2023-07-30 兰陵笑笑生 8735

America’s decline is so overhyped


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Obviously things have been difficult for the working class and the decline in birth rate and life expectancy are no doubt alarming, but I don’t really buy the Houellebecq/depressed zoomer- millennial mantra that America is finished as one of the world’s foremost superpowers.
Things are bad for young people pretty much everywhere and tbh young people in the US aren’t doing that terribly compared to peer nations with higher unemployment rates.
China and India, who were hyped out the ass my whole life, are handicapped by all kinds of economic and social problems that probably will not be resolved anytime soon. Obviously Russia has completely fucked itself. All the best minds from those countries come to the US.
People act like America is done because it can’t win wars anymore but that’s obviously absurd. I am absolutely disgusted by the military industrial complex and think the last 50 years of American military intervention is appalling, but please Afghanistan wasn’t fucking Waterloo.
Ima dumb lib and even I still believe America is probably in the top 5 countries to live in.

人们表现得好像美国已经完蛋了,因为它再也无法赢得战争了,但这显然是荒谬的。我对军事工业联合体感到非常厌恶,并认为美国过去 50 年的军事干预极为恶劣,但阿富汗并不是他妈的滑铁卢。

Possibly so - most empires take centuries to really decline. Have you read Varoufakis' Global Minotaur? He argues that the US uncoupled from the gold standard/Bretton-Woods system due to running out of gold reserves in trying to sustain the war in Vietnam, but instead of shrinking their empire (as all previous empires had), they instead reversed the scxt.
Instead of being the worlds #1 manufacturer/exporter (as it had been since 1945), the US, from the 1970s, became the worlds #1 debtor. But it was so large a debt, that it paradoxically gives the US the same power as before - the US now sucks in all global currencies to sustain its consumption, and prop up the manufacturing of these peripheral countries, it is quite literally too big a debt to fail - it sustains all other countries with it's gravitational pull.
It's a brilliant move, but it's why - as you note above - America's allies are arguably declining faster than itself - it's own sluggishness affects them more severely. The outposts always collapse before Rome itself.

美国从 20 世纪 70 年代开始便不再是世界第一大制造商/出口国(自 1945 年以来一直是),而是成为世界第一大债务国。但这一债务规模如此之大,以至于非常矛盾地赋予了美国与以前相同的力量——美国现在吸纳全球所有货币以维持其消费,并支撑这些外围国家的制造业,这简直就是一笔不能让其失败的巨额债务——它以其引力支撑着所有其他国家。

"If you owe the bank $100, that's your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million, that's the bank's problem."

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Varoufakis is a really brilliant guy and I'm happy to see him mentioned here. More people should listen to his stuff and read his books

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Chinese ownership of so much of American debt is also a great reason for China’s investment in the maintenance of America. The Chinese own a huge amount of T-bills. Why would they ever go to war with the United States?


I think it's more like a slow decline - everything is getting just a little bit worse, socially it's more obvious but I don't know that it's a uniquely American issue, the internet has really fucked people's brains up in the past 10-15 years. Don't want to be a boomer and blame tiktok and IG and all that shit but the attention span thing has gotta contribute to overall mental wellness.
The prices of housing/cars etc are so high and seem unsustainable but again, it keeps getting worse for those on the buyer side. Even maintaing a modern car has gotten rougher since 2020, I have a '18 A4 that's been in the body shop for mild cosmetic damage for 80 days.

我认为这更像是一种缓慢的衰退——所有事情都在一点点变糟,在社交方面更加明显,但我不知道这是不是美国独有的问题,互联网在过去的 10-15 年里真的把人们的大脑搞坏了。我不想成为一个责怪 Tiktok 和 IG 之类东西的婴儿潮一代,但注意力的问题一定会影响整体的精神健康。
住房/汽车等的价格如此之高,似乎难以为继,但对于买方来说,情况却越来越糟。自 2020 年以来,即使只是维护一辆现代汽车也变得越来越困难,我有一辆 18 年的 A4,因为轻微的外观损坏,已经在车身修理厂呆了 80 天了。

All of this is true basically everywhere though


It’s worse outside america I’d say.


Totally see what you're saying but it is relevant that deaths of despair are way more prent in the US as opposed to in places like France and the UK. Mortality rate has continued to decline in most comparable European countries but it's been steadily rising in the US since like 2000. Plus we're getting shorter, which is weird.

完全明白你的说法,但重要的是,与法国和英国等地相比,美国因绝望而死亡的情况更为普遍。大多数同类欧洲国家的死亡率持续下降,但美国的死亡率自 2000 年以来一直在稳步上升。另外,我们的身高越来越矮,这也很奇怪。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Isn't that just immigration?


Could contribute to it but does not fully explain it.


What makes you think it doesn’t fully explain it?


100% explains it


A lot of the declinist rhetoric is convenient to the wealth-hoarding classes because telling that story about the overall national situation redirects the blame for working class downward mobility. It is true that the rate of profit tends to fall and also that we aren't quite in the position of unchallenged power that we were in 30–80 years ago. But the small erosion in our economic power was way less consequential than the breaking of the social contract generally. The rise in downward mobility is, in essence, a social/spiritual/cultural problem even more than it's a macroeconomic problem. It's a social problem that starts at the top (with a capitalist class that has lowered the minimum standard of living) and trickles to the bottom (with a working class that is now less likely to take advantage of the remaining opportunities that do still exist for upward mobility in this great nation, because they feel so disempowered). At some point, maybe the big picture of our economic/global power dipped a little, and in turn capitalists sort of killed off capital — viewing wealth hoarding as more worthy than reinvesting and building up our middle class. With the story of "imperial decline," we blame an invisible hand for those changes, rather than an economic logic that some people have agency over.

许多衰落论的言论对财富囤积阶层来说很趁手,因为以国家为整体陈述这种状况转移了对工人阶级向下流动的指责。确实,利润率趋于下降,而且我们也不再像 30-80 年前那样处于无可挑战的地位。但是,我们经济实力的小幅削弱远不及社会契约的普遍破灭造成的影响大。从本质上讲,向下流动性的上升是一个社会/精神/文化问题,甚至比宏观经济问题更严重。这个社会问题从上层开始(资本家阶级降低了最低生活标准),一直蔓延到底层(工人阶级现在不太可能利用这个伟大国家仅存的向上流动的机会,因为他们觉得自己被剥夺了权力)。在某些时候,也许我们的经济/全球实力的大局略有下降,反过来,资本家们也在某种程度上扼杀了资本——认为财富囤积比再投资和建立我们的中产阶级更有价值。通过讲述“帝国衰落”的故事,我们将这些变化归咎于一只看不见的手,而不是某些人所掌控的经济逻辑。

I totally agree with your last point — a lot is bad in a lot of places, and the US stays on top, especially for opportunity. But like I said said, there's been a huge dive in cultural/social commitment to upward mobility and economic growth (which masquerades as a story of imperial decline). And that decline is pronounced and felt all over, so we do have a lot of social problems (deaths of despair, alienation, mass addiction and criminality, etc.) that make things feel pretty bad in the US a lot of the time, seemingly worse than in many other countries. But again, there isn't one story (like national decline) that can explain this. On one hand, I do think it's really hard to maintain social ties when you replace a society of productive workers (men building things, etc.) with a society of servants, which is what we have now. On the other hand, there's still financial opportunity that's really unmatched elsewhere, and a society that's too spiritually sick from the top down to make meaning of that.


What you need to understand is just because American hegemony is not in serious decline (global control of shipping lanes, energy independence, giant military, etc). Does not mean that life as a US citizen isn’t getting worse. America is the laboratory of commodifying every aspect of life and charging you top dollar for it. This money flows freely to a small portion of the populace—for them American hegemony means more $$$ and a jump in living standards because they own securities and assets and wield political influence. This is not the case for almost everyone else.
All that money people complain about they’re burning through due to inflation is siphoned to the rich AND they’re relatively unaffected by said inflation because they can rent seek during a time of price inflation.


Our life expectancy is declining, deaths of despair are way up, our public education system and university education systems are in a steady decline, healthcare costs a ton and sucks. We have a reactionary supreme court that is actively rolling back people’s rights and passing unprecedented laws in favor of corporations. Our legislators can barely keep up the facade of caring about us as they remain in perpetual gridlock that serves their self interests. They actively feed into a toxic culture war that only serves to distract us from what really matters.
The main thing that we as regular people regularly benefit from (IF YOU HAVE DISPOSABLE INCOME) is that as Americans the ability to consume and have convenience at your fingertips is unparalleled. Social mobility here is pretty stagnant but unlike our european counterparts if you have a little bit of money and skill or risk tolerance, you can make a boatload of money very quickly. Like its hard work to live comfortably in the US vs Europe. Our economy is admittedly very robust, its just that surplus is being directed at a smaller and smaller slice of the population. Overall its not an outright horrible place to live but I wouldn’t say we’re top 5 because of the precarious nature of life here.


The quality of everyday life directly correlates with jobs, but in a society as open as the US, the elite narrative of economic well-being is about trade, not jobs. And free trade is directly at odds with good jobs, which is why we can hit economic milestones and have a worsening quality of life at the same time.


You’re right. The antigovernment sentiment was damaging enough and now the reactionary nature of institutions like the Supreme Court makes real progress even more impossible.


I'll stop being anti-government when they stop being bought out by the corporations that are fucking me in the ass


anti government posting will stop when the government stops proving me right


So what’s your solution? Deregulation? More power for corporations? Yeah the government sucks because it’s run by corporations and needs to be reformed. But whose gonna reform the government? I suppose activism will get the ball rolling but ultimately, the government.


My solution is go outside and grill because I can’t stop any of this


A better plan than most

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

You don't even know what you've lost. It's not a matter of geopolitics, for me. It's that vitality, individuality and subjectivity itself are less and less possible, the more captured we are by culture/information industries. This is involved in all the other corruptions you see. I'm not one for giving up hope based on any one judgement, but you need some historical context to understand why we aren't in a golden age any longer, of anything, geopolitical hegemony OR of great pop music or Hollywood.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I think all the west lost hope for the future, that sense of everything improving going forward, after 2008

我认为,2008 年之后,所有西方国家都对未来失去了希望,失去了一切都在改善的感觉

I agree that the US is no longer in a golden age but is definitely still global hegemon geopolitically and culturally. A decrease in relative power does not equal a complete loss of power


If the competition declines faster than us, we decline, but we're still number one.


Anyone else notice how obsessed people are with labels now too? Why can't you just be yourself anymore? Lol


America’s decline relative to its global peers is massively overhyped, it’s clearly died out in the last couple of years as Russia pukes on itself, China is tied in knots with its own problems and the EU once seen by Americans as a utopia is showing cracks.
But as others said, America’s spiritual decline relative to its former self is massive. Not at any level of society do we have the chutzpah that once defined us.


USA is such a weird country to me (Dane), because on the one hand it is doing incredibly well economically and technologically, but at the same time it seems to be fracturing from the inside. Contrary to what you might believe it is not "healthy country behavior" that life expectancy declines, that a reality star is elected president, that parents are afraid of sending their children to school due to the fear of bitter outsiders shooting their former classmates, that an angry mob storms the parliament, that a new drug 50 times more lethal than heroin is sweeping the country, that most adult citizens believe in a number of conspiracy theories (whether they are true or not is somewhat besides the point), etc. Who could have predicted the breakdown of the Soviet unx? It was not destroyed by outside forces, but suddenly crumbled from the inside. The increasing division and polarization inside your country is certainly a real and dangerous phenomenon, but I hope for the life of me that your country will not break, because for all its faults the world desperately needs a strong USA...

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

“How did you go bankrupt?”
“Gradually, then suddenly”


Well America was the sole hyperpower in the 90s so its relegation to "the foremost superpower" as you put it is already a sign of decline.


There is no military power on the scale of the US. China is matching it as an economic power in some ways for some of its citizens but it doesn't have a credible military nor do its military officers have any experience in any recent conflicts.


True but the U.S is involved in every single continent and in every single conflict all the while actively cooking up at least 2-3 other giant conflicts, and its ability to project power is necessary for maintaining the current status quo, creating potentially an endless amount of conflicts the U.S would have to be involved in. China is just focused on a couple of things a few miles off of its shore.
It's too much. The U.S can't sustain it (which is why they aren't anymore the hyperpower they were in the 90s). Even Russia invading Ukraine forced the U.S to ease up on Venezuela.

这太过了。美国无法维持下去(这就是为什么他们不再是 90 年代的超级大国)。甚至俄罗斯入侵乌克兰也迫使美国放松了对委内瑞拉的制裁。

The Ukraine situation is truly a masterpiece of American foreign policy idk what you’re talking about. Basically allows America to not worry about Russian maneuvering for the foreseeable future.


If anything it might be easier to sustain. What used to take 50 coked up secret operatives trained for clandestine operations can now be done by some guy in Langley working a 9-5 on a screen

硬要说的话,它可能更容易维持了。过去需要 50 名接受过秘密行动训练的秘密特工才能完成的任务,现在可以由兰利的某个朝九晚五的人在屏幕前完成。

It's true that it should be easier to sustain, but that's not happening. I mean Americans can huff on hopium about living standards or consumption levels but in terms of the stuff that actually makes countries superpowers and hyperpowers the U.S has declined and is. Hegemony is fickle, having a huge FIRE economy won't save it. The U.S was economically more advanced than Britain for many years before Pax Britannica was actually broken. And what broke it?


IMO At the very least as long as the US Dollar still retains hegemony as the global currency it ensures Americas status even if everything else goes to shit. Every attempt at de-dollarization has failed laughably despite all the crazy predictions and there’s nothing indicating its end on the horizon. I think that as long as at the very least that remains true, US global dominance will continue. Maybe in the future something will happen to challenge that in the future that we aren’t aware of now


I feel that we have culturally declined and that reneged on our promise to the world that we are a beacon of hope and democracy. I kinda wish I was born when my parents were to experience the peak.
We can't even come up with new IP anymore. Our entertainment and culture is just rehashing what was good 40 years ago.

我们甚至无法再拿出新的IP了。我们的娱乐和文化只是在不断重演 40 年前的美好事物。

很赞 2