2023-08-14 龟兔赛跑 2654

Why do people eat unhealthy food if they know it's unhealthy?


For several reasons:
They don't care about health Even then they don't care.
Despite all the education available, they're ignorant about what is healthy and what is not. A friend of mine buys those “waters” that have aspartame or sucralose in them and thinks that is totally fine, even though he ended up with stage 4 colon cancer at age 59.
They think healthy food is for sissies
They think healthy food equates to food that tastes bad
Healthy food costs more
Healthy food is not convenient
Many people don't know how to cook. (I lived with someone like this. It was horrifying to watch the stuff he shoved down his throat. He ate nothing fresh, everything came out of package. And he never ate any fresh fruits or vegetables)
They eat all the wrong foods for their body, therefore they are hungrier and eat more than those that eat healthy, perpetuating a vicious cycle.
They think there will be a magic pill to take care of their diet negligence if something goes wrong with their health. Yeah? How is that Dexatrim or Lipitor working for ya?
Some people remain immature about food and want to eat the same horrid foods at the same rate they ate as children.
Some people think as long as you stuff your face with some kind of food you're okay. They don't understand the differences in quality of food choices—- Maybe they've never had quality food?
We have derelict doctors telling people, “It doesn't matter what you eat. Having one bowel movement a week is normal.” These doctors should be stripped of their licenses.


Joe Nathon
Why do people eat unhealthy foods?
Because they’re cheap, addictive and financially backed by advertising and nutritional ‘science’.
The US government rushed to produce the food pyramid of how people should eat. The food industry were urged to make foods that fit into that food pyramid, they obliged and now have financial interest in the status quo. They were entirely wrong, but governments never reverse course on such things, they even pushed the high carbohydrate low fat diets to the rest of the world, making each country that excepted it more and more fat.
The sugar industry has ingrained itself throughout governments and the medical industry.
Presidential races start in farm country, so ending subsidies for grain & corn are out of the question.
Pharma companies make a lot of money and spread it around the medical industry, politicians & media by treating the results of unhealthy diets. When you bring your dog to the vet the first question is about the dog’s diet, but the medical system for humans has been steered to simply write prescxtions and do surgeries.
Of course we like sugar, but other foods are engineered to be addictive. Kraft Mac n Cheese for instance is the gold standard of comfort food, you mentally crave it and food companies study it to try and reproduce that response in other foods.


Vi Gann
In addition to standard nursing education, I have received further training in functional nutrition, and based on my experience in working one-on-one with a number of patients with respect to unhealthy eating patterns, I will say that a lot of junk-food eaters consume their pseudo-foods of choice in order to self-soothe. Man-made foods are designed, sometimes with chemical additives and flavor enhancers, to satisfy in terms of flavor and texture, which stimulates ongoing consumption. Refined edibles further generate the release of feel-good neurotransmitters and some stimulate opioid receptors; they can impact the brain just like drugs of abuse do. What follows a feeding episode is similar to a medicated state that provides a sense of temporary relief from suffering. Like any high, it’s followed by a crash that stimulates further eating in order for the eater to re-experience the positive feelings. Foods can literally be addictive. Unfortunately, those are not the health-inducing ones.
Sometimes people with chronic physical pain overeat junk foods, too, and it can be related to the pain condition and/or the emotional impacts of chronic pain (e.g., depression, feelings of hopelessness, consequences of isolation). I’ve known quite a lot of individuals with this issue, but one recent pain patient comes to mind. She overate calorie-dense, reward-center-stimulating foods almost exclusively for nearly two years (and maintained an approximate 30-pound weight gain on a tiny frx) until the source of the pain was diagnosed and resolved with surgery. Once she was pain-free, she immediately stopped self-medicating with food, lost the extra weight within a couple of months, and has kept it off since.
All of us, but particularly those of us in the caring professions, need to be compassionate and understanding about the “vices” of others. They are frequently, if not usually, attempts to numb unbearable pain — emotional and/or physical — and are often sources of great shame for sufferers.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Samuel Trippler
Because they can't. Easy answer, but it's the truth.
If you can will yourself into changing your diet, then you do so because you can. Maybe it's fear of becoming sick over time that drives you. Or you do it to fit in because "healthy" is super important right now and you don't want to look like a fool. Or you genuinely care about your well-being and only want the best for yourself, loving yourself so much that it seems obvious to you to eat the healthiest.
But let's face it. A lot of people just can't do it. There's a lot of emotions attached to food, and giving up on your comfort food means that you have to deal with your emotions in a different way. This can easily become overwhelming. And then people go back to what they know because that has been working so far and is safe. And since most people don't want to be super miserable (even if they're healthy), they rather eat unhealthy stuff that keeps them happy.
If a person does something despite knowing better, they can't do it. If they could, they would. It's as easy as that. They would need help from somebody to do it, but then again who will help you lose weight? Some professional trainer or nutritionist maybe, but do you know how much they charge you? A lot.


What is the best body oil to firm the look of Saggy, Mature Skin on the arms & legs?
When it comes to tending to the needs of saggy, mature body skin, it’s important to go beyond simple moisturization. The skin on the body needs nourishment and authentic care – with ingredients that have stood the test of time and can have a targeted firming effect on the look of saggy, crepey, wrinkled skin.
iYURA Balaayah is one of THE BEST all-natural, Ayurvedic body oils available that is authentically formulated using 5000-year-old recipes and ancient wisdom to ensure it meets the high demands of mature body skin.
Balaayah is not an ordinary oil - not the usual 'Moroccan Oil' or "Castor Oil' or 'Almond Oil'... This extraordinary concoction is a masterpiece of Ayurvedic artistry - an ingenious invention that doubles up as a hydrator and moisturizer, brings intensive penetrating powers of 8 herbs and takes the whole game of skincare several notches up...
This ‘Black Gold Body Oil’ (nicknamed so for its hero ingredient – Black Gram) helps:
Maintain dual effects of both hydration and moisturization that will benefit you with intense long-lasting effects
Firm and tone the appearance of saggy, crepey skin on the legs and arms
naturally strike a balance when it comes to dryness, dehydration and rough-looking skin for a velvety smooth and shiny appearance
It’s 100% Natural, has several raving reviews by women who have tried it, tested it, and whole-heartedly recommend it!

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Satjot Sandhu
What are the most harmful foods? Why?
I used to be a big spicy eater. I loved spicy food. Red chillies to be precise. I would sprinkle some red chilli powder on every dish without even tasting the requirement. I always believed I have a good digestive system. A bit of chilli won't hurt. And this continued for years.
Until one day, I suffered from severe epigastric pain. I had a drink of warm water. The pain subsided for a while. But the next morning, it was worse. I couldn't eat or drink anything. I threw up nearly 15 times that day. My entire abdomen was burning and I felt that somebody was drilling holes into my stomach wall. It was a very painful experience.
I was prescribed to heavy medications. I was supposed to be on a liquid diet for at least a week. Since I couldn't take anything orally, I was given major nutrients via I.V.
My father suspected that I had damaged my mucosal lining from all the spicy food and now the acid created was damaging my peptic wall. It was the most severe form of gastritis I ever faced. All for the sake of satisfying my taste buds.
So what are the most harmful foods?
Anything that involves intolerable level of spice, red chillies.


Lisa Montany
Why is American food so unhealthy?
Many of them are addressed in other answers (brain-washing, subsidizing of unhealthy food by the government, etc.).
One thing that isn’t addressed (at least not that I have seen) is the psychology of what food means in America.
In poorer areas, especially, junk food is the only pleasure that many families can afford in life.
Can’t go to Disney, but we can buy a $1.00 coke for our child at the moment when he/she is crying for it.
Food is highly emotional in America. If you don’t believe this, tell the average person (over 40% of Americans consume fast food DAILY), that they can no longer have fast food for a month, but you’ll give them $500 at the end of the month and they can still get takeout and eat at sit-in restaurants The person will react as though you are asking them to stay away from their family for a month. They’ll think it is easy for them, but it will be very challenging a few days in. It is an emotional relationship and a psychological and physiological addiction.


Another item to consider is that most Americans are not raised in homes with lots of cooking or a close relationship to food. You can eat very healthily, tastily, AND cheaply, but that is not the idea that is sold to the masses.
The masses don’t see that you can easily grow herbs in your kitchen for pennies, take those herbs and add them to a three bean salad, along with half a bell pepper, some celery, and vinegar/oil/herb dressing and have a delicious side dish for literally less than .50 cents per serving (far cheaper than fries).
They don’t see that rice, beans, and season vegetables (which can also be grown very inexpensively in a community or family garden) can make beautiful dishes, because no one taught them this is the case, and now their bodies have grown accustomed to salt/sugar/cheap fats/white flour and they would not enjoy the true flavor of food that is healthy and flavorful.
Many Americans are squeamish around raw meat and don’t see that a chicken for $9.00 can be roasted with potatoes or served with a side of herbed rice, and feed a family of four for about $3.00 each. AND, they could then take some leftover veggie parts and the chicken bones and make a delicious broth, strain it, toss in some rice and seasonal veggies, maybe add a can or two of beans, and have a delicious soup with some bread the next day for possibly another $2.00 per person, at most.


Most of Americans buy into the idea that they are too busy to cook, but the truth is that the average American will watch 5 hours of TV during the day (and could watch TV while cooking if they wanted to). Food is not prioritized and is seen as something ‘one must do’ instead of something that we can experience and indulge in.
(Added 7/22/22: Now that I have a daughter and we attempted daycare for a week, I’d also add that “nutrious food” in daycare and school systems is a total joke. If children are taught that the food served to them in these places are normal, daily foods that contribute to their health, they are robbed of being educated on what healthy food is. Chicken nuggets, ketchup, fries, cupcakes, fruit cocktail in syrup, PB&J, and other convenience foods are just that—convenience foods. They are not ‘real food’ to eat daily.”
So, what’s the solution:
We need to get home-economic classes back into the school systems as mandatory classes, but upxed to be more modern. Let students feel raw meat, learn how to cook it, how to buy it, how to cook and use all types of fruit and vegetables, understand how to meal plan and budget for a low income household, and how to make excellent, healthy meals from cheap and readily available ingredients in their area.


We need to educate people on how to use the produce from community gardens. While many community gardens exist in urban areas, most people don’t know what to do with a squash, eggplant, or pumpkin. Even if they wanted to use these things, they have no idea how to cook it, and there are SO many recipes it is overwhelming. Gone are the days when the neighbor lady next door would show you how to chop up the eggplant, make a tomato sauce from the tomatoes and basil in the community garden, and have a delicious dish with these simple ingredients. We need to foster hands-on education about food. I say this as someone who had never seen an avocado in the 1990’s, but was tasked with making guacamole for my class. I thought it was very disgusting, because I didn’t know that an avocado had to be ripe to make the guacamole tasty. We need to teach folks how to use food.
We need to educate the population on how easy it is to meal-prep, and how fun it can be to make it a family event. Involve the kids and parents, make a weeks worth of meals on Sunday evening, and enjoy the fruits of your labor throughout the week. No need to get fast food if you already have dinner ready in 5 minutes at home.
We need to slow American life down. Kids don’t need to be in five sports. They just need to be home as much as possible learning how to do real life.
We need better and healthier food in daycares, school systems, and other places of early education. Roasted meats, real steamed vegetables, steamed rice, and whole fruits.


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