

It feels great to see harmoney os is being unique
It feels great to see harmoney os is being unique
This feels like the first non Beta version of Harmony OS. Lots of quality of life improvements and everything works smoothly.
This feels like the first non Beta version of Harmony OS. Lots of quality of life improvements and everything works smoothly.
Love your review of harmony os 4.0 I have been searching for this since it's announcement. I don't know why more people doesn't post about how good and fluid and beautiful this OS is... USA made a strategic move with the huawei ban or else huawei would have been taking over the USA smartphone business right now...
Love your review of harmony os 4.0 I have been searching for this since it's announcement. I don't know why more people doesn't post about how good and fluid and beautiful this OS is... USA made a strategic move with the huawei ban or else huawei would have been taking over the USA smartphone business right now...
For sure would be the leader in today's smartphone business over the whole world if it wasn't banned by Us government
For sure would be the leader in today's smartphone business over the whole world if it wasn't banned by Us government
Huawei banned not only in USA, but even new zealand, australia, japan, germany, canada, uk and many more countries.If you sum up the total Huawei flagship sales since the beginning of the company, it will not exceed 50 million. While the iphone 12 series alone sold 100 million. Huawei can't even compete with Samsung.
华为不仅在美国被禁,甚至在新西兰、澳大利亚、日本、德国、加拿大、英国等许多国家也被禁了。如果将华为自成立以来的旗舰手机销量总和加起来,总数不会超过5000万部。而仅仅iPhone 12系列就销售了1亿部。华为甚至无法与三星竞争。
Huawei banned not only in USA, but even new zealand, australia, japan, germany, canada, uk and many more countries.If you sum up the total Huawei flagship sales since the beginning of the company, it will not exceed 50 million. While the iphone 12 series alone sold 100 million. Huawei can't even compete with Samsung.
华为不仅在美国被禁,甚至在新西兰、澳大利亚、日本、德国、加拿大、英国等许多国家也被禁了。如果将华为自成立以来的旗舰手机销量总和加起来,总数不会超过5000万部。而仅仅iPhone 12系列就销售了1亿部。华为甚至无法与三星竞争。
Yes, everyone has to make a special system in it and compete with competitors I used to say that the Android system on devices that come from China and South Korea lives at the mercy of Google
Yes, everyone has to make a special system in it and compete with competitors I used to say that the Android system on devices that come from China and South Korea lives at the mercy of Google
i hope it will be available globally soon... using mate 40 pro and praying to have harmony os soon...
我希望鸿蒙能很快在全球范围内可用,我正在用的是Mate 40 Pro,祈祷尽快用上鸿蒙。
i hope it will be available globally soon... using mate 40 pro and praying to have harmony os soon...
我希望鸿蒙能很快在全球范围内可用,我正在用的是Mate 40 Pro,祈祷尽快用上鸿蒙。
Probably only in disguise as EMUI14
Probably only in disguise as EMUI14
i think soo too but hopefully they will replace the name entirely coz huawei has its own operating system and EMUI is lixed to Google.
i think soo too but hopefully they will replace the name entirely coz huawei has its own operating system and EMUI is lixed to Google.
A better representation of the OS' performance is through hardware scaling.How well can the OS utilize hardware from as low as Helio P35 up to the highest end.We all know shit runs smooth if you put enough power on it. But it's a different story when we're talking about optimization and scaling. I sure do hope HOS does not perform as worse as Samsung's OneUI.
A better representation of the OS' performance is through hardware scaling.How well can the OS utilize hardware from as low as Helio P35 up to the highest end.We all know shit runs smooth if you put enough power on it. But it's a different story when we're talking about optimization and scaling. I sure do hope HOS does not perform as worse as Samsung's OneUI.
I just upxed 4.0 also, it's very smoother than 3.0, huawei is very proud for me
I just upxed 4.0 also, it's very smoother than 3.0, huawei is very proud for me
lol, its still android.. A ripoff android, you can easily distinguish that it is still base on android OS, developer option is just the same.. Btw im using m50 pro
哈哈,还是安卓系统,一个仿冒的安卓系统,你可以轻易地辨别出它仍基于安卓操作系统,开发者选项也完全一样,顺便说一下,我正在使用M50 Pro。
lol, its still android.. A ripoff android, you can easily distinguish that it is still base on android OS, developer option is just the same.. Btw im using m50 pro
哈哈,还是安卓系统,一个仿冒的安卓系统,你可以轻易地辨别出它仍基于安卓操作系统,开发者选项也完全一样,顺便说一下,我正在使用M50 Pro。
this is not an android, but an AOSP with cut out unnecessary garbage, an optimized system and pumped bonuses for the ecosystem) and yes, Google what AOSP is before answering me)
this is not an android, but an AOSP with cut out unnecessary garbage, an optimized system and pumped bonuses for the ecosystem) and yes, Google what AOSP is before answering me)
and then what does AOSP mean? hahaha its android with no Gapps
and then what does AOSP mean? hahaha its android with no Gapps
You're judging very superficially. If you understand the question, it will no longer be funny and you will understand what a fool you are
(译注:AOSP是基于Linux内核开发的。安卓系统= AOSP(开源)+ GMS(闭源),目前的鸿蒙系统 = Openharmony (开源鸿蒙) + 华为的EMUI + 兼容安卓部分的ASOP。只有华为设备用的人足够多,华为才有可能去掉兼容安卓的部分。还在用华为老机子的举个手,华为加油,诸君共勉)
You're judging very superficially. If you understand the question, it will no longer be funny and you will understand what a fool you are
(译注:AOSP是基于Linux内核开发的。安卓系统= AOSP(开源)+ GMS(闭源),目前的鸿蒙系统 = Openharmony (开源鸿蒙) + 华为的EMUI + 兼容安卓部分的ASOP。只有华为设备用的人足够多,华为才有可能去掉兼容安卓的部分。还在用华为老机子的举个手,华为加油,诸君共勉)
This is amazing, I am now honestly confused why it is not available globally yet.... What is Huawei waiting for?????Why they don't release it globally?
This is amazing, I am now honestly confused why it is not available globally yet.... What is Huawei waiting for?????Why they don't release it globally?
I know EMUI is using this tech in its core already. And yeah the tablet and smartwatches are using HarmonyOS also globally.Maybe EMUI needs to be called EMUI for the older devices eith Google services not to loose their license
我知道EMUI已经在其核心中使用了鸿蒙技术。是的,平板电脑和智能手表也在全球范围内使用了鸿蒙系统。或许对于那些带有谷歌服务的旧设备,EMUI 仍需要被称为EMUI,以免失去许可
I know EMUI is using this tech in its core already. And yeah the tablet and smartwatches are using HarmonyOS also globally.Maybe EMUI needs to be called EMUI for the older devices eith Google services not to loose their license
我知道EMUI已经在其核心中使用了鸿蒙技术。是的,平板电脑和智能手表也在全球范围内使用了鸿蒙系统。或许对于那些带有谷歌服务的旧设备,EMUI 仍需要被称为EMUI,以免失去许可
waiting for the new 60 series phone.
waiting for the new 60 series phone.
Schöner Überblick, danke dafür! Ich hoffe, Huawei wird die meisten Features auch für EMUI bringen...
Schöner Überblick, danke dafür! Ich hoffe, Huawei wird die meisten Features auch für EMUI bringen...
The unlock animation, notification panel and control panel gestures kinda look like MIUI
The unlock animation, notification panel and control panel gestures kinda look like MIUI
Almost all chinese UI looks the same. But MIUI is more iOS clone but can't copy their smoothness. HarmonyOS easily surpassed it started on HOS 3
Almost all chinese UI looks the same. But MIUI is more iOS clone but can't copy their smoothness. HarmonyOS easily surpassed it started on HOS 3
thanks for your efforts , i think it's better for me to wait for stable version because i see beta versions always got problems
thanks for your efforts , i think it's better for me to wait for stable version because i see beta versions always got problems
I thought HOS4.0 had removed the part that contines Android frx, so no longer supports Android apps
I thought HOS4.0 had removed the part that contines Android frx, so no longer supports Android apps
No thats HarmonyOS Next
不,移出ASOP框架的那是HarmonyOS Next
No thats HarmonyOS Next
不,移出ASOP框架的那是HarmonyOS Next
I also managed to have harmonyOs 4.0 on my Huawei Mate 40 Pro
我也成功将鸿蒙4.0安装在我的华为Mate 40 Pro上。
I also managed to have harmonyOs 4.0 on my Huawei Mate 40 Pro
我也成功将鸿蒙4.0安装在我的华为Mate 40 Pro上。
I am using Huawei rn and I can't wait to get this upxe!
I am using Huawei rn and I can't wait to get this upxe!
Hi @LL Techview do you now any way to convert from emui to harmony os?
嗨,你知道如何从EMUI转换到Harmony OS吗?
Hi @LL Techview do you now any way to convert from emui to harmony os?
嗨,你知道如何从EMUI转换到Harmony OS吗?
You need to change your system to Chinese version first. It’s may be a bit difficult you can searching for it
You need to change your system to Chinese version first. It’s may be a bit difficult you can searching for it
Wish they upxe Honor Play to atleast HOS3
希望他们至少将Honor Play更新到鸿蒙3。
Wish they upxe Honor Play to atleast HOS3
希望他们至少将Honor Play更新到鸿蒙3。
hope they would release this to older nova series too,
hope they would release this to older nova series too,
I'm so sad harmonyos is not available for global phone. The emui pale by comparison
I'm so sad harmonyos is not available for global phone. The emui pale by comparison
Why is it only available in china? What is Huawei waiting for?
Why is it only available in china? What is Huawei waiting for?
EMUI will get the same features soon. EMUI since version 12 is just rebranded HarmonyOS for phones in the global market.
EMUI很快就会有相同的功能。自EMUI 12起,EMUI就是为全球市场打造的鸿蒙系统。
EMUI will get the same features soon. EMUI since version 12 is just rebranded HarmonyOS for phones in the global market.
EMUI很快就会有相同的功能。自EMUI 12起,EMUI就是为全球市场打造的鸿蒙系统。
but we didn't even get emui 13 yet, emui 14 is gonna take a year or so
但我们甚至还没有得到EMUI 13的推送,EMUI 14大概还需要一年左右的时间
but we didn't even get emui 13 yet, emui 14 is gonna take a year or so
但我们甚至还没有得到EMUI 13的推送,EMUI 14大概还需要一年左右的时间
EMUI13 might be skipped and they directly jump to EMUI 14.
EMUI 13可能会被跳过,直接更新EMUI 14。
EMUI13 might be skipped and they directly jump to EMUI 14.
EMUI 13可能会被跳过,直接更新EMUI 14。
If you want to upgrade to harmony OS 4.0 you have to change your region to China so as to be able to download the latest harmony OS onto your phone
如果你想升级到鸿蒙4.0,你需要将手机地区设置为中国,这样才能下载最新的Harmony OS 到你的手机上。
If you want to upgrade to harmony OS 4.0 you have to change your region to China so as to be able to download the latest harmony OS onto your phone
如果你想升级到鸿蒙4.0,你需要将手机地区设置为中国,这样才能下载最新的Harmony OS 到你的手机上。
I switched from the Mate 50 Pro to the Honor Magic 5 Pro do you have any information on when the new Magic UI will come out for it because there are a few camera bugs on this one right now. And will you have honor this model my turbo charging option as it has Huawei?
我从Mate 50 Pro换到了荣耀Magic5 Pro,你有没有关于新的Magic UI何时发布的信息?因为目前这个版本相机有一些问题。荣耀这款手机会有华为的快充选项吗?
I switched from the Mate 50 Pro to the Honor Magic 5 Pro do you have any information on when the new Magic UI will come out for it because there are a few camera bugs on this one right now. And will you have honor this model my turbo charging option as it has Huawei?
我从Mate 50 Pro换到了荣耀Magic5 Pro,你有没有关于新的Magic UI何时发布的信息?因为目前这个版本相机有一些问题。荣耀这款手机会有华为的快充选项吗?
Big upxe just came out for the Magic. Next one will take its time.Turbo Charging I am not sure
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Big upxe just came out for the Magic. Next one will take its time.Turbo Charging I am not sure
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Wait. What? You changed from Magic 5 pro to Mate 50 pro? Why? What made you transfer with no google apps?Im planning to buy magic 5 pro over mate 50 pro? I have pixel 7 pro already.
等等。什么?你从Magic 5 Pro换成了Mate 50 Pro?为什么?是什么让你换到没有谷歌应用的手机?我打算购买Magic 5 Pro而不是Mate 50 Pro。我已经有Pixel 7 Pro了。
Wait. What? You changed from Magic 5 pro to Mate 50 pro? Why? What made you transfer with no google apps?Im planning to buy magic 5 pro over mate 50 pro? I have pixel 7 pro already.
等等。什么?你从Magic 5 Pro换成了Mate 50 Pro?为什么?是什么让你换到没有谷歌应用的手机?我打算购买Magic 5 Pro而不是Mate 50 Pro。我已经有Pixel 7 Pro了。
ahhh. So Could you say that magic 5 pro is really better than mate 50 pro cameras plus google software?Ich studiere in Furtwangen soon. Ich wohne aus den Philippinen. Ich sprache ein bischen Deutdch! Your videos are amazing. Do you think i should stick with pixel 7 pro or go to samsung s23 ultra. Pixels battery is killing me.
哎呀,那么你能不能说Magic 5 pro的相机真的比Mate 50 pro加上谷歌软件要好?我很快将在德国的福特旺根学习。我是菲律宾人,我会一点点德语!你的视频太棒了。你觉得我应该坚持使用Pixel 7 Pro还是换成三星S23 Ultra?Pixel的电池让我头疼。
ahhh. So Could you say that magic 5 pro is really better than mate 50 pro cameras plus google software?Ich studiere in Furtwangen soon. Ich wohne aus den Philippinen. Ich sprache ein bischen Deutdch! Your videos are amazing. Do you think i should stick with pixel 7 pro or go to samsung s23 ultra. Pixels battery is killing me.
哎呀,那么你能不能说Magic 5 pro的相机真的比Mate 50 pro加上谷歌软件要好?我很快将在德国的福特旺根学习。我是菲律宾人,我会一点点德语!你的视频太棒了。你觉得我应该坚持使用Pixel 7 Pro还是换成三星S23 Ultra?Pixel的电池让我头疼。
In terms of software almost the same. Magic 5 Pro basically a variant with Google Play
就软件而言几乎是一样的。Magic 5 Pro基本上是一个带有Google Play的Mate 50 pro。
In terms of software almost the same. Magic 5 Pro basically a variant with Google Play
就软件而言几乎是一样的。Magic 5 Pro基本上是一个带有Google Play的Mate 50 pro。
HarmonyOS 4.0 will applied 7 years old devices,harmonyOS will be stronger than before now..
HarmonyOS 4.0 will applied 7 years old devices,harmonyOS will be stronger than before now..
definitely looks pretty!Been waiting for this. Is it that available in Chinese version only?
definitely looks pretty!Been waiting for this. Is it that available in Chinese version only?
Does anyone know if the beta will later be upxed to the final?
Does anyone know if the beta will later be upxed to the final?
Which Huawei has the best camera . Looking to buy used. Thanks.anyway HOS4.0 is gorgeous !
Which Huawei has the best camera . Looking to buy used. Thanks.anyway HOS4.0 is gorgeous !
Thank you for the information was curious how it will be .By the way you are using youtube via gbox or lighthouse because i find out the gbox version music control on is not usable on lock screen and notification and it is annoting when iam driving and connected the phone to bluetooth
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Thank you for the information was curious how it will be .By the way you are using youtube via gbox or lighthouse because i find out the gbox version music control on is not usable on lock screen and notification and it is annoting when iam driving and connected the phone to bluetooth
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I build my own Youtube with Revanced Patches that enable the usage with microG
(ReVanced是一个用于YouTube等应用的模块化补丁程序。microG是一个开源的替代Google服务的项目,旨在为Android设备提供类似于Google Play服务的功能)
I build my own Youtube with Revanced Patches that enable the usage with microG
(ReVanced是一个用于YouTube等应用的模块化补丁程序。microG是一个开源的替代Google服务的项目,旨在为Android设备提供类似于Google Play服务的功能)
Revanced still working???what about youtube notifications is it working
Revanced still working???what about youtube notifications is it working
Of course Yep
Of course Yep
I live in South Africa but I would love to have Hamorny OS, is it possible to switch the platform to Hamorny OS from EMUI? If yes, how?
I live in South Africa but I would love to have Hamorny OS, is it possible to switch the platform to Hamorny OS from EMUI? If yes, how?
Not all devices support this. It was possible with the Nova 9 if you changed your Huawei account region to Hong Kong.This does not work for other devices afaik
并非所有设备都支持此功能。如果你将你的华为账号的地区更改为香港,那么在Nova 9上是可以实现的。这种方法对其他设备,据我所知并不起作用。
Not all devices support this. It was possible with the Nova 9 if you changed your Huawei account region to Hong Kong.This does not work for other devices afaik
并非所有设备都支持此功能。如果你将你的华为账号的地区更改为香港,那么在Nova 9上是可以实现的。这种方法对其他设备,据我所知并不起作用。
Same here - would love to switch my Mate X3 to HarmonyOS. A friend who works for Huawei here in SA is is China for a conference now. I asked him to find out as much as possible re this.
我也一样 - 很想把我的Mate X3换成鸿蒙系统。我在(南非)这儿有个在华为工作的朋友,他现在正好在中国参加一个会议。我让他尽量打听一下相关消息。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Same here - would love to switch my Mate X3 to HarmonyOS. A friend who works for Huawei here in SA is is China for a conference now. I asked him to find out as much as possible re this.
我也一样 - 很想把我的Mate X3换成鸿蒙系统。我在(南非)这儿有个在华为工作的朋友,他现在正好在中国参加一个会议。我让他尽量打听一下相关消息。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Do you also need a Chinese HUAWEI ID or global one is fine? I have a Chinese P50 Pro and I haven't received the upxe yet, but I registered for it...
是需要一个中国地区的华为ID?还是全球的都可以?我有一台中国版的P50 Pro,但我还没有收到更新推送,但是我已经注册了。
Do you also need a Chinese HUAWEI ID or global one is fine? I have a Chinese P50 Pro and I haven't received the upxe yet, but I registered for it...
是需要一个中国地区的华为ID?还是全球的都可以?我有一台中国版的P50 Pro,但我还没有收到更新推送,但是我已经注册了。
Hi I'm a p50E user and I can't check 4.0 version even if I try the same thing, what do I do?
Hi I'm a p50E user and I can't check 4.0 version even if I try the same thing, what do I do?
You need a chinese VPN. Huawei ID does not need to be set to China try again the my huawei upxe tool
You need a chinese VPN. Huawei ID does not need to be set to China try again the my huawei upxe tool
thank you so much!!
thank you so much!!
I ready try used transocks VPN and ready download 100% and install can not verification . Can you help me? I used P60 pro china version.We must download full package used China vpn ?
我尝试使用梯子,已经下载了100%并安装了,但是无法验证。你能帮我吗?我用的是P60 Pro中国版。我们必须使用中国梯子下载完整的软件包吗?
I ready try used transocks VPN and ready download 100% and install can not verification . Can you help me? I used P60 pro china version.We must download full package used China vpn ?
我尝试使用梯子,已经下载了100%并安装了,但是无法验证。你能帮我吗?我用的是P60 Pro中国版。我们必须使用中国梯子下载完整的软件包吗?
Keep VPN on until installed and rebooted
Keep VPN on until installed and rebooted
wow just excited
wow just excited
Im new to huawei , can somebody tell me this phone can get software upxe for how long ? Is this phone is good for next 4 years maybe ?
Im new to huawei , can somebody tell me this phone can get software upxe for how long ? Is this phone is good for next 4 years maybe ?
Huawei is updating 7 year old phones now. As long as you get a chinese variant the track record looks very promising
Huawei is updating 7 year old phones now. As long as you get a chinese variant the track record looks very promising
@lltechview 7 years upxe ? Sound promising ! And this maybe big factor to me , mayble will buy this mate 50 pro and im from Malaysia , there's app call lighthouse make it google can be use ! Thank you for your reply sir !
7年?听起来很有希望!这对我可能是一个重要因素,也许我会购买这款Mate 50 Pro,我是马来西亚人,有一个叫做“灯塔”的app,用它就可以使用谷歌服务!感谢您的回复,先生!
@lltechview 7 years upxe ? Sound promising ! And this maybe big factor to me , mayble will buy this mate 50 pro and im from Malaysia , there's app call lighthouse make it google can be use ! Thank you for your reply sir !
7年?听起来很有希望!这对我可能是一个重要因素,也许我会购买这款Mate 50 Pro,我是马来西亚人,有一个叫做“灯塔”的app,用它就可以使用谷歌服务!感谢您的回复,先生!
Bro pls how do i change my browser from Chinese to English,am using harmony os and hv change it in English on settings but still my browser is in Chinese. When i search something it comes in Chinese and am very disappointed but i saw urs not like my,u search but comes in English.please help me out
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Bro pls how do i change my browser from Chinese to English,am using harmony os and hv change it in English on settings but still my browser is in Chinese. When i search something it comes in Chinese and am very disappointed but i saw urs not like my,u search but comes in English.please help me out
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Set your search engine to something else which is not a chinese search engine. Then set your homepage not to show the chinese newsfeed but rather something else or blank
Set your search engine to something else which is not a chinese search engine. Then set your homepage not to show the chinese newsfeed but rather something else or blank
But also, I really wish huawei would fix the clock image. Mate 30 pro and earlier ,the dark mode clock image was great but since harmony os , it looks even less than 8 bit, the banding is terrible thought they would have fixed this by now.Video can do 10bit bit but photos still only 8bit jpeg.In saying this, honor now has 10bit panels and can display hdr but the OS is still 8 bit with terrible banding , otberwise my favourite phones
但是,我真的希望华为能修复时钟图像显示效果。Mate 30 Pro及之前版本,黑夜模式的时钟显示非常好,但自从鸿蒙操作系统以后,色彩看起来甚至不到8位,色带效果太糟糕了。我以为他们现在应该已经修复了这个问题。视频可以有10位色深,但照片仍然只能使用8位JPEG格式。说到这一点,荣耀有10位的显示面板并且能够显示HDR,但系统仍然是8位的,有可怕的色带效果,除此之外是我最喜欢的手机之一。
But also, I really wish huawei would fix the clock image. Mate 30 pro and earlier ,the dark mode clock image was great but since harmony os , it looks even less than 8 bit, the banding is terrible thought they would have fixed this by now.Video can do 10bit bit but photos still only 8bit jpeg.In saying this, honor now has 10bit panels and can display hdr but the OS is still 8 bit with terrible banding , otberwise my favourite phones
但是,我真的希望华为能修复时钟图像显示效果。Mate 30 Pro及之前版本,黑夜模式的时钟显示非常好,但自从鸿蒙操作系统以后,色彩看起来甚至不到8位,色带效果太糟糕了。我以为他们现在应该已经修复了这个问题。视频可以有10位色深,但照片仍然只能使用8位JPEG格式。说到这一点,荣耀有10位的显示面板并且能够显示HDR,但系统仍然是8位的,有可怕的色带效果,除此之外是我最喜欢的手机之一。
Ignoring google and 5g. Is harmony OS better than one ui?
不算谷歌服务和5G,鸿蒙操作系统比三星的One UI好吗?
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Ignoring google and 5g. Is harmony OS better than one ui?
不算谷歌服务和5G,鸿蒙操作系统比三星的One UI好吗?
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Better is not a measure of obxtivity alone but also subjectivity.obxtively HarmonyOS is more smooth and fluid. On top of that offers some collaboration features Samsung does not offer.In general I like the UX and UI on HarmonyOS better.
Better is not a measure of obxtivity alone but also subjectivity.obxtively HarmonyOS is more smooth and fluid. On top of that offers some collaboration features Samsung does not offer.In general I like the UX and UI on HarmonyOS better.
Impossível pra mim, usar telefone sem Google.
Impossível pra mim, usar telefone sem Google.
my Huawei MatePad pro 10.8 2021 tablet has not yet received harmony os 3.0. Probably I will never get it, because my tablet is not Chinese but European
我的华为平板MatePad Pro 10.8 2021尚未收到鸿蒙3.0的推送。可能我永远也不会收到,因为我的平板不是中国版,而是欧洲版。
my Huawei MatePad pro 10.8 2021 tablet has not yet received harmony os 3.0. Probably I will never get it, because my tablet is not Chinese but European
我的华为平板MatePad Pro 10.8 2021尚未收到鸿蒙3.0的推送。可能我永远也不会收到,因为我的平板不是中国版,而是欧洲版。
I also have a european MatePad 11 and that got HMOS 3. Also felt like a long wait. Be patient. You will get it
我也有一台欧洲版的MatePad 11,升级到了鸿蒙3.0。感觉等待的时间很长,但请耐心等待,你也会得到升级的。
I also have a european MatePad 11 and that got HMOS 3. Also felt like a long wait. Be patient. You will get it
我也有一台欧洲版的MatePad 11,升级到了鸿蒙3.0。感觉等待的时间很长,但请耐心等待,你也会得到升级的。
Do you maybe know when is the release date?
Do you maybe know when is the release date?
will also be released in Europe?? I don't understand why it's not distributed equally everywhere?
will also be released in Europe?? I don't understand why it's not distributed equally everywhere?
Where would these Chinese OEM's be without iOS... they'd actually have to design something
Where would these Chinese OEM's be without iOS... they'd actually have to design something
Made tutorial how to upxe to Harmony OS 4 please
请制作如何升级到 Harmony OS 4 的教程。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Made tutorial how to upxe to Harmony OS 4 please
请制作如何升级到 Harmony OS 4 的教程。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Everything's that you are showing can be done by applications, that I wanna know the system itself, what's the improvement?
Everything's that you are showing can be done by applications, that I wanna know the system itself, what's the improvement?
Nah not true. The underlying infrastructure like Ark Engine, Multiwindow collaboration, Super Devices and so on cannot be achieved on an app level. It needs the system level for it.Ark Engine is a major improvement. I tested it on multiple devices and it really makes even older devices more fluid. Together with improvements on the filesystem level with Erofs and power saving optimizations this overall improves I/O, Speed, UX & battery life.The super devices work more reliable as ever and latency has been further reduced. So multicam video recording and screen projection is working better.
Nah not true. The underlying infrastructure like Ark Engine, Multiwindow collaboration, Super Devices and so on cannot be achieved on an app level. It needs the system level for it.Ark Engine is a major improvement. I tested it on multiple devices and it really makes even older devices more fluid. Together with improvements on the filesystem level with Erofs and power saving optimizations this overall improves I/O, Speed, UX & battery life.The super devices work more reliable as ever and latency has been further reduced. So multicam video recording and screen projection is working better.
but the features which you mentioned are available in Harmony OS 3.1
but the features which you mentioned are available in Harmony OS 3.1
Some of them yeah. But 4.0 refines them and HarmonyOS 3.1 has not been out on all devices.
有些功能有,但4.0对它们进行了改进,HarmonyOS 3.1还没有在所有设备上推送。
Some of them yeah. But 4.0 refines them and HarmonyOS 3.1 has not been out on all devices.
有些功能有,但4.0对它们进行了改进,HarmonyOS 3.1还没有在所有设备上推送。
Really it's now harmony OS not a emui 13?, I have mate 40 pro and still emui 12 xd
确实是鸿蒙系统而不是EMUI 13吗?我有Mate 40 Pro,但系统仍然是EMUI 12呢
Really it's now harmony OS not a emui 13?, I have mate 40 pro and still emui 12 xd
确实是鸿蒙系统而不是EMUI 13吗?我有Mate 40 Pro,但系统仍然是EMUI 12呢
EMUI13 or 14 for global. HarmonyOS for chinese devices.
全球版用的是EMUI 13或14,中国设备用的是HarmonyOS。
EMUI13 or 14 for global. HarmonyOS for chinese devices.
全球版用的是EMUI 13或14,中国设备用的是HarmonyOS。
think you sir I'm now UAE sir camera better or no better upxe vs p60 mate 50 pro camera after upxe
非常感谢您,我现在在阿联酋,先生,在鸿蒙4.0更新后,P60、Mate 50 Pro相机是否更好了?
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
think you sir I'm now UAE sir camera better or no better upxe vs p60 mate 50 pro camera after upxe
非常感谢您,我现在在阿联酋,先生,在鸿蒙4.0更新后,P60、Mate 50 Pro相机是否更好了?
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
P60 Pro is slightly better
P60 Pro稍微更好一些
P60 Pro is slightly better
P60 Pro稍微更好一些
Sir I'm one custen p60 pro or mate 50pro camera dig difrant calxy or no sir plees tell I'm using mate 50 pro im upgrade or no resne only camera plees tell me sir im canfusen
先生,我想购买一台P60 Pro或者Mate 50 Pro,它们的相机性能有所不同吗?请告诉我,我正在使用Mate 50 Pro,是否值得升级,只考虑相机方面。我有些困惑。
Sir I'm one custen p60 pro or mate 50pro camera dig difrant calxy or no sir plees tell I'm using mate 50 pro im upgrade or no resne only camera plees tell me sir im canfusen
先生,我想购买一台P60 Pro或者Mate 50 Pro,它们的相机性能有所不同吗?请告诉我,我正在使用Mate 50 Pro,是否值得升级,只考虑相机方面。我有些困惑。
If you have the Mate 50 Pro there is no reason to upxe to the P60 Pro
如果你已经拥有Mate 50 Pro,就没有理由去升级到P60 Pro
If you have the Mate 50 Pro there is no reason to upxe to the P60 Pro
如果你已经拥有Mate 50 Pro,就没有理由去升级到P60 Pro
you can actually see it lags here and there, also the UX is bad and the UI is not settled. Id use a nokia and not use that.
you can actually see it lags here and there, also the UX is bad and the UI is not settled. Id use a nokia and not use that.
UX and UI is a matter of taste I think. I like it very much.I hate stock Android UX & UI so no Nokia for me.
UX and UI is a matter of taste I think. I like it very much.I hate stock Android UX & UI so no Nokia for me.
Brother. Reply. Me. I. Live. In. Pakistan. Have. Mate. 40. Pro. But. In. Emui. 12. Not. Updating. Even. Harmony. Os. 3 Or. 2. And. After. This. Video. I. ant. 4. So. Help. Me.
兄弟,请回复我,我在巴基斯坦,有一部Mate 40 Pro,但在EMUI 12下无法进行更新,甚至无法更新到鸿蒙3.0或2.0。在观看了这个视频之后,我希望能得到帮助。
Brother. Reply. Me. I. Live. In. Pakistan. Have. Mate. 40. Pro. But. In. Emui. 12. Not. Updating. Even. Harmony. Os. 3 Or. 2. And. After. This. Video. I. ant. 4. So. Help. Me.
兄弟,请回复我,我在巴基斯坦,有一部Mate 40 Pro,但在EMUI 12下无法进行更新,甚至无法更新到鸿蒙3.0或2.0。在观看了这个视频之后,我希望能得到帮助。
You have the global version which is not getting HarmonyOS.
You have the global version which is not getting HarmonyOS.
Bro. Please. Can. We. Do. Any. Thung. Any. Way.
Bro. Please. Can. We. Do. Any. Thung. Any. Way.
很赞 6