Soaring temperatures make daily life uncomfortable, but also pose a serious threat to human health and the environment. With the southern US in the grip of an extreme heatwave, here is our guide to getting through one.
Heatwaves are likely to make summer months more challenging in the decades to come
Climate change is causing heatwaves to last longer and become more frequent
Milk may be a better choice than water in some cases, as it contains salt and other minerals lost through sweating
Soaring temperatures make daily life uncomfortable, but also pose a serious threat to human health and the environment. With the southern US in the grip of an extreme heatwave, here is our guide to getting through one.
The oppressive temperatures of a heatwave can have far-reaching impacts, from risks to human health to destroying crops and increasing the risk of wildfires. In 2019, extreme heat is estimated to have caused the deaths of 356,000 people worldwide, according to one set of estimates, making it one of the most dangerous yet overlooked natural hazards. While there is still a great deal of uncertainty about toll that heatwaves take (the World Health Organization estimates 166,000 people died between 1998 and 2017, by comparison), there is little doubt that the number of people exposed to heatwaves around the world is increasing.
闷热的高温天气可能会产生深远的影响,从威胁人类健康到毁坏庄稼,再到增加野火的风险。根据一组估算数据,2019年,全球大约有35.6万人死于极端高温天气,使其成为最危险而又被忽视的自然灾害之一。尽管热浪造成的死亡人数仍然有很大的不确定性(世界卫生组织估算 1998-2017 年期间有 16.6万人死亡)但毫无疑问,世界各地遭受热浪影响的人数在不断增加。
闷热的高温天气可能会产生深远的影响,从威胁人类健康到毁坏庄稼,再到增加野火的风险。根据一组估算数据,2019年,全球大约有35.6万人死于极端高温天气,使其成为最危险而又被忽视的自然灾害之一。尽管热浪造成的死亡人数仍然有很大的不确定性(世界卫生组织估算 1998-2017 年期间有 16.6万人死亡)但毫无疑问,世界各地遭受热浪影响的人数在不断增加。
And climate change is only likely to make heatwaves more frequent and intense in the future.
The "heat dome" causing a record heatwave this summer in the southern US, including Texas and Louisana, has been made five times more likely due to human-induced climate change, according to one analysis. Temperatures have reached more than 119F (48C) and by mid July 2023 some 110 million Americans were under heat warnings. The energy grid in Texas has also struggled under the strain of surging air conditioning use.
一项分析显示,由于人为引起的气候变化,今年夏天在美国南部(包括德克萨斯州和路易斯安那州),“热穹顶”引发创纪录热浪的可能性增加了五倍。气温已超过 119 华氏度(48 摄氏度),到 2023 年 7 月中旬,大约 1.1 亿美国人处在高温预警状态。德克萨斯州的电网也在空调使用量激增的压力下不堪重负。
一项分析显示,由于人为引起的气候变化,今年夏天在美国南部(包括德克萨斯州和路易斯安那州),“热穹顶”引发创纪录热浪的可能性增加了五倍。气温已超过 119 华氏度(48 摄氏度),到 2023 年 7 月中旬,大约 1.1 亿美国人处在高温预警状态。德克萨斯州的电网也在空调使用量激增的压力下不堪重负。
In the US, an estimated 1,600 people die each year due to extreme heat while it can also place considerable strain on health services.
Over the years, BBC Future has covered many different aspects of living with and enduring extreme hot weather. Here we round up some of what we have learned.
How do you stay cool in a heatwave?
It's crucial to stay cool in hot weather as it can have serious effects on your health. Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to find relief when the temperatures climb to uncomfortable levels.
Keeping out of the sun between 11am to 3pm – usually the hottest parts of the day – either by staying indoors or in a shaded area, is an obvious step. It is also important to drink plenty of liquid, including hot and cold drinks (unless it is very humid, in which case hot drinks aren't the best idea). But it's best to avoid drinking lots of alcohol, although a beer or two may still help to hydrate you.
Eating foods with high water content such as strawberries, cucumber, lettuce and watermelon can also help you to stay hydrated. Spicy and hot foods have also been shown to help us stay cool by making us sweat more.
Heatwaves are likely to make summer months more challenging in the decades to come
While the evidence on the colour of clothing is mixed – there appears to be little difference between wearing light or dark clothing as a study of Bedouin tribes in the 1980s revealed – wearing loose-fitting clothes can help by allowing air to circulate next to your skin.
虽然关于衣服颜色的证据存在不确定性——20世纪80 年代对贝都因部落的研究表明,穿浅色或深色衣服似乎没有什么区别——但穿宽松的衣服可以让空气在皮肤周围流通,有助于保持凉爽。
虽然关于衣服颜色的证据存在不确定性——20世纪80 年代对贝都因部落的研究表明,穿浅色或深色衣服似乎没有什么区别——但穿宽松的衣服可以让空气在皮肤周围流通,有助于保持凉爽。
You should also think twice before you open all the windows of your house to keep cool – if the temperature if higher outside than inside, you might lose a possible cool haven. Close the curtains in rooms where they face the sun instead.
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原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
One of the easiest ways to stay cool can be to take advantage of the temperature change in the air when water evaporates. Taking a cold shower or a swim can help you cool down quickly. Ancient societies placed earthenware jars of water or wet sheets in front of a window or a draughty spot, helping to cool the air as it passes over it. This can also work if you are using a fan by blowing the air over a bowl of ice or cool wet sheet.
However, the evidence on the effectiveness of fans is quite mixed, largely due to a lack of good quality randomised trials. Generally, fans are thought to help in temperatures up to 35C (95F), but above that blowing hot air across the body could make the situation worse and even increase dehydration. It's also worth remembering that fans use motors to work, and so generate some heat of their own while running, so it is a good idea to keep a window ajar to improve the flow of air.
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原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
In the longer term there are a huge variety of ways we could adapt our houses and buildings to stay cooler in high temperatures, from wind catchers – towers which create cross ventilation in buildings and have been used by societies for millennia, to green roofs and corridors. Trees are an amazing way to keep cities cool – and even a single tree in a street or a garden can provide measurable cooling benefits. Meanwhile, cities such as Tokyo have experimented with new ways to keep a wider city cool, from solar-blocking paint to new types of low-energy air conditioning.
Sleeping in a heatwave
Temperature plays an important role in the human sleep cycle (and that of all mammals). As our bedtime draws near, our core body temperature typically falls along with our heart rate, and is thought to increase the familiar sensation of sleepiness. The veins in our hands and feet also open up to allow more blood through them, increasing the temperature of our skin and increasing heat loss.
But on hot, sticky nights, it becomes harder for our bodies to lose heat, meaning our ability to drift off to sleep is also affected. Hot night-time temperatures can also lead to more disrupted sleep, leaving people feeling more tired the following day.
The ideal room temperature for sleep is reported to be between 19-21C, although some research suggests we require our skin to be at a temperature of between 31-35C. Bed-sheets, duvets and night-time clothing such as pyjamas help to create a microclimate around our skin that maintains this optimal temperature.
据报道,睡眠的最佳室温在19-21摄氏度之间,但一些研究表明,我们的皮肤温度需要保持在 31-35摄氏度之间。床单、羽绒被、睡衣等夜间服装有助于在我们的皮肤周围营造一个小气候,以保持最佳温度。
据报道,睡眠的最佳室温在19-21摄氏度之间,但一些研究表明,我们的皮肤温度需要保持在 31-35摄氏度之间。床单、羽绒被、睡衣等夜间服装有助于在我们的皮肤周围营造一个小气候,以保持最佳温度。
And when temperatures begin to rise, our first instinct might be to throw off the bed sheets to expose more of our skin to the air to help us cool down. Unfortunately some research suggests this isn't as helpful as you might think because it disrupts the body's ability to control the temperature next to our skin through the night. So a thin sheet – rather than something thicker that might provide too much insulation – can help to ensure a better night's sleep.
A better option might be to use a fan to increase the amount of air flowing over your body at night. Researchers have found that overhead or ceiling fans in particular help to distribute a gentle flow of air over the body, reducing the number of times people wake during the night.
Opening windows can also help if there is a gentle breeze, but in cities the noise from outside could only make matters worse. Keeping your curtains shut during the day, especially when the Sun is on the windows, can help to prevent your bedroom from heating up too much.
Avoiding late night snacks can also help. Late-night eating has been lixed to elevated night-time core body temperatures, which can disturb our sleep.
How does hot weather affect our health?
The human body's ideal temperature lies between 35.01C and 37.76C (95-99.9F), depending on how it is measured, although most medical experts accept an average of 36.8C (98.2F). When the surrounding air nears or exceeds this temperature, particularly when humidity is high, the body's ability to cool itself weakens. One study from 2020 found the upper limit of what the human body can survive without serious health effects is a wet-bulb temperature of 35C (95F) – which is a measure of both temperature and humidity together. In high levels of humidity, it is harder for sweat to evaporate and so cool down.
人体的理想温度介于35.01摄氏度 至 37.76摄氏度 (95-99.9华氏度)之间,具体取决于测量的方式,但大多数医学专家认同的平均温度为 36.8摄氏度 (98.2华氏度)。当周围的空气接近或超过这个温度时,特别是当湿度很高时,人体降温的能力就会减弱。2020 年的一项研究发现,人体在不出现严重的健康问题的情况下,所能承受的湿球温度上限是35摄氏度(95华氏度),湿球温度是同时测量温度和湿度的指标。在高湿度环境中,汗水更难蒸发,所以人体更难降温。
人体的理想温度介于35.01摄氏度 至 37.76摄氏度 (95-99.9华氏度)之间,具体取决于测量的方式,但大多数医学专家认同的平均温度为 36.8摄氏度 (98.2华氏度)。当周围的空气接近或超过这个温度时,特别是当湿度很高时,人体降温的能力就会减弱。2020 年的一项研究发现,人体在不出现严重的健康问题的情况下,所能承受的湿球温度上限是35摄氏度(95华氏度),湿球温度是同时测量温度和湿度的指标。在高湿度环境中,汗水更难蒸发,所以人体更难降温。
When the body becomes too hot or struggles to regulate its temperature, it can lead to heat exhaustion. It can come on quickly or over a few hours, but symptoms include feeling faint, excessive sweating, clammy skin, cramps and nausea. This can also lead to heatstroke, which means the body can no longer manage the heat and you should seek medical attention. Symptoms include feeling confused, vomiting or nausea, no sweating, excessively hot skin, and loss of consciousness or seizures.
Heatwaves can also lead to a range of health problems as diverse as headaches and dehydration to heart attacks and respiratory problems, sometimes leading to death. While people of all ages are susceptible to the heat, the elderly are particularly at risk during heatwaves as they are less able to regulate their body temperature, and are more vulnerable to heart problems due to heat stress. Those with underlying health conditions are also particularly vulnerable.
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原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
It is estimated that half of the global population and around one billion workers are exposed to periods of harmful high temperatures.
Climate change is causing heatwaves to last longer and become more frequent
Hot weather has also been associated with worse outcomes in pregnancy and birth, higher suicide rates, mental health issues and increased hospital admissions.
Some medications can increase the risk of hot weather. Some drugs for epilepsy and Parkinson's for example, have been found to reduce sweating and make it harder to stay cool. Diuretics can also increase the amount of water the body expels as urine, and could also lead to an imbalance of minerals.
Do heatwaves make inequalities worse?
Climate change doesn't hit everyone the same way. The effects are disproportionately felt by the poorest, and often split down racial lines. Countries in Africa which have contributed only a little to the carbon emissions fuelling climate change will feel the effects more forcefully through drought and hotter temperatures. Hotter temperatures in Africa do not make the news in the same way as those closer to Western homes and African voices are not well represented at climate change summits.
Heat can be a slow killer as temperatures rise gradually, often without us noticing until it's too late. It may not be mentioned on death certificates, leaving medical authorities with a poor grasp of its prence.
Heat has often been seen in a positive light, especially when it comes to tourism. Now, there's an awareness that early warning of heatwaves can be a lifesaver. In India, people are warned by WhatsApp about high temperatures, while in the US there's a campaign to name heatwaves in the same way we categorise storms and hurricanes.
For some people with disabilities, heatwaves can bring other challenges. Partially sighted people may not want to wear sunglasses because it covers up visual clues while hats can also affect blind people's echo sounding. Guide dogs risk burned paws if they walk on pavements in extreme heat.
How the heat affects your brain
If the warm weather has you a little hot under the collar, you are not alone. As the temperature rises, it would seem that it makes us all a bit more irritable, angry and stressed, and less happy.
The symptoms range from the relatively mundane – motorists are a little bit more likely to honk their horns when they're stuck in traffic, and the police usually notice a spike in disorderly behaviour.
But, some of the symptoms are a little more alarming (even if only anecdotal). Research in Australia has found that there tends to be a spike in hospital admissions when the temperature is around 27C (80F), and in Greece a study found that 30% of the nation's homicides happen above 25C (77F). In Mexico, the hot weather is thought to cause tensions to run high, so perhaps it is best for all our sakes that we try to keep our cool in a heatwave.
但是,有些症状更令人担忧(虽然只是传闻)。澳大利亚的研究发现,当气温在 27 摄氏度(80 华氏度)左右时,入院人数往往会激增;希腊的一项研究发现,该国 30% 的凶杀案发生在 25 摄氏度(77 华氏度)以上。在墨西哥,炎热的天气被认为会导致紧张局势加剧,所以为了我们所有人的利益,我们最好在热浪中保持头脑冷静。
但是,有些症状更令人担忧(虽然只是传闻)。澳大利亚的研究发现,当气温在 27 摄氏度(80 华氏度)左右时,入院人数往往会激增;希腊的一项研究发现,该国 30% 的凶杀案发生在 25 摄氏度(77 华氏度)以上。在墨西哥,炎热的天气被认为会导致紧张局势加剧,所以为了我们所有人的利益,我们最好在热浪中保持头脑冷静。
Why does sunburn hurt?
Hot weather also comes with another risk – sunburn. The after-effects of sunburn can leave you feeling uncomfortable for days. But what is actually happening?
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原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Nociceptors in our skin detect pain. One channel in particular is responsible for extreme heat – TRPV1 – though it isn't typically activated until temperatures reach 42C (107.6F).
我们皮肤中的痛觉感受器能感知疼痛。其中一个通道(TRPV1)针对极端高温,但它通常在温度达到 42°摄氏度 (107.6°华氏度) 时才会被激活。
我们皮肤中的痛觉感受器能感知疼痛。其中一个通道(TRPV1)针对极端高温,但它通常在温度达到 42°摄氏度 (107.6°华氏度) 时才会被激活。
Once your skin reaches that threshold the channel becomes activated, which in turn activates the entire nerve and communicates pain to the brain.
When we are sunburnt our skin becomes inflamed (it's why you turn pink). This inflammation sensitises the TRPV1 channel, meaning we constantly feel uncomfortable and even something like a lukewarm shower can feel excruciatingly hot.
当我们被晒伤时,皮肤就会发炎(所以呈现出粉红色)。这种炎症会使 TRPV1 通道变得敏感,这意味着我们会持续感到不适,甚至温水淋浴也会让人感觉很烫。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
当我们被晒伤时,皮肤就会发炎(所以呈现出粉红色)。这种炎症会使 TRPV1 通道变得敏感,这意味着我们会持续感到不适,甚至温水淋浴也会让人感觉很烫。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
How to stay hydrated in the heat
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原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Keeping hydrated is a consistent public health message – for decades we've been urged by health authorities to consume as much as six to eight glasses worth of water a day, or 2-3 litres. But when temperatures rise, the need to keep fluids up is even more important.
保持身体水分是一贯的公共卫生信息——几十年来,卫生部门一直叮嘱我们每天喝六到八杯水,即2-3 升水。但当气温升高时,补充水分显得更加重要。
保持身体水分是一贯的公共卫生信息——几十年来,卫生部门一直叮嘱我们每天喝六到八杯水,即2-3 升水。但当气温升高时,补充水分显得更加重要。
Without a continual topping up of water (which makes up between 60% and 70% of our body weight) we start to dehydrate. The first reliable sign of dehydration is increasing thirst, when around 2% of body weight has been lost. Dehydration occurs more quickly with physical exertion or exercise. Even mild dehydration can cause fatigue and tiredness, and overheating as the body stops sweating to preserve water.
如果没有持续补充水分(占体重的 60% 到 70%)我们就会开始脱水。脱水的第一个可靠迹象是口渴加剧,此时体重已减少约 2%。体力消耗或锻炼会加快脱水速度。即使是轻微的脱水也会导致疲倦,并且当身体停止出汗以保存水分时会导致身体过热。
如果没有持续补充水分(占体重的 60% 到 70%)我们就会开始脱水。脱水的第一个可靠迹象是口渴加剧,此时体重已减少约 2%。体力消耗或锻炼会加快脱水速度。即使是轻微的脱水也会导致疲倦,并且当身体停止出汗以保存水分时会导致身体过热。
Many of us instinctively reach for a glass of water, but it may not always be the best option. Milk may, in some cases, be better, as it contains small amounts of salt and sugar which can be lost through sweating. Coconut water also contains vital elements lost through excess perspiration.
Milk may be a better choice than water in some cases, as it contains salt and other minerals lost through sweating
While staying hydrated is crucial, care should be taken not to drink too much. While it's unlikely you'll get to this point, drinking excessive amounts of water in a short space of time – in the order of several litres in just a couple of hours – can lead to symptoms of water poisoning, where the body can't replace the chloride lost in sweat fast enough, and in extreme cases can have tragic consequence.
How can you stay safe in the sun?
For those who do need to venture outside in the heat, it's important to use sunscreen and apply it properly, but also, to take other protective steps. Australia recommends the "slip, slop, slap" method, especially for children, which encourages people to "slip on a shirt, slop on sunscreen and slap on a hat", as well as seeking out shade and avoiding the hottest hours. These simple steps have helped the country reduce its high skin cancer rates.
Protecting babies, whose skin is very thin and sensitive, requires a different approach. Sunscreen should never be used on a baby who is six months or younger, and a child under one year should not be directly exposed to UV rays, according to Australian sun safety experts. Instead, babies should be kept in the shade and dressed in lightweight, loose-fitting clothes that allow airflow, and a soft hat that will not become a choking hazard. Of course, babies and children should also never be left in a car on a hot day.
The dangers of hot cars
A car can heat up by 11C, or 20F, in just 10 minutes, while children's body temperatures rise three to five times faster than an adult's. In the US alone, more than 900 children have died in hot cars in the last 25 years. And it isn't just from children being deliberately left in cars – it's all too easy to forget that a sleeping baby is in the backseat, particularly if a routine (such as who does nursery drop-off) has been changed.
汽车在短短 10 分钟内即可升温 11 摄氏度(20 华氏度),而儿童的体温上升速度是成人的三到五倍。仅在美国,过去 25 年就有900 多名儿童死于高温车辆中。这不仅仅是因为孩子被故意留在车里——人们很容易忘记后座上熟睡的婴儿,特别是当日常习惯(比如谁送孩子去幼儿园)发生改变时。
汽车在短短 10 分钟内即可升温 11 摄氏度(20 华氏度),而儿童的体温上升速度是成人的三到五倍。仅在美国,过去 25 年就有900 多名儿童死于高温车辆中。这不仅仅是因为孩子被故意留在车里——人们很容易忘记后座上熟睡的婴儿,特别是当日常习惯(比如谁送孩子去幼儿园)发生改变时。
This is why tips for prevention include making it a habit to check your entire vehicle before walking away, leaving something (like a handbag or phone) in the back that will force you to check, and asking your childcare provider to call you if your child hasn't arrived at their usual time.
Pets, especially dogs, also require extra care in the heat. On hot days, they should be kept indoors or in the shade and not taken for walks or exercise – not only can their paws burn on hot surfaces, but because they can't cool off by sweating the same way we do, they're particularly vulnerable to heatstroke.
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