2023-08-13 辽阔天空 2628
What is the best way to learn large volumes of information quickly?


Mikhail Kotykhov
This will actually help.
It might look like a cliche at first.
But when you think about it, and better still, start using it - you actually see the results.
10% of what we read
20% of what we hear
30% of what we see
50% of what we see and hear
70% of what we discuss with others
80% of what we personally experience
95% of what we teach others
I would highly recommend you to try it.
Works for any type of learning.


Follow your study sessions with a napOur mind transfers knowledge/information from the short-term drives to the long-term ones when we are sleeping. Specifically, when we are in the REM stage, which generally starts 90 minutes into our sleep. So if you take a nap of about two hours right after studying, your brain will consolidate everything you learnt and save it permanently.
Feynman Technique
This is a technique that ages like wine. It’s more important to understand concepts rather than just cramming them up (and the field of education took almost forever to get this right). The Feynman technique is pretty simple. It asks you to first write down everything you know about a particular topic. After this, you’re supposed to teach it to a child by simplifying it to a level that works for both of you while also doing justice to the topic. What’s really happening here? Children aren’t aware of jargon. You can’t get away by regurgitating the definitions/examples you’ve memorised in front of them.
You will need to break things down and use your own words to teach them something. This process ensures that you are not faking understanding a concept and are capable of expressing it in your own words. Keep retrying this drill if you don’t get it right in the first attempt and make notes of where you’re falling short.
Don’t procrastinate
Leaving the entire syllabus for the study break is the equivalent of learning how to open a parachute when you’ve jumped off of a plane. It’s just not possible to cover so much ground at the very end of the academic year when you’re so close to your exams. Thus, you must study every day instead of procrastinating, for it allows you to space out your learning process and therefore lets you understand things at your pace.
Hope this helps!


Bharath Vishal
There's actually a technique which I follow to learn large volumes of information quickly.
I can describe my reading process similar to that of a compiler. Like how there are passes during compilation process, my way of learning too has passes(there are 3 in my case).
First Pass : (Deducing the overall theme)
As I start reading, my mind starts deducing the theme of the article concurrently. In this pass, I don't try to remember anything I read. Instead, I read faster and try to deduce the overall theme of the article/passage.
Second Pass: (Reading again to get an idea of what every single paragraph is about)
In this phase as I read the article paragraph wise, I try to remember the idea and a brief descxtion of each paragraph. Likewise, I read to know the meaning and to remember a brief descxtion.
Third pass : (Identifying Key phrases and things in every paragraph)
This is the last phase where I read the same article again paragraph wise, so as to identify and remember a few key phrases about each paragraph. At the end I try to remember and recollect the key phrases and the theme of each paragraph.
Finally it's done! :) Even though it seems much like a time consuming process, I've actually adapted myself to do all of this within 1 or 2 minutes for an average Wikipedia article. I attained this skill by reading numerous number of Wikipedia articles. A thing which I want to add is that I recollect the meaning and remember the purpose of the article randomly anytime on that day and this makes me remember the article. Even though this took me some days, it's all worth it. Even if you try doing this, you'll get hold of it and you can indeed learn large volumes of information quickly. Remember these things : understand what you learn, concentrate and never 'mug up' anything you learn. Hope this helps. :)


Justin Ho
What is the best way to learn material quickly and efficiently?
In my experience the fastest way to learn anything is to do it. A lot of people waste their time reading, but reading just gives you vague high level overview of whatever it is your doing and doesn't really accomplish anything.
That being said, to quickly learn something, apply it in a real world situation as fast as you can. If this is math, tackle a real problem. If this is code, stop looking at examples and build a real application. If this is a spoken language, stop trying to memorize individual words and go try to write a diary.
I know this because in my past I've spent hours reading topics and you end up getting lost in thought trying to jam and decipher eveything in your head.


Ritesh Kumar Mishra
This is only possible when you have developed a razor sharp focus. You need to train your mind in order to learn large volumes of information quickly.
Swami Vivekananda had a photographic memory where he would simply turn pages while reading a book. He says, “As a child can quickly learn words from alphabets and sentences from words and paragraphs from sentences and increase the rapidity of the reading speed, so as the concentration develops anyone can obtain a photographic memory by simply seeing a book’s pages and not completely reading it.”


Say Keng Lee
With all due respects to you, I am rather amused and bemused by your question.
Given a choice and if I were you, I would rather prefer to have easy and convenient accessibility to "large volumes of information quickly" than to have them cluttered in my mind.
That's to say, information is useless, unless you have ideas to work with them.
Smart people always work with ideas; and with ideas, they know precisely where and how to get more relevant and useful information.
From a tactical standpoint, they always have this personal relevancy to action in the way they look at information, using the power of ideas or ingenuity.
A case in point: The brilliant mind behind SpaceX, Tesla, and other "moonshot projects" Elon Musk is known as a near-photographic memory.
But, more importantly, he is a man of visionary ideas, ever since he was a kid in South Africa, where he sold his videogame concoction Blastar at the age of 12.
His vivid power of vision of going to Mars, coupled with his seemingly insatiable hunger for better, faster, cheaper, and more elegant solutions, and his exponentially phenomenal capacity to process massive information inputs never cease to amaze me, from the way he reads, thinks, synthesises, and interacts, particularly with deep-probe questioning, via his growing bank of smart engineers.
So, frankly, the key is not to learn large volumes of information quickly, but to develop the uncanny ability to ideate expediently, to discern sharply, and to probe deeper for clearer understanding, and to go back to "first principles".


Kruti Naik
What are some things that the sooner you learn the better?
A lot of people in their twenties are wasting precious time of life giving up their jobs because they believe IT DOES NOT HELP THEM LEAVE AN IMPACT. This is a stupid Idea. Please take seriously what you have on hand, start working asap and gradually, no matter how mediocre your work is you can still leave an impact. You don't need to go searching the work that will help you leave an impact. It doesn't work that way.
Don't waste too much money on credit card EMIs buying the latest fancy stuffs. You need to be content from within. Things don’t bring happiness
There is a difference between luxury and comfort. Understand that if something is economic but gives you a decent comfortable experience, no need to go around spending 1000 bucks for extra luxury.
Learning to iron your clothes. Wear crisp freshly ironed clothes.
Keeping your room/house tidy. Brings clarity in thought process too.
Taking care of your health. Healthy body and mind will take you long way.
Cooking.Also will help you save money.
There is no substitute to working out or a hardcore exercise. Do it at least three times a week
Don't get into the trap of FINDING YOUR PASSION. Whatever it is there on hand, value it, appreciate it and make it better.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Forgiving people. Don’t hold grudges. Who knows what tomorrow brings? You might never get a chance to see them again.
Earning money. Become financially independent asap.
Releasing mental blocks. Breakups, cheating, failure - get over them asap
Developing reading as a habit. I mean habit not just hobby.
Taking care of parents is important. After certain age, they become grown up children. You have to deal with their tantrums.
Falling out of love and relationship is Normal. Please don’t drag. Take a call asap.
Life doesn’t get better when you will have a job or you will crack some exams - it is already better because past is history and future is mystery, what you have is your NOW.
If someone says something to you, don’t jump on to the conclusion immediately instead take your own time.
90% of people do not have any purpose neither they know what they are doing with life. So, even if you give your 50% best to anything, you will be on top.


Deepak Kumar
What is the fastest and most efficient way to learn new information or acquire a new skill?
Acquiring any new skill starts with very small steps.
Meet Milo of Croton - The Great Ancient Greek Olympian.
He was the greatest and strongest wrestler of Greece.
He won six consecutive olympic medals!
He decided to carry a newborn calf on his shoulders. Day by day, for more than four years, he carried an animal on his shoulders. While people were laughing at him, the small calf slowly grew into an adult ox and Milo got stronger and stronger along the way. What an awesome idea. Every day, when Milo woke up, he lifted the calf, put it on his shoulders and carried it around all day. After four years, Milo was lifting and carrying around an impressively big ox. By then, people stopped laughing a long time ago, when they saw Milo’s muscles and strength grow.


Here is the main lesson of his story.
Milo didn’t start by lifting a big heavy ox. He started with a calf. Whereas his competitors attempted to lift an adult bull instead. That gave him the chance to master the fundamentals.
He went with a smart approach to take on a manageable challenge and slowly develop strength and self-confidence; even though people were laughing at him. Deep down he had a long-term vision that was much bigger than the short-term pain of being laughed at.
No matter what skill you want to learn or which area of life you want to improve, you have to start small. You have to start with the fundamentals. Because you can only build a majestic skyscraper of success on strong foundations.
Think big, have a great vision, but start small. Don’t overestimate what you can achieve in a year, but don’t underestimate what you can achieve in five years.
In five years, you can dramatically improve your health, wealth, relationships, competences, happiness or whatever your goal is. But start by saving a few dollars per day. Start with walks in nature, then progress to jogging, running and weightlifting. Read one page per day and then add an additional one every day. And choose maximum one or two areas to improve at once.
While doing that, don’t compare yourself to other people who are already masters. Beginnings (after the initial motivation wears off) are always hard, but the hard road becomes easy with time. Thus, manage your expectations and keep the long-term view in mind.
And remember, if your expectations are too high when you undertake a new challenge, you will be greatly disappointed and give up sooner or later.


Long-term thinking means that you plan the great results to come in years, not months or weeks. Overnight success comes after years of hard work.
Milo of Croton knew that consistency is key
Hard work beats talent every time. But hard work is hard, since it demands almost bulletproof consistency and focus.
Hard work requires putting effort into your goals on a daily basis. That means you have to cut the bullshit and focus on what really matters. Day by day.
You have to persistently follow a carefully orchestrated process that leads you to your big vision. Consistency and never giving up, while staying flexible, are the key to everything. Milo knew that and thus wherever he went, he never left the growing calf behind.


Eric Scott
What's the best way to learn something?
An old teacher of mine told me a story that stuck with me the rest of my life:
A pottery teacher split her class into two halves.
To the first half she said, "You will spend the semester studying pottery, planning, designing, and creating your perfect pot. At the end of the semester, there will be a competition to see whose pot is the best".
To the other half she said, "You will spend your semester making lots of pots. Your grade will be based on the number of completed pots you finish. At the end of the semester, you'll also have the opportunity to enter your best pot into a competition."
The first half of the class threw themselves into their research, planning, and design. Then they set about creating their one, perfect pot for the competition.
The second half of the class immediately grabbed fistfulls of clay and started churning out pots. They made big ones, small ones, simple ones, and intricate ones. Their muscles ached for weeks as they gained the strength needed to throw so many pots.
At the end of class, both halves were invited to enter their most perfect pot into the competition. Once the votes were counted, all of the best pots came from the students that were tasked with quantity. The practice they gained made them significantly better potters than the planners on a quest for a single, perfect pot.
In life, the best way to learn a skill, is to make a lot of pots.


How can I learn a large amount of information in as short a time as possible?
Learning a large amount of information in a short period of time may be tedious task but it cannot be considered impossible. You can try these things:
Divide the information into points
Assign these points a relevant heading
Just memorize the headings and read the information related to the headings once. You don't need to learn the entire information.
Eliminate the irrelevant points
Try to memorize the points with the help of examples
Based on the type of information you can also convert it in the form of a story. This makes it easier to learn the info.
You can also learn with the help of diagrams in case the info is in the form of a process.
Hope it helps :)


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