2023-07-28 用功 9602

Japan lost its microchip industry in 90s, lost its domestic electronics industry in 2010s and will lose it's car industry in 2020s. This is called bad future planning!


Good comparison regarding what happened in the US in the 1970's. I experienced firsthand the rapid change from low quality American cars to high quality Japanese cars. American car makers insisted that the market would not change. History tells us otherwise. Innovate or die.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The only reason why Nissan started building EV was because it wasn't led by a Japanese CEO at the time. They then kicked out that CEO and proceed to make no improvement to the Nissan Leaf. For 10+ years the Leaf remained an EV with air cooled batteries. Just insane.

日产开始生产电动汽车的唯一原因是,当时该公司的首席执行官不是日本人。然后,他们把这位首席执行官赶了下来,然后对日产聆风(Nissan Leaf)不做任何改进。10多年来,Leaf一直是一款使用风冷电池的电动汽车。简直不可思议。

Worked in factories most of my life. The Toyota Chinese plant went from 19k workers to 18k workers. Unless you are affected, a 5% layoff is not a big deal. That said, I agree the non Chinese auto companies not named Tesla are in trouble in China.


Ignoring EV and making the Supra a bmw z4 while charging 40k for Tacoma is brand suicide. This is the greatest squander since game of thrones s8.

无视电动汽车,把Supra变成宝马z4,同时对Tacoma(塔科马)收费 40,000 美元,这简直是品牌自杀。这是自《权力的游戏》第8季以来最大的挥霍。

Ironically, Mitsubishi was really the first EV producer, and the first to market electric cars in the US, long before Tesla. What they did not have the vision for, was making their EV's fast, sporty and sexy. Which is understandable. But once Tesla showed the way, what held Mitsubishi back from using their years of lead in EV technology to try and be more competitive, and have models more appealing? They just sat on their hands and watched Tesla grow and grow, while doing absolutely nothing about it.


Turns out its easy to build a few poor EV's but hard to make large quantities of good EV's.


Good work Sam, so well you report the facts, I hate to see the Japanese struggle, they have done so well with ice. Jim


I guess announcing a new potential wonder battery isn't the same as actually putting it on the road.


Toyota has been warned time after time the last 5 years,now their denial is finally catching up with them.

在过去的 5 年里,丰田公司一次又一次地受到警告,现在他们终于意识到了。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Here in France the BZ4X (513 km) starts at 55k€, whilst the Tesla m3 long range (620km WLTP) sells for 40k€.


Failing is one thing. Toyota is lying through their teeth.


Thanks, Sam, you are even ahead of STMP talking about Toyota's spectacular self destruction... it's like watching a 2 mile long train wreck itself! Japanese culture has produced some incredible engineers and products over the past century - from the mighty Yamato battleship & carrier air fleets in WW II to Honda, Toyota, Sony, and other companies producing world beating cars and electronics, but as you point out, their deference to leaders culture is getting them disrupted in a crisis way, exactly as they disrupted American automakers in the 1970s and '80s... but Japan is way more dependent on their auto industry than America was even in the :70s

谢谢,山姆,你甚至比STMP更早地谈论丰田壮观的自我毁灭…就像在看一列两英里长的火车失事一样! 在过去的一个世纪里,日本文化产生了一些令人难以置信的工程师和产品——从二战中强大的大和号战舰和航母机队到本田、丰田、索尼和其他生产世界一流的汽车和电子产品的公司,但正如你所指出的,他们对领导者的顺从文化正以一种危机的方式使他们陷入混乱,就像他们在20世纪70年代和80年代打乱了美国的汽车制造商一样…但日本对汽车工业的依赖程度甚至超过了70年代的美国

Honda, Mitsubishi, Subaru and now Toyota..... You can ALL thank Mr. Toyada for his dreadfully short sighted leadership.


"Japanese car industry" is a thing of the past.
"Japanese car industry" will soon be limited to a museum.


Totally OK with me. They have had their time in the sunshine.


UK saying that they're looking at not sticking to the 2030 deadline for no more ICE vehicles due to the costs involved.
Doesn't surprise me at all tbh.
Reality what a concept.


It seems odd to us up in Canada that Toyota is having a problem selling vehicles, yet we can't get our hands on stock. Our dealerships are sitting with pretty much empty lots. Almost all inbound vehicles are already presold. There is a 2 year wait list for a new Tundra! Why can we not get stock if no one else is buying them?

我们加拿大人觉得很奇怪,丰田汽车在销售上出了问题,我们买不到现货。我们的经销商几乎都是空着的。几乎所有的进货都已预售。新款 Tundra 需要等待两年!既然没人买,为什么我们拿不到现货?

Same in Atlantic Canada. For Hyundai and KIA too. Local KIA dealer has 5 vehicles - of any type - for sale. Salespeeps have seen an EV6, but never had one on the lot... What The Frunk?

加拿大大西洋地区也是如此。现代和起亚也是如此。当地的起亚经销商有 5 辆各种类型的汽车在售。销售人员说有EV6,但从来没有现货,什么鬼?

Pretty much this. I had to wait 40 days for a Camry.


Honestly Toyota had such a huge start on EVs w their long history of hybrids (electric motors and batteries, come, talk about a head start!!!) … That I personally don't even feel bad for them.


The problem for all legacy auto is, that evs are relatively simple cars, with 40% leass parts than an ice. Thus, many less experienced manufacturers can make evs, buy buying in batteries.


Thank you for your financial summation of the situation right now.
Another hint is: It's a shame that Chevrolet has stopped selling passenger cars in Sweden, as the new electric cars seem great. Chevrolet Bolt and Equinox Ev. Hope Chevrolet finds a dealer in Sweden.


They missed the boat for phones, and now EVs.


Any company saying they can't produce cars now because of the “parts shortage” is just lying. That is just an excuse now for not progressing.


Nice presentation of verifiable evidence, you.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处



Toyota doesn't want you to have verified evidence of their decline.


I had a Rav4 Hybrid and it was the main reason I got a Tesla. Not because it was bad but because it was good and opened my eyes to the performance of electric motors and low center of gravity for handling.

我有一辆 Rav4 混合动力车,这也是我买特斯拉的主要原因。不是因为它不好,而是因为它很好,让我见识到了电动马达的性能和低重心的良好操控性。

As a consumer, I am not too concerned about what the companies do, as long as it fits my needs(or wants) I will pick what's best for me. Toyota has done well for the last half a century, now it's Tesla and some Chinese brands' turn. Businesses get out-compete. No hard feeling, it's just businezs.


That the Toyota stock could go up within the last half year is completely insane and tells you a lot about stock market.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Strange. A friend of mine just purchased a Toyota Corolla here in Ontario Canada. She's been told it will be approx. three months before her car will be delivered. Why wouldn't they keep producing if there is still demand? Here a Tesla Model 3 is still almost double the cost of a Corolla and there are not many chargers available once you leave densely populated areas.

奇怪。我的一个朋友刚刚在加拿大安大略省买了一辆丰田卡罗拉(Corolla)。她被告知大约是三个月后她的车就会送到。既然还有需求,那他们为什么不继续生产呢?在这里,一辆特斯拉Model 3的价格几乎是一辆卡罗拉的两倍,而且一旦你离开人口稠密的地区,就没有多少充电器可用了。

I've worked in a Japanese corporation that has branches and subsidiaries internationally. Don't think for a second that the bosses there have honesty, integrity, or ethics.


Yup, ruthless bosses


Ruthless, and trapped within their own dogma. I'm always amused at how it messes up a Japanese person when you try to do something differently to how 'it's supposed' to be done.

日本人冷酷无情,受困于自己的教条。当你试图用不同于 "应该 "的方式去做某件事情时,日本人就不知所措了,这一点总是让我感到好笑。

I liked the Subaru model and style. I even seriously wanted one as was going to buy one.
I am in the US and if they actual came down to 20,000.00 , I would have snatched one up.
The range and misrepresented range gave me cause to wait and see.
Then the wheels coming off made me reconsider.
I liked the car when I saw it in person but it was not equal to it's Grandpa. The appeoach and departure angles were sub par. The underbelly ground clearance was not as good and the range was dismissal.
In my area we loved the Subaru peoducts for Winter driving and light offroading.
There was no way in hell the new EV version was going to be able to do what those that came before it could.
They took a promising platform and ruined it.


Israel is a small car market (which might collapse with our unfortunate autocratic theocracy brewing), but here Toyota's sales dropped by 30% in the 1st half of 2023, while pure EVs sales rose by 2,700% in the last 2.5 years to 16% market share. The best selling car this year is for the 1st time ever an EV- BYD Atto 3.

以色列是一个很小的汽车市场(随着我们不幸的神权政体的形成,它可能会崩溃),但丰田在2023年上半年的销量下降了30%,而纯电动汽车的销量在过去2.5年里增长了2700%,达到16%的市场份额。今年最畅销的汽车有史以来第一次是电动汽车——比亚迪Atto 3。

Toyota stock goes up and up and up as it enters the EV death spiral saddled with worlds largest debt.


Norway are so EV happy that on a recent trip I actually saw not one but two BZ4X's in the wild, AND a Solterra! And then that was it, lol. Out of thousands of EVs. I saw more Xpeng and Nio than Toyotas, and I didn't see that many of those either. I even saw a Taycan pulling a caravan!

挪威人对电动汽车非常欢迎,因为在最近的一次旅行中,我居然在野外看到了两辆 BZ4X 和一辆 Solterra!就这样了,哈哈。在成千上万的电动汽车中,我看到的小鹏和蔚来比丰田还多,而且我也没有看到多少丰田。我甚至还看到一辆 Taycan 在拉大篷车!

If I was a Toyota shareholder, I would be really upset with how they pissed away their market lead. Just mind boggling.


Apparently in Germany for the first half of this year electric has outsold diesel for the first time ever, largely due to a drop in diesel and an increase in electric.


The new Prius marketing is hilarious. I've even seen ads disguised as news stories trying to compare it to a model 3 and claiming it is the car to buy. As someone mentioned in these comments, Hybrids are what Sony Trinitron CRT TVs were when flat panel TVs came onto the scene. It's the best version of a soon-to-be obsolete technology that nobody wants because the flat panel was just clearly superior in almost every way.

新普锐斯的营销太搞笑了。我甚至看到过伪装成新闻报道的广告,试图将普锐斯与 Model 3 相提并论,并声称普锐斯是值得购买的汽车。正如有人在评论中提到的,混合动力车就像平板电视出现时的索尼特丽珑CRT电视。它是即将过时技术的最佳版本,但无人问津,因为平板电视几乎在所有方面都明显优于它。

A few years ago Fully Charged put out a video saying that mandating electric cars by 2030 was a waste of time as essentially by then the vast majority of people would be buying EV's. So it came to pass and companies which could not compete did not survive and went the way of Nokia, Xerox and many others.

几年前,Fully Charged频道发布了一段视频,称在 2030 年之前,强制推行电动汽车没有必要,因为到那时绝大多数人都会购买电动汽车。因此,那些无法在竞争中生存的公司将纷纷倒下,走上了诺基亚、施乐和许多其他公司的旧路。

I had a discussion on Twitter with someone who claimed that no EVs can charge when it is cold, so I introduced him to Norway, so he then said Norway doesn't count because the population is so small, so I introduced him to the Pole to Pole people who are driving an EV from the literal North Pole to the South Pole, who replied to him and said they had no issues, so he told them that they were wrong and cars can't charge when it is cold! We gave up at that point.

我曾在推特上与一个人讨论过,他声称电动汽车在寒冷的时候都不能充电,于是我向他介绍了挪威,他又说挪威不算,因为人口太少,于是我又向他介绍了 "极点到极点"(Pole to Pole)的人,他们驾驶电动汽车从字面意义上的北极开到了南极,他们用实际行动告知他没有问题,然而,这个家伙还坚持说,他们错了,电动汽车在寒冷的时候不能充电!我们当时就无语了。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I've looked at the BZ4X when I took my Toyota in for service. The build quality is very nice. The interior is very nice. It falls on its face when you go to charge it and range isn't what they say. I can immediately see why it's a total failure. It was just something that they could say yah we have one of those too. Look else where. You can get a Tesla for that price.

在我的丰田汽车维修时,我看过 BZ4X。它的建造质量非常好,内饰也很不错。但当你去充电时,它就 "栽 "了,因为续航里程并不像他们所说的那样。我一眼就看出它为什么会彻底的失败。他们只是想说,我们也有这样的产品。看看其他汽车吧。你可以用这个价格买到特斯拉。

Toyota has a great cache with autos like Hilux. EVs - None (or even negative). Thanks for the video.

丰田汽车在 Hilux 等车型上拥有良好的口碑。电动汽车 - 没有口碑(甚至是负面的)。感谢您的视频。

The ev age will thin out the weak companies


Question Sam - How much, if any, do you think any anti Japan issues play into Toyota slow sales? I'm asking because I've heard there is some anti Japan issues in China though I personally have no idea if true or to what extent. Thank you for your channel Sam ❤

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Toyota's EV's reputation preceeded it....


This reminds me of when flat screens took over.
By 1999 the old CRT TVs had finally become really good. They could last for a decade without issue and SONY's Trinitron was the best you could buy.
Flat screens came in and at first they were small, expensive, and not that reliable. Then technological advancement happened. Within a decade they were huge, cheap and lasted so long people started to give their old ones away.
Sony was late to the party because they kept trying to letterbox and rework Trinitron, their flagship technology. Sony still hasn't recaptured their market position.
Same thing is happening with Toyota. Toyota internal combustion engines are the best in the world. They have no equal and can last for a decade or two with proper maintenance and even without it.
But they're coming late to the EV movement and that will cost them.


Here in India, only few can afford EVs. The market is very price sensitive. But if you want any ICE car, the waiting period is 2-3 months for gasoline cars, more than 6 months for diesel cars (for the popular ones of course). It's really insane..
EVs cannot be popular here unless they become price competitive.


Thanks for all of your work

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Toyota has such a strong brand name in gas-powered cars, they might do better rebranding their electric car line under a different nameplate, as Volvo has done with Polestar and VW is doing with Xpeng. When I think Toyota, I think gasmobiles, not electric.


Can't be that bad. Used 3 year old ones are selling at new prices in Canada because there is a very long waiting time to get a new one.


It is interesting to see that Toyota could lag behind in innovation.


Places are a lot farther apart in most of America than Europe. It is well beyond the range of EVs for daily commutes in most places. The Prius and other hybrids are the best fit for American long commuters.


How the hell is the car still being advertised in the UK for just under £50k???


In the 70s when japan starting selling cars in the UK a common saying was "Jap Crap" that was until it was realised how good they were and then we all wanted one, the perception of Chinese made goods is already that they are normally of decent quality so i don't see any barriers here for Chinese car manufacturers to crab large market share.


Starting price for BZ4X here in UK is £46100 GBP.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Auto makers probably are still holding out hope for another delay on transition to new emission standard.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Very thorough analysis


I would've thought the other major reason the ice cars aren't selling well in China is because of the registration costs depending on the province. Varying between 10 and $17,000 to register compared to 0 registration cost for an EV ! Big bucks before lunch

我认为,内燃机汽车在中国卖得不好的另一个主要原因是牌照费,这取决于各省的具体情况。与电动汽车的零注册成本相比,内燃机汽车的注册成本在 10 到 17,000 美元之间!购车前要花一大笔钱

If you do not continuously innovate, "Your Strength will become your weakness"


Toyota is losing market share in the U.S. too. And I own 2 Toyotas. My next car will be a Tesla.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

As Mr. Sherlock Holmes once said, "The best laid plans of the mice and Japanese, often go awry. "


I have been driving electric for the last 4 years. However I just moved to Japan. While you can buy an EV here, I am finding that charging it is a big challenge. I plan to live here for a while. So I will have to bite the bullet and purchase a gas vehicle. Due to my line of work, I need something reliable but somewhat efficient. When the charging network improves here I will go ahead and purchase an EV. But was a bit disappointed with the complexities of owning one.


China partners with companies who share their expertise then after china learns what they need they do it themselves.


ChatGPT data is 2 years old, so if it says Toyota is in trouble, it means it was already in trouble 2 years ago and things are likely much worse now.


This is similar to when Samsung pushed Sony over as the Electronics giant. This time Tesla and China pushing Toyota and other cars over.


It was only a few weeks ago that toyota bothered to get a Tesla Model Y in order to learn a few tricks on how to make EV's. Their coclusion was thatit was, 'Engineering Genius'. This underlines just how apathetic and slow Toyota have been to take notice and turn to face the winds of change.

就在几周前,丰田为了学习制造电动汽车的一些技巧,还特意买了一辆特斯拉Model Y。他们的结论是,这是一个 "天才工程"。这凸显了丰田公司在面对变革之风时是多么的冷漠和迟缓。

If the Japanese car makers continue to hold strongly together, probably will sink down together.


No worries, Japan still has its anime industry :)


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

很赞 2