2023-07-29 汤沐之邑 3249
Is Trump really bad for America?


Roland Temmerman
Will America survive Trump?
God what a scary, depressing question, yet, I can answer that for you.
The answer is NO. His latest move on abandoning our ally the Kurds is just more proof of that. America has no allies anymore. Trump made that painfully obvious. He desperately likes to appease dictators and craves to be one himself. Here’s why.
That bellowing you hear from the Oval Office may sound like the rantings of a kooky slowcoach accidental president of limited cognitive abilities. You could ascribe it to his obsessions and twitching, reflexive rages over even the slightest correction or disagreement as an act. We could blame it all on mental illness, creeping dementia, tertiary syphilis, scurvy, and cancer occupies his wee noggin, but it’s so much more, and it’s so much worse.
Trump has entered the eccentric dictator phase of his presidency.


From Stalin to Mao to Mugabe to Pol Pot to Saddam to Trump’s sleepover bestie Kim Jong Un, Donald’s defining emotion is not contempt, but envy. These men enjoyed the life of power, wealth, control and freedom from accountability that fills Trump’s political spank bank.
The Dear Leader is never wrong. Even when admitting an error would be politically or personally smart, the Dear Leader can never admit it.
The Trump MAGA cult has repeatedly demonstrated that no matter how ludicrously overdrawn Trump’s lies are, they believe him. They’re the vanguard of post-truth America, so it’s no wonder a large number of them believe in absurd conspiracy fantasies like QAnon.
Facts are what he says they are. Minister of Propaganda Kellyanne Conway kicked off the administration’s post-truth stance in the earliest days, giving us a presidency based on “alternative facts.”
Trump’s political allies know better, but as in every place where authoritarian madmen rule, they want to keep their jobs and their heads. Sure, their parliaments, Congresses, and courts are mere puppet shows, but to keep their positions, they’ll nod and clap like trained seals whenever the Sun Who Rises From The Tanning Bed To Illume Our Woeful Lives speaks.
Republicans learned a key lesson for today from Saddam Hussein’s reign in Iraq: Don't be the first guy to stop clapping when the Dear Leader speaks. Watch your back, because snitches are all around you.
Laws? Elections? In the Dear Leader universe, these are mere echoes of the weak, corrupt past. The laws are for the little people, and the fake news media. Ditto with elections. Trump’s joking references to a third term are growing in number and intensity, and thinking, “I bet I could get away with it.” The 2020 efforts to kill off the Republican primary to clear the field for Trump are a preview. I mean, why bother with elections when there’s so much winning going on?

事实就是他所说的事实。宣传部长凯莉安·康威(Kellyanne Conway)最初开启了特朗普政府的后真相立场,给我们一个基于"另类事实"的总统职位。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Celia Milton
Was Donald Trump an awful businessman?
Yes. He abused his contractors, he screwed his employees and he hired undocumented aliens and paid them less money that is legal.
He bankrupted casinos, which is really, really, hard to do. He created a bogus “university” which didn’t even qualify to be called that (it’s a real thing….), he cheated his students, he made shitty wine and shitty steaks and horrible clothes. In China.


Richard Ardent
Why is Trump not good for America?
I don’t have the time or patience to attempt to describe his laundry list of atrocities against this country and its people, and there is no way I could come close to being comprehensive, so I will mention just one thing, something that might be the core of all the other abominations:
He has worked (and continues to work) tirelessly at exacerbating the division and partisanship that already plagued this country. One small example: he uses words at his rallies like “us” and “we”, meaning us vs them. He denigrates over half the country on an almost daily basis. He is looking to create hostility amongst us. He has convinced nearly everyone in America that the other party is a them. This is diametrically opposed to what everything the founding fathers believed and anyone truly patriotic living now believes. I honestly believe it gives him joy thinking about how some people have lost good friends and family members over this division. Trump is a cruel and bitter man.
How can America be great when your sole mission is to divide it?


Marc Ross
Do you doubt that Trump is a racist?
I am a black man in my early 40s who dislikes DJT and has never voted for a Republican president. I can say with certainty, that I do not believe that Donald Trump is a racist.
Donald Trump in my opinion is a purely transactional human being. DJT does not have a strictly static view of right v wrong, or good v bad. DJT believes in being loyal to people - as long as that loyalty serves his purpose at the time. DJT believes in being nice to foreign leaders who are nice to him - regardless of what is in the interest of the nation or its people. DJT cares about what is best for DJT, first and foremost.
I have seen racists and white supremacists for years. Obviously, I disagree with what they stand for. However, white supremacists usually believe that they are fighting for a cause that is bigger than themselves. They believe they are fighting for their race as a whole. They often believe they are fighting for God. Whether or not they are or should be fighting for those things - they do believe. A racist has morals, but those morals are bad.
Do you believe that DJT cares about a race of people - even if it is his own? Do you believe Trump could name 3 members of the confederacy? Do you believe that Trump would fight for God, or that Trump believes God would fight for Trump. Do you truly believe that Donald Trump has even once in 2017, knelt down and asked God for guidance or assistance? Has Donald Trump even once apologized for anything, or even admitted an error as president?
Donald Trump knows who his supporters are. He knows who is for him and who is against him. He knows that his supporters support confederate monuments, and that the protesters who are against him are also against confederate monuments. It is easy to then assume that Trump likes one group because of their beliefs and dislikes the other group because of their beliefs. Trump cares about their actions - and specifically their votes. I have no compunction about making that statement. However, he dislikes us because we are against him - not because of our race or his morality (if any). If we showed him fealty first, he would have BLM .

你相信特朗普关心某个种族吗?即使这是他自己的种族?你相信特朗普能说出联盟的三名成员吗?你相信特朗普会为上帝而战,还是特朗普认为上帝要为特朗普而战?你真的相信唐纳德·特朗普在2017年曾经跪下来请求上帝的指引或帮助吗?唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)曾经为任何事情道歉过吗,甚至承认过总统任期内的错误吗?
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

David Brin
What do you think will actually happen when Trump wins?
Revenge, that will be Donald Trump’s first priority, if he is ever sworn into the presidency. Against every slight he imagines that he ever suffered. Beyond that, he will scurry to find allies - including some liberal ones — because of one big problem that he has. It outweighs every other consideration.
That problem is Mike Pence. Pence was Trump’s olive branch to both the GOP establishment and the very far-right culture warriors. In theory, it could keep them calm and loyal enough to get the ticket elected. But in picking someone that is acceptable to the establishment, he made a huge mistake. Because Pence is a hack and trivially controllable by the Bush-Murdoch-Koch masters of the GOP. And he is beloved by the fundies.
This means he is impeachment bait. The very instant that DT commits some over-the-top public relations calamity - and it will happen swiftly, as he reflexively seeks revenge for past slights
While Democrats foolishly fall for the trap, McConnell and Ryan will provide JUST enough Republican votes to carry a Bill of Impeachment and then a conviction and removal ——leaving Mike Pence in the White House, puppeted by Murdoch and the Bushites… and all the angry Trump supporters frothing hate and blame for Trump’s ouster on Democrats!
Not only is this a possible scenario… it is the only possible scenario, should Donald Trump get into office. Seriously, do you think that any other scenario is even plausible?


Alex Denethorn
Is Donald Trump the only president who can make America great again?
That leads me to a few thoughts:
Clearly the vast majority of Americans disagree with that statement: after all, Donald Trump had the chance to be re-elected and to continue to pursue his agenda, and he lost. Evidently a significant majority did not think he was making the country ‘great’.
Republicans need to make their minds up: according to them, the United States is already great, particularly if you just ignore liberal-run cities. Why then do they need a President to make it great again?
What exactly did Trump do to make America great in the first place? He lowered the nation’s reputation around the world (to the extent that representatives at the UN laughed at him!), damaged the US economy (which was in recession before the economic impact of Covid-19 hit), utterly ignored the dangers of a virus that claimed over half a million lives whilst he was in office; and even outright provoked an act of insurrection against the United States Government in a poorly-conceived attempt to remain in office.
Let’s be blunt: his administration was characterised by incompetence, corruption and divisiveness. The President is supposed to speak to the nation as a whole, and to try and do their best for everyone. Trump only ever wanted what was best for himself, and at no point did he try and appeal to all Americans. That’s not a President who cares about the whole country.
The worst part? The Republican Party still think this is a man worth following, which is honestly incredible. The positive we can draw from that is that the Republicans are no longer worth taking seriously: the majority of Americans rejected Trump and his platform, and a continued adherence to it will ultimately marginalise the Republican Party.


Rick Thorne
Do you think that Donald Trump genuinely is trying to do the best for America?
My answer: No. I think Donald Trump is genuinely trying to do the best for Donald Trump. All other priorities are rescinded.
Trump is a trophy hunter. His only priority his entire life has been assuaging an ego too big for a planet to contain. His business, marital, and public records all bear this out: what matters to Donald is Donald, nothing else. He seeks only to have his name seen everywhere.
The American Presidency is just another trophy for Trump. Our nation, our people, our history, and our future are simple playthings for him. The plight of 300+ million Americans and a world screaming for American leadership are truly of no consequence.


Eric Barendrecht
how is America really doing globally?
Not so good, which might be a blessing in disguise in the long run.
America is losing its influence in the world.
The moral highground that the u.s. had or that the world thought it had, is slipping away quickly.
Its 27th when it comes to education.
27th eco friendliness
10th most CO2 producing country
10th most dangerous country for women
2nd highest suicide rate by gun
The economy still looks like it's doing fine… Except it isn't really. On a national level the economy is soaring. But that hasn't resulted in any notable increase in wages for most people and it has greatly decreased the income of the government.
After WWII, the u.s. and the USSR were the only true superpowers in the world, with europe in shatters and the rest of the world slowly freeing themselves from the shackles of colonialism.


With the fall of the Soviet unx, the u.s. remained the only superpower and the future looked bright for the u.s. but the world was/is changing:
Europe rebuilt and formed the european unx; a strong economic and politically powerful block. And slowly it is finding its own voice, sometimes opposing its former ally.
China quickly increased its manufacturing output, wealth and political and military influence.
Russia is slowly recovering from its communist past
India is quickly developing
Frankly, the world around the u.s. is changing and the long cherished status quo is no longer valid. I'd the u.s. wants to stay relevant, it needs to reuate itself. However, there doesn't seem to be much enthusiasm for it.
So my prediction is that the u.s. will become less influential in the next 30-50 years.


Max H Malcolm
This is a highly subjective question.
If in the reader’s opinion the United States is too democratic as in; too much help for the poor, everyone apart from the top 10% ungrateful and overpaid, not enough foreign interference in elections, not enough corruption, too much rights for women and minorities; then Trump is good for the United States.
That of course isn’t my view. I like our elections without corruption and foreign interference. Today Trump verified that he is against that view:
EXCLUSIVE: Trump says he would listen if foreigners offered dirt on opponents
He’s against legal immigration, anything that brings outsiders into our country is wrong in his view.
He doesn’t want a fully staffed foreign relations staff, damaging our reputation around the world. He also publicly engages in feuds with his enemies which includes anyone that disagrees with him. Unfortunately he is very hard for most of us to agree with.
His policies aren’t helping the things I would like to happen. He’s bringing shame to our country in my view. That’s not good. It’s deeply concerning.


Bad is an understatement. Trump is a natural disaster in progress. He either brings out the worst or the best in people, with little in between.
I understand that his supporters love him. I’d like to understand them, believe that they aren’t mean spirited. Thus far the discussions I have had with hard line supporters implies that as long as he makes Democrats unhappy they will support him.
I didn’t want to think that Americans were this mean spirited. I always liked to believe that most Republicans were just people with different beliefs and motivations than me; not necessarily my enemies.
Mind you I am fighting, but I won’t be name calling or doing so out of anger. I feel a duty to the country I love to do my part for upholding the constitution. I’m speaking up for rule of law, and begging those I know to do what they can to bring it back.


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