2023-08-12 用功 6294

Ukraine is getting ready for the largest reconstruction project since WW2, what will its reconstruction look like?


Could be an incredible opportunity for Ukraine to rid itself of corruption and build itself into a prosperous country.


As a Ukrainian born in currently occupied territory I can confirm it is one of the most detailed and well thought through videos on this topic I have seen so far. The major challenges Ukrainian post-war economy will face are described in a pretty realistic and balanced manner. Not too much optimism nor pessimism.
One can see a lot of open-source research has been done before making this video. Thank you so much for your work and keep it up!


I am from Ukraine, and I have been following your videos since the creation of your channel. Thank you, Hugo, for delving into this particular topic. I firmly believe it holds as much significance as the results on the battlefield itself. Here's hoping for the most optimistic scenario to come to life!


I think people really underestimate what an aging, declining population means for an economy, life expectancy and future outcomes. Without more young people to work/pay the pensions/healthcare of an ever increasing older population, fill increasing job vacancies, consume, and increase demand in the economy, you face socio-economic collapse. Russia, China and even large parts of western europe face a similar outcome. All the best to Ukraine.


There is another factor to consider: who will rebuild Ukraine an for who will it be rebuilt? The country was already among those in a very bad place demographically, having inherited nearly off the same issues as russia has through the ussr. Add in the economic hit from the war discussed here to the tendency for a portion of refugees to end up putting down roots wherever they went to and to not come back, and how those refugees tend to be younger and women increasing the relative demographic hit from whatever number don't come back compared to if it were a more even distribution, and you have quite a hard situation for a country to recover from.


As a Ukrainian, I would say government incompetence (corruption) and demographics are the two greatest challenges in the Ukrainian post-war recovery. So far, I don't feel any optimistic about neither of those.


Thanks for such a detailed and unbiased video about my country. All my family has stayed in Ukraine: we work, donate as much as we can, husbands and brothers defend against "zombies". It's hard, especially morally - but we have no other choice but to fight the biggest evil.

感谢你为我的国家制作了如此详细、公正的视频。我们全家都留在了乌克兰:我们工作,尽我们所能捐款,丈夫和兄弟们抵御 "僵尸"。这很难,尤其是在道义上--但我们别无选择,只能与最大的邪恶作斗争。

One of the sad things for me as an architect is realising that a lot of the reconstruction will be fast and chaotic, prioritising fast growth, bulk and making Investors and politicians happy- this will mean that quality, traditional methods of construction and new urbanism will be set aside- even though so much soviet architecture has been destroyed, it will be replaced by contemporary project which are not that different.


Thank you for the video. We face numerous existential problems in Ukraine, but I hold an optimistic view on demographics. From my experience living abroad for three years, I predict a strong desire among Ukrainians to return. I believe around 60-70% of those who left will come back after the war ends. The outcome will depend on the format of the war's resolution, but Ukraine has succeeded in cultivating internal soft power and a sense of belonging to something greater than oneself and one's family over the past 30 years.

谢谢你的视频。我们在乌克兰面临着许多生存问题,但我对人口结构持乐观态度。根据我在国外生活三年的经历,我预测乌克兰人有强烈的回国愿望。我相信,战争结束后,约有 60-70% 的离开者会回来。结果将取决于战争的解决方式,但在过去30年里,乌克兰成功地培养了内部软实力,以及一种归属感,这种归属感比个人和家庭更强烈。

I was reluctant to explore the bad news affecting Ukraine (initially resistant based upon your title). But I'm glad I did. This is a very thoughtful analysis I could not have gotten elsewhere, and now I've found a new relevant and trustworthy channel to watch. Your rational, yet emotional, delivery is engaging. Thanks for all your hard work!


Very interesting analysis, People in Ukraine hope that the worst is over only for things to get worse, just like Odesa which has been hit very very hard lately, destroying ukraines remaining port infrastructure.


I think there's certainly scope for some large marshall plan esque recovery loans from the EU and further afield. It would be more politically palatable than grants, and it would give the EU an interest in growing the Ukrainian economy since then they would be able to pay them back, even if it took until 2100.


Great video.
The war needs to be won first but the EU should have a comprehensive strategy strategy for rebuilding (including membership) in place for when the day finally comes


Unlike Korea or Japan, Ukraine's on a land border next to Western Europe. A lot of talented people in tech who speaks english. I believe Ukraine can bounce back. If Successive governments can shake the corruption that plagues post soviet states.


The problem with the investment route to rebuilding is that foreign investment is extremely good at creating wealth and then extracting most of it. It’s just replicating the problem of the oligarchs but with foreign oligarchs joining the party.


Speaking as an economist and manager of an investment fund, this gentleman is well worth heeding.


Great video, but why didn’t you mention that Ukraines economy took a massive hit after Russia annexed Crimea and their put forces into the Donbas? This scared away almost all foreign investors.


I hope people realize that having Ukraine in the Common Market will be extremely beneficial in the coming decades, so should be of high priority. As climate change continues to get worse, adding a large food producer like Ukraine will grant us an extra level of security as food will become an actual issue that Europeans have to deal with. So even from an egoistic perspective it's good, I would almost say vital, for us to help Ukraine and add them to the fold.
1 trillion euros over the course of a decade or so is not even really a huge deal for let's say OECD, or EU+US, or whatever coalition of rich countries you want to think of. I mean yes, it's a lot, but it's not impossible by any means. If I counted right it would be about 1-2% of US federal budget if they do it alone, which they won't, others will help as well. It's expensive but doable, and that's using the pessimistic number for the total cost.


in terms of rebuilding estimate - it already has been lowered since they started to "curl up" the country - cutting services to smaller settlements since they lost so may people and forecast for the future are also grim. It will likely end up with a country model similar to Argentina or Brazil - with few huge cities and enormous farms

在重建估算方面--自从他们开始 "蜷缩 "这个国家,重建估算已经降低了--由于失去了如此多的人口,他们削减了对较小定居点的服务,对未来的预测也很悲观。乌克兰最终的国家模式很可能与阿根廷或巴西相似--只有少数几个大城市和大片的农场

It’s dope that Europe is taking the lead on this. Ukraine needs something on the scale of the Marshall Plan in the 50s. I imagine looking to South Korea would be helpful.

欧洲在这方面发挥了带头作用,这真是太棒了。乌克兰需要像上世纪 50 年代马歇尔计划那样的援助。我想韩国也会有所帮助。

I think between the drive of the people and the help they are getting they will rebuild faster then many think, war is terrable in a lot of ways but as we have seen it pulls a society together the people that are still there want to be there and want to see there country flourish again

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The issue with dependence on private money for the purposes of rebuilding like you said is that Ukraine will need to highly "liberalize" its economy. The dependence on private money will simply reform the oligarchy they've already been having difficulties with (just different management), and the stripping of worker's rights and protections will only rob the Ukrainian people and land for all their resources. I'd highly recommend they minimize their requirement/future dependency on private investment as much as possible.

像你所说的那样,如果依赖私人资金进行重建,那么乌克兰则需要高度 "自由化 "其经济。对私人资金的依赖只会搅乱他们已经陷入困境的寡头政治(只是管理方式不同而已),而剥夺工人的权利和保护,只会掠夺乌克兰人民及其土地的所有资源。我强烈建议乌克兰尽可能地减少对私人投资的依赖。

If it could be done to western Europe after two world wars and Japan, it can be done again


This whole war is such a depressing story man, and Im not even affected by like the people of Ukraine. Sure Im in the EU and total victory would benefit all of us, but Im not the one fighting a much larger country who invaded and basically crippled an already stagnant economy with a declining population whose rate has been significantly accelerated....


I think that Ukraine cutting labor protections in order to be more enticing for private investment is very much not a good thing.


Nice video, thank you!
The only thing to add, as a Ukrainian: we had an illusion in 2014, after the Crimea occupation, that it may be possible to negotiate with Russia to come up with some agreement or a status quo at least. Now, in 2023, it's obviously that Russia don't want that and never wanted. Therefore, "peace in a current lines" = "give Russia a time to recover and to continue its invasion in an upcoming years". So mid term it'd be more similar to an "endless war" scenario

作为一名乌克兰人,唯一需要补充的是:在2014年,在克里米亚被占领之后,我们曾幻想有可能与俄罗斯谈判,达成某种协议或至少维持现状。现在,在2023年,俄罗斯显然不想这样,也从来没有想过。因此,"当前战线的和平"="给俄罗斯恢复的时间,并在未来几年继续入侵"。因此,从中期来看,这更类似于 "无休止的战争"。

Really appreciate the topics you cover - I don't hear much on these outside of your channel!

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Reconstruction is a complicated debate. First it will depend on how (and when) the war ends. Regardless, I think they have massive issues: their demographics is terrible and poised to only become worse over time, and their infrastructure will be massively damaged. I think the second one you can think about "reconstructing", but the first one is unrecoverable. Even if you had total victory and total peace in Ukraine, in a short period of time, it's unlikely it will be more than a poorer version of Romania in the foreseeable future.


Very concise and interesting, if sobering, analysis. Thnk you for this, and keep it up!


Based on fertility rates, Ukraine might just become the next South Korea, but not in the way it wants...


I get the feeling that Ukraine could be a real economic regional power if the post-war period is managed well. All the building blocks are there, it'll just take massive western investment akin to Germany after WW2

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The captions need some work (Nova Scotia Dam ), but overall, great video! I truly hope that Ukraine can rebuild itself soon. Even before the war, they were already the poorest country in Europe, which is sad considering their massive potential.


I mean, Ukraine isn't joining the EU any time soon even if they win the war tomorrow. It'll take many years for them to meet the requirements even with plenty of foreign aid. By that time the EU's redistribution mechanisms will look different anyway, so I don't think it's much use speculating on how they'd apply to Ukraine.


Sueing Russia doesn't sound like a bad idea. Having Russia pay for all the damages and the rebuilding would not only relieve EU countries and its citizens, it would also dissuade Russia from making any attempts of invasion in the future.


I would argue that its not only possible but in doing so it would gain partnerships


The main resource Ukraine has lost that will never come back is all the people who have moved to the rest of Europe. When the war is over, the men will join their families in the EU countries. The war has lasted so long that the children have gotten used to the new countries they live in. They have a better life there, and they will not move back.


Investment in Ukraine from EU perspective is highly risky. Eastern Europe has always been considered the exploitable workforce for the northern industrial countries. The elites in Europe know this more than ever now considering if it’s not Eastern Europe then that workforce need to come from different countries outside Europe which amidst the current anti-migrant climate will not fly. The dependence of cheap workforce is so deeply structural in Northern Europe it is almost impossible to maintain current economy without grand restructuring which would require political mobilisation amidst current political climate would seem improbable.


I'm quite sure Ukraine can get to NATO post war as long as they can preserve democracy. Problem is EU, it seems like Ukraine and many other people think going to EU would be easier or could be fastracked as something that could ease Ukraine's entry into NATO.
But EU is political and economic unx with massive amount of laws and regulations nation needs to adhere to (something like 100k). I'm 100% behind helping Ukraine militarily and economically, but considering both current situation and Ukraine's past political situation with all the corruption and oligarchs etc. before the war. I just don't think it's realistic in any way for Ukraine to get into EU for foreseeable future. It would mean massive internal changes, which is much harder than reforming army to nato standard.
NATO on other hand is relatively easy as long as you get approval of other member states. It's not easy, but much easier. After all, it's military unx.

但欧盟是政治和经济联盟,国家需要遵守大量法律法规(约 10 万条)。我100%支持在军事和经济上帮助乌克兰,但考虑到乌克兰目前的局势和乌克兰过去的政治局势,以及战前的腐败和寡头政治等。我认为在可预见的未来,乌克兰加入欧盟是不现实的。这将意味着大规模的内部变革,而这比按照北约标准改革军队要难得多。

Love Ukraine from USA ❤️


Is rebuilding europe after ww2 even possible? yes ofc and if thats possible, this certainly is aswell..


It's important to see money spent on rebuilding as investment, so private lenders should be happy to join, especially if there are political guarantees by the EU or G7.
The EU agricultural policy is due to reform anyway imho, maybe this is a potential topic for a future video?


Very interesting.
This topic is rarely talked about but is critical

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Thought provoking and insightful; very nice. It's always pleasantly surprising to see second languages speakers of English do a significantly better job of speaking it than supposed native speakers who can't seem to pronounce things properly or keep using nonsensical jargon like "impact".


Something everyone who can, would prefer not to think about, but it must be thought about, so thanks!


All is possible, when people want it to be possible.


There's clearly a will in Ukraine to make a better future, and that's the best predictor of success.


Greetings from Croatia! Our last war ended 28 years ago, we've been a member of the EU for 10 years, NATO for 15 years, we are even in the Schengen area...
Croatia took less damage in four years of fighting than Ukraine did in two and we're still not done with rebuilding!
There are minefields and people still die (or get injured). Hatred towards other ethnic groups is still present. There are missing war victims whose graves are not known. Ex-soldiers still recieve pensions and benefits draining the budget funds. Society never fully mentally recovered from war (us vs them) mentality.
However most people do believe it was worth it since we didn't have much choice and had to defend our independence.
Ukraine has massive support of the West so I hope your recovery will be much faster


One thing to remember is that the400-500 billion number would be spread out over many years, probably decades. They wouldn't need it all at once.

需要记住的一点是,这 4000-5000 亿的数字将分摊到很多年,可能是几十年。乌克兰不会一下子就需要这么多钱。

Fighting corruption became a matter of survival, thus we see a lot of progress since the war started. I think there will be economic success after the war when Ukraine follows the Path of the Baltics.


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