2023-07-25 xky 4507

Do affluent people really eat better than people that are poor?


Jay Bazzinotti
I will never forget this and I remember it like it was yesterday.
It was 1981 and I was a starving college student, literally starving. I had just gotten on food stamps and was still buying Pilchard, a disgusting tuna substitute that was much cheaper than tuna. I lived on unbranded peanut butter and saltines many days. In those days you could even get generic corn flakes.
I had a friend who was rich, drove a 280Z to school every day, yada, yada, yada. Invited me to dinner with his folks one day. A free meal!!! I was good to go. It turns out they weren’t expecting me, his mom and dad were sitting in their cluttered kitchen with dirty pots and pans on the stove, steam coming off them, but they invited me to sit with them and eat catch-as-catch-can with them.
I put the fork in my mouth. My head nearly exploded.
It was the most incredible thing I could ever remember eating and this was their “average” dinner together. I couldn’t even imagine what their “real” meals were like. The mother loaded me up with leftovers. They gave me a bottle of Welch’s White Grape Juice. I had never in my life had anything like Welch’s White Grape Juice. It cost almost 5 dollars for a small bottle in 1981. In 1981, 5 dollars was almost my entire weekly food budget. Welch’s White Grape Juice might as well have been gold because I could never afford it on the best day of my life. Nowadays it’s nothing special but back then I was staggered by it.
So yes, compared to poor people, the quality and preparation of food by rich people is not just on another planet, it’s in another galaxy.

我有一个朋友很有钱,每天开着280Z 来上学,诸如此类。有一天,他邀请我和他的家人一起共进晚餐。一顿免费的饭!!!我非常高兴可以去。

Franjo Zezelj
I was raised in the south of Europe, there is always a great importance for food, but I noticed that as my standard grew, I spent more than twice as much on food. Same foods, same quantities, just better quality. I’m not a snob, but expensive cheese, wine and prosciutto are much tastier than cheap ones


Absolutely. I am poor right now and the thing I miss most about not being poor is quality food. So much more enjoyable and healthier, too.


Franjo Zezelj
I hope you manage to solve the problems and get out of poverty! I wish you success from the bottom of my heart! good luck!


Trinh Nguyen
Me too but eating well is the last thing on my mind now. I just want something healthy to eat then I am happy. I grew up in poverty so hope to change it soon. I need to get out of poverty and bring a pauper first before thinking about what to eat. But luckily I learned how to eat decently well for less money. Cooking at home is always best. It is healthier and you save lots of money. You can eat well with less money if you can cook yourself.


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Steve Bloxham
The food rule:
… poor = quantity
… middle = value
… upper = presentation


Victoria Blocker
That is us: Value. My husband is a retired board certified medical doctor, and OB/gyn physician surgeon with a solo private practice. He retired in 2014 at age sixty-six. I am four years younger than my husband, college educated, and better off financially than my husband is. We have separate finances. We both have our separate legal affair in order as well. Neither one of us has any debt of any kind. We live in my small home, have a very simple life, go daily to the gym, watch our diet carefully. We drive only one car a Honda. I prefer to cook myself. I don't like eating out. I do not trust their hygiene standards. A couple times a week we stop at Walmart on our way from the gym to get our groceries. We are daily at the gym from 5 to 7 a.m. We decline social diners we get invited. We prefer to live with humility in our private cocoon.


Ross Griego
One of the greatest and simplest things my mom does is cook at home. I prefer to stay home and enjoy the richness of her cooking rather than go to a restaurant. Her husband died of dementia, so I moved in with her and she decided to move in her grandson. He is autistic. One of the greatest joys of my life! We are not rich, nor are we poor, but we live a very simple humble life. I appreciate your comments!
Enjoy Life!


Chigama Chigama
“Better off financially than my husband” is such a weird thing for me to read. Not knocking your lifestyle; to each their own, but my wife’s finances are my finances and vise-versa. Whatever happens to her financially happens to me just as well.
May I inquire as to why you keep your finances separate? Is it in preparation for possible separation, or…?


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Victoria Blocker
I came into this marriage with my very own seven figure financial assets, and other investments. As well as with my very own free and clear home and car. Why would I want to mix finances? . Neither one of us is poor. I have my own financial planner/advisor, estate planning attorney, trust , CPA . I file taxes separately that of my husband. I have zero debt of any kind. A credit score of over 810. We live in my small, minimalist, uncluttered, clean home. I paid $239.000 cash for it in 2006. We both contribute to everything concerning our household. It's the right thing to do. I too pay bills here at home. I also requested a prenuptial agreement so that our assets are entirely separate. My husband totally agreed to having my financial assets protected. He is an ethical person. At the time, he was practicing medicine, as an OB/gyn physician surgeon in a solo practice. Even though he had insurance, I still wanted to protect my financial assets. My estate planning attorney advised me as well to do so. The only way to ensure a piece of mind is to be legally protected. This is our second marriage. Different circumstances that of first marriages of most people. I prefer to having total control of my finances. It's a smart thing to do to avoid problems. Most people are reluctant to seek and attorney and get things in order. Then, there are problems that costs your children money, time, disappointment etc. My husband's two adult children, and my only adult daughter are all very busy professionals raising their own families. We don't want to burden them with legal problems if we mix our finances. We are very functional people and proactive with our life. We are a successful marriage because we think alike. We both are frugal. We live with humility and without an ego. You cannot create weath by spending the money you haven't earned. I cook at home. Buy our groceries at Walmart. We clean our home ourselves. We cut our own hair. We don't go on those silly cruises, or expensive vacations. We stay away from restaurants because they are too expensive. Life is about the choices YOU make. We don't drive luxury cars. We only have one car, since we are retired. My husband sold his Kia Sportage when he retired in 2014. My car is a Honda CR-V. I could buy a luxury car, but that would be stupid, wouldn't it?


Jason Kay
This sounds miserable. My former brother-in-laws father recently died. He lived in a tiny junk house and drove the same vehicle for many years. He ALWAYS saved money.
My brother-in-law inherited the bulk of his assets. Brother in laws new wife is currently in a cash spending frenzy.
The dead guy could have lived much better but he wasted the opportunity for …nothing! His money is truly being wasted now.
What are you are planning ahead for? You are actually short sighted. You can't take it with you.
“We live with humility and without an ego. You cannot create weath by spending the money you haven't earned.”
You live with humility?
Humility- a modest or low view of one's own importance.
Honestly, much of your comment sounds like a brag.
In your next breath you talk about creating “wealth”. That's not humility. It sounds like greed.
You guys aren't at the “creating wealth” stage of life. Surely you know that. How much is enough?
I'm not saying to waste your money, but it's not excessive to live well, enjoy life, eat good food and go on nice vacations. It sounds like you are obsessed with the accumulation on money.
6 Unhealthy Signs That You’re Obsessed with Money
If you don’t stop it, it can ruin your life.


Steve Bloxham
When you are really poor. Tortillas and peanut butter. Rice and beans. Great nutrition. Just gotta add a couple eggs a week for complete amino acids. Protein minerals vitamins fiber.


Mary Janack
I remember being a poor student, but not as poor as some. However, as a mature student who’d learned budget cooking when I had poor paying jobs, I taught many students to cook delicious, nutritious cheap and healthy food. Excellent dals, spiced chickpeas, hummus, fried rices and yes, add the odd egg for protein. Get a Ninja Foodi or Insta pot and you can pressure cook the cheapest cuts of meat for soups, stews, ragus.

美味的豆角、五香鹰嘴豆、鹰嘴豆泥、炒饭,当然,还可以加一个鸡蛋来补充蛋白质。买一个Ninja Foodi 或压力锅,你可以用压力烹饪最便宜的肉块来做汤、炖菜和肉块。

Peter Gillon
Many people never learn to cook, so they don’t know how to eat well on a low budget, You have taught them skills for life.


Trinh Nguyen
Yup and my late mom taught me that but sadly spoiled her sons so her sons can not cook a decent meal even if their life depended on it.


Chris McKinney
We have found that increasing quality is actually cheaper as the months tick by. By sourcing more meat and veggies locally, we are able to shop higher quality at the same budget.


Therese Darmody
Yup, and it’s certainly true that wealthier people have more options than poor people.


Megan Ecrivaine
Since I started eating a diet of mostly veggies with some fruits (no snacks) my family has been saving lots of money at the grocery store. We also waste less.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Gail Ellis
That is interesting. We, 2 vegetarians for over 20 years, do not find ourselves saving that much in comparison to non vegetarian friends. Quality veggies and fruits are costly. Apples, oranges, strawberries, grapes and nuts are our primary dessert/snack items. If you get decent ones, they are far, far from cheap. When we buy organic, the cost is even higher. Especially when they cannot be bought in bulk (except nuts, beans and rice) because the veggies and fruits wont keep. This means we must include more frequent trips to the store for shopping. We continue to eat this way because we can afford it and absolutely have seen, when combined with decent levels of physical activity, many positive physical and mental health benefits. Good on you though. Changing to healthier eating habits is always a worthwhile step to be applauded!


Gail Ellis
As a vegetarian, this is no longer the case. Vegetables and fruit have risen in costs along with everything else. When one orange is 2.50 at Luckys, not much less at the Farmers Market, it is still cheaper to get a large bag of chips for kids snacks rather than spend 10 bucks on four oranges or grapes. A poor person does not have the option to price shop and go to different markets. Often a car, insurance and gas are not within their financial reach. Truly poor people are limited to what is available closest to home, sometimes limited to where you can walk to and what you can carry. The quality and prices at inner city groceries do not reflect the quality or variety available.
Putting together a healthy, nutritious plant based or plant heavy diet is not simple or cheap. Additionally, more veggies and fruits in the diet, the more often one must be able to get out and shop! Fresh food is just that, it does not keep. There are indeed, reasons the poor resort to often overpriced, poor quality, less nutritious foods.
I think many here simply do not really understand what it means to be poor. The challenges the poor struggle with including transportation, lack of decent groceries near by, the high prices by unscrupulous owners of local small groceries, even the power to preserve and prepare food (the truly poor can not always pay utility bills) are daily stressors that impact choices. We are most fortunate to have our viewpoint, but these are based on our own experiences or reading or films, for the most part. Unfortunately, it is quite different from understanding what those who are truly poor are up against. Hence, we say things like,”they have no reason not to buy carrots, peas, onions”, etc. Which, btw, most poor people likely do buy.
The struggle for the poor, a legitimate one, is how to eat healthy (or at all), yet manage every aspect of your life, every day, on a poverty level budget. We are looking at only one aspect, diet. That is a problem. Being poor sucks big time! Poor people simply do not have the options ! We need to acknowledge that fact.


Gail Ellis
When poor people are fortunate enough to join the more financially stable, they, generally, tend to eat better. I dont think it is so much that poor people simply make bad food choices. It is the reality of poverty that limits those choices. Whether well intentioned or not, some of the comments made here, lead me to conclude that some have a serious misunderstanding about the reality of the poor in the US.


Therese Darmody
Nope, I don’t insult strangers, not or purpose anyway, and admit I don’t know everyone’s circumstances. I grew up in a blue collar family, and carrots, onions, potatoes, and peas were often the only produce in the house because they were cheap. In the fall, we’d sometimes go to an apple orchard and buy a pick your own bushel. We didn’t have the healthiest diet (or the unhealthiest), just whatever my parents could afford.


Irena Weygold
That is so much bull! Put a big price on something and people will assume it is better. A pork roast is the same no matter what the price, it all comes from the same pig. People will charge whatever the market will bear. And stupid people pay it.


Stephanie Skinner
Honestly, that is not true. If you’re purely focusing on roast pig, breed, feed, and processing are a huge divider. Cheap pork (like cheap chicken) is allowed to be some percentage water for industrial farmers… which if you think about it reduces both the taste and the actual value.
This is true across the board for all kinds of products. For instance…buying pregrated cheap cheese and wonder why it barely melts then gets flavorless and greasy? Because industrial producers are allowed to treat it with cellulose (yeah, that’s right, sawdust) to prevent moisture, increase shelf life, and pad the poundage. You know what’s cheaper? Buy a block of decent cheese and grate it yourself. REAL cheese is a protein and if kept in the fridge will last for a month or more (I’m talking about hard cheese here). So….Make America Grate Again!


Harry Simon
100 percent right. There is a world of difference in beef steak from a Walmart to a grocery with a meat department and even better my local butcher shop. Grass fed vs. grainfed. Factory farm. Fortunately, we're now in a position to buy a little better groceries.


Peter Gillon
You are right. The food industry has fooled people


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