2023-08-06 用功 19134
As an Indian I am shocked by Ignorance of these reputable CEOs. Before investing, they should have spent even a day to examine Indian people, their psychology, history, legal structure, chaos, infrastructure, political nightmare and most important, highly Indiscipline labour force and high degree of corruptions. A chaotic large democracy could be Hell for international reputable companies. China, Taiwan and East Asians are difficult breed in terms of discipline, hard work and honesty. Don't be Fooled by dictates of Americans.


Ditto for China.


No, do not say that. I interpret as, 'Seeing the other side of the wall.'
You need to ditch all the prejusdice and border to see the clear picture. Learn good things from other countries and develope India.


Subsidies are sweet...


Greedy makes them blind

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I like your frank and honest view. But CEOs are also normal people like everyone else - they aren't intelligent at all. Their position and perhaps wealth, by virtue of these gain them the respect that's all.


An expensive experience for Foxconn. So easily fool by PM Modi. He should have do some due deligence.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

All business dealings MUST benefit both parties.
Be realistic...do not expect others to make losses JUST to Help India develop !!!!!!
Indians must not be selfish and only think of themselves... if the corporation cannot make money, tell me why they would continue to stay and lose money just to make Indians Happy?
So India must change your way of doing business. Foxconn is not the 1st or only One to leave India with huge losses.
The recent exits from India are from Apple, Wistron and Xiaomi. All these companies lost billions of $$$$ trying to do business in India.
Last year, the US major Ford became the fifth auto company - after MAN Trucks, General Motors, Harley Davidson, and UM Motorcycles - to leave India. Ford and General Motors were big, visible presence in the country, so their exit was noticed and commented upon widely.30 Sept 2022
Between 2014 and November 2021, up to 2,783 foreign companies left India, commerce and industry minister Piyush Goyal told parliament late last year. These include Metro AG, Holcim, Ford, Royal Bank of Scotland, Citibank, Harley-Davidson, among others.

去年,美国汽车巨头福特成为继曼卡车、通用汽车、哈雷戴维森和 UM 摩托车之后第五家退出印度市场的汽车公司。福特和通用汽车公司是响当当的大公司,因此它们的退出受到了广泛关注和评论,在2022年9月30日。
印度商业和工业部长皮尤什-戈亚尔(Piyush Goyal)在去年年底向议会表示,从 2014 年到 2021 年 11 月,多达 2783 家外国公司离开了印度。其中包括 麦德龙、豪瑞、福特、苏格兰皇家银行、花旗银行、哈雷戴维森等。

Indians have a belligerent and bellicose attitude towards the west, particularly towards the US. This in my view will always keep India behind in the modern world.


It's always wise to keep US at arms length..
India doesn't have to be a vassal state getting dictates from US.


The truths about India hurts.


U r itself looking like Con, Peter?? Howcome ur name is Peter it's itself saying u r bot not a Human.


With India, it's always somebody else's fault. Never your own doing. How's that Modi-style autocracy...I meant "Democracy" working out for you?


they may not be extremely intelligent but they're damn shrewd businessman who take advantages of others...

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

absolutely agree with you


USA dictated him to move to India....They followed what the boss said. They reap now what they sow....


You're NOT Indian!
Ha, ha, ha!


yes, he is. And so are you.


Thanks for these facts together which were circulating in the media.


Please be sensitive, , and respectful ,,
He feel very hurt when truth are pointed out .


No wonder Jayant Bhandari had never thought India could progress much in so many of his talks! Indeed Foxconn should have consulted Jayant before venturing to India.

难怪贾扬特-班达里(Jayant Bhandari)在多次会谈中都认为印度不会有太大的进步!的确,富士康在进军印度之前应该先咨询一下贾扬特。

India enticed foreign companies to set up factories in India only to force those unsuspecting companies to later sell their operations to local conglomerates like tata and ambani of India on the cheap. The eyes of lndian officials turned red when they saw foreign companies making profits; the officials use tax laws and other regulations to shakedown successful foreign firms.


Foreign investors gravitate toward countries with strong property rights and protection. If a country resort to property confiscation, fraud, or under-the-table payment demand, a wise foreign investor will flee. If you see a country having few foreign investors, chances are the government, its laws, or people are ripping off foreign investors. You would think India with a population of 1.3 billion people would have a multitude of foreign investors, but it doesn't. The reasons are many including the obvious ones.


If Apple moved from china to India it will helped local brands such as huawei xiomi oppo to dominate their own market

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Yes ❤

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Apple is only diversified, and its main industrial chain is still in China. Because consumers in China account for 30% of Apple's mobile phone and notebook computer market, why did Apple move all its industries to India? Apple factory still has an industrial chain in Viet Nam.


Modi has grand ambitious plan. However, Apple has very standard and expectation. Not any country can meet Apple's expectation.


My Indian friends in Australia declined to work for Indian company in Australia. The reason is so obvious. They told me they know how dirty Indian plays in business. I am not going to generalize this to all Indian companies, but Indian does not want to work for Indian company speaks louder than anything else.


so true, even their people don't want to work for Indian company in Australia, this shows the reputation of India


You have to be very slavish and submissive working for Indian bosses in India. The subordinates often come as too scared to make any mistakes, so getting them to do anything is a pain. Can understand why even Indians don't want to work in Indian companies given the choice


The attitude of Indians is simple and is summed up in this simple question - "did I put one over you?" or "did I win?". This is their measure of success. It is not 'win-win' or 'good for everyone' or 'maximizing value'. That is why India has very good and sharp lawyer but very poor laws. Nothing tangible is produced. Arguments for argument sake.


China should learn from this. Never allow 1 company to hold such a large workforce influence over 1 city- diversity is the key to resilience


Lesson learned, even BYD and Tesla won't start a factory in India no matter how sweet the deal sounds. India's loss of opportunity that only comes once in a lifetime.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Too late. Next evolution is ai assisted manufacturing. Elon musk says he will make 8B Optimus robots that will do everything. Everything will be cheaper and more abundant. India missed the train by scamming

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Someone said: if you invest in India , you deserve it


LoL India kicked BYD yesterday wtf r u talking


ha ha! I read it in YouTube. So, not sure it was true or false. Since you mentioned it. It may turn out to be a blessing in disguise for BYD.


I agree that it is a blessing for BYD. There are many evidence how FDI companies that have been subjected to extortions by the Indian Government. New laws are made retrospective just for the excuse to extort. Walmart, Coca Cola etc left because they were subjected to such treatment. India can be wealthy by investing in organic fertilizers. Just build the factories and collect the abundant raw materials around the country.

我同意这是比亚迪之福。有很多证据表明,外国直接投资公司遭到了印度政府的敲诈勒索。印度政府制定了具有追溯力的新法律,以此作为敲诈勒索的借口。沃尔玛(Walmart)、可口可乐(Coca Cola)等都因为受到这种待遇而离开。印度可以通过投资有机肥料致富,只要在全国各地建立工厂,收集丰富的大便原材料就可以。

India is the infamous graveyard for foolhardy investors who rush in: Prepared to be scammed n sucked dry n escape is sometimes impossible.


That is why Elon will think deeply before investing in India


India has missed a great opportunity to absorb foreign investments due to the constant strain between the US and China. However, the country has chosen to pursue an alternative path by imposing all sorts of rules to take advantage of these investments, even going back on promises made previously. This shortsighted approach reflects a typical Indian style of doing business.


Like your descxtion ,, TYPICAL ,,
how profound .


more like...natural


How will India attract foreign investments if it keeps up with this kind of business practice?


The overweening arrogance n short-sightedness to outsmart others is like killing the goose that lays the golden egg or biting the hand that feeds you.


India's Large population doesnt mean productivity. A more international, fair minded leader is needed to get rid of the Caste discrimination, Grifter and East India Company type of business mentality that the British has used on them.


They also have very very poor infrastructure, which increases business costs.


good riddance. Large population does not mean quality. most are scammers. the good ones are educated and smart enough to move abroad for a better life.


nationalizing is the only way for India. What other option does India have?


The Indians compared to the Westerners are cheaper in terms of wages and need less incentives, longer working hours and protection from exploitation.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Same as TSMC getting drawn into USA and then the govt changing the rules and not fronting up the promised subsidies while demanding a share of any profits and all IP.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Morris Chang is the most silly (mildly put) executive officers in the whole wide world. I wld rather quit to salvage my reputation than be con by a government


Foxconn should have gone to Bangladesh, Indonesia, Cambodia, Malaysia and Vietnam. It is impossible to invest and do business in India.


You shud write letter to foxconn abt your wonderful suggestion. :-D


Chinese workers are such a wonderful work force that I don't think there's any other better and reliable like the Chinese ..

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Modi regime is close to what people said 'lowlife criminals' based on their actions


Not to forget the lowly, but affluent, Indian diaspora of the historically dominant castes. They are carrying on their ingrained destructive mores to the global stage

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

We tried investing in India - thinking it would be beneficial for both. But its just mirage. All I will say is: every business should learn and conduct a full diligence before investing.


China unlike the West show an interest in improving itself and others which improves trade.


Adam Sahr
If the Indian mindset could change, it would already have done so, and India wouldn't be still talking about eliminating open field defecation in 2023...


Modi is a good salesman unfortunately he can only sell but not deliver Albo in australia should learn from all these lessons


Serve you right Foxconn. How can you compete with the Master of lies?


lol.. they are already building 2 new plants in karnataka and telengana and in process to invest more in tamilnadu... foxconn lost nothing by withdrawing from this jv nor india lost anything as foxconn couldnt arrange tot for 28nm fab they wanted... so dont be so happy lol

哈哈,他们已经在卡纳塔克邦和特伦加纳邦建造了2家新工厂,并在泰米尔纳德邦投资更多…富士康退出这家合资企业没有任何损失,印度也没有任何损失,因为富士康无法为他们想要的 28 纳米晶圆厂筹集资金…所以不要这么高兴,哈哈
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

INDIA: THE GRAVEYARD FOR FOREIGN INVESTORS. This is just one more tombstone with Foxconn carved on it. The huge population with many untapped markets is a huge lethal magnet luring many adventurers into the graveyard until the graveyard is full. Who next?


If you want to win, go with China. India is heavily funded by the US, so you may or may not see the "grant" promised by India. China had cooperated with India to build the largest coal-fire power station for India, which 1.3 billion was invested by China to upstart the project. When the project was done and put to use, India defaulted on the construction payment for the entire project. And, file a claim against China for $130 million.


Try Adani coal mine in Queensland, Australia. Indian owned and absolutely destroyed the environment and the business itself. I bet this didn't showed up on the Indian media. I can assure you that this is not an isolated incident too.


Even indians shy away from investing in India... Go figure.


Most idols n statues are produced in China, talk about a super power tha produces only agro produces,

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I agree with your statement on India. The current government is interested in popular politics and hate. China works with collaboration and India works with confrontation


It is a big shame to hear that Apple and Qualcomm had left the India and went back to China. So sad for India.


About two to three decades ago, I've heard about 'how the world perceived China and why the Chinese govt banned the foreign social medias to its citizens', now it's really nice to see how much the Chinese economy has grown, aww I'm always curious about things taking turns with changing times, lets see who knows what btw


My question is , why does private enterprise require taxpayers money to set up factories in those countries, I thought it was about just making money for those that actually own these businesses. This is the trouble with modern capitalism in big business, no risk, because the taxpayer covers that , and all profit, and the taxpayer doesn't get their cut.


Governments invest because these big businesses bring employment and opportunities for other businesses as well as improve the economies of that local region. Plus these companies pay taxes. If done without corrupt the practice works, problem is there is always corruption by officials involved or subcontractors involved


My Top preferred Trading country is China - I have had trades with Indians but don't like the way they do business - you can think you come to an agreement but the conditions change -


I've worked and lived in India a few years as expat. Long story short: fantastic food, friendly people, but a desastrous lack of quality in anything hardware related. The indifference towards doing things properly is shocking. Such a petty.


Then why are the companies leaving China and coming to India and Vietnam.


很赞 9