2023-08-28 翻译加工厂 10840
-------------译者:hht288--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

The future of the German auto industry will be decided in China. Win-win or meltdown for German manufacturers - who will win the global duel for dominance in the multi-billion "mobility" business?


-------------译者:加加西娅--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Don''t blame China for German carmakers'' slow transition to electric vehicles


German cars are not fighting against Chinese cars, they’re fighting against EVs, including Tesla. And the fight is not in German manufacturer‘s favor.


DW is so shallow. This is why Germany is falling behind


I think one of the reasons German car manufacturers fleeing to China is the lack of cheap energy from NS1 and NS2. Tbh, It surprised me how ready Germany is to fall.

我认为德国汽车制造商去往中国的原因之一是缺乏北溪1号和 北溪2号的廉价能源。说实话,我很惊讶德国竟然做好了落后的准备。

DW has no balls to mention Japan, South Korea and US car makers. Germans got slapped so bad in North America by Toyota, Honda and Hyundai KIA

-------------译者:加加西娅--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

This story made it sounds like without the Germans, China will still be in the stone age. The reality is that China will forge a path forward even if Germany was not there in the first place. Given long enough peace, China will prosper and thrive like so many times in history, this time is no different.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

The Germans always mistakenly think that it is the Chinese and they learned the car manufacturing technology. This is German narcissism. In fact, China''s own development of automobiles began in 1950. In 1958, China began to produce its own brand of "Hongqi" cars.


I sold my Porsche and get a BYD U8.


DW REV totally ignored what makes German products competitive in the world market. Aside from quality of products, it''s cheap Russian energy. the destructions of NS1 & NS2 and the Inflation Act changed all that. German funds and manufacturing headed to US and China to survive.
German products manufactured in Germany with high priced LNG won''t be competitive anytime soon.

-------------译者:蓝月星梦--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Any Indian watching this, our competition should be with China, not Pakistan. The Chinese have improved leaps and bounds in almost everything even though we both started our journey together as dirt poor nations. We should observe and learn from them. Anyway congrats to the Chinese, you guys deserve this success.


Germany fears its automotive sector will suffer the same fate of its once booming solar sector and rightfully so.


Growing up, my family had multiple cars from the VW group including VW, Skoda, and Audi. But since my mom had an Accord, the only car we buy now is Japanese.


China is far ahead of Germany!

-------------译者:蓝月星梦--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Progress comes from competition just like in sports competition, the winner can be from any country. All the sports participants learn from one and other. Europeans learnt from China in early centuries about metal casting, printing and navigation and paper making. Now China can run faster than Germany , then Germany has to learn from China to compete. Germany cannot afford to stay still not to innovate and improve.


How about Tesla in China. Tesla is biggest competitor with Germany car companies in China.


Dw never drop its arrogance and sense of superior ,as always!


What a dump take at the end. Any investment in any country for a critical sector you are dealing with that country''s government rules and regulations whether you like it or not. Also, why would any country not use their economy to get up in the chain of production and self-reliance.

-------------译者:Aksulla--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

WHY demonise them? EV + solar = planet saved!!! their GOV was smart to support the future tech and this should be celebrated. I really despise seeing subjective reporting from DW!

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

German companies had a long time to start seriously inovate and transition to electric cars, but they preferred to stay ( and some still prefer) to keep on their old polluting and high maintenance cars. Their lack of investment and interest in programming and electronics didn''t help at all. I dislike chinese politics but on this one they were right and their companies were amazing in moving forward without excuses


German auto makers are already doomed. And they know it…


The fall of Western Autoimakers.. Here in Manila we are excited and more admired of those Chinese EV made vehicles like BYD

-------------译者:Aksulla--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

The topic is on cars and the first thing they show is military. The G7 are masters of economic coercions themselves.


Go China
From your Brother, Indonesia


If you have competitive product, you will survive the competition. But without the Chinese market, it is impossible to roll out competitive products, especially for EV cars.


China is 1.4 billion ppl, I belive it is still in the beginning if China gets a bit bigger it will be as big as Jpana S Korea and USA and Germany and France and Britain and Canada and Australia and Netherlands and Italy combined, I achtuly think China is very underrated and it has a bright future just like elon musk said China will be at least 2 times economically bigger than USA or 3 times at most, so let them invest more in Scince and let the competition be more fierce they are very strong and we should challenge them even more.

-------------译者:Aksulla--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

EV is a revolution in how cars is made . German n Japan hv put huge long term investment n no willing to switch to EV as profit margins r way higher generally in ICE with crazy amount of parts needing overpriced maintenance few years down the road. EV is way simpler for a basic car .


Opel will be happy with this fact, but also sad because none will buy them in comparison to the era when even a few people chose Opel cars except majority Opel cars are either Astra or Corsa.

-------------译者:xpzlb--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Germany and Europe in general is lagging behind compared to Japan, S. Korea and China when it comes to electronics and software systems. This did not happed yesterday, things are this way for decades and when cars started to include more and more electronics, and tend to rely less on mechanical systems, this problem is starting to get the attention from the general public. Europe needs to invest a lot into this and genuinely do a deep and humble study to figure out
1. Why European/German car electrics fall apart after a few years while Japanese electronics hold up (like super complex Toyota Prius)
2. Why East Asian softwares (car infotainment systems) feel much modern, things are laid out rationally utilising advanced tech while European/German cars'' infotainment systems feel like they are still in dark ages. I am not insulting anyone, this is a reality Germany (my childhood hero car country) has to wake up to.

-------------译者:加加西娅--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

In my country (Europe) German car are still in the top 10 but top 3 are still French brands


Where would German Companies go? India? lol. Indians can even barely fund basic Infrastructures and average purchasing power of Indian is still very minuscule compared to CHINA. Besides, India has its own domestic car companies and they prefer those cheap affordable cars. Southeast asia, same case with India and not that huge market actually vs CHINA. Africa and Latin America? They prefer affordable cars. The future of german companies is very dark. And this goes to blame their govt for blinding the side eye and still following US hegemony despite the fact that US is constantly trying to de industrialize Europe itself. LOL...


The United States often says that China has a war risk, which is the means it uses to cope with the competition with China

-------------译者:加加西娅--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

German auto companies have increased their investment in China and have in-depth cooperation with Chinese auto-related companies. Now the biggest decline in sales in China is Japanese cars, not German cars.


German automobile sector will now use DW to say that German is no.1


I think German companies are able to turn more to the States and try to sell more cars there by beating the Japanese companies. There are no risks.


Are you serious? The future of cars is obviously the trend of electrification, only China and the United States are leading the way, while the traditional Germany and Japan have already lagged behind.


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

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