2023-07-06 遐怪 5430

The Russo-Japanese War is nicknamed World War Zero - it was a clash between two world powers that foreshadowed war on an industrial scale as seen just 10 years later again. Gigantic land battles like the Battle of Mukden showed the true cost in manpower and materiel when modern armies clashed and the naval side of the war showed the strategic importance of modern navies.


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

One of the reasons Japan was able to develop into a strong country in the 30 years since it started modernization was the high literacy rate in Japan during the Edo period. In the 1700s and 1800s, Japan had the highest literacy rate in the world, and both the rural samurai and the urban common people were highly educated. No wonder they understood Western technology so quickly that they became brilliant engineers and workers.


Even in its isolation some Japanese scholars studied Western sciences through contact with Dutch traders for hundreds of years. Called Rangaku, or 'Dutch Learning'. While not widespread until the late 18th century, Japanese had much more extensive knowledge of subjects like chemistry, biology, physics, and engineering than many foreign contemporaries suspected.


When the Portuguese first discovered Japan, they reasoned not to subjugate the country because, as their artwork was so refined, they couldn't be considered heathens. However they did leave guns and Christianity...


​ @onylra6265
Yes Sakamoto Ryoma and his pioneer were struggling to learn from the westerner. at beginning they want to have western medical knowledge then they break the Dymio Rules to go abroad. Japanese went to Europe, Malaya, Dutch East India (Now Indonesia) and United State to learn that the world is not small. Japanese been living under pressure of Samurai System for century and the kasta system really unpleasant to tell. No one talk about the farmer force to be foot soldier when the warlord decide go for War. The beautiful castle in Japan was made by farmer force labor. The samurai keep pressing the lower class and they got no where to go other die working for land lord. I think Japan pay a heavy price to free themselves and 2 atomic bombs was a mark of the end of arrogant and ignorant of themselves.


Generally, sengoku daimyo (feudal lordand) and farmers had an employment relationship, and farmers who participated in wars or built castles were paid. Then, after Oda Nobunaga appeared, each feudal lord established a permanent army and farmers were able to concentrate on agriculture. Rather, the farmers volunteered to participate in the war for the spoils possessed by the fallen samurai. At the Battle of Sekigahara, the biggest war in Japan, many farmers watched the war from the hills near the battlefield with lunch boxes and stole the spoils from samurai who died after the battle ended. Also, from the 1600s, Japan became a peaceful society, and farmers were rarely involved in war or castle construction.
The misconception that foreigners like you tend to have is that the samurai class, as the overwhelming rulers, used to enslave and utterly suppress farmers, artisans and merchants. During the Edo period, commerce developed, and some rather wealthy merchant classes lived better than many samurai class people, while ordinary people in urban areas enjoyed popular culture. The common people enjoyed sushi, soba, ukiyoe, sumo and gardening.
Japan in the feudal era had the same system as other countries in the world, and it was not particularly ignorant or arrogant. It is totally inappropriate and ridiculous for you to refer to a war of aggression and two atomic bombs in the early 1900s while referring to long feudal Japan.


While European Colonizers such as Britain and Russia have already Colonized half of Asia, stretching from Australia/New Zealand, to Siberia/Far-East, all in the Asia-Pacific region; Native Asians themselves are fighting for a few tiny islands left out there in the South China Sea. Obviously something is not right here.
As a matter of fact, here in Singapore, a tiny island with 6 million souls lives like sardines in a can, whereas in nearby vast bountiful Australia which is ten thousand times 10,000 bigger with a mere 27 million inhabitants.
Similar situation in tiny and packed Japan, which is running out of space and land. Do you know that their living room and bedroom are the same place, and that most Japanese people sleep in their living room?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Another reason is that Japan had own mathematics and science.


She was also an imperialist power. We tend to ignore how imperialism siphons surpluses from its peripheries to the mother country. Often, we naively explain the prosperity of these imperialists countries in terms of their economics ingenuity.


Oh.. Also if you gonna say that people are forced to do work to build castles slavery was abolished officially in Japan around mid 1500s, while yes some type of servitude are still practiced few decades afterwards it is not that different from other country. The official abolishment it self is way quicker than western slavery even! There was also a document discovered on how vassals should conduct themselves in and during a castle construction.


The Japanese have a problem with low fertility. Cities outside of the big metro areas such as Tokyo and Osaka are shrinking. The countryside is full of deserted houses.


Portuguese could never "subjugate" Japan. Like a single clan from that period would slaughter any Portuguese invasion let alone if all clans united.


My grandfather joined this war for the Japanese because at that time it was Manchukuo and the land was dominated by Japan. He crossed the Heilongjiang(Amur River) and was wounded in the battle, when he woke up from the coma he knew he was rescued by a Russian family. He lived with that family for a while and get recovered, although the grandma did not want him to leave he still managed to back to his homeland. It's a pity that I did not have a chance to talk with my grandfather face to face since he left long before I was born. When I was watching this video there was only one thing in mind: My grandfather was there.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

OMG, this is my Grandpa's war. When the Russo-Japan War happened, he was a sailor of the Japanese Navy under Admiral Togo, specialized in decoding the Morse code of the enemy force caught in their transmission. That how he caught up and decoded the Russian Navy ships' communications for movements, and Japanese Navy won in the Battle of Port Arthur. Later he was given honorable medal and gifted a travel around Europe. It was his memorable story long long tome ago, even way before I was born. (I’m one of those Baby Boomers.)


I learnt about the war briefly in history class, but we only really discussed the impact that it had on Russia and how it led to the 1905 revolution. Very interesting to see it explained in such detail.


Japan managing to modernize and become a major world power in such a short amount of time, is truly impressive.
Also the parallels between the attacks on Port Arthur and Pearl Harbor later on, are pretty obvious.


The legal, official declaration of war came after the attack. Intercepting their coded communications does not count as getting an official declaration of war.


More of a significant regional power than a world power


Japanese atrocities, war crimes and massacres are well engraved in the annals of world history! Conservative estimates still are as high 15 million dead victims of Imperial Japan. In Nanking alone, 300,000 were butchered by the Imperial Japanese Army


So, Where is there sources ? lix or something please.


Wish I could upvote Rolf more: Japan was the greatest power in its region, but it was nowhere near a world power, and Japan confusing the two is how it proved completely incapable of holding the territory it took.


Stop crying. Japan and Germany are great nations with rich history and high culture.


Interesting fact: like during WW1, the majority of Russian soldiers were not only conscxts, but conscxted from remote villages that consisted of countless former serfs.
This same demography of its army would lead to rapid politicisation of, not only the soldiers, but of the villages they came from; leading to what some argue as a third Russian Revolution (relating to landowners and agriculture) in 1917


Interesting parallel with Japan's 'sneak attack' on Russia's fleet in the east and Japan's sneak attack on US naval base in Honolulu, Hawaii in western Pacific. Some nations like the stealthy attack when you least expect it.


Great presentation of a rarely discussed or considered war.


The thing I think you’re not addressing in this video is the fact that while Japan wasn’t fully industrialised they did have access to western science for the duration of the Tokugawa Shogunate through two ports Hakodate on Hokkaido, and Dejima just outside Nagasaki where the Dutch traded thus allowing some level of nominal influence for westerners


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