2023-08-15 ARRRRRIES 7378

William Smith
Actually, there are six early civilizations that arose independently: Egypt, Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley, China, Mesoamerica, and the west coast of South America.
There are some commonalities to them. Four of the six—Egypt, China, Mesopotamia, Indus—centered on large river basins. The Olmec civilization, the earliest Mesoamerican civilization, arose in an area with multiple rivers. The Norte Chico, the earliest Peruvian civilization, centered on the Fortalenza, the Pativilca, and the Supe rivers on the coastal plain. All had generally temperate to warm climates—the furthest north is China—that encouraged the development of agriculture on a large enough scale to support an increased population, after which follows settlements and some form of centralized government.
Europe had large rivers, but a colder climate. That is probably the biggest reason why civilization did not first develop there. Civilization in the Mediterranean basin spread from Egypt and Mesopotamia around the entire basin before penetrating further.


Linda Olsvig Whittaker
It could simply have been a matter of climate. The four ancient civilizations - Sumerian, Harappan, Egyptian and Canaanite - all occur in semi-arid to arid environments. That means the area was not densely forested and the soil was friable.
People who had only stone tools, or later bronze, would not be able to clear a dense forest like found in most of Europe. They couldn’t even clear the oak forests on the Levantine Plain - that had to wait for the iron-wielding Philistines. But they could cleaer light scrub.
Also these areas had large seeded wild legumes and cereals, the crop progenitors like barley (the first domesticated crop). Similar species were not to hand in Europe.


Jason Almendra
Europe north of the Alps has very tough clayey soil. There wasn't enough of a population to require writing. The easy to plow river valleys of the Huang basin, Mesopotamia, & Ancient Egypt gained larger populations to require a bureaucracy. Meso-America has fresh water cenotes. Europe's population only expanded when the horse collar was introduced from the Far East c.1000 AD.


Irene Fuerst
Thanks for the A2A.
The four Old World “cradles of civilization
” (Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Indus Valley, and China) all developed civilization
around river valleys and they all controlled the water necessary to keep agriculture going and prevent flooding. Prior to about 12,000 years ago, the surrounding areas had been much greener and able to support a dispersed population. The people gradually started moving to wetter areas (the rivers) as the climate became more arid. (At least the first three; I don’t know about climate change in China. The Chinese Bronze Age also started significantly later.)
This pattern did not repeat itself in Europe, because there were no great rivers surrounded by inhospitable land that urbanized in the same pattern.


Daniel Plomp
The four ancient civilizations, in Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley, China and Egypt were all centered along major rivers, in very fertile areas that are ideal to grow crops. They were all located at a similar latitude, which means they have a pretty similar, mild climate at the time. Conversely, the climate in Europe was rather cold, and therefore a lot less suited for agriculture.


One of the primary reasons for the formation of early high civilizations was agriculture, or more precisely the ability to grow grain, like wheat or rice, that could be stored long term and serve as a staple food. Agriculture tied people to one place because you can't take the fields with you and you can grow so much grain that you can't easily take those with you either. So people settled down, however this is a vulnerability, tribes that haven't settled down would know where to find you and could raid your settlement. So you band together with other people nearby who settled down, you look for safety in numbers, you organize yourself and build defensive structures and so on. With your ability to procure a surplus of food reliably, you can afford to have more people dedicated to other pursuits than growing food, for example people whose job it is to organize everything, people whose job it is to protect those who produce the food from outsiders, people whose job it is to build and maintain structures and so on.


Since agriculture was much harder in Europe, people didn't consider it worthwhile to pursue it to the same extent as in the more fertile regions of the world. They remained hunter gatherers for longer and simply couldn't form the same kind of urban civilization as elsewhere. They still had civilization, you can find ancient structures, remains of permanent or semi-permanent settlements, art and other items all over Europe. But they didn't form large (for the time) cities or even kingdoms and territorial states, they lived as scattered tribes all over the place, and didn't concentrate into cities until much later.


If I remember correctly Jared Diamond has a useful map in his text Guns Germs and Steel early on showing the spread of domesticated crops across Eurasia.
Given the starting point in the Tigris and Euphrates river valleys the knowledge of agriculture and the crop varieties necessary for different local climates took awhile to spread outward.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Europeans were still largely herders when Sumeria, Egypt, and the Indus Valley civilizations were waxing and waning. China was, as always, its own unique civilization, creating its own path far from the other three who enjoyed robust trade among each other. China grew a different set of crops as well, with rice the principle grain, contrasting to wheat in the Indus River Valley, Sumeria, and Egypt.
As the crops and the the knowledge of agriculture expanded people began to settle down and build permanent structures. Archeology digs reveal a predictable pattern of settlements, towns, and eventually cities radiating out from the Middle East over time and distance, documenting the spread of civilization.


The eastern Mediterranean shores prospered first, then islands across the sea, and finally colonies from the Greeks, Phoenicians and others appear in Africa and Italy and Spain. The real latecomers were the northern Europeans, who would not be tamed until well into the Middle Ages.
Now woven among the threads of this conventional narrative are acknowledgements that various local exceptions crop up: Malta has ruins going back to the Neolithic and Stonehenge is but the most famous of northern European cultural remnants, not the oldest nor only.


So aspects of civilization did spread to Europe, and there is evidence for homegrown local cultures with a fair degree of sophistication.
But if we’re talking written records and technology the big players are closer to the starting point in Iraq.


Pierre Vigoureux
You can make too much emphasis about words like “Europe” and “Civilisation”.
The civilisations of the “land of Eden” (Iraq) were based on rivers and had cities made of “bricks” made of dried mud.
Same for Egypt.
An “alphabet” is not an essential part of civilisation.
Their “European” counterparts would have built in wood, that rots.
And would have still been “civilised” even if they did end up adopting the synthesis of Iraq and Egypt alphabets of Canaan, and therefore of the Greeks, who would have been the “first” European civilisation that we would have described as such.
The reason why “Jericho” is the oldest “continuously inhabited” place in the world is because it is not the best place to live in the world.
The stone age cannibals of New Guinea are “equally civilised” in most respects to the earliest “civilisations” with “cities” like Jericho.
Because they live in much nicer places to live, they do not need to build “cities”.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Sergey Roussakow
Because the basis of pre-industrial civilizations is agriculture, and agriculture in Europe is only possible with an iron axe and a heavy plow. The iron axe created the opportunity for slash-and-burn agriculture and the settlement of Europe in the Roman period, and the invention of the heavy plow by the Romans opened up the possibilities for the emergence of European civilization. Its beginning was restrained by the climatic minimum of the Dark Ages of the 5-8th century, but after the beginning of the medi climatic optimum in the 9th century, European civilization began to develop rapidly. A unique feature of Western Europe is the Gulf Stream effect, due to which the average annual temperature is by 2-3 degrees higher than it should be at this latitude. Western European civilization is a child of the Gulf Stream. Were it not for the Gulf Stream, Europe would never have achieved such prosperity, and it would hardly have survived the Small Ice Age without sliding into new Dark Ages. It is absolutely certain that without the Gulf Stream, we would not have seen modern Western civilization at all, or would have seen something much more modest.


P.S. For agriculture in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, a wooden hoe and a wooden pointed stick were enough to make a hole in wet silt, where wheat or barley grains were placed manually. This is all the technology that underlay the great civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia. The rest was done by water and the sun.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Mohamed Amin
The term civilization, which describes the peoples that inhabited the world in ancient times, is a historical term, whose function is to describe the level of economic, cultural and scientific progress achieved by a community of people in a previous era, but the term ancient civilizations is the name that the history books have given to the first human peoples that laid the foundation of early civilization as we understand it in the modern world.


Scholars agree that the beginning of the history of ancient civilizations in the world was with the invention of the first writing system, around 3100 BC somewhere in the modern state of Iraq, and its history continued until about 400 AD, when the Western Roman Empire fell, and the civilizational level in Europe retreated And, although man lived on the earth long before the invention of writing, the descxtion of ancient civilizations begins from this event, because it has made the codification and preservation of historical events for future generations possible.


Ancient civilizations appeared in several parts of the world, and in varying times throughout the last three thousand years BC, but the first and most important ones arose in specific geographical regions, where the first civilizations appeared in the continents of the ancient world in Egypt and Mesopotamia in the Arab world, and the Indus Valley in The Indian Subcontinent, the Yellow River Valley or Huang is in China, and the island of Crete in Greece.


However, the four major ancient civilizations we're in Iraq or Persia, Egypt, India and Phoenicia. These civilizations originated around river basins with growing human populations large and stable enough to create a civilization.


The first civilizations of the continents of the New World were in the Central American region, which is currently south of the North American continent, and all of these civilizations share distinctive features that are present in them all: building big cities, creating writing systems, discovering metals and making pottery, and domesticating animals to take advantage of their meat and milk, and finally creating a complex social and class system.


According to the National Geographic Association, a number of characteristics can be mentioned for civilization to originate, the most important of which are: the presence of large population centers, where a large number of people reside next to each other in a village, town, or big city. Exclusivity with distinctive cultural features, such as:


building houses and palaces in a specific style, and possessing a special artistic taste.
Possessing a writing system, which allows the written language to be registered and recorded, in order to preserve the history for subsequent generations.
The jurisdiction is a political system to manage the lands belonging to civilization, such as provinces, cities, and towns, and who governs them.
Specification is a system that defines the professions and jobs of people in society. The population was divided into social classes, such as: aristocrats and peasants, or bourgeois and workers.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

David M. Prus
The terrain wasn’t good enough yet. The Tiber, the Po, the Seine, the Thames, the Ebro the Rhine, the Vistula, the Volga, the Danube etc aren’t big enough or straight enough or have enough flat terrain to sustain more than a few cities. Furthermore, Europe hadn’t really warmed yet, so it’s harder to grow the rich cereal crops of the other civilizations.
Europe only took off in the later bronze age about 2000–1500 BC; that’s when ships could contact the Middle East and make a solid trade network, and when technological developments finally took off in northern Europe (we see this in West Africa somewhat later)

当时的地形条件还不够好。台伯河、波河、塞纳河、泰晤士河、埃布罗河、莱茵河、维斯瓦河、伏尔加河、多瑙河等都不够宽阔、直线且没有足够的平坦地形来支撑多座城市的存在。此外,欧洲当时的气候尚未真正变暖,所以种植其他文明中丰富的谷物作物更为困难。 欧洲直到公元前2000年至公元前1500年的后青铜时代才开始崛起;那时船只可以与中东建立联系并建立起稳固的贸易网络,同时北欧的技术发展也终于起步(我们稍后在西非也能看到这一点)。

Trade is very important; while the Indus, Tigris-Euphrates, and Nile civilizations all emerged independently and the Yellow-Yangtze rivers never came into contact with each other, the routes from Turkey to Sudan to India encouraged growth as crops, livestock and ideas spread, and the Anatolian and Iranian civilizations were stimulated as a result.
It’s a long way from the Tigris to the Danube.

贸易非常重要;虽然印度河、底格里斯-幼发拉底河和尼罗河文明都是独立发展的,黄河-长江从未相互接触,但从土耳其到苏丹再到印度的贸易路线促进了作物、牲畜和思想的传播,从而刺激了安纳托利亚和伊朗文明的发展。 从底格里斯河到多瑙河的距离实在太远了。

Alexander Furrows
Because Humans form from Africa, and crossing Mountains and Oceans are hard.


Modern Humans are commonly agreed to have evolved to our current state in a part of modern day Ethiopia. This land is mountainous and it’s soil isn’t the most fertile, so humans walked up the Nile to modern Egypt in search of more arable land. Humans then crossed over the Sinai desert to reach the Levant and Mesopotamia. The mountains of Anatolia and Persia would have been quite difficult for early humans to traverse, and there was little point as the Nile, Tigris and Euphrates provided more than enough food to sustain humanity. Obviously humans did migrate to Europe and as far as the Americas via Asia, but the flat floodplains along the three great rivers provided regular food, and the flooding of these rivers was quite predictable. These areas also weren’t too hot or too cold to live in, the temperature at the time was just right for humans to live in. Europe gets cold, and as modern Humans had to deal with an ice age, large parts of Europe would be a bit too cold.


The Middle East was close to the cradle of humanity and had great river systems from which humans could rely up for food. Later on, modern Humans would find and settle along the great river systems of China and India.


Floodplains along rivers were the bread baskets of early humanity, so many people lived along rivers (most people live near the coast, a lake or a river nowadays still). Early watercraft would have been quite basic, so travelling down a clam river like the Nile would have been easy, while crossing the Mediterranean by boat would have been difficult to impossible. The great river systems of Europe are far away and hidden behind impassible terrain. To get to the Loire, Po, Danube and Rhine from Africa, you have to either cross the Mediterranean or travel through the Sinai desert, Anatolian mountains, Balkan mountains, Carpathians and Alps - that’s a lot of effort to get to divers Th at are worse than the Nile, Tigris and Euphrates. In Eastern Europe, getting to the Dnieper or Volga or whatever else, you have to cross the Anantolia mountains and Black Sea or cross the Caucasus and the Pontic Steppe. Without horses, crossing the steppe would have been very difficult.


The Four Ancient civilisations formed around easy and productive river systems, European river systems weren’t as good and were far away.


Plamen Galabov
The climate and the natural resources are the logical answer to your question. However can we consider the question correct? Look at this one;
“Bulgaria's Varna Gold Treasure is considered the oldest processed gold in the world dating back to the time of the Chalcolithic (Aeneolithic, Copper Age) Varna Culture (usually dated to 4400-4100 BC). It was discovered in 1972 in the so called Varna Chalcolithic Necropolis”.
A little is known about the civilization around and from the lands now under the Black sea. The human history still keeps secrets. What we read and learn is based on the discoveries and knowledge systemised in the last few centuries. Even discovered and well studied the Egyptian pyramids or the amazing creations of the South American civilization are enigma for the modern science.

“保加利亚的瓦尔纳黄金宝藏被认为是世界上最古老的经过加工的金器,可以追溯到原始青铜时代(铜器时代)瓦尔纳文化的时期(通常被认为是公元前4400-4100年)。这些宝藏于1972年在所谓的瓦尔纳原始青铜时代墓地中被发现。” 关于现在位于黑海下的土地周围的文明了解甚少。人类历史仍然保持着许多秘密。我们所阅读和学习的内容是基于近几个世纪以来系统化的发现和知识。即使对埃及金字塔或南美洲文明的惊人创造进行了发现和研究,对于现代科学而言,它们仍然是谜团。

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