factions . To attack and to defend. Law and order would be a joke. The entire government machinery would split vertically and align with either of these factions. By this time, the whole of the region would have become Muslim majority or substantially significant population. There isnt anything like good or bad, right or wrong. Everything is justified in one faith and there are limits to the human endurance. The population will not be distributed and mixed with all faiths. Ghettos would be formed sporadically besides polarization to the majority regions. The whole nation would be going through a civil war until either of them win and the other get slaughtered.
Sounds illogical? Now please find answers for the following questions yourself.


What was the demographics of present Pakistan before and after independence. Before partition, Pakistan had 24 percentage of people other than muslims. Likewise, Indian side of Punjab had 52 percentage of Muslim population before partition. Knowing that the two faiths cannot live peacefully, there was an exodus altering the demographics into 15 percent hindus in pakistan side and 2 percent muslims in indian side of punjab.
Everyone knows that the minorities population in pakistan is below 2 percent now. Did people of other faith evaporated from the land of Pakistan? Likewise is the history of Bangladesh or Kashmir or Iran or Egypt or anywhere islam has spread.
Now lets get introduced to some technical words relevant to this subject.
1. Dar al-dawa (House of invitation - infiltration in groups seeking refuge for peaceful living)
2. Dar al-Amn (House of safety - seek religious right to practice islam)
3. Dar al-Ahd (House of Truce - state of unrest between the groups)
4. Dar al-Sulh (House of Treaty - negotiate the terms of existence)
5. Dar al-Hudna (House of Peace - till any truce arise or 10 years whichever is less unilaterally decided by the islamic side irrespective of the matter at hand or justice of the other side)
Now the process get interesting.
6. Dar al-Harab (House of War - openly start revolting against the establishment and war with the infidels / non believers i.e., non muslims
7. Dar al-Islam (House of Islam - where a islamic sharia is in force)
Now Pakistan is Dar al islam.
The entire history of spread of islam is in these stages. People may argue its not told in the scxture but this is the truth you like it or not.
Its not that people of other faith are tolerant enough to co exist but its the total disregard by islam on other faiths make this work.
I dont care about upvotes, downvotes or anything. This is a fact. Please refute if at all with facts please. No quotes from those words of God. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Please quote history with place and date.

1.Dar al-dawa(邀请之家-渗透到寻求和平生活庇护的团体中)
2.Dar al-Amn(安全之家-寻求信奉伊斯兰教的宗教权利)
3.Dar al-Ahd(休战之家-团体之间的不稳定状态)
5.Dar al-Hudna(和平之家-直到休战来临或10年期都可以(前提是以时间较短的一方为准),由伊斯兰一方单方面决定,而不考虑事态或另一方的正义与否)
6.Dar al-Harab(战争之家——公开开始反抗政府,并与异教徒/非信徒(即非穆斯林)开战)
7.Dar al-Islam(伊斯兰之家——伊斯兰教法在那里生效)

Ravi K
Would the Indian subcontinent have been better off as one nation?
This might be a controversial answer, but here is what the alternative history would have been like:
Political issues:
The Indian National Congress would have been the strongest party post-British Raj because it played a central role in the independence movement. This party would have won most of the elections for a couple of decades.
There would have been an All India Muslim league, which would have been the second largest national party. It would have been very successful in areas like Bengal, Hyderabad, all the states of Pakistan, Kashmir, etc.
There is a good possibility that the BJP would have emerged at a later stage, but would have been a weaker party. It is because with the presence of the Muslim League, both INC and BJP would have been perceived as Hindu parties.
Imagine all the regional parties that would have come up. There would have been one each for Sinhalese, Gorkhas, Balochis, Pashtuns, Bhutanese, Bengalis, Tamils, Telugus, etc.
In addition, throw in a bunch of LTTE, Maoists insurgents, Islamic fundamentalists, etc.
South Asian unx - a failed state?
All this means that the very notion of democracy wouldn't have made any sense at all. The idea of democracy is not to have a political party for every votebank and create a dysfunctional coalition. This hypothetical country would have got caught in the coalition politics and would have lost its way.
The main reason why Indian democracy works is because regional parties are limited only to a couple of states and every state (except Tamil Nadu) has a national party in the ruling or the opposition. I don't think this would have been the case if the SAU came into existence.


Also, the Muslim voters in India are very evenly spread out in all constituencies, along the length and the breadth of the country which rules out the possibility of a national party that caters to Muslims in specific (like the All India Muslim League). This helped the Indian Muslims join the mainstream politics through Indian national congress, etc. and lead to their active participation in the Indian democracy. Now, in the hypothetical SAU this would not have been possible and on the contrary it would have lead to a parallel religious identity.
You should also consider that most of India's neighbors are extremely unstable and permanently stuck in crises. Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Myanmar were all politically unstable since they became independent. There is no evidence to prove that, these crises would have been averted by the creation of the SAU.
Personal opinions:
I personally feel that a SAU excluding Pakistan would not have been very different from the India today. We would have still been able to build a strong, successful liberal, democracy- but that is my personal opinion.
People should realize that creation of Pakistan was not a mistake. It was an idea whose time had come. The mistake in my opinion was the nuclearisation of Pakistan. This lead to an asymmetric shift in the balance of power and increased the war mongering in the Indian subcontinent.


Yashwant Kumar
What would happen if India and Pakistan were not partitioned in 1947?
India still would be the 7th largest country in the world.
India could have been the most populated country by 2011.
The state of Bengal would have been the more populous than Uttar Pradesh and also would have been the most populous state/province in the world.
India’s first bullet train would have been between Mumbai and Karachi, via Ahmedabad.
Muslims could have visited Jama Masjid, Hindus to Hinglaj Devi Temple and Sikhs to Gurdwara Janam Asthan.
The national cricket team would have been unbeatable. Imagine Wasim Akram, Sachin Tendulkar, Waqar Yunus, Shahid Afridi, Sourav Ganguly in the same team.
What if S.P.Bala Subramanyam and Rahat Fateh Ali Khan sang a song together. It would have been the chart buster for decades.
We need not allocate humongous budget for Defense. Education and Health would have been given the highest priority.
Country’s economy would have been better. Might be the second largest GDP in the world, second only to USA.

穆斯林可以去参观贾玛清真寺,印度教徒可以参观巴基斯坦的Hinglaj女神神庙,锡克教徒可以参观印度的Gurdwara Janam Asthan(锡克教堂)。
国家板球队会是不可战胜的。想象一下,Wasim Akram、Sachin Tendulkar、Waqar Yunus、Shahid Afridi、Sourav Ganguly这些人将出现在同一支队伍中。
如果S.P.Bala Subramanyam和Rahat Fateh Ali Khan一起唱一首歌呢?这首歌可能会在几十年内占据排行榜榜首。

The country would have been much more peaceful.
Osama-Bin-Laden would not have been found in Abottabad.
Mohammad Ali Jinnah would been awarded the Bharat Ratna.
Dibrugarh-Gwadar train would have the longest train in the country. Trains would have been named on Jinnah and Bhutto.
We would not have witnessed Indo-Pak wars of 1947, 1965, 1971 and Kargil War of 1999.
India may/may not have been a nuclear state. The threat from our North-Eastern neighbor would have decided it.
Lesser terror attacks in the country.
More religious harmony in the country. Less hatred between Hindu and Muslims.
Talibans would have been the largest threat to the country.


Abhishek Inamdar
What would happen if India and Pakistan were not partitioned in 1947?
We need to understand the situation of 1947.
People were highly communalised.
Even if partition had not happened, there would still be atmosphere of communal distrust. It wouldn't have been rosey situation wherein all live in harmony. Remember, people were communalised and even Mahatma had to accept it.
The last and only alternative to partition was The Cabinet Mission plan. Under it, only three subjects- defence, communication and foreign affairs would have been with Central government and we'd have very strong ( practically independent) states. So, apart from Pakistan, there would have been other powerful regional governments and leaders. India would have suffered more.
Other important point is, had partition not happened, we'd have afganistan next door. We would have to deal with al-quida, Taliban and even isis to some extent. Imagine the possible havoc they would cause. Today India is comparatively well protected as Pakistan acts as a buffer.
Probably, Kashmir would not be a big issue. ( I think all the states having much more powers than Kashmir has today makes it unimportant). But imagine if some ambitious leader wants to form a centalised government. Much bigger problems than Kashmir could rise all over India.
On a lighter note, sure we'd have better cricket team, better tourism apportunities etc.

最后一个也是唯一的分割方案之外,还有一个叫做内阁代表团计划(Cabinet Mission plan)。根据该计划,只有国防、通信和外交事务这三个领域属于中央政府管辖,其他方面将由非常强大(实际上独立)的地方政府负责。因此,除了巴基斯坦外,印度还将有其他强大的地区政府和领导人存在。然而,印度可能会承受更多的困难。

Bushra Khan
Why did a large number of Muslims decide to stay in India after partition in 1947?
First wife of my maternal grandfather left him because he wanted to stay in India and she wanted to move to Pakistan. I asked my grandfather why he took this decision, knowing that he’ll never see his wife again.
Me - Nana why didn't you leave India at the time of partition, when many muslims did?
Him - How could a person leave his own country? Where he has spent his childhood, made memories, where he has his house and his people.
Me - But your wife, you knew that you’ll never see her again if you stayed in India?
Him - I had decided that I would not leave India, whatever may happen. But she wanted to move to Pakistan, thats why she left and I didn't even stop her.
Me - But there were riots everywhere, weren't you afraid?
Him - I was born here, I wish to die here only. So there was nothing to be afraid of. It was better to die in my own country then moving to some foreign land in the name of religion.
My grandfather is a devoted Indian, his first wife failed to convince him to leave India, so she divorced him and moved to Pakistan. But he does not regret his decision at all, and he is proud that he had stayed in India.
So the answer to this question is because they loved India very much and didn't consider Pakistan as a place where they belonged.


Vivek Dosla
What would have happened in Pakistan if all Muslims from India had gone to Pakistan after partition?
Muslims would be happy that they got a country of their own and Hindus will be happy for getting a country. Another points are
No communal violence in India, but we might have caste based or region based fights.
Most of the right winged political parties will have very less importance, now we have religion based parties then we would have caste based political parties.
The Kashmir issue would still be in the same position, the whole of Hindu dominated areas of Jammu and Kashmir will try to stay in India and as usual the most peaceful protestors will be doing same kind of protest and as usual play the victim card on both sides of the border.


Even more sectarian violence in Pakistan.
Comparatively less hostility between 2 countries.
Bangladesh would have a very big population.
India would still be secular, no triple talaq issue
Pakistan and Bangladesh would still be Islamic republic.
India would be still better in sports and economy.

印度仍然是世俗的,没有说三次“talaq”( 意为“离婚”)即离婚的问题。

Dr. Balaji Viswanathan
What were the causes that led to the partition of India?
Mahatma Gandhi made two bad decisions in his life — Khilafat Movement and Quit India movement. The Quit India movement of 1942 was poorly timed and heavily criticised by smart politicians like Rajagopalachari. The ill-thought movement gave excuse for colonial administration to jail all Congress supporters, giving Jinnah & team a free reign in influencing the Muslims of Sindh and Punjab in thinking of Pakistan. Until then, the Muslims in these regions were still voting strongly for Congress.
Congress had not built a sufficient base in Bengal after 1920. They didn’t have very many Bengali leaders in the top cadre. That allowed Muslim league and other Muslim parties to dominate the region’s politics. This got Suhrawardy to become the premier of Bengal in 1946.
Jinnah’s Tuberculosis was either not-well known or was not considered as a parameter when setting India’s independence date. Jinnah died in about a year from partition after suffering long from Tuberculosis. His disease was a well kept secret. If India’s independence date was delayed by Congress going soft on the British, it was possible that Jinnah might have died before the partition and the movement might of fizzled off as there was no real #2 in Pakistan politics.


Baba Vickram Aditya Bedi
If India wasn't partitioned, would a civil war have broken out?
The study of this subject has substantially changed in the past decade, as documents which were previously classified in the India Office in London, England, have become available for study. The partition of India has been shown to have been a prolonged process initiated by the British Empire to thwart the Indian National Freedom Movement. Beginning in 1905, with the first overt attempt by Lord Curzon and the British Empire to halt the progress of the Indian National Congress from spreading it’s message by partitioning the Subah of Bengal into two parts under the pretext of creating an easier enviornment to govern. But, the Subah of Bengal had been governed as one unit since the time of the Mughal Empire. There had been no sudden change in the environment other than the fact that the Indian Congress had begun talking openly of Independence from the British Empire and questioning the increasing poverty in India. From the perceptive of Lord Curzon who was the Viceroy of India, the situation in India was one which had to be changed so that the Indian Freedom movement could be derailed. Much of the reasoning behind the partition of Bengal was to put emphasis on the fact that Hindu Financiers, Lawyers and other trained professionals were living better than the Eastern part of Bengal which was predominately Muslim. The fact that one of the largest famines in Indian Colonial History had just taken place did not warrant much time or action from Lord Curzon, his main concern was the division of the Indian Freedom Movement.


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