2023-08-02 汤沐之邑 3558

How do I manage it if I want to learn singing, but I don't have money? The economic condition is very bad, and I don’t have a job. How do I deal with this situation?


Jay Bazzinotti
What are top advices about how to manage money?
1) Avoid easy credit and use it as infrequently as possible. Have only ONE credit card and pay it off in full WITHOUT FAIL every single month no matter how much you have to sacrifice to do it. Credit card debt is insidious and one of the easiest things to get into and one of the hardest to get out of. Avoid it as much as possible.
2) Make a budget and know where your money goes every month. Make sure your income covers your bills. Your mortgage is your most important bill. It must be paid beffore everything else. Your house is your most important asset. Never risk your house.


3) Put money into some kind of retirement investment every single month. The earlier you do this in life the more it will pay off when you retire. Learn and understand the "Rule of 72" which tells you how long it takes your money to double at a particular interest rate. You divide the interest rate into 72 and the result is typically the number of years it takes your money to double. At 10 percent it takes 7.2 yearss to double your money. 100 dollars saved when you are 20 becomes 700 dollars when you are 69.
4) Avoid gambling.
5) The stock market is gambling. There are almost never any sure things, hot tips, guarantees. Just because a stock falls doesn''t mean it can''t go lower, including all the way to zero. If you want to invest in the stock market use Vanguard S&P 500 Index funds. Nothing has beaten them over 20 years. Use dollar cost averaging and put the same amount in every month regardless of whether the stock market goes up or down. Do it every month . It''s the best way to invest in the stock market.


6) If you can, purchase some real estate. No matter what, even if the value falls, you still have the property. The number one factor about land is that it is indestructible. That is one of the definitions of land. Do your research and if you can, buy a HOME, not an "INVESTMENT" that you plan on selling to make money. If it does appreciate, you''ve made out. If it doesn''t you still have a place to live. Remember when it comes to real estate, location is key -- a mediocre or even a rather poor house in a great neighborhood is almost always bettter than a great house in a bad neighborhood.
7) If you MUST take college loans take the absolute minimum you need and never, ever use the money frivolously -- a 20 dollar pizza ends up costing 80 dollars over 30 years.
8) Save money for a rainy day. Some experts say that you should have six months salary in cash (such as a money market) for emergencies. At a minimum have some cash on standby in a money market or easy to access and liquidate account for emergencies. An emergency WILL happen sooner or later -- it''s the nature of life.


9) Start a college fund for your child as soon as he is born. Encourage cash contributions from relatives instead of gifts that will go unused or forgotten. Contribute to it even in small amounts at least once a month.
10) Break bad and expensive habits and put the money into savings. A pack a day cigarette habit costs you over 3500 in a year. In an S&P Index fund that 3500 dollars could be worth over 100,000 dollars by the time you retire. The same goes for booze.
11) Avoid any investment scheme you don''t understand or can''t be made to understand easily. Anyone who tries to sell you an "investment vehicle" and can''t explain how it works to a fifth grader is conning you.


12) Never buy a new car. Always buy a used car. New cars are almost never worth the money. All vehicles are depreciating assets including boats, campers, cars, trucks, motorcyles and so on. It takes a great deal of investment and work to even break even on a "classic" or "antique" automobile.
13) The older you get after the age of 35 you should be investing more money in US bond funds. They NEVER lose value. It''s easy to invest online using I bonds from U.S. Department of the Treasury. Open and account and put the minimum in. Some experts say that you should increase the percentage of money you save in bonds one percentage point every year until you retire. Many older people were destroyed when their 401Ks crashed in 2008. That didn''t happen to bonds.
14) Many people will talk about the chipping away of earnings through taxes and inflation. You can minimize this by using a good and trusted accountant. Shop around, talk to them and pick the right guy. He can help you minimize your tax burden far more than HR Block or doing it yourself with tax software, especially if your tax situation becomes more complex as you mature. This is not always true but it is often true.

许多人会谈论税收和通货膨胀导致的收入减少的问题。你可以通过聘请一位优秀且值得信赖的会计师来最大限度地减少这种情况。货比三家,和他们谈谈,选对人。他可以帮助你减少你的税务负担,远远超过HR Block或自己用税务软件,特别是如果你的税务情况随着你的成熟而变得更加复杂。这并不总是正确的,但通常是正确的。

15) If your company offers an ESPP you would be foolish NOT to take advantage of it. I am always amazed by people who do not invest in ESPP. It''s almost always a free 15 - 20 percent earnings on your money every year and it''s like a getting a bonus if you cash out right away. If your company is a blue chip you might consider letting the money accrue; if not, cash in the stock and invest it in Index Funds. One of the best things a VP ever told me was "Sometimes you have to make it real." Stocks are NOT real money. They are the HOPE of money. You only get real money when you sell them. NEVER FORGET THAT. I had friends building million dollars homes on their stock portfolios who ended up living in their cars when the tech bubble burst in the early 2000s. Sometimes you have to make it real. On the other hand, I once paid cash for a house I bought with my accrued Cisco ESPP stock.
16) All advice, even this, should be viewed with caution. No advice applies to everyone or every situation. You have to take into account your own personal situation. You need to set goals and determine how you will achieve them, especially at retirement time. You cannot count on Social Security, at most you will get the equivalent of about 25,000 dollars a year in the US

如果你的公司提供员工股票购买计划(ESPP),你不利用它是愚蠢的。我总是对那些不投资ESPP的人感到惊讶。每年你的钱几乎总是有15% - 20%的免费收益,如果你马上兑现,就像得到了一笔奖金。如果你的公司是一只蓝筹股,你可以考虑让钱积累起来;如果不是,就把股票变现,投资于指数基金。一位副总裁告诉我的最好的事情之一是“有时候你必须把它变成现金。”股票不是真正的钱。它们是金钱的希望。只有当你卖掉它们时,你才能得到真正的钱,永远不要忘记这一点。我有一些朋友凭借他们的股票投资组合建造了价值数百万美元的房子,当21世纪初科技泡沫破灭时,他们最终住进了车里,有时你必须把它变成现金。另一方面,我曾经把我累积的思科公司ESPP股票变现后买了一栋房子。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Thomas B Walsh
Why do plumbers earn so much?
A couple months ago I had a major plumbing problem in my kitchen. (I’m describing the problem as “major” because the final bill was $1480.)
I called my plumber—who makes $100,000 annually. He said it wasn’t something he was interested in doing and gave me the phone numbers for a couple other plumbers who might be willing to help.
It took me a week and a dozen phone calls to get the job done properly. It turned out to be four manhours of work. The parts couldn’t have cost $20.
The trades are alive and well. Baby Boomers are retiring in droves and leaving their high paying jobs unfilled. I had a good chat with the plumber who finished the job for me. According to him 70% of all master plumbers will be retired by 2022, and they can’t find anybody to hire.


Vijaya Lakshmi
What is one thing you will never do in your life?
Uttering a certain idiom in Telugu, which is an insult to womanhood.
When we were children, whenever somebody uttered a lie, all children would shout “Abadham chepite aada pillalu pudataru”
Meaning of the above idiom is “if you tell a lie, girl children will be born to you”.
This idiom implied that since lying is a bad thing, the consequence will be a bad thing (a girl child being born).
Without thinking much about the meaning, I too used to frequently use this idiom.
When I grew up into a teen, I realized that the idiom was an insult to myself.
I never uttered it again.
I will never utter it again, the rest of my life.

当我们还是孩子的时候,每当有人撒谎,所有的孩子都会大喊“Abadham chepite aada pillalu pudataru”

What is something that you have to do to become a good singer?
Like sports, practice is key to singing. The vocal cords are muscles that require training to be used properly. Of course, anyone can belt out a song in the car at full blast, but not everyone can do it in tune.
To become a good singer, you should definitely invest in hiring a vocal coach. In addition, breathing exercises are essential to singing. Knowing how to use different parts of your diaphragm and lungs to acquire air will assist you from singing purely from your throat (You can hurt yourself that way!)
I hope this helps!


Timothy Christian Liu
Can anyone become a good singer?
Yes, anybody can, depending on the amount of dedication and practice that he or she is willing to commit to. However, your goals must be gradual and realistic. If you expect yourself to become a good singer overnight, it is not going to happen. Improve yourself gradually and the results will come in no time.
First and foremost, you must constantly train your ears since 80 percent of your intonation is governed by your hearing. This is a very important aspect of musicianship, since you can have a good tone of voice and still sound bad if your hearing is not sensitive enough. When I first started singing, I trained my pitch recognition by playing an instrument (guitar in this case), and when I joined a community choir, my vocal coach kept engraining in me every week solfeggio as one of the useful tools (in non-technical terms, solfeggio is basically your do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do) to train relative pitch. With these two tools, I can deal with more difficult songs with chromatics and weird interval changes.


Secondly, my vocal coach always told (and I am still learning this too) that you must ensure that you do not sing from the throat but rather from diaphragm support. Ensure that your tone is strained as less as possible, since too much unnecessary tension can create a poor tone quality as well as reduce your chances of staying in pitch throughout the whole song. Good support also provides a well-balanced, resonant tone quality and your sound will effortlessly project through the whole room without any unnecessary wear and tear.
Last but not the least, constant practice is needed. I was stressed by my vocal coach to warm up and sing at least half an hour everyday (done correctly of course). Accordingly, my vocals improved rapidly in the next few months. The best way to practice, in my opinion, is to record yourself since your voice often sounds different in your ears when compared to others. Through the recording, you can spot your flaws and improve on them.
I wish you all the best and keep singing because it is a fun activity! :)


Maryam Qureshi
My brother (Danyal Qureshi) and I have been working on starting a business. At first, I didn't like it at all.
Because we’re starting an online business, we did a lot of coding. Danyal, for some weird reason, loved it. I had to force myself to code. After a while, my dad realised I wasn’t really enjoying it. He also decided that coding is just one skill you need for an online business - there are still many others.
So now, I learning sales and marketing. I like talking to people, and I’m learning new things. Marketing incorporates lots of designing, which I like doing. I’m also playing to my strengths a lot more.
We both like what we’re doing and contribute to the business in our own way. I’m also working a lot better because I don’t have to force myself to do it anymore.
My dad says passion has a lot to do with ego. And it seems to make sense - I’m making a lot of progress in sales and marketing, which is why I love it, and Danyal’s good at coding, which is probably why he loves it.


Henry Haile
Is 13 too late to start dancing and singing?
Nope. I'm not a dancer, but I'm 13 and learning to sing. It's a bit of a battle, but it's better to start now before you get older. It's really fun too! I'd suggest hiring a voice coach and joining chorus in school (if yours has one) and/or a choir at your local church or other place of worship if you're religious.


Ava Amaya
Why can't I ever stay consistent to my goals and routine?
I have had the same problem for many years and have finally started overcoming it. For me the solution including using the concept of "mini-habits", having someone in my life I could share my progress with DAILY, and having easy access to the materials that I needed to accomplish my task.
For example, I decided I wanted exercise to become a daily part of my life. In the past I'd go to the gym for an hour every day for about a week and then quit. I would repeat the cycle periodically. I stumbled upon a book (I think it's called mini-habits) and it said to require yourself to do a ridiculously small amount of whatever it is you want to incorporate in your life and do that small amount of activity every day. I decided to try it because obviously going to the gym for an hour was not working for me. My small commitment to myself was to walk one mile every day. I have done this consistently for three months without missing a day. I just don't have an excuse not to do it. The great thing is often times I walk more than a mile! But I ALWAYS walk a mile. Today I walked four miles because I went to a state park with a friend. I text my friend, she acknowledges my feat and I feel happy. I also have a treadmill in my living room. If you put some thought into it, I'm sure you could find a way to incorporate whatever it is you want to do this way. Start small, be consistent.


Edward Staunton
Can anyone learn how to sing or do you have to have a good voice?
Yes, anyone can learn how to sing.
Some start worse at singing than others, some start better. In general everyone can get to the same level eventually, and with enough practise.
The voice in controlled by muscles so it can be trained. Thinking of learning to singing as somewhere between a sport, a language. Of course the performance and singing part is more like an art form, an emotional expression.
I've taught beginners who have progressed quicker than full-time professionals. And some beginners now sing better than the professionals. Pop music is a funny thing.


Sandeep Ravidutt Sharma
In my view singing is a natural talent. Learning means improvising your singing skills, knowing more about music. First approach some guru, find more info about how to take forward. Visualise yourself learning and singing, the Universe or the Lord will arrange everything for you. If you are good in singing even now, you can start a Youtube channel, make efforts to reach wide audience through Social media. You can start earning.
You don't need too much of money to learn and practice singing. Street singers carrying EkTara is the best example which shows that you hardly need money for singing.


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