2023-08-11 用功 7015

The European unx survived Russia''s energy weapon, but it hasn''t been without damage to its economy. Is Europe now facing deindustrialisation?
00:00 Introduction
00:57 Chapter 1: How Europe Survived Russia''s Energy Weapon
04:42 Chapter 2: Impact on the European Economy
05:53 Chapter 3: Europe''s Deindustrialisation
07:54 Chapter 4: Europe''s Economic Dilemma


One of the problems is a lot of heavy industry is not only energy hungry, but requires an extremely reliable source. An aluminium smelter can't just turn itself off for a few hours a day to save energy, it costs a lot of time and money to shut down and a lot of time and money to start back up again. That generally means coal, gas, hydro or nuclear are the only feasible options, not unless you install a massive battery that can cope with any variation in renewable output.


You can't smelt steel by solar energy, regardless of battery technology, it is economically not viable and never was.


This. We recently worked at a (small local) steel melting company. They pay 300.000€ a month in energy. Imagine the amount of energy that is with all the tax cuts etc they have.
How is that supposed to be produced by solar or wind?

这个,我们最近在一家(当地的小型的)炼钢公司工作。他们每月要支付 30 万欧元的能源费用。试想一下,在他们享受所有减税政策的情况下,这需要多少能源?

there are electric smelter technologies. I believe that they are used for steel


Yes, but the electricity comes from gas/coal powered power plants, or maybe hydro, if something is electric it doesn't mean that it's clean energy that powers it.


Thats why your mentioned industry wants to rely on hydrogen nocht batteries


Iceland hit the jackpot with their Geothermal power and their aluminium smelting is one of the most competitive in the world
Geothermal is really the only fool proof power source now (not impacted by weather or draughts)
I wonder if we can get a few running in Europe


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

lobbies hate that especially private vs public (heating and energy production) thus no chance.


That is true, but they still need electricity to work. Electricity that solar and wind are nor powerful or reliable enough to provide.


energy produced in a power plant is a bit cleaner than burning it onsite (cars, furances etc). Since a lot of energy recycling is done in power plants which improbes efficiency and emissions can be treated for pollutants


Actually most of their electrical power comes from hydro. Geothermal is mostly used to produce hot water. It's mostly cost prohibitive in other locations because the earth's crust is significantly thicker, so you need to drill much deeper holes even for hot water.


Hydrogen is not going to power the steel refinery furnaces, it's an alternative to coke for chemical reactions needed to produce iron from iron ore.


This is why nuclear is critical.


Geothermal can't be done anywhere. Iceland, from that point of view is really lucky, they have easy access to it.


Too bad Germans biggest " ally" blew up thier biggest source of cheap energy




Nuclear energy can. :)


especially with the small factory sized reactors being released


Some call me racist, but my opinion is that Europe has fallen into Anglo's trap to divide Europe. A united Europe and a united Europe-Asia would be a nightmare for Anglo countries (US, UK, Canada, Australia, NZ). Is it coincidential that those Anglo countries are mostly Island-based? (border mostly seas).


Currently, there are 11 enterprises in Russia (Bratsk, Krasnoyarsk, Sayan, Novokuznetsk, Irkutsk, Bogoslovsky, Volgograd, Ural, Kandalaksha, Volkhovsky and Nadvoitsky) for the production of primary aluminum and 6 (Bogoslovsky, Ural, Achinsky, Pikalevsky, Boksitogorsky and Volkhovsky) for the production of alumina - the main raw material for aluminum production. It should be noted here that the Volkhov, Ural and Bogoslovsky plants produce both alumina and primary aluminum. The main raw materials for the production of alumina are bauxite, nepheline and alunite. The following main bauxite-bearing areas are known in Russia: North Ural (Sverdlovsk region), South Ural (Chelyabinsk Region), North Onega (Arkhangelsk Region), Tikhvin (Leningrad Region), Srednetimansky and Yuzhnotimansky (Komi Republic). Bauxite deposits are also found within the KMA and in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Scientists believe that large deposits of bauxite can also be found in the depths of the Baikal region, in the Altai, in the Sayans. In total, 48 bauxite deposits are listed on the balance sheet, of which 11 are being developed, 4 are being prepared for development, and 33 are reserve deposits. The largest are the deposits of the North Ural and Srednetimansky bauxite-bearing areas.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The US is withdrawing from Europe and NATO, the US is moving to the AUCUS Line and will deindustrialize the AUCUS line. The USA exports Plants from Europe together with engineering personnel, these plants are owned by the USA and exported to the USA, China, India, etc. Russia in 2022 began the transition to a military mobilization economy, which means that in 2-3 years Russia will reach Mobilization Power and transfer all its Industry for Wartime, then Russia will announce General Mobilization (Partial Mobilization began in Russia in the spring of 2022 and is ongoing at the present time). In two years, the Russian Army will reach 2-3 million soldiers, this will be enough to capture Eastern Europe. During World War 2, the Red Army had 5 million soldiers, but the population of the USSR was 250 million, the population of modern Russia is 150 million people, this is enough for 3 million soldiers. To capture Ukraine you need 1 million, Poland - and the Baltic States - 1 million soldiers, Germany - 1 million soldiers, Russia does not need the rest of the countries. After the announcement of the US Technical Default and the US refusal to service its Debts, the EU, the UN, NATO, WHO, the IMF and other organizations created by the Breton Woods System will collapse. Russia will has refugees from Europe and World War 3 will begin. Russia is waiting for refugees from Europe after 2025 in the amount of 10-15 million per year, a construction boom has begun in Russia, housing complexes are growing like mushrooms after the rain, if you have the means, then buy apartments in Russia or run to the USA.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

What worries me is that Europe invests in "panic" so that we get an suboptimal portfolio of energy technologies.


When Ukraine sent their troops to Iraq, they had no problem with invasions or not respecting other countries' sovereign territory.


In freedom I believe.


You can print money, but you can not print electricity. Subsidizing price of electricity for some industries will increase the price for others.


EU Impose sanctions to Russia in effort to criple Russia's economy - Proceed to talk about how EU avoid recession from Russia energy blackmail..
The question is which one is have a crumble economy?


Russians seems to haven't got any problems despite they can't buy new types of modern clothes in European boutique.


You can print electricity using using special electricity printers called power stations. Energy prices are currently at pre war levels even withouth russian gas. Cry about it


China, turkey etc are reselling European products to Russia.. So won't change a thing


but what about demand?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

what about it? Demand is being filled, no blackouts or anything. The beauty of europe is that there are multiple companies producing electricity. So if one raises prices you can switch to a different producer for a better rate. I actually did that last year, my old provider was making electricity with gas and when he trippled my faire i told them to go f themselfes and signed with a different provider and got my old faire back ✌


I don t know about you, but the cost of living and saving money capacity are at a very low level since than the beginning of pandemy. The ukraine conflict made this issue much worst. Part of middle class in eu country.


Yeah but electricity is back to low levels, even lower than pre-covid levels for me, but I also changed electricity provider to be fair. It is food & fuel that is extremely expensive, and the food prices are the most annoying since you can't really get around it in any way. Besides, in my country food was crazy expensive already before covid so yeah, now it's ridiculous.


This just proves one of the easiest ways to improve productivity in an economy is to reduce energy costs, it benefits all businesses & consumers. Of course reducing costs is a generational challenge.
But the UK needs to be working to reduce our energy unit cost, a combination of nuclear & renewables is the only true way forward


Hopefully the first commercial fusion reactor (STEP) is a success, would definitely help some of our energy woes. Would also mean the uk had both the first commercial fissile and fusion power stations. The former being Calder hall, now sellafield

希望首个商业核聚变反应堆(STEP)取得成功,这无疑会对我们的能源困境有所帮助。这也意味着英国同时拥有了第一个商用裂变和聚变发电站。前者是考尔德霍尔(Calder Hall),也就是现在的赛拉菲尔德(Sellafield)。

The joke of a technology that is "Fusion" is still 20 years away from commercial viability just as it was in the 90s


The UK has the most renewable energy in Europe


fusion is not commercially viable in 2023


Hmm, I'd dispute that, I'd say Norway probably has more.


hmmmm didn't think of Norway.
I will definitely have to do some more research regarding Norway absolutely fascinating country.
Recently heard of a new mine being built in the north of England the only place in the world for a specific fertilizer at a large quantity that will revolutionize farming and forget what it's called. Absolutely fascinating stuff. Plus it's environmentally friendly up until shipping process
I'll come back with some more information regarding the Norway renewable energy


Norway is almost all hydro. You can probably count Iceland too.


Norway one of the largest exporter of fossil fuel and natural gas on the world the most renewable? With biomass?


Norway's electricity grid is 99% renewable, and nearly all of it is hydro.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Without an industrial policy, a competitive energy policy, or an international trade policy (equivalent to the US and the EU), the UK is not going to be a viable location to produce energy intensive or cost and supply chain sensitive products. As a standalone country outside of the major power blocs of China, the USA, and the EU, it’s hard to see how the UK can compete. Mr. Farage and friends, including Russian oligarchs, got people to destroy the competitive advantage that Margaret Thatcher helped to create in the 1980s and 90s. It’s sad that racism and classism has not been addressed to create a shared vision about a modern Britain.


Norway services 5.5 million people from a country larger than Germany and raw materials and energy resources 100 times Italy.
People need to stop comparing Norway to other countries in Europe, Norway won the lottery. I am sure if you win the lottery you too can afford to splash out
Norway is not a model for anything other than being lucky


Still doesn't change the facts.


yes it does, how would you produce hydroelectricity for 500 millions in Europe?
It's a nonsense, if it was possible it would have been done already. Hydroelectricity is the most primitive of all technologies, it has been available for centuries.

是的,你如何为欧洲的 5 亿人生产水电?

Someone said the UK had the most renewable energy of any european country, I disagreed. It's nothing more than that.


Is little England going to produce energy from fish& chips or sausage & beans?. When after shrinking of the occupied territories, empire England can't produce enough food for the the whole year of her population??.


Yes and no, we have a European shared energy deal type thing.
The UK can't reduce costs until everyone basically reduces costs.
If we reduce ours, European nations buy ours over locally sourced energy, which pushes our prices up again.
The only real way for the UK (and norway) to reduce local costs is to leave the European energy system and form our own that protects us from price fluctuations across the EU.
Part of Norway isn't connected to the European super grid and the energy costs in that area have remained low, the area of Norway that is connected have remained high.


You are wise to see the need for another power source for Europe.
The caveat to nuclear is who you’re getting the uranium from.
Most comes from Kazakhstan, Russia, Canada, Nigeria, and China.
Can Europe become self sufficient without these trade partners?
I would argue that we need another form of battery or power storage to keep the light on and the system running.
Whoever can capitalize on that will be the next Billionare of the information era.


I think the EU should focus on setting ups its new energy system first and foremost before it tries to re-industrialise. If that means procuring solar panels, inverters and wind turbines from outside then so be it.
Any subsidies to industries, in the meantime, should focus on maintaining existing assets because if they close down and fall into disrepair, restoring production capacity will end up even more expensive.


Defenitly reform the energy market


No energy no way to transform goods.


Sadly the change to renewables makes energy too expensive for industry. Longterm industry will move to Asia, Africa or South America where there is cheap energy and cheap labour. The only thing Europe had going for itself was cheap Russian energy. Now we have nothing and production is too expensive. Majority of the world is still running on fossil fuels.


Thats not exacly true. What made energy expensive was the eletricity market, not renewables. And russian gas did not help a lot with that. Gas and energy are not cheap in Europe for more then 20 years now


They Need Nuclear.




Europe has more then enough coal...also Europe produces almost all of its steel and imports more from India. Oil and gas are crucial, but they were never cheap to begin wood and wood was only important for biomass wich Europe also has more then enough. Nuclear energy many countries produce nuclear fuel besides Russia and some reactors use natural uranium. Renewable sources are competitive and actually are less competitive with batteries. And we know how to process batteries, thanks...we literally have the company with the batteries with the least emissions
The logic and reasoning here are terrible


Costs for renewables aren’t getting cheaper at the moment. Nor can Europe continue to afford them.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I believe there are a few gaps in your explanation. It was good overall, but what you didn't touch was the effects of producing 40% of it's solar panels on energy demand, coupled with the temporary use of coal in Europe. Mind you, the sun shines in the south of Europe during most of the year, and that is being used to their advantage. The EU has an international electricity grid that also connects renewable energy sources between different countries in the unx. There is also a boost in recycling solar panels to decrease dependence on imports for it's manufacturing.

我认为你的解释存在一些漏洞。总的来说,还不错,但你没有提到的是,生产 40% 的太阳能电池板对能源需求的影响,以及欧洲对煤炭的临时使用。要知道,欧洲南部一年中的大部分时间都是阳光明媚,这也是他们的优势所在。欧盟有一个国际电网,可以在欧盟不同国家之间连接可再生能源。此外,欧洲也在大力回收太阳能电池板,以减少制造业对进口的依赖。

The solar panel grift already proved itself as a massive joke in Spain and it's one of the main reasons why that country has one of the highest electric prices in the world


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