2023-08-21 辽阔天空 2318
What is the best way to learn large volumes of information quickly?


Liam Gorman
Set your learning onto one topic at a time and focus on that.
Make the learning as simple as possible- simplify your language and note down the information clearly in lists and small sentences.
Keep control of your focus- don't procrastinate and sit in a calm area to take in maximum information, music and TV aren't really beneficial as background noise and neither are screaming children.
Scan reading (or skim reading) is a beneficial technique to master when learning, developing this talent means you can pick out key parts of texts and digest these easier.
Test yourself regularly, or get people to test you on the subject. It's very beneficial because hearing people say things or writing them down makes information go in easier, at least for me. Testing yourself also shows you your weaker points and how to improve on them.
Never assume that you know something after reading it once or twice, always re-read notes and pages if you're struggling to remember things.


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

If you get tired or bored stop, walk away and return when your replenished and more awake. Down lull the sleepiness with energy drinks because the stuff won't go in very well. If it's becoming too much for you, just stop for the day, or at least for an hour or two.
Copying up isn't beneficial as you won't be paying attention while you're doing it and all the information will fly over your head.
Keep your notes organised because if your books, notes, tests and writing are all over the place it's likely the information in your brain will be as well.
Similarly, don't panic. I find it very disruptive when your mind tells you that you won't be able to to do and puts in motion a feeling or stress and worry which will tamper with your studies.
Be curious- ask questions and do some research if your struggling to grasp a concept or want to know more, use the internet and sites like Quora to your advantage.
Come up with revision techniques and times to do your work that suit your in your lifestyle, make time for studies but don't force it to interfere with your lifestyle. Revision techniques are a must and you should find ones which suit you (i.e. Games, quizzes, reading over and over, putting post-it notes round your house with information on, etc...)
lixing back to other points, monitor your time by not spending too long on your work each day- just a couple of hours every week (or some more if you feel it to be necessary). Also, do not cram your studies into one night before the test or a day you have free, it won't work as much.
Hope this helps, I'll add more if I think of them. :)


Rohit Malshe
What is the best way to memorize or remember what you study/read?
First, a joke from the Indian Institute of Technology:
A college senior told me a secret once. If you want to top in the IIT, study two days before exam.
Because everyone else will study? - One day before the exam.
There are a few ways to approach this problem, and I would tell from my own experience as I had to go through a lot of exams in my life in IIT, and I was able to secure rank one in my class. Clearly in addition to understanding the subject, memorization was a significant part of my learning process.
Here is how I have seen topmost students at IITs doing this, and I admit, I am no different.


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

ONE: The number one thing about learning anything and everything is to fully understand it. To improve your understanding of any topic no matter what that topic is, is to first understand it from the basics, and beat the understanding to death by all angles. To achieve this, always begin with a simpler book on the subject. Lots of people pick up the most complex books on the subject and they think that they would read it and understand it better than others. But because those books are complex, often they don’t get to understand the subject.
TWO: The second thing one has to do is to be able to explain that subject to someone else. As soon as you start explaining it to someone else, you would figure out quickly what you don’t know, and what the gaps are. Then go back to the books, and repeat and refine the knowledge so that the gaps are filled up. As soon as you are able to explain something to someone even if you have to look at the book, consider that you have understood it yourself.
THREE: Practice doing the step 2 enough number of times. I claim that if I go through the same topic with two people, by the third attempt, I have not only cleaned it up, but also almost memorized it.
FOUR: When you find yourself on step 3, now all you want to do is to repeat the same thing to yourself, like a song. We play songs in our car stereo and listen to them over and over, and in the process, we memorize all the lyrics without putting efforts towards them. But basically what happens is that your brain retains a bit of anything and everything you go through in each attempt. With each repetition, your brain will have to struggle less to remember the same thing it already remembers, and will retain a bit more. A point comes when there is no more left to be memorized. This is how we remember the lyrics of a lot of songs in our minds.


There are a few ways to do this.
Write the same thing down a few times. You would realize that when you think you know it, and when you start writing it, you would find a delta. That is, you would begin forgetting things when you attempt writing them down. This is simply because when we think we know and remember something, we are only living in a false belief. I tried and tested this method, and often found that as soon as I started writing the thing, I would figure out that I had not actually memorized it and I had to check the book again.
Write your notes in various colors. Humans are good at remembering things better when there are more colors. Think for example about two pictures of a mango and an apple. Now if I draw them on a white paper in black ink, and ask you a question ~ which fruits did I just show you? If they are black and white pictures, you would remember less. If they are colored you would remember better, because that is how you are used to see them. Same way, if you use multiple colors when you write notes, it would help you retain them better.
Tell the theory or the subject to a friend. This is a great way to repeat the topic. First you are retaining it, and coming up with the best method of reciting it, but also you are helping a friend.


You can record what you want to remember and listen to it over and over. These days, this is the method I follow when I have to memorize my speeches. I write down my speech, record it, and play it in my car over and over. This way in about 20 days, I memorize it completely. I had used this method to memorize a lot of English words, and the whole periodic table in my school years.
Listen to those things from others. These days, a lot of study material is available on YouTube. Listen to it from many lecturers, and that would help you retain it better.
As some of you can see, I have inspired to understand, think, write, read, recite, listen, look, all I have tried to do is to increase the number of ways you perceive the subject. The more the ways, the more the memory.
The power of repetition cannot be forgotten. To inspire with a story ~ a doctor was treating a patient, who had lost the memory completely, so much so that the patient had forgotten a lot of things about himself, and things at his home. The doctor gave him a toothbrush and paste applied to it. The patient demonstrated to the doctor how to brush the teeth. Why had he not forgotten how to brush? Just because he had repeated it so many times in his life, that he did not have to think about it.


Bryan Wheelock
what are the best ways to learn a lot of things in very less time ?
The best way is to have have a project you are interested in involving those skills.
The more specific the project. (e.g. Learn to drop in a bowl on a skateboard, get a top score on an exam )
Most people learn best through implementation. At the very least, through implementation will you will quickly learn what you don’t know.
That implementation could be taking lots of short quizzes in preparation for studying for an exam. Then go into depth on the topics you didn’t understand. Make flashcard or use an flashcard app.
When you are learning a new concept create mind maps of how you see the different parts lix together. Try talking to other people about the topic .
If you really want to learn something you have to work at it everyday.
10 minutes every day is infinitely better than nothing.
The shorter the feedback loop the faster you will learn.
If you really want to learn something, teach it to someone else.


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Sanjeev Gupta
I can give a few tips or strategies so you can cover and feed large amounts of data into your brain quickly.
Collect all data and always try to learn from large screens because smaller the screen the more you feel you cannot learn things.
Break the large amount of data into small points or parts.
Use AI tools for summarizing the content.
Use videos to understand and learn the basics so you can have a deep understanding of the content.
You can practice saying the information because we learn more when we say words from our own mouth.


Muhammad Rayyan
7 Ways To Memorize Large Amounts Of Information In Short Time
Our learning capacities are substantial. We can easily absorb new information, recognize patterns, or stimulate innovation. There are a lot of actions our brain can perform – all we must do is find the right way to exploit it.
Unfortunately, most people don’t. They get stuck in the same learning routine and neglect all the possible, authentic options available for them. Then they complain and stop searching for alternatives.
If that happened to you too, maybe you should change something in your life.
Recalling important material, dates, or even phone numbers makes a big difference.
We can’t always Google everything! Sometimes we just have to remember. In poker, business, or any other type of strategic activity, memory is crucial. Whether we like it or not, the same thing happens in school too. We have to memorize some parts of the material because not everything is logical (especially when we talk about Biology).
Recalling important details will bring in numerous advantages more than 90% of the time. Thus, how can we improve our memory qualities? Here is some great advice on how to do it! Don’t hesitate to leave us feedback or constructive comments!


7 Ways To Memorize Large Amounts Of Information In Short Time
1. Don’t Stress About It
Studying is challenging and unpleasant when we are in a rush to do it. Make sure you take your time. Stressing about it is the least effective method to approach in this situation.
Be calm and relaxed when you decide to study.
Otherwise, you won’t accomplish anything. Here is some advice on how to relax for increased productivity:
Exercise. Hit the gym for an hour or two, do some cardio, lift some weights, listen to some good music, and enjoy your work-out!
Jog in the morning. Running will increase your efficiency and decrease stress levels.
Do yoga or meditate. Relaxing has never felt better!
Avoid watching TV or staying on social media. It will distract you and increase tension instead of decreasing it.
Play some video games if you feel like it!
Go out for a walk.


2. Write Things Down
A great way to memorize what you learned is writing things down.
Listing out important points and arguments facilitates the learning process and enhances memorization abilities.
Re-reading is not damaging, it is simply less effective. Also, make sure you take notes by hand during classes. Research shows that typing slows down our learning performance.
3. Choose a Good Time for You
Some people have better learning abilities at night, while others study better during the day. Find the perfect time for you! Here are some questions to reflect on:
When, during the day, do you feel refreshed and ready to conquer assignments?
Is there any specific time when you are not able to perform at all?
Do you have a favorite place to go to when studying?
Does that place enhance your learning and memorizing abilities?
Answer the above questions and try studying at the right moment, in the right place!


4. Do not Multitask
Some people believe that multitasking is an effective method to reach outcomes and improve learning abilities. Unfortunately, that assumption is false most of the time.
Multitasking might actually slow you down.
Imagine concentrating on five tasks at once and trying to make the best out of each one. It might work at first, but as time goes by, you get tired. Unless you are a born a multitasker and your attention span is longer than a regular person, you will have difficulties completing all assignments at once.
It is better to focus on one task at a time and take it step by step.
First, read the material assigned. Then, map out a learning plan. Write down the lessons you are about to study. Make flashcards. Start memorizing!
5. Teach
The Roman philosopher Seneca once said: “While we teach, we learn.” And he was right. Teaching is one of the best methods to learn new material.
When we teach, we question everything that we’ve already studied, and answer all the question that we were doubtful about.
Sharing our knowledge with friends or children is very efficient too, as it makes us break down everything into small pieces and explain them thoroughly.


6. Use Pictures, Not Words
People naturally remember visual images faster than words. Thus, converting words into pictures is a great method to break down new material.
The process of converting words into pictures itself will also strengthen our recollecting capacities.
For example, if you need to remember to call an important client in the morning, image a clock with your client’s name on it. Adding a funny note to it will make it even easier to remember, so try adding something cool to your mental image too!
7. Use Rhymes
One of the most comic and effective methods of remembering new material is using rhymes.
As dumb as it sounds, rhymes are funny, smart, and get the job done.


Wrapping Up
Using innovative techniques and outsmarting our brains into believing they can learn anything (which is not always an incorrect assumption) is part of the memorizing process.
But first, make sure you are optimistic about learning new material and improving memory, since that is the first step towards achieving your goals.
Next, be open to anything, and try your best to succeed.
Good luck


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