2023-08-16 ARRRRRIES 6985

David Sanders
People here don’t seem to realize that in the time of Plato and Aristotle, the Golden Age of Greek civilization, the Pyramids were already 2000 years old. The idea that civilization started in Greece is a Victorian notion, because they couldn’t accept that Europeans had received their knowledge from other “races” (races being another Victorian notion).


Agriculture was key, because civilization can only develop where there is a surplus in economic terms. But there were other fertile river valleys. I remember reading in Fukiyama - although I don’t think he claims it as his own idea - that a fertile area where people could not migrate from allowed leaders to capture that surplus and use it.


So for example in Egypt, there was a broad, fertile valley surrounded by desert. As the population grew, they couldn’t just migrate out into the desert, so leaders were able to exercise control and use the surplus to develop infrastructure and technologies.


Richard McMahon
As others have said, Europe was a bit cold and maybe its rivers were a bit less suitable. It may also have been a bit too heavily forested for early agriculturalists.
More generally, why should any of these ancient civilisations originate in Europe? Europe isn’t that huge. If we accept that only a few places originated the first civilisations, most other places, including Japan and Europe, are necessarily derivative.

正如其他人所说,欧洲可能有些寒冷,也许它的河流不太适合。它可能过于森林密布,不太适合早期农业人口。 更一般地说,为什么这些古代文明中的任何一个要起源于欧洲呢?欧洲并不是那么庞大。如果我们接受只有少数几个地方起源了第一个文明的观点,那么其他大部分地方,包括日本和欧洲,必然是派生的。

Derek Jackett
Depedding how you want to think about it The Hittites were an Indo-European power based in Turkey on the Anatolian plateau. But speaking an indo-european language including words like Water etc. So possibly one of the major mid eastern powers was at least Indo-European.
Also the Myceanians in Greecewould definetly be European as well.


David Roberts
You need agriculture, permanent settlement and a significant concentration of people. This appears to have occurred only where there were very fertile river valleys that were easy to defend and irrigation was possible. Although Europe had agriculture and permanent settlement relatively early, they did not have the other attributes that lead to cities.
Nevertheless cities did develop in Europe. Once cities emerged they appear to have spread, mostly by conquest and imitation (or for self-defence). They still tended to need some of the environmental characteristics of the original civilisations. Greek cities for example, developed in the valleys between mountain ranges. Again easily defended and based on agriculture, though it should be noted that the land was not very fertile and there was consequently pressure to expand and conquer more land.


Thomas Musselman
Other than the need for some creative individuals (their identity lost to history), access to wild crops and wild animals that could be domesticated matters. Anatolia/Syria/Iraq/Iran had the spectrum of plants and animals we still mostly rely on in the same way that Bolivia had wild potato and wild maize, not California. Once domesticated the plants and animals spread but the places near where they first were, if they had fertile river valleys, were well-suited to the population increase you need for urban life.


Andreas Hofer
You will find that Ancient Civilisations arose with early agrigulatural centres. Early European farmers never managed to establish such centres. The reason could be a very strange one, indeed: they kept separate from Ancient European hunter-gatherers, who could have served as catalysts in a scaling-up process.


Here is a blog post I just wrote:
A Theory of Civilization - unifier and pacifier catalysts
February 03, 2021
In The WEIRDest People in the World (2020) Joseph Henrich discusses the problem of scaling up primitive societies and turning them into complex ones. Joseph’s answer is that intergroup competition (e.g. stealing and raiding of corn and cattle) made scaling up for protection a necessity (there is strength in numbers). This is usually how the transition from foraging to farming is explained, as farming was considerably harder labour and early farmers most likely had shorter life-spans than foragers.

以下是我刚写的一篇博客文章: 《文明的理论 - 统一和调节剂引论》 2021年2月3日 在约瑟夫·亨里奇的《世界上最奇怪的人》(2020)中,讨论了将原始社会扩大规模并转变为复杂社会的问题。约瑟夫的答案是,跨群体竞争(例如偷窃和劫掠玉米和牛马)使得扩大规模以获得保护成为必要(人多力量大)。这通常是解释从采集到农耕转变的方式,因为农耕比较艰苦,早期农民的寿命很可能比采集者短。

Thus, early farming spread not because rational individuals prefer to farm, but because farming communities with particular institutions beat mobile hunter-gatherer populations in intergroup competition.


There is one huge catch to the scaling-up problem: tribalism. Most small-scale societies are very clannish and as they scale-up intra-group competition increases and the society starts to fall apart again. One need only think of warring Scottish clans a few centuries back.


On the other side of the world, the echoes of the culture of honor that were part of Scotland’s segmentary lineages still affect life and death: in counties of the U.S. South, the higher the percentage of Scottish or Scotch-Irish residents in the first U.S. census in 1790, the higher the murder rate is today. The cultural descendants of these migrants still tend to respond aggressively when their honor, family, or property is threatened. Globally, researchers have argued that the character of “Islamic terrorism” may be best explained by the honor psychology fermented in segmentary lineages. Boko Haram, Al Shabab, and Al Qaeda, for example, all recruit heavily from populations with segmentary lineages, and the character of their kin-based institutions may have shaped the particular religious creeds adopted by these groups.


I have argued that tribalism actually increased in the transition from foraging to farming-herding. Early farmers shared more among kith and kin than the whole tribe and there were many social and probably also evolutionary developments that increased tribalism:
Transition to a patrilineal and patrilocal system
Transition to a more hierarchical system and rising inequality
Higher levels of conformity
Loosening of kinship marriage taboos (e.g marrying first-degree cousins)
So, we get these two opposing forces:
Intergroup competition: pressure to scale up
Scaling-up increasing intragroup competition: pressure to scale down

因此,我们得到了这两股对立的力量: 跨群体竞争:扩大规模的压力 扩大规模引发的群体内竞争增加:缩小规模的压力

bootstrapping problem of early civilization
Therefore the more in-group social the clans were there less likely that civilization could bootstrap. In fact, this phenomenon can be observed later in pastoralist conquests: these societies tended to rise very quickly (Mongols, Huns Vikings, etc.) but their empires dissipated as quickly as they arose. So, what prevented early civilizations from falling apart? There must have been catalysts: unifiers and pacifiers who had more interest in keeping peace than gaining profit for themselves and their clan. These catalysts were unlikely farmers or pastoralists themselves, as they had not such evolved instincts. Their instincts were geared towards maximising the profit for their own clans.

早期文明的自我发展问题 因此,部落的群体社会关系越紧密,文明的自我发展就越不可能。实际上,这种现象在后来的游牧民族征服中也可以观察到:这些社会往往迅速崛起(如蒙古人、匈奴人、维京人等),但他们的帝国也会像他们的崛起一样迅速消散。那么,是什么阻止了早期文明的瓦解?必须存在一些催化剂:统一者和安抚者,他们对保持和平比为自己和他们的家族谋取利益更感兴趣。这些催化剂很可能不是农民或游牧民族本身,因为他们没有这样进化出来的本能。他们的本能是为自己的家族最大化利润。

And yet such people did exist. When we look at history we can see such catalysts rise after the first few thousand years of farming. Michael E. McCullough writes in

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The Kindness of Strangers (2020)
Even so, some kings eventually began to take action to protect society’s most vulnerable people from oppression. Consequently, ancient documents, such as the Reforms of Uruinimgina (2300 BCE ), the Code of Ur-Nammu (2050 BCE ), and the better-known Code of Hammurabi (1750 BCE ), suggest that the world’s first kings began to place some sort of priority on shielding society’s most vulnerable people—the orphan, the widow, and “the man of one shekel”—from the most flagrant forms of oppression. [...]Hammurabi prevented army officers from stealing their subordinates’ property. Uruinimgina outlawed extortion and other Mafia-style methods to pressure poor people into selling their property at far below asking price. Another king even bragged that he had reduced the corvée labor requirement to only four days per month!

《陌生人的善意》(2020年) 即便如此,一些国王最终开始采取行动,保护社会上最弱势的人们免受压迫。因此,古代的文件,例如乌鲁·伊宁吉纳的改革(公元前2300年),乌尔纳姆的法典(公元前2050年),以及更为著名的汉谟拉比法典(公元前1750年)表明,世界上的第一批国王开始将一些优先权放在保护社会上最弱势的人——孤儿、寡妇和“贫穷的人”——免受最明目张胆的压迫之下。...汉谟拉比阻止军官窃取部下的财产。乌鲁·伊宁吉纳禁止敲诈勒索和其他黑手党式的手段,迫使穷人以远低于要价的价格出售他们的财产。甚至还有一个国王夸耀他将苦役劳工的要求减少到每月仅四天!

What was going on? Redistribution of wealth, curbing nepotism, protecting the underdogs, levelling inequality. All these are signs of egalitarian hunter-gatherer minds at work. Hunter-gatherers, who had been living outside farmer-herder societies for a few millennia after the onset of agriculture had been incorporated slowly into their societies.


At first these were just single cases, but as societies continued to scale up this became a regular pattern. During the so-called “Axial Age” There were egalitarian movements in all high-cultures, from Greece (Stoics) to India (Buddhism) and China (Confucianism), all stressing altruism and kindness and deemphasize materialism.


One thing common to many of these movements was self-discovery: Γνῶθι σεαυτόν - know thyself. These were people of hunter-gatherer descent who became aware that they were different from the farmer-herder people around them. The Buddha gave up all his wealth in order to live an ascetic life of contemplation and self-discovery - how does that make sense to farmer-herder people?
In conclusion, we can assume that these hunter-gatherer types provided the social kit for scaling up early farmer-herder societies. Whenever hunter-gatherer types ruled peace, trade, science and the arts flourished.

许多这些运动所共有的一个特点是自我发现:“Γνῶθι σεαυτόν”——认识你自己。这些人有着狩猎采集者的血统,他们意识到自己与周围的农民和牧民不同。佛陀放弃了所有的财富,选择过一种禁欲的沉思与自我发现的生活方式——对农民和牧民来说,这是否合理呢? 总的来说,我们可以假设这些狩猎采集者类型的人提供了扩大早期农民和牧民社会的社会工具包。每当狩猎采集者类型的人掌握和平时,贸易、科学和艺术就会蓬勃发展。

Matt Larkins
Because the original man chose for himself the best part of the planet Earth. All human life was born in the east and travelled west. It is said that the original man went from Africa to India And then returned back home. Europeans are Asian too, they originated in central Asia and over time migrated into Europe. The original population of Europe is black, they were known as Phoenicians and Mycenaeans


John Laidlaw
An even simpler answer to the question - Europe is naturally a landscape of small, discrete areas, walled from each other by rivers, mountains, or both. look at the Iberian peninsula - with mountains that not only isolate it from the rest of Europe, but separate Catalonia and Aragon (itself almost self-contained in the mountains) from other areas, mountains that define natural boundaries for Portugal, for Leon and Old Castile in the north, and so forth. France, apart from it’s northern edge, has reasonable natural boundaries, as do the Czech lands of Bohemia and Moravia, and the central Austrian lands. Italy is walled off, and itself heavily subdivided, naturally. In fact, the only part of Europe that lacks really good borders is the low lands of northern France, Belgium, the Netherlands (think about that label, and the fact that it was once referred to as the Low Countries), and the North German Plain, which merges into the steppe country of eastern Europe - Belarus, the Ukraine, and Russia, west of the Urals - typically the areas most fought over for the last couple of millennia.
Further, it’s had, typically, a smaller population than the Fertile Crescent area (the Middle East - which, until about a thousand years ago was one of the most productive areas in the world.

对于这个问题,还有一个更简单的答案——欧洲自然地由被河流、山脉或两者分隔开来的小而离散的地区组成。以伊比利亚半岛为例,它不仅被山脉与欧洲其他地区隔离,还将加泰罗尼亚和阿拉贡(自身几乎被山区包围)与其他地区分开,山脉为葡萄牙、北部的莱昂和旧卡斯蒂利亚等地定义了自然边界,等等。法国除了北部边缘以外,也具备相对合理的自然边界,同样适用于捷克的波西米亚和摩拉维亚地区以及奥地利中部地区。意大利也是被自然隔离的,并且自然上划分了许多子区域。事实上,欧洲唯一一个缺乏良好边界的地区是法国北部的低地、比利时、荷兰(想想这个名称,以及曾经被称为低地国家的事实)和北德平原,它与东欧的草原地区——白俄罗斯、乌克兰和乌拉尔山脉以西的俄罗斯相接,这些地区通常是过去几千年来争夺最激烈的地区。 此外,相比于肥沃新月地区(中东地区——直到大约一千年前,它曾是世界上最富饶的地区之一),欧洲人口通常较少。

Hergen Junge
Read National Geographic about Out of Africa and Back Into Africa migrations and the research of the Max Planck Institute fleshing out the Journey of the Genes. The blossoming of Europe was, in all likelihood, due to migrations across the globe, making Europe the recipient rather than the source of major human improvements.
Martin Bernal’s BLACK ATHENA highlights Egypt and the Sumerians as pioneers. Others like Wim van Binsbergen (www.shikanda.net) have fleshed out that hypothesis in the meantime.

请阅读《国家地理》关于“出自非洲”和“返回非洲”的迁徙的文章,以及马克斯·普朗克人类历史学研究所的研究,详细阐述了基因之旅。欧洲的繁荣很可能是由全球范围内的迁徙所致,使欧洲成为人类重大进步的接受者而非源泉。 马丁·贝纳尔的《黑色雅典娜》强调了埃及和苏美尔人的先驱地位。其他像温·范·宾斯贝尔根(www.shikanda.net)这样的人则在此期间进一步阐述了这一假设。

David Montaigne
Though my first thought was climate, my next was that civilization grew best at the mouths and deltas of major river valleys like the Nile, the Tigris/Euphrates, the Indus, and the Yangtze…
There are theories that assume the rising ocean levels thousands of years ago suddenly flooded what is now the Mediterranean Sea and then the Black Sea, as waters crested over and then eroded away what is now the Pillars of Hercules/Strait of Gibraltar, and then the Bosporus. Any ancient civilization at the low end of southern Europe’s rivers lies under these seas.


John DeGrazia
Europe was still coming out of an ice age when the Meso, Egypto, MesoAmerica, China-SE Asia civs were arising.
Specifically, the European Coastal Plain, that most important part of Northern, Central and Western Europe was still covered with ice 10,000 years, ago.
It would first have to become habitable, and then colonized by peoples familiar with the various arts of civilization. This all happened, in due time.

当公元前中世纪、古埃及、古中美洲、中国和东南亚的文明兴起时,欧洲仍处于冰河时代的尾声。 具体而言,欧洲沿海平原,即北欧、中欧和西欧最重要的地区,在1万年前仍被冰雪覆盖。 首先,这片区域得变得适合居住,然后才能被熟悉各种文明技艺的人们所殖民。这一切都在合适的时间内发生了。

John Spencer
There were likely many civilizations that became extinct throughout the early world including Europe.
There were definitely many more than four ancient civilizations.
Europe has been for millennia a crossroad, when draught or famine drove people from geographical areas south, west and east they likely resettled in Europe.
The immigrants possibly brought with them diseases that locals had not developed immunity and vanished,
At this point in time in human development there was little written language or technology, that would have left any trace of their existence.
The greatest civilization in history may have lived in Europe st one early time . There would be no material trace of them now except a couple of genes.


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Álvaro Mesa
I think there isn't an answer on this topic, or at least I don't know it.
From my point of view it could be because the majority of the first settlers outside of Africa were not going through Europe and maybe it's a matter of numbers.
It could also be just they were lucky to do it first, or that the aliens chose them instead of choosing the Europeans, who knows? (joking)
Since this is a very interesting question and topic, I'll be doing my little research to know more about it.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Keith Horne
Because the middle east had a nice climate and the abundance of food gave people time to organize and come together, as there leaders let things go to their heads and become falls gods and develop writing so they could introduce taxes being civilized is open to question, and there is little evidence that we in the north did not have happy fulfilled lives, the art and spread through Europe of the Vikings is an example the quality of stone built houses in the Scottish Iles, being barbaric is the opinion of others and the winners write the history.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Attila Okur
europe in history as well as today, is a barbaric entity in all her forms, society, economy, culture and politics.
europe does not have the powers of a real civilization, except a certain hard force accumulated with barbaric military aggression inwards and particularly outwards, also with the application of repressive cultural-political schemes, colonization and even enslaving of asia, africa, americas.
so, its in vain to expect a certain civilized contribution to history of mankind from almost any european entity. as the whole concept and reality is not formed towards this type of values.

欧洲在历史上以及今天,无论是在社会、经济、文化还是政治方面,都是一个野蛮的实体。 欧洲没有真正文明的力量,除了一定程度上通过对内和尤其对外的野蛮军事侵略积累的强硬力量,还有对亚洲、非洲和美洲的殖民、甚至奴役的应用制度和文化政治方案。 因此,期望几乎任何欧洲实体对人类历史做出某种文明的贡献是徒劳的。因为整个概念和现实并没有形成朝着这种价值观的方向。

Jim Duyer
Because the early Europeans did not care to create a “civilization” as we recognize it. They were quite happy to live in their great forests, write their sagas, and instill in their children a love for honor and courage, without erecting permanent monuments to themselves or their powers that be.


They did spread from there to other parts of the world, however. And if you wish proof of that, look at the ancient gods and goddesses that Sumerian epics speak of - especially that of Gilgamesh.


One goddess in particular is the one that taught them mathematics, map making, and how to perfect cuneiform from a simple method of record keeping into a full-blown language. She is described, by them in their own histories , as being “white like the snow and with hair the color of the ember wheat, or blonde in other terms”. You won’t hear much of this from the traditional historians because it is considered “inappropriate” and promoting of “white racism”. Yes, the truth is very often inappropriate - to some people.


Jasen Chase
Theres a very simple answer to your question. There was a fifth source of civilization that was on Europe. It was called Doggerland and occupied a vast area in northwestern Europe and was a continental civilization that contained what is now England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland although they were not islands then like today vut rather were connected by land ti continental Europe. The Druids and the original Europeans (traced from migrated Indo-Aryans) occupied Doggerland; however at the end of the Ice Age the waters began to rise rapidly swallowing up parts of Doggerland rapidly. Then in 9300 BCE comet strikes sped up the rising waters causing manu world floods. After it all settled, the vast majority of Doggerland was now under the Ocean leaving Ireland and Great Britain as islands no longer connected to continental Europe. Vast numbers of people had been drowned and killed during these times leaving the remaining land mostly unoccupied until the Celtic peoples migrated fron the Italian peninsula into the remaining parts of Doggerland. That's why today's Europeans are vastly different genetically from the original Europeans of Doggerland!


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