

no no no no matter how many times you show Indians the modernities and good things of China , Indians will still recite the mantra "we have democracy and freedom"
no no no no matter how many times you show Indians the modernities and good things of China , Indians will still recite the mantra "we have democracy and freedom"
China built 70% bullet train in the world just within one decade, that's why ASEAN will have more and faster high speed bullet train than South Asia, today Laos and Indonesia already completed, because they are not populist so they joined Belt&Road
China built 70% bullet train in the world just within one decade, that's why ASEAN will have more and faster high speed bullet train than South Asia, today Laos and Indonesia already completed, because they are not populist so they joined Belt&Road
Every Friday and Saturday night, there is a light show at the Shenzhen Civic Center(市民中心) . Trust me you won't regret going there.
Every Friday and Saturday night, there is a light show at the Shenzhen Civic Center(市民中心) . Trust me you won't regret going there.
All countries are good, no country can be called bad. To tell the truth, I love my country very much. But I also believe that the people of China are very talented. I also want to go to China one day, I want to see their customs...
All countries are good, no country can be called bad. To tell the truth, I love my country very much. But I also believe that the people of China are very talented. I also want to go to China one day, I want to see their customs...
चाईना हमारी सोच से आगे जा रहा है
चाईना हमारी सोच से आगे जा रहा है
Confident Indians say that India is 20 to 30 years behind China. Some people believe that they are 50 to 60 years behind. I want to say that India will never reach the current level of China. India's political system, caste culture, religious ideology, education level, and racial intelligence all determine the upper limit of India. China is beyond India's reach.
Confident Indians say that India is 20 to 30 years behind China. Some people believe that they are 50 to 60 years behind. I want to say that India will never reach the current level of China. India's political system, caste culture, religious ideology, education level, and racial intelligence all determine the upper limit of India. China is beyond India's reach.
Just came back from watching a news and situation of flooding in the capital city delhi. I can now confirm that china is 100 years ahead of india.
Just came back from watching a news and situation of flooding in the capital city delhi. I can now confirm that china is 100 years ahead of india.
India and China are two countries who are neighbours, but divided by a big wall (Himalayas) and hence people of both countries don't know much about each other. I don't think there are any other neighbouring countries like this. The wall prevented movement of people between the two countries historically, unlike other neighbours.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
India and China are two countries who are neighbours, but divided by a big wall (Himalayas) and hence people of both countries don't know much about each other. I don't think there are any other neighbouring countries like this. The wall prevented movement of people between the two countries historically, unlike other neighbours.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
इंडिया कभी चीन से आगे नही निकल सकता अरे आगे छोड़ो चीन की बराबरी भी नही कर सकता ।
इंडिया कभी चीन से आगे नही निकल सकता अरे आगे छोड़ो चीन की बराबरी भी नही कर सकता ।
looks like a spaceship station
looks like a spaceship station
you are right bro...china is really amazing
you are right bro...china is really amazing
इंडिया में होता तो सारे लोग पान गुटखा खाकर प्लेटफार्म पर थूक देते हैं
इंडिया में होता तो सारे लोग पान गुटखा खाकर प्लेटफार्म पर थूक देते हैं
Major comments I read are, china is 30/50/100/200 years ahead of us, china has gone far ahead of us we need to catch up. But no one comments or discuss about what our strengths are, how to build from where we are and the technical possibilities and constraints around it and the mitigation, what we as citizens have to do to achieve the goals etc. I dont understand what that catch up is without these thoughtprocesses. Looks like most of them wants government to spoon feed them.
Major comments I read are, china is 30/50/100/200 years ahead of us, china has gone far ahead of us we need to catch up. But no one comments or discuss about what our strengths are, how to build from where we are and the technical possibilities and constraints around it and the mitigation, what we as citizens have to do to achieve the goals etc. I dont understand what that catch up is without these thoughtprocesses. Looks like most of them wants government to spoon feed them.
maybe, maybe in 4023 things will be same here too
maybe, maybe in 4023 things will be same here too
एक बार हम को स्विट्जरलैंड और नॉर्थ कोरिया भी दिखाओ कैसा है वहां का नजारा और लोग
एक बार हम को स्विट्जरलैंड और नॉर्थ कोरिया भी दिखाओ कैसा है वहां का नजारा और लोग
चाइना, वास्तव में बहुत आगे प्रगति कर चुका है ,कुछ दिन के बाद अमेरिका और रूस भी चीन से विकास के मामले में पीछे छूट जायेंगे
चाइना, वास्तव में बहुत आगे प्रगति कर चुका है ,कुछ दिन के बाद अमेरिका और रूस भी चीन से विकास के मामले में पीछे छूट जायेंगे
You said there are no big buildings in Guangzhou? You didn't go downtown to see it. . The urban area of Guangzhou is famous even in the whole of China. In terms of tall buildings, even the urban area of Shenzhen may not be more beautiful than Guangzhou. It is no problem that the night scene can be ranked among the top three in China. .
You said there are no big buildings in Guangzhou? You didn't go downtown to see it. . The urban area of Guangzhou is famous even in the whole of China. In terms of tall buildings, even the urban area of Shenzhen may not be more beautiful than Guangzhou. It is no problem that the night scene can be ranked among the top three in China. .
Welcome to Shenzhen, but the weather in Shenzhen is too hot recently. I went back to my hometown to escape the heat. The highest temperature here today is about 22 degrees Celsius
Welcome to Shenzhen, but the weather in Shenzhen is too hot recently. I went back to my hometown to escape the heat. The highest temperature here today is about 22 degrees Celsius
Wow china no1 development
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Wow china no1 development
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
A bit of correction here, Guangzhou has the 6th most skyscrapers in the world.
Hong Kong // 546 skyscrapers
Shenzhen // 351 skyscrapers
New York City // 303 skyscrapers
Dubai //241 Skyscrapers
Shanghai // 180 skyscrapers
Guangzhou// 175 skyscapers
Tokyo // 167 skyscrapers
Kuala Lumpur // 153 skyscrapers
Chongqing//140 skyscrapers
Chicago //134 skyscrapers
香港// 546座摩天大楼
深圳// 351座摩天大楼
纽约// 303座摩天大楼
上海// 180座摩天大楼
广州// 175座摩天大楼
东京// 167座摩天大楼
吉隆坡 // 153 摩天大楼
A bit of correction here, Guangzhou has the 6th most skyscrapers in the world.
Hong Kong // 546 skyscrapers
Shenzhen // 351 skyscrapers
New York City // 303 skyscrapers
Dubai //241 Skyscrapers
Shanghai // 180 skyscrapers
Guangzhou// 175 skyscapers
Tokyo // 167 skyscrapers
Kuala Lumpur // 153 skyscrapers
Chongqing//140 skyscrapers
Chicago //134 skyscrapers
香港// 546座摩天大楼
深圳// 351座摩天大楼
纽约// 303座摩天大楼
上海// 180座摩天大楼
广州// 175座摩天大楼
东京// 167座摩天大楼
吉隆坡 // 153 摩天大楼
Truth: the freedom to sleep on the street and beg is the ultimate freedom of Indians
Truth: the freedom to sleep on the street and beg is the ultimate freedom of Indians
Freedom of birth has made India the No. 1 superpower in terms of population
Freedom of birth has made India the No. 1 superpower in terms of population
In terms of infrastructure, technology and convenience, China is way ahead of Western countries including US. Respect from Canada
In terms of infrastructure, technology and convenience, China is way ahead of Western countries including US. Respect from Canada
Guangzhou is the capital of Guangdong Province, and the GDP of Guangdong Province is higher than that of South Korea.
Guangzhou is the capital of Guangdong Province, and the GDP of Guangdong Province is higher than that of South Korea.
Countries that lead the world in 44 critical technology sectors:1. China = 372. USA=73. UK=04. Germany =05. Japan=0*In fields like defence, space, robotics, energy, the environment, biotechnology, artificial intelligence (Al), advanced materials and key quantum technology areasSource: Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI)**India leads the world in the field of cow husbandry, which is neither a technology nor critical
在44个关键技术领域领先世界的国家:1. 中国= 37 2. 美国=7 3.英国= 0 4. 德国= 0 5. 日本= 0
Countries that lead the world in 44 critical technology sectors:1. China = 372. USA=73. UK=04. Germany =05. Japan=0*In fields like defence, space, robotics, energy, the environment, biotechnology, artificial intelligence (Al), advanced materials and key quantum technology areasSource: Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI)**India leads the world in the field of cow husbandry, which is neither a technology nor critical
在44个关键技术领域领先世界的国家:1. 中国= 37 2. 美国=7 3.英国= 0 4. 德国= 0 5. 日本= 0
People here are busy fighting on religious grounds nobody is bothered about real issues of development and erasing poverty
People here are busy fighting on religious grounds nobody is bothered about real issues of development and erasing poverty
Indian democracy and your body odor, are the World's treasure
Indian democracy and your body odor, are the World's treasure
WOw China is so developed
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
WOw China is so developed
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I wish Indians can push their Govt in working together with China to developing both countries' economy and social advancement and not endorsing India media's baseless anti-china rhetorics.Best way to know the reality of anything is to acquire first hand information.
I wish Indians can push their Govt in working together with China to developing both countries' economy and social advancement and not endorsing India media's baseless anti-china rhetorics.Best way to know the reality of anything is to acquire first hand information.
looks like a spaceship station
looks like a spaceship station
Indian railways station will also become just like china after 4-5 years indian govt is focusing on improvement of railway in india
Indian railways station will also become just like china after 4-5 years indian govt is focusing on improvement of railway in india
Looks like indian people that travel and know the real news are smart indeed hats off to those 10% indians who realize what the real world is and not simply get brainwashed by news and political idols alike.
Looks like indian people that travel and know the real news are smart indeed hats off to those 10% indians who realize what the real world is and not simply get brainwashed by news and political idols alike.
very high tech technology las railway network in China bullettrain journey is nice china country in uase advance technology in all transport system
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
very high tech technology las railway network in China bullettrain journey is nice china country in uase advance technology in all transport system
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
do not worry about people who get offended - they are jealous , that is why Western and Indian media always portrays negative about china instead of learning from them. Indians think from 2014 India became a superpower by learning things from whats app University and godi media. reality is something else.
do not worry about people who get offended - they are jealous , that is why Western and Indian media always portrays negative about china instead of learning from them. Indians think from 2014 India became a superpower by learning things from whats app University and godi media. reality is something else.
I wish all indians should focus on development rather than..religion based politics
I wish all indians should focus on development rather than..religion based politics
People who say that there is no democracy and freedom in China is sad, the life of the Chinese people is very wonderful, don''t indulge in the American dream
People who say that there is no democracy and freedom in China is sad, the life of the Chinese people is very wonderful, don''t indulge in the American dream
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