2023-08-16 龟兔赛跑 2384
Why do people eat unhealthy food if they know it's unhealthy?


Charles Purnayudha
people tend to consider those unhealthy food to be their best option. they are tasty and easier to find, not to mention their cheaper prices… and yes they are affordable and saving our time a lot.
the commercial breaks on TV have a great contribution for this to happen. they make those foods to be very tempting.
it is true that regrets never come first.. they are always late.
I keep smoking though I know it's dangerous.
people having sex with prostitutes without using condoms.
instant noodles is the very food any kids would love to eat.
people pray to ask God for some helps… people forget to pray to thank Him for every blesses they have recieved.


so.. the answer is because we are just ordinary people,. make mistakes and stubborn.
we only pay good attention for instant danger.. and don't care a lot about what is bad and would happen in long terms. ( lack of anticipation)
healthy tasty affordable foods are not mass products.. to prepare it ourselves would cost us a lot of time.
sometimes it is more like
“why would I care about this?,. I am not the only one doing this.. I will think about it when I have time.. not this time.. sometimes.. yes,. sometimes will be ok,. I still have a lot of time.”
and yes,.. I will have that one too,. looks delicious and lardy ,..
and not a single word about this when my wife has arrived ! : )

是的,我也要吃那个:看起来很美味,而且多脂肪的 。

Dr. Sahana P
Why do people eat unhealthy food even after knowing about healthy eating?
Taste: Unhealthy food is definitely tastier that healthy food.
Price: A bowl of vegetable salad costs more than a samosa. So naturally, people would have a samosa which is not only less pricy but also tasty.
Just out of habit: Some people may find it hard to make changes in their diet they have been following since ages even after knowing it's ill effects on health.
Availability: Unhealthy food is available at every sight. With the advent of swiggy and zomato, the accessibilty has also massively improved.
Foods available now are loaded with sugars, salts, artificial flavors that cause release of dopamine in the brain causing you to crave those foods even more.
Finally..it's not easy to quit the unhealthy food at once. Make simple and easy changes in your diet. Let the transition be slow. Most importantly, enjoy the process.


Daphine Muz
What diseases are caused by unhealthy eating?
We sometimes tend to take healthy eating for granted but Unhealthy eating can be very dangerous to our bodies lead to;
Increased Risk of Becoming Obese
Being overweight doesn't necessarily mean you're obese, and vice versa. Obesity means that you have too much body fat. If you're overweight you simply weigh too much for your height, but the weight can come from muscle and bone. Obesity is a health risk while being overweight might not be.Obesity increases your risk for heart disease, stroke, diabetes, arthritis and some form of cancers. There are some diseases that can cause obesity, but the majority of people are either inactive or make poor nutritional choices and consume too many calories.
2. Increased Risk of Diabetes
Although there are some uncontrollable factors that may predispose you to developing diabetes, it is a preventable disease with a healthy lifestyle. Obesity, high blood pressure and increased cholesterol are strong risk factors for developing diabetes.According to the American Diabetes Association,, good nutrition is one of the best ways to prevent diabetes.
The ADA recommends choosing a balanced diet full of whole grain foods and fresh fruits and vegetables.Before being diagnosed with diabetes, many people find that they have pre diabetes. This is a condition in which blood glucose levels are higher than normal but not high enough to be diabetes. Oftentimes, establishing good nutrition and exercise habits can prevent pre diabetes from progressing to full blown diabetes.


3.Reduced Production of Blood Cells
Anemia occurs when you don't have enough red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout your body. Symptoms of anemia include fatigue, sensitivity to cold temperatures, headache and a fast, irregular heartbeat. Anemia has various causes, and some are related to deficiencies in certain nutrients.The Mayo clinic indicates that iron deficiency anemia affects 1 to 2 percent of American adults. Your body needs iron to make hemoglobin to transport oxygen throughout the body, and it is found in meat and poultry. Anemia can also be caused by a lack of vitamin B12, which your body needs to make red blood cells. Vitamin B12 is found in fortified grains and animal products.
4. Development of Osteomalacia or Rickets
Osteomalacia and rickets are caused by a deficiency of vitamin D, calcium or phosphate. Osteomalacia occurs in adults, while rickets occurs in children. Osteomalacia and rickets cause soft, weak bones, pain and muscle weakness.
Sometimes these diseases result from an inability to absorb vitamin D or not getting enough sunlight so that your body can make its own vitamin D. Vitamin D also regulates blood levels of calcium and phosphate. These diseases can also occur from not getting enough vitamin D, calcium or phosphorus in the diet. These vitamins are found in dairy products, fortified foods and vegetables. Replacing the missing nutrients in the diet will relieve most symptoms of these diseases. From this you can see how healthy eating is very important
Please note that there so many more diseases caused by unhealthy eating. You can however control your health through a keto diet plan.


What tastes very good yet is still extremely healthy?
I’ll say it: if you think that unhealthy foods taste better, you’ve never had good food.
Take the humble cheeseburger.
Many will call it unhealthy. And I suppose they’re right. The above is an idealistic representation of a piece of absolute crap. Made from the cheapest, lowest quality ingredients, it’s convenient and quick, and terribly non-nutritious. But if anyone ever tells me a McDonald’s burger in America is delicious, I’m probably dreaming.
On the other hand, try making the same burger with completely free-range grass-fed beef, the best cheese possible, homemade sweet pickles, and the best buns you’ve ever seen,* fried in butter.
That’s what’s known as healthy. Very. And more delicious than any fast food burger you’ll get anywhere.


Here’s another example: ice cream.
I eat way too much ice cream. Enough to make most people vomit. I can down several pounds in a day, no problem. But as before, this isn’t the usual fare.
If I were to eat even half a pound of Breyer’s, for example, I’d puke. Believe me, I’ve tried. I have no idea what they put in that stuff. Or more accurately, what they take out.
The good stuff? Top-quality ingredients, best milk in Belorussia. The stuff is amazing. And healthy, too. You might be surprised how filling ice cream can be sometimes.
The concept of “unhealthy foods” is not a healthy one. Anything edible can be made in a healthy way. And when it is, it’s delicious indeed. The only way to think that healthy food tastes bad is to eat food that’s commonly called “healthy”, but is made with terrible (and unhealthy) ingredients.


Valeria Mariani
Why do we eat unhealthy meals?
Because, we love them
No one has to tell you that hot wings are not the healthiest things to eat. But, once in awhile, you want something different.
For ME, It's Hot Wings At Piccadilly's in Atlantic City. I'll eat at least a dozen and a beer or two. I only have them once or twice a year, but I look forward to it.
That's why we love unhealthy foods.


Anthony Smith
Is it better to eat something unhealthy or eat nothing?
After having various jobs, across varying times of the day, and night, and some with no access to a microwave even, I feel qualified to answer this.
To eat or not to eat? Answer. Eat.
In the comments people are assuming that you've eaten something earlier in the day, or don't know how to eat healthy.
There are many days and times, where I wake up late, or feel pretty poor, or wake up and am super busy, I forget to eat.
I strongly suggest having some snack items in your car that have a long shelf life. Bottled water, or tea, unopened. Nuts, snack mix, any kind of fried fruit, granola bars, and in a pinch any kind of chips, small bag of cookies etc.


I don't know about you, but I start losing patience, and start getting more upset the longer I go without eating. It's good to look at your watch /time-telling device (for the kids), and remind yourself every couple hours - when did I last eat?
I have a 3 step program. I used to work early mornings. Taco bell down the street opened at 9am and I would have my lunch time then. My middle aged coworkers would give me a hard time for not eating healthier - fuck you - I don't see you offering to cook my lunch. So step 1. Fast food is better than no food. 2. Frozen food is better for you than fast food. 3. Real food is better for you than frozen food.
So. Recap. Have you had breakfast? No. Is it lunch time? Yes. Then go eat something - ANYTHING - your body will thank you.
Don't bow down to the haters. Tell them you cook, healthy food at home. Tell them you don't have time. Or tell them nothing.
Don't let people run your life. It's good to get your facts checked and challenge statements to make sure you have the most current, accurate information. But don't let people tell you what to do.
If you want to eat fast food, so be it. Here and there, it won't hurt you. It will keep you alive. If you're only getting one or two meals a day. I had a job that ran me for 15 or so hours. Daily. All I ate was fast food. Did my stomach like me? No. I did stay alive, however.

我有一个三步计划。我过去常常在清晨工作。街上的塔可钟(一家美国快餐连锁店,主要出售墨西哥风味的食物,如塔可、玉米卷等。)早上9点开门,那时我就可以吃午饭了。我的中年同事会因为我吃得不健康而找我麻烦——去你的——我可没看到你主动给我做午餐。第一步。吃快餐总比不吃好。2. 冷冻食品比快餐对身体好。3.真正的食物比冷冻食品对你身体更好。

Before people go to say, you can get a salad at McDonald's - go check nutrition information first. It's healthier to eat an oreo pizza. Yea. Make that thing.
Before people say - it only takes a few minutes - work a job that is literally stealing your soul - then see what energy you have left after working over 2 months, working 55-60+ work weeks, lucky to get 6 hours of sleep and start all over again the next day, all while your manager and managers’ manager saying daily ‘you're not doing good enough at your job’. Fuck that.
You do you. Take care of yourself as best you can. When you learn new things and /or have more time to try new things, do that.


Lukas Schwekendiek
How do I stop myself from eating unhealthy stuff?
Only Buy Healthy Foods - If you do not have anything unhealthy to eat in the house you will be less likely to get it since it takes that much more effort.
Go shopping when you are full and make a list in advance. Only buy what is on that list. No exceptions.
Make 1 Choice - Do not worry about the rest of the day, week, month or year and just focus on the choice in front of you. Pick something healthier just this once. And then simply rinse and repeat.
Find Out Why You Started - Likely there is something this unhealthy food gives you. Comfort, Security, Luxury, Happiness… Something is in it for you. Find out what that is and create an alternative Habit that creates that same feeling.
Start Small - Do not try to completely cut the unhealthy stuff from your life. Take a baby step for now. If you eat an entire candy bar a day save at least one piece for tomorrow. And if you buy a 10 Piece Chicken Nuggets buy an 8 Piece one next time instead.
Many people start faster than they are ready for and then break down. One step at a time is far better! Build on that!


Create a Reason - Why do you want to stop eating unhealthy? What is it all for? What will your life look like in 10 years if you stop? What will it look like in 10 years if you do not?
Change Your Narrative - This is from the book “Master the Day” by Alexander Heyne (I highly recommend it): If you are struggling with any habit it is likely due to the way you talk about yourself, the self-image you have. Change this narrative to be more positive and supportive rather than negative and destructive by writing down the thoughts and changing them to something better. Pay attention to how you talk to yourself throughout the day; it has a greater effect than you think.
Become a Non unhealthy Eater - Nonsmokers do not think about smoking. It is not something that even crosses their mind and the choice not to smoke is easy for them as walking. From this moment forward you are a person that just does not eat unhealthy. That doesn’t mean you eat Healthy all the time, but the unhealthy stuff you eat is not worth mentioning and you do not need to control it. You are, starting now, a person that has control over it and does not need to spend another thought on it. Train this belief.
Know the Consequences - Every choice always has both positive and negative consequences. Eating unhealthy has as those as well. You gain the comfort and taste of the food as well as the sugar rush it may release, but you also gain the weight, personal discomfort and health issues involved. Assuming neither choice is innately better or worse: What will you choose? Remember every choice leads to a different life not necessarily a better or worse one. Give yourself that freedom to choose and you will choose in your best interest more often.
Add Other Habits - Exercise, Read more, Meditate or do something completely different. As you develop discipline and willpower in other areas you will elevate your entire life, which also affects what you eat.
Model Your Heroic Self - Who do you want to become? What does a fit, successful, confident, heroic version of you look like? In an alternative Universe, or in a different timeline, what would that person be like? How would they treat the possibility of eating unhealthy stuff? What would they do about it? How would they walk, talk, think and act? Copy them and Model them and you will find that you can be them too.

改变你的叙述——这来自Alexander Heyne的《Master the Day》一书(我强烈推荐):如果你正在与任何习惯作斗争,这可能是由于你谈论自己的方式,你的自我形象。把这些想法写下来,让它们变得更积极、更支持性,而不是消极、更具破坏性。注意你一天中自言自语的方式;它的影响比你想象的要大。

Jessica Su
Why do unhealthy foods taste better than healthy foods? Why does healthy food taste bad but unhealthy food tastes good?
Because if something was both unhealthy and tasted bad, no one would eat it. This is “survivorship bias.”
People put up with healthy, bad-tasting food and unhealthy, good-tasting food, but no one would make any money selling unhealthy, bad-tasting food to people.
(People eat healthy, good-tasting food all the time, like tomatoes.)


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