2023-08-25 Kira_Yoshikage 3543

What, due to experience, do you know not to fuck with?


Intuition. If something feels wrong stop. It doesn't matter if it's stepping out onto a snow-covered slope, pulling up to a sketchy gas station, or putting too small of a piece of wood in a table router, listen when your brain tells you "This is a bad idea."


I read an article that intuition is your subconscious brain picking up on cues that you are unaware of. After I read that article I pay more attention to it.


I’m convinced my intuition saved me (very pregnant-slow moving) and my daughter(2) and then (unborn) son from being kidnapped. Really weird situation happened at our park when I was alone with my daughter. There was a man with sunglasses a ways away from us just looking around, avoiding looking at us. Then a woman(30s maybe?)walked up and started asking just about my daughter, her age, things she liked etc. I wouldn’t have found this odd but she had no children with her and made no other conversation except to ask about my daughter. I looked over at the man who was now glancing at us and on his phone. I had the feeling then that we were in danger and I needed to get us someplace safe around other people. We walked/ran to the Kroger near us, waited an hour, and the person that gave me the feeling to flee was still circling the store in her car. Trust your gut.


I one time had a man following me in the forest, I was about 21. It was a hiking trail. He was late middle-aged, clean cut, and kept a long distance, but I had a bad feeling about him I couldn't shake.


I took a stand and prepared to fight (I carried a Kabar then), but the man got lost (there were many turns and "Ys")


When I got back to my car, he had put a note through my open sunroof about how large his penis was or something and with some thoughts about me.


Thanks, gut.


Water. Rivers. Current.


I'm a fairly good swimmer, and I wanted to swim in a river where the current seemed really tame. Boy was I wrong, just small moving body of water dragged my poor body like a leaf in the wind.


If someone at work tries to badmouth someone else and they ask you about what you think about that person, JUST KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT.


If they are badmouthing others to you, then it's very likely that they're badmouthing you to others as well. Keep such people at arms length.


Sometimes it's also perverse stuff like the person is close to management and they're a plant

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

There's a lady in my current job who I suspect is a plant because she's asked me too many direct questions about my opinion about the job / company / coworkers. We work hybrid and when my boss is out (he travels a lot), she arranges video calls with me on the days I'm supposed to be in the office (never on the ones I'm at home) so it's all a bit sus


I give her standard "job interview" answers to everything but it's absolutely exhausting. We recently had a team dinner and afterwards we walked to the station together. Again she started with the direct questions but even more agressively (I think she thought I'd have a loose tongue because of the wine) so I had to be super switched on the entirety of the 20-30 minute walk


She's backed off a bit now which is OK but I dread talking to her


Make her dread talking to you then.


My roommate once had a friend who was really interested in my sex life and didn't want to take no for an answer. So I decided to reroute the conversation. For every time she asked me, I said yes and then proceeded to talk for 10+ Minutes about something I was interested in.


Want to know about my sex life? Here's an in depth analysis of which method to solve a rubik's cube is best suited for whom. Did you know some snakes are simultaneously poisonous and venomous? Want to know how to care for hognose snakes? Let me explan the entire lore of Warfrx to you! Would you like to know about rollercoaster planning? Or hear the history of Australia?


Got her off my back in less than a week.


Not immediately washing and disinfecting an open wound.


Fridays. In the IT world we call it "read-only friday". Don't change anything!!


If I see another engineer on the team do a deploy on Friday I set myself to do not disturb. We have informal Fridays are high priority bug fixes only guideline.




I worked in an ED at a major trauma center and the number of otherwise healthy people who came in paralyzed or soon-to-be-dead from falling off ladders was eye-opening.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

My ex’s dad was a healthy and still very active man who was about to turn 70. And I mean HEALTHY—lived in a house on a mountain and spent his mornings hiking trails the average person half his age would get winded by. He had literally JUST retired. He and his wife were about to head out on a long vacation, so he was shutting down the house and noticed a small leak in one of their bathrooms’ ceiling. Decided to check it out himself.


He fell off the ladder and basically ping-ponged his skull the whole way down. Instantly a vegetable. Stayed that way for 8 months before passing.


This made me and ex look up ladder injuries, and my takeaway is this: if you’re not being paid to be on a ladder, pay someone to be on a ladder for you.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Paid ladder guy here; take this person's advice.


I work at a low-pay retail store. We have a maintenance person that comes in to do all the upkeep, including changing our lights. We had a new maintenance person one day, and she insisted that she could show us how to change the lights ourselves (which I didn't understand, that's what we pay her for?). And she was pressuring someone to get up on the ladder and learn how to do it.


I told my manager that no one should be getting up on that ladder. We aren't paid enough to do that and that is not in our job descxtions. She rolled her eyes at me. I ended up feeling like I might have over-reacted, but I still don't think I did.


This is my policy for my house. I pay people to do anything that I can’t do from the ground with an extension pole.


I became more militant about this after attending the funeral of a former coworker. He was very healthy and only 62. He was trimming a tree using a ladder.


I climb trees for a living. I've been in 100+ foot tall trees plenty of times. No worries. If I get 8 feet up on a ladder, I start to get nervous. They're great tools, but can be sketchy as a motherfucker.


One of the sketchiest things I've ever done at a job is use a 50 foot ladder. Was absolutely terrifying.


Any ladder over 8-10 feet should have an "anchor man" at the bottom making absolutely sure that fucker isn't going anywhere at the base. Always let the skinny guy do the ladder work and leave the heftiest as the anchor.


Drowsy driving

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

ETA: Back in 2015, I had an incident where I fell asleep behind the wheel.


It was in mid-August, and I had fallen asleep on my way home from work after a 16 hour night shift because my job messed up the schedule (we couldn’t work more than 12 in a single shift). All I remember is I was driving, then I was waking up in a hospital 4 hours away from home. No clue where I was or what happened. I had suffered a major TBI and have been mentally different ever since. Had a pretty major concussion following the accident.


It happened in the backroads of southern Idaho, and I was lucky to have come out of it with 0 broken bones. Everyone at the hospital was saying I was lucky to have survived. There were witnesses who saw the whole wreck, a couple high schoolers on their lunch. I read the police report and witness statements, and according to them, my car rolled 6.5 times, ended wheels up and I was partially ejected (laying half in and half out of the car through the window) my seatbelt buckle had broken as the car was coming to rest.


Never never trust a trench or a hole over your shoulders deep. You will die a horrible death. Yes at the beach too.


Happened to a family I knew. Family was at the beach, playing in the sand. Some of the older kids dug a large hole in the sand. Youngest kid, six years old, starts playing in the hole and it collapsed in on him. They couldn’t get to him in time and he died.


Trusting people's blxers to mean they are turning

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

My driver's ed teacher always said "the only thing a blxer truly tells you is that the bulb is working". It stuck with me


Alternatively, trusting people’s lack of blxers to mean they are going straight


Vibrating logs in the forest.


Don't investigate.


Don't kick it.


Don't throw things at it.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It is always hornets.


Reminds me of the post that said something like “no matter how superstitious you aren’t, you STILL shouldn’t go near suspiciously clean bones in the forest because those bones may have been cleaned off by fire ants that decided to nest around the bones for more convenient access.”

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I am damn glad we don't have fire ants where I live.




Your sanity is the first thing to go in heat stroke. You aren't even aware anything is wrong. You just know you're pissed, there's a weird buzzing sensation in your head/chest, and the world doesn't feel right. And then you're a zombie looking for anything to cool off with, and shortly after that, you're unconscious.


It escalated too quickly for half a dozen rational adults to notice before exhaustion set in. Heat will kill you quicker than you think.


Chickens while there are chicks present.


My brother is a cruel little shit who liked being mean to animals while we were kids. He liked hurting them for the feeling of power it gave him. So he hurt a lot of small wildlife, like frogs and garter snakes and mice. When that stopped being enough he decided to go after livestock.


We had chickens. There was a great big rooster and his ladies and all of them had chicks. My job was to take care of the chickens, feed, water them, collect eggs, ect.


My brother was bigger and stronger than me so one day he decided to have 'fun' and grabbed up one of the little chicks in the coop and squeezed it until it started to scream for help. My attempts to stop him did nothing.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Now the chickens were used to me picking up the chicks and petting them. So they weren't alarmed when my brother picked up the chick. When it screamed however, all hell broke loose.


All the chickens went after him, going for his face and eyes. The rooster had spurs on his legs over an inch long and he cut big grooves on my brother's face, missing his eyes by millimeters. They swarmed him and bullied him until he dropped the chick and ran out of the coop crying with blood on his face.


He was 10 at the time and should have known better. Did he stop being mean to animals? No. Did they punish him for it when they could? The animals sure did.


Chickens are very much like the cuccos in the Zelda games. If you hurt one they will all swarm you.



While working at a hydro dam I wittnessed a main power line detach from the generator and arc across the floor for about 10 seconds, withering like a snake.


It gouged/melted a deep trench in solid concrete.


I worked on some pretty big electrical distribution rooms for high-rise hotel and condos during my apprenticeship. The Journeyman I worked with for a long time stressed the importance of making sure everything holding wires was properly secured. He explained a phenomenon called the whip. The whip is when power is first turned on, and the big in-rush of current starts flowing through the wires, the wires whip, and it can rip wireways right off the walls if the wires are heavy enough.


Head injuries


I had a single friend that got into a bar room scuffle. He got knocked down a hit his on a tiled floor. Got back up and said that's it for tonight. He lived alone and that was on a Friday night.


When he didn't show for work on Monday with a no call, that raised some eyebrows. When he didn't show on Tuesday, someone when out to his place and broke in after no answer. He was dead on the kitchen floor. Doctor guessed a brain bleed.


I think about him every time I see a video of someone getting knocked out.


My housemate plays sport and she has gotten concussions so often it's genuinely concerning. Her parents and I had to have a talk to her because it's like... You're clearly playing too hard and throwing yourself around if only you are the one getting concussed every second game.


Its nuts. She also sleeps literally the whole day some days so I have to essentially keep checking her pulse.


My brother was walking through the quad at university and fell off a little retaining wall ledge, 4 or 5ft up at most, and landed on his head on the sidewalk.


He was in a vegetative state for a a week or two, and when he woke up he had the mental capacity of a late stage alzheimers patient. Could barely vocalize and couldn't even recognize his parents. We were very fortunate that month by month he slowly got better and after a year he was able to go back to school. Even though by now he's pretty much fully recovered, he will still have occasional symptoms such as memory and temper issues for the rest of his life.


I also almost died when I was an infant because I managed to scramble out of my moms arms and fell off a changing table onto my head. My parents almost thought I was fine because I didn't even cry, but still took me to the doctor. Turned out I had internal bleeding between my skull and my brain and thank fuck they took me in right away because they were able to do an emergency surgery and avoid any brain damage.


Oh and my sister got kicked in the face once as a kid and broke one of her eye sockets so she has permanent double vision. And her sinuses are all fucked up and need to be surgically drained every now and then or she gets terrible migraines from the pressure.


Sounds like your family should all wear helmets just in case.


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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