2023-07-26 辽阔天空 2225

How do you handle relatives who are at each others throats and you dearly love them?


Patty Hearst
This question is very difficult because it is unclear what all the fighting is about. There are just some conflicts you cannot help resolve, and family conflicts often fall into this category. Also, how you handle conflict as a third-party or as someone outside of the conflict will have a direct impact on the conflict. Also, you haven’t said which family members are at odds. When it comes to siblings and their rivalries, you may as well be dealing with Israel and Palestine. When it comes to parents, then you may as well be dealing with the USSR and the USA during the Cold War. You could call a “family conference” and see if you can get the warring factions to sit down, air their grievances, and sort them out enough to at least get to detente. However, if you’re in a family like many families that experience serious conflicts and disconnection, the fighting may simply be battles that have festered and grown over the years and that were never addressed and resolved when they first began. Unfortunately, conflict is easy, while peace is often nigh impossible. You could simply choose to ignore the conflicts, make no negative comments about anyone involved, spend time with your family members separately, and encourage each person to sit down and talk to each other.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Also, never make any negative comments to anyone in the family about anyone else in the family and absolutely, positively never make any statements that suggest everyone is wrong or that everyone has done something wrong. Listen (as much as you can) to what each person says about the other and try to get at the root of what may be the problem. If your sister says, “our brother hates me” don’t argue with her and say he doesn’t or say anything to the effect of “why can’t you two just get along?” or “why do you two have to live this way?” Obviously, if they could get along they would. Ask her to tell you specifically what he may have said or done that makes her believe what she believes and then really listen to her response. You want to be supportive of each person and encourage the genuine sharing of feelings in order to understand the conflict. Sometimes understanding a conflict as an outsider is much more important than actually resolving it because then you may be able to share your insights in a way that helps each person come to his or her own resolution. Then again, depending on the people involved, you may just want to say nothing at all and hope for the best. The last thing you want to do is inadvertently start your own family conflict because of something you said that gets taken out of context or misinterpreted! Oye! Good Luck.

此外,永远不要对家里的任何人说任何关于家里其他人的负面评论,绝对不要说任何暗示大家都错了或者大家都做错了之类的言论。(尽可能多地)倾听每个人对对方的评价,并试图找出问题的根源。如果你姐姐说“我们的哥哥恨我”,不要和她争论,说他没有恨你,或者说“你们俩为什么不能好好相处?”或者“你们两个为什么要这样生活?””显然,如果他们能相处,他们会的。让她具体告诉你他可能说过什么或做了什么,让她相信自己的想法,然后认真倾听她的回答。你要支持每一个人,鼓励他们真诚地分享自己的感受,这样才能理解冲突。有时,作为局外人理解冲突比实际解决冲突重要得多,因为这样你就可以分享你的见解,帮助每个人找到自己的解决方案。再说一遍,根据相关人员的不同,你可能什么都不想说,希望一切都好。你最不想做的就是因为你说的话被断章取义或被误解而无意中引发家庭冲突!哦 !祝你好运。

Rama G
How do you manage your relatives?
I have my own style.
My Fil was a very very very sweet person. Can not say ‘no' to anyone. So for many people he gave financial surety signatures and finally ended up paying.
After our marriage my MGM lion ( mil) warned me and gave all the powers to stop my husband if he continues his dad's legacy.
my Fil had one more habit. Who ever comes to Bangalore he will give them our address. But they come and stay in our house for days together.
We were financially having some tough period that time. We were Young, naive, we don't know eachother well since it's arranged marriage, single bedroom flat, adding to that these herds of relatives. I didn't know much cooking. No maid help. Just married. May be for some twenty days we were free after our marriage. That's it.
Half of them never saw us before.
After one month when we told this to my mil she became furious. Gave full freedom to me to chase them unless they are our immediate family members or maternal or paternal close relatives which we know for years.
The luck is there were no cellphones, no landline. So they used to come only with one address slip.

我的菲尔(Fil )是一个非常非常善良的人。不能对任何人说“不”。因此,对于许多人来说,他做了财务担保签字,最终还是付出了代价。
我们结婚后,我的MGM lion(婆婆)警告我,如果我丈夫继续继承他父亲的“遗产”,我会全权阻止他。

My Fil also felt bad for their behaviour. Explained us he is worried since we are far away from them. He told them to visit us if possible, never told them to stay. But didn't stop giving our address. It's his weakness.
But few relatives are like blood tasted mosquitos. They really needed repellents.
Even when I say my husband is not in station, they won't mind staying saying you are like our daughter'!
It became such an extreme, one couple came and did their daughter's engagement in our house in a small scale. Literally I ended up sleeping in kitchen, my husband in a corner of the hall. Don't ask about my provisions, soaps, and other things. We don't have geyser. So to everyone I have to boil water with electrical coil and got a huge electricity bill. I became their official cook. Maid.
I got fed up and asked my husband's permission to chase them away because all these betallions are from his side. He too got fed up.
I assured except his important people remaining are selfish money saving gang taking advantage of his dad and us. So nothing wrong teaching them a lesson.


1.if morning time anyone comes I will become official servant maid. Tell them ‘ammagau and ayyagaru' ( madam and sir) are not there. I came to finish my work. I will lock the door Infront of them and go faster than them to back side garden of basement.
Few oversmart people still try their best tricks. Say they know us very well. They just stay for two days , I can give key to them!!
I ask will you allow same thing in your house? maid can allow anyone to stay in owner’s house in their absence? This is Bangalore! What's the guarantee you are their relative?
2. I tell my husband to go early to office. Tell him to eat in office canteen. I can stay till 2 o clock without any food. (Fasting till puja is done is quite common in our families)
Till 2 at afternoon my puja continues. I tell them they can go out and have something because I can't make anything , no need to worry about me I will eat some fruits so they can bring if they like.


3. I will make breakfast and tell I too have some work out side and let's have lunch out side. I go with them. Make them pay for some items too. It should be equal to their stay expenses in my house.
Then I praise them , people like them wherever they go, no one feel them like a burden, infact people will be waiting for them! When they will come to our house? When they will come to our house? But many unfortunately won't behave like them. Just want to save their money throwing their expenditure on some others!! When I am sure' Message received ' by them I give them good farewell dinner.
Slowly things came under control.
But nowadays things are much easier. Phones are there. You can create your reasons for unable to show your hospitality. But be truthful to your self . You too may need them one day in future.
The thing is both of you should decide who is allowed, who is not allowed.
You too should not trouble anyone by landing on their heads. Becoming unwanted guests.


In my case
One nasty relative rumoured my husband married his servant maid ( me). I made him leave his first wife!!! He said that when he saw me for the first time beside my husband in a marriage! He straight away asked my husband! My husband was shocked to hear that allegation! That fellow was the one I didn't give key saying I am maid. Haha. Things will boomerang too.
Help genuine relatives who can't afford to stay in hotels but their work is really urgent.
Shoo away parasites. Selfish relatives. ‘
It's my principle.


Melissa Myer
What is it like to be raised by parents who love each other unconditionally?
As a child, it was pretty darned wonderful.
My parents met and married late in life—I wasn’t really supposed to happen, but I did. I was always comforted by the knowledge that my mom and dad married for love and not to replicate their respective genes. They wanted to be with each other unconditionally; there was no Big Life Agenda attached. This had a direct impact on me, because:
They always placed each other, and their marriage, first. It’s not that they didn’t love me, because they did. By placing each other first, I grew up safe and secure in the knowledge that I wouldn’t come from a broken home. Or far worse: that I would one day bear the guilt of having them stay together for my sake. I cannot think of anything worse than that.
They modeled loving behavior. I have fond memories of my parents going out together on Friday nights. My mom all dressed up, her heels tapping across the floor, smelling of Chanel No. 5, and my dad jingling his keys, ready to go.
Because I wasn’t the sole focus of their attention/affection, I became independent at an early age, and knew how to make friends and influence people I didn’t have the separation anxiety that a lot of kids did. It was always easy for me to tell which of my friends’ parents didn’t really love each other, because they were a freakin’ mess.


After I left home and went to university, I didn’t have to worry about them getting divorced like most of my friends’ parents. If they had gotten divorced, I would have had to always worry about their emotional, physical and financial welfare.
Big downside: I grew up thinking that my parents’ happy marriage was normal. It was not normal. They were one of the rare couples who loved each other till death did they part. So I thought that it would be easy-peasy to find a life partner like that.
Oh, how wrong I was!
I didn’t know how to deal with men who treated me disrespectfully or poorly. When they didn’t put our relationship/marriage first, I convinced myself that there was a magic way to turn them around, when that is simply not the case.
I had a very rough go of it in relationships. I almost feel like I had a “relationship disability”.
It took a very long time for me to figure out that although growing up with parents who loved each other was wonderful, I was not owed the same thing. It’s been a hard reality to face.
Great question, by the way!

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

What do I do when my relatives always put me down?
I have some thing to say,
Someone is putting you down for real, you don’t need them.
Someone is putting you down for real, they don’t need you.
Skip them, that’s the best thing you can ever do. We all come from a family where everybody is unique and have different thoughts for life. Some are good and few are greed, which obviously lives upon them and their thoughts.
When you always know what to do or how to do, sometimes the best thing to do is avoiding the badness around you. Just skip it my friend, it’s good for all.
Never degrade yourself because someone has made a thought about you, which isn’t real or not agreeable. If someone isn’t trying to understand your point, they are not respecting your presence.
Think logically, we have grown up believing the goodness in humanity - Which is quite lost or missing in most of them. It’s time to understand reality, rather sticking to the old books of humanity.
Talking about humanity - help the needy. Be good and think good and never underestimate yourself, they have no idea who you really are.


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