“苦难午餐”:普通的“白人食物”在中国走红 (二)
2023-07-05 后羿A射日 11247
‘Lunch of suffering’: plain ‘white people food’ goes viral in China

“苦难午餐”:普通的“白人食物”在中国走红 (二)

I love a good Chinese meal as much as the next person, but as I do not have the time to cook my own, I have to rely on restaurants and takeaways to scratch that particular itch.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The issue for me is that my cholesterol levels have been deemed unacceptable by my GP, so now I am forgoing all pre-prepared meals for wholefoods and minimally-processed fare.


Having to cut fatty, sugary and salty foods from my diet was initially a struggle, but after a month of restrictions, I can attest that a simple snack like baby carrots, baby cucumbers and hummus can be both tasty and satisfying.


I'm two months away from a follow-up blood test to see where my cholesterol levels are at. If they are looking good, a once-a month Chinese takeaway will be on the cards.


the woks chinese restos use are at a much higher temp than one can get in their home, which means you cant really duplicate the rapid cooking thats the essence of a lot of chinese food


You definitely can get the same temperatures at home- there’s nothing magic about it. Certainly when cooking with gas.


that's utter bs. a commercial kitchen wok burner typically has between 100,000 and 150,000 BTU. A residential gas hob is typically below 18,000 BTU and even with a stoves with wok ring don't get you near enough to get proper wok hey. You faf around with a wok adapter that funnels the flame around the wok better but you're still compromising.

绝对是胡扯。商用厨房炒锅燃烧器的热量通常在10万至15万英热单位之间。家用燃气灶的温度通常低于18000 英热单位,即使是带锅圈的炉子也无法找到合适的锅气。即便很容易找到能更好地将火焰传递到锅周围的锅适配器,也达不到要求的温度。

TBH it's not that difficult to cook good Chinese-style food at home. Finding a good recipe book or blog and watching a few videos demonstrating technique is a good place to start.
Don't try diving in at the deep end though.
I find the most time-consuming part is the preparation.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Are you suggesting that Chinese people don't cook at home? this is the 'wok hei' myth.


All due respect, I think you might be kidding yourself. Have you seen the burners in a Chinese restaurant kitchen? They make a home gas burner look like a sparkler.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The Western version of Chinese food that the local eateries serve is high in oils, fats, and salt.
Probably why those dishes are popular....


Of course they cook at home. But home to may are tiny apartments with fairly rudimentary kitchens with no ovens and usually a two burner cook top (plus the ubiquitous rice cooker) so that does limit what can be cooked there.


Many pre-prepped things are bought from local shops - roast meats like duck or pork are bought from the specialist shop and added to rice at home. And many will head out to a local restaurant for good stir fried food as the "wok hey" is every important and that needs a lot of heat.


There are many things I would criticise China on, but one thing I wouldn't is food. The approach to food, and enjoying food, is far greater than most of the English speaking (where a depressingly large number of people take great pride in eating the blandest food possible...). In "Greater" China (so including places with big Chinese populations like Singapore or Taiwan), food is plentiful, varied, healthy, delicious and cheap.


Unfortunately, Chinese food is chronically underappreciated by western elite taste makers, but China remains one of the great world cuisines (in fact, it's more like 10-20 distinct cuisines!).


Don't be fooled by the lackluster quality and unhealthy greasiness of your local Chinese takeout! That food is not really Chinese food, and the owners of those takeaways rarely eat any of the items on their menu. If you get a chance, ask your local Chinese restaurant to either give you "real Chinese food" or ask if you can order from their Chinese language menu (many Chinese restaurants have a separate Chinese menu with different dishes...). Prepare to be amazed!

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Having lived in SEA for more than 7 years I think I'm pretty well placed to chime in on this. There's some great food to be had but no different than elsewhere. The fact is that there are a lot of people (vast majority) that get by on $4 meals which contain no more nutrients than carbs, sodium and a sprinkling of protein and cabbage. The typical SEA version of Chinese food is heavily salted, sugar laden and oily (e.g. char kway teow). In Singapore in particular you struggle to get a healthy affordable meal other than yong tau foo (also bland and these day laden with processed fish/meat).


I don't know where you are - the time you posted suggested Australia, but the Guardian is so global it can be impossible to know.


If you're in or close to an Australian state capital now, you no longer have to just have the "not real Chinese food" you mention. The influx of Chinese students and other Chinese migrants has meant that there's really good food from most parts of China in the city centres and university precincts of most big Australian cities. Even when I first moved here 15 years ago, there was a lot of boring glutinous slop that was dumbed down from proper Chinese food, but now the choice is fantastic.


Well, depends on where you eat, don’t you think? The street markets have a number of… let’s say „special“ cuisines, that you absolutely wouldn’t appreciate, trust me. And restaurants is a different thing, we‘re talking about snacks and lunches for working people. So I would still prefer my cold sandwich or my boring salad over a nice spicy scorpion or a soy toad. Just my (western) opinion.


But unfortunately tis seems normal, everybody makes fun of the different lifestyles of people from other cultures. I bet western instagram is also full of pictures from tourists making fun of Chinese street food.


My local Chinese takeaway is very, very good. And cheap, weirdly. Their salt and pepper squid is to die for...


My wife is Chinese and I eat with her family quite often. All meals are fairly elaborate affairs with many dishes. They call what we eat “western food”. Their food is fantastic, so much better than the bland food I grew up with. I can understand them having a laugh at us.


Yeah. Whatever. But a good bouef burguignon beats an average chow mein any day of the week. Perhaps enough stereotyping for the day???


I reckon your mum must have been a rubbish cook. I didn't eat 'fancy' meals as a kid - plenty of 'meat and two veg', but my meals were anything but bland.

译注:meat and two veg:一荤两素 meat,肉,veg,蔬菜。典型的英国传统家常菜。

Hang on, if this was 'westerners' making fun of Chinese lunches it would be considered racist - why isn't that being called out in this article?


Because China doesn’t have a history of oppressing white peoples ?


Why would it be racist to make fun of lunch? Unless you are dinner - then that would be totally racist... or is it 'mealist'?


Into the 'whites' you can count Turkish food, Italian trattorias, French croissanterie, Spanish or Portuguese fish dishes, Argentinian BBQs, Georgian khachapuri... to name some, reducing all that to the British Cucumber Sandwich is like when in USA think all Latinos are like the Mexican living in Tijuana.


This is all very true. "White people" food is pretty gross. My boyfriend is Chinese and there are some huge cultural differences. Raw vegetables is a no no. Pre-prepared food is also a no no. Same goes for fast food. And of course no meal is complete without a bowl of rice. But there is always a flip side. Gross cold cut sandwiches, bagged carrots, and all the things Chinese people like to poke fun of is countered with all the gross stuff Chinese eat. My boyfriend says he ate rat when he was a kid. Then there are cats, dogs, things no Westerner would eat. And of course, all you need to do is show a copy of David Sedaris' "Chicken Tonails Anyone?" to do a similar smack down. But of course we love to make fun of other people. But keep in mind we are all equals and all have our quirks.


You cannot and should not associate food with race, it doesn’t make sense. You can’t take a culturally diverse race and suggest that bland food eaten by some white people are representative of a collective race. Very bizarre. Dumplings, which are basically flour wrappers with meat in the middle aren’t exactly a massive difference to eating a sandwich - bread ( made from flour) with some meat in between.


Food is cultural and a lot of cultures are lixed to their associated race.
Food can absolutely be racial. All the black people in my family would consider their food a part of their blackness.


To counter: I've also seen some horrific Chinese lunches and snacks. Duck necks, chickens feet fairly normal. KFC used to do a bag of what I thought was popcorn chicken; turns out was fried bones.


This coming from people who routinely eat highly processed instant noodles packed with MSG for lunch at work or school... Having lived in China for years, I'm not surprised by this mistaking of strong flavour for nutritional value, and even less by such cherry picking of aspects of life in the West to make fun or feel superior.


I love it, this is hilarious. They've got a point.


I worked in a culturally diverse school (in Australia) and sandwiches were not common amongst my students or colleagues. One day a young teacher came in with a cheese sandwich and we knew there was something wrong. Turned out his family had gone away and he wasn't cooking much or eating particularly well. Cue daily care packages from other staff.
Sometimes a sandwich is actually a cry for help ><


Yeah, right! I could say the same thing about their food. This is just filled with hypocrisy. I spent a decent portion of my childhood growing up in China, and came across all sorts of Chinese cuisine, some of it quite similar to what's portrayed in the photos. I'm not sure whether someone set this up as a propaganda stint, but it's just not true to reality. It's distasteful, and ironically racist (you don't often hear of white people getting discriminated!). The exceedingly unhealthy amounts of oil, sodium, fats, sugars in Chinese cuisine can make a plain ham and tomato sandwich seem like torture. Not all Chinese cuisine is like that, naturally, it can be healthy, like any other cuisine in the world, hence why the highly offensive and generalising coining "white people food" term remains unknown to me, the term coining all white cultures in general, devoid of cultural differences, because as it hasn't occured to me before, I've just found out that "white people" are all bracketed in the same food category i.e. ham and cheese sandwich with a raw, unpeeled cucumber to munch on.


Geez, headline photo looks exactly like my lunch today. I feel attacked!


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