2023-08-29 Natsuo 5120

As a devout Catholic, I agree. Just don’t be a dick. That’s the whole point of the Bible lol! If you’re Christian and are a dick to people bc of their beliefs than u missed the point of the entire fucking religion


I don't believe in god, but of there is one, I doubt it's anything like our religions describe one. Unless Earth is the only planet with life, we wouldn't be very important to a supernatural cosmic entity. I'm not saying that religions have it all wrong, there are still some good teachings in most of them. I just feel like a god would be difficult to comprehend even to the smartesr people of today, so I doubt religions from over a thousand years ago could do a being of that kind of power justice. I mean, I remember seeing a post about how humans are like eldritch gods to bees on r/tumblr. Maybe it's like that, who can say? But as we are prone to see things the way we want and make things up for clout (look at all the "real" videos of mythological beasts like Bigfoot), I severely doubt any human being has ever seen anything done by divinity.


Ayo hii as a Muslim, I'm very glad that my faith blends both science and the presence of a higher power aka God
This is nice since the thing most of our non- believing brothers and sisters feel conflicted about is whether to choose beliefs or facts .
We in Islam say, that although God is all knowing and powerful, and science is a work in progress, everything God does and has done will be explained with logic and reason, if not now then in due time, so always seek to learn :)
Whatever you said, makes total sense and I'm glad you put forth a strong and logical argument. In my faith, it is said that Mankind is God's greatest creation, because we are the only ones scientifically who are self aware and have free will, but there are indeed creatures that exist elsewhere and the universe is constantly expanding. The quran mentions worm holes (look up "isra and miraj") and possibilities of cosmic exploration indicating possibility of life on other planets.
If you're curious, I'd say take a look at this, it explains very few of the many scientific miracles mentioned in the quran which were revealed in the 7th century but found out and proven in the 20th century. Kinda cool ngl.
Skip to 1:00 since you wouldn't know the islamic scholars mentioned and it could be boring fr ☺
Hope it helps your curiosity!

在伊斯兰教中,我们说,虽然上帝是全知全能的,科学还在不断发展,但上帝所做的一切将在适当的时间内以逻辑和理性来解释,如果现在不能解释,那么以后也会有答案,所以要不断寻求学习 :)
https://youtu.be/J7eLPgc25aE 跳到1:00,因为你可能不认识视频中提到的伊斯兰学者,而且可能会觉得无聊。

That video was very interesting. I never knew the quran mentioned such knowledge. And as a side note, the format of the video reminds me of a video I saw describing the lore of biblical angels.


I completely agree that Islamic texts and scholars have mentioned a lot of science, and it's super awesome that you are a person of faith.
I think one thing to keep in mind is that in science, things are discovered through experimentation or invented through trial and error. So there's a paper trail that exists for why scientists claim what they claim about black holes or the layers in the earth.
Religious texts may claim the same thing that science, but don't explain why they claim it. And because it is written in a poetic fashion, it is very open to interpretation.
One last thing: if tomorrow a person were to debunk the claims of the universe expanding with reason / logic / results from experiments, science would accept those findings (after lots of peer review, further experimenting etc). Religious texts don't have the luxury of being upxed unfortunately.
Just thought I'd point out that difference. I love reading my religious texts for stories / morals / values etc, but I'm definitely not looking into them for science.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Heres the thing. Religious texts that havent been altered have statements of reality which are constantly being proven by modern science. There hasnt been anything that has been scientifcally proven or published to contradict the quran.


Uhhh that was some pretty bad apologetics... Islam is like most other religions dangerous when it has power over the state.

呃......你的辩解太糟糕了 伊斯兰教和其他大多数宗教一样,一旦掌握了国家权力,就会变得非常危险。

Uhhh I'm pretty sure capitalism and fascism are way worse when they have power over the state (as we see nowadays clearly) than faiths teaching morals and values and a good way to life your life.
Also where was the apology? She's clearly happy and proud of her faith lol


Are you kidding? In what way a capitalistic country is worse than a confessional muslim state? Also what moral and values? forcing women to cover themselves? limiting their freedom to do absolutely everything? Using violence as a medium? Poligamy? Believing in the teaching of a “prophet” that literally had a 9yr old wife while he was an adult? Don’t you see that islam is literaly the only religion in the world that has terrorists? Wake up

你在开玩笑吗?一个资本主义国家怎么会比一个忏悔的穆斯林国家更糟糕?还有,什么道德观和价值观? 强迫妇女遮羞? 限制她们做任何事的自由?以暴力为媒介?一夫一妻制?信奉一个 "先知 "的教义,而这个 "先知 "在成年后还娶了一个 9 岁的妻子?难道你们不知道伊斯兰教是世界上唯一有恐怖分子的宗教吗?醒醒吧

1. Islam teaches modesty to both men and women. 'Hijab' means to cover up body parts (both men and women) in a way that won't attract or give rise to lust, because ape brain see nakey brain go crazy. If you know anything about the quran, which you clearly don't, Allah constantly says, "Lower your gaze", not to ogle and mentally undress people, and "Dress modestly" so that decency is maintained and generations aren't ruined.
2. Islam gave women rights to own property and make societal and financial decisions when other religions didn't. Islam says a wife's money is her own and the husband cannot touch it unless she wants to, but the husband must invest and spend on her and their family. Islam says paradise lies beneath the mothers feet.

1. 伊斯兰教教导男女都要谦逊。Hijab"(头巾)的意思是遮盖身体部位(包括男性和女性),这样就不会吸引或引起欲望,因为猿的大脑看到裸体会发疯。如果你对《古兰经》有所了解,但显然你并不了解,安拉经常说:"降低你的视线",不要偷窥和在精神上脱人衣服,"衣着要得体",这样才能保持体面,不至于毁了几代人。
2. 伊斯兰教赋予妇女拥有财产、做出社会和财务决定的权利,而其他宗教却没有。伊斯兰教说,妻子的钱是她自己的,除非她愿意,否则丈夫不能动她的钱,但丈夫必须为她和她们的家庭投资和消费。伊斯兰教说,天堂就在母亲的脚下。

3. Islam is the religion of peace. Speaking in a factual sense, most major religions spread by the sword but Allah says, the death of one innocent life is the death of all of humanity. If Islam truly chose violence, during the reign of most Muslim empires that spanned centuries and areas, almost 3/4th of the world would be Muslim rn, which is not true and isn't accepted in the faith anyway as conversion must be completely individualistic. You also cannot ignore the fact that Islam at present, is not only the world's biggest 'practising' religion, but the fastest growing as well.

3. 伊斯兰教是和平的宗教。事实上,大多数主要宗教都是通过刀剑传播的,但真主说,一个无辜生命的死亡就是全人类的死亡。如果伊斯兰教真的选择了暴力,那么在大多数穆斯林帝国统治的几个世纪里,世界上几乎四分之三的地区都是穆斯林,这是不正确的,也是伊斯兰教所不接受的,因为皈依必须是完全个人化的。你也不能忽视这样一个事实,即伊斯兰教目前不仅是世界上最大的 "信奉 "宗教,也是发展最快的宗教。

4. Polygamy: In Islam, the men are allowed to have up to 4 wives. This was introduced in old age Arab world before Islam, because the women were mistreated, sold, and were helpless when their husbands died in the war or due to other reasons. This lead to more women and less men, so Allah allowed the men to marry and take responsibility of the women, who were mostly unfortunate and widowed or poor etc. Also, the man can not marry without his first wife's permit, which she must give if she wants, in front of witnesses. This was introduced as a safeguard for the women, however mankind is flawed and people misuse this.

4. 一夫多妻制: 在伊斯兰教中,男人最多可以娶 4 个妻子。这是在伊斯兰教之前的古老阿拉伯世界实行的,因为妇女受到虐待、被贩卖,当她们的丈夫死于战争或其他原因时,她们便束手无策。这导致女多男少,因此真主允许男人娶妻,并承担起照顾妇女的责任,因为她们大多是不幸的寡妇或穷人。此外,没有第一任妻子的许可,男人是不能结婚的。这一规定是为了保护妇女,但人类是有缺陷的,人们滥用了这一规定。

5.Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is ranked time and again historically, as the greatest man to have ever lived on this planet and if you read about his life, ways and teachings you wouldn't deny that he was a really good guy. He was married to Ayesha (May Allah bless her) when she was 9, because her father trusted him more than his life and wanted her to be in her care when he was no more, but if you ever looked it up, she lived at her parent's house for years till she came of age and only then was she allowed to interact fully and live with her husband. Mind you, it does seem weird today, but during those times people would get married at 13 and have children at 15 and die by 30 at max.

5.先知穆罕默德(愿主赐福之,并使其平安)在历史上一次又一次地被评为这个星球上最伟大的人,如果你读过他的生平、生活方式和教诲,你就不会否认他是一个真正的好人。他在阿耶莎(愿真主保佑她)9 岁时就娶了她,因为她的父亲信任他胜过自己的生命,并希望在他去世后由她来照顾她,但如果你查一下资料,她在父母家住了好几年,直到成年后才被允许与丈夫充分交流和生活在一起。要知道,这在今天看来确实很奇怪,但在那个时代,人们 13 岁结婚,15 岁生子,最多 30 岁就会死去。

6. You are either Islamophobic, racist, or simply in denial if you think Islam is the only religion with terrorists. Terrorism has no religion, but if you want to get into specifics, you do know about KKK right? And did we all conveniently forget the most infamous 'terrorist' in the world, responsible for one of the biggest genocides known to man was a white supremacist raised fervently Christian in his youth and killed millions of people?
Get your facts right and stop the hate.

6. 如果你认为伊斯兰教是唯一有恐怖分子的宗教,那你要么是伊斯兰恐惧症患者,要么是种族主义者,要么就是在否认。恐怖主义是没有宗教信仰的,但如果你想了解具体情况,你应该知道三K党吧?我们是不是都忘了,世界上最臭名昭著的 "恐怖分子",人类已知的最大种族灭绝事件之一的罪魁祸首,就是一个白人至上主义者,他年轻时热衷于基督教,并杀害了数百万人?

Lmao, oh my god, I’m so sorry for you. Every single person which was granted the gift of a functioning brain could read just the first point of your comment and would feel tremendously sad for your condition. Hope things will get better and you’ll find real intellectual freedom in yourself Edit: also, point 6 is just so blatantly idiotic that I have to clarify; kkk is not religious and Hitler acted following eugentics, he killed jews because of RACE, not religion. Your ignorance is so fucking annoying and dangerous
Guess that happens when you only read the quran lol

天哪,我真为你感到难过。每一个被赋予大脑功能的人,只要读到你评论的第一点,都会为你的状况感到无比悲哀。编辑:另外,第 6 点实在是太白痴了,我不得不澄清一下;三K党并不信教,希特勒也是按照优生学行事的,他杀犹太人是因为种族,而不是宗教。你的无知真他妈令人讨厌,也很危险

He never really said anyhing about KKK being religious though did he? He just put more emphasis on his point that terrorism isnt lixed with religion. Since i keep seeing you everywhere in this threas. How about instead of insulting everyone left and right, use your brain and talk like a functioning human?


You're a troll, right? You realize there are more than fifty Muslim countries and only two mandate hijab. Both of which experienced a rise in religious extremism as backlash to foreign influence in their countries. There are absolutely problems in Muslim countries, just like there are problems in the West. But blaming it on the same religion that most people in those countries choose to follow just doesn't make sense. Also, saying that Islam is the only religion that has terrorists is just blatantly untrue.


I admittedly know very little about Islam, but as a Christian I personally agree with your third paragraph so much. Though many Christians would disagree with me, I think this is so spot on.
I grew up with a very hardcore version of strict literal Christianity. I still believe in God, but I really don’t think there had to be this religious/science conflict. Aren’t we all just working together to figure things out?
Anyway awesome post, I’m gonna watch that video you lixed


Yeah I believe in god. I’m Native American and my dad has done a good job passing many of our beliefs on to me and my siblings. There are a few things that he and many other people I know have experienced that we would have a lot of trouble explaining without those beliefs. However I do not think less of anyone who does not believe in god. I honestly couldn’t care less in what you believe in as long as it doesn’t hurt people.


I don't believe in god. And I also do not think less of anyone who does believe in god. I also couldn't care less about what you believe in as long as you don't hurt people in the name of religion or god.


I don't! It was one random biology class in 10th grade where I found out about evolution and it literally blew my mind. I juss questioned everything it was taught untill then. Then I read Carl Sagan, Richard Dawkins and a few other ppl. It was kinda exciting and insightful to know why and how people became religious and ofcourse how things really worked out in the past.


This is an interesting question. I myself belive in God and I belive he created all things. Now just because I belive in him does not mean I take the Bible literally. Despite what the Bible says I'm not homophobic or resent any other religions and say "this religion is totally and completely wrong because they don't belive that there is God." The only religion(s)? I say that to are Scientology and cult like stuff. I belive that everyone dies the same way. We die and something happens to our soul. Depending on what you belive that's what happens. If you follow christianity, you go to Heaven or Hell. Even if you belive in reincarnation or Ancient Egyptian religion, you will go into that religions afterlife. I think believing in God is not necessarily following the Bible to the letter but more like using it as a reference to learn about morale how you should follow life and find the best way to be at peace with people. I personally don't attend church very often nowadays but I do still belive and I do still try to act in the way God wants us to so I can be in his new Earth when revelations comes to pass.

这是一个有趣的问题。我相信上帝,相信他创造了万物。现在,我相信上帝并不意味着我照本宣科地接受《圣经》。尽管《圣经》是这么说的,但我并不仇视同性恋,也不反感任何其他宗教,不会说 "这个宗教是完全错误的,因为他们不相信有上帝"。唯一的宗教?我这么说的是科学论派和类似邪教的东西。我相信每个人的死法都是一样的。我们死后,灵魂会发生一些事情。这取决于你信仰什么。如果你信奉基督教,你会去天堂或地狱。即使你相信轮回或古埃及宗教,你也会进入那个宗教的来世。我认为,信仰上帝并不一定要严格遵守《圣经》,而更像是把《圣经》作为一种参考,学习如何遵守道德规范,找到与人和平相处的最佳方式。我个人现在并不经常去教堂,但我仍然信仰上帝,我仍然努力按照上帝希望我们做的方式行事,这样当启示出现时,我就能来到他的新地球。

I am hugely religious to islam But I'm not religious enough to force my beliefs on to people or change their religon
The way i see it, if someone wants to be a Christian, a jew, a Buddhist, a muslim like me or even an atheist Then so be it, let them believe in what they believe. There is no need for toxic wars about who's religion is right, each religon is right for their own ways.
I'm a muslim so I automatically think that Islam is the right religon and the only religion for me. But i don't want to pull someone else away from their own beliefs.


I’m a Christian and have been my whole life. I’m open to having a discussion about it, but tbh I’m too stubborn to change what I believe. And if I’m not willing to change, it’s not fair to force others to either. That is partly why I don’t try forcing my religion on others (but mostly because people that force their opinions are annoying and I don’t want to be like that).
Basically, I accept what everyone believes and don’t judge them because of it. And I hope that other people treat me the same way.


(My theory of God) I do believe in a certain type of God, but not Christianity let me explain. I believe in a higher being that has created the entire universe through the Big Bang and is now watching over us, as I choke on my own saliva and stub my toe at 3 a.m. no matter what happens he won't do crap.
(Opinion of Christianity) I do believe the Christians God Theory is a bit complicated. (No offense) mine is simply, God create everything. God do nothing.

(我对上帝的理论)我确实相信某种类型的上帝,但不是基督教,让我解释一下。我相信有一个更高的存在通过大爆炸创造了整个宇宙,现在正在看顾着我们,尽管我可能会在凌晨3点因噎住口水而磕到脚趾头,但无论发生什么,他都不会搭理。 (对基督教的观点)我认为基督教的上帝理论有点复杂。(没有冒犯的意思)我的观点很简单,上帝创造了一切,却什么也不做。

(The evolution theory) I also personally believe in the evolution of a single-celled organism to Humanity as it is today. The only role God takes for me is just simply, creating the universe as it rips (Big rip Theory) and or crushes itself (the big crunch Theory) a presumably infinite cycle My version of God also did not create any books ether he's just somebody that made the universe and doesn't give a damn if I'm choking to death on my own saliva lol.
(My theory of death) I also have my own theory about where you go when you die if you do nothing good but nothing bad you go to heaven if you do good things you to heaven if you do bad things for example killing a person not on accident you go to hell. It's awfully similar to what Christianity thinks what happens to you when you die, but to go to hell, you have to do really bad things.

(进化论)我个人也相信从单细胞生物到今天的人类的进化过程。上帝在我看来只扮演一个简单的角色,创造宇宙在其撕裂(大撕裂理论)和压缩(大坍缩理论)自身的过程中,这是一个可能无限循环的过程。我的上帝版本也没有创造任何书籍,他只是创造了宇宙,不管我是否因呛到口水而咽气。 (关于死亡的理论)我对死后去向也有自己的理论,如果你既没有做过好事也没有做过坏事,那你会去天堂;如果你做了好事,你也会去天堂;如果你做了坏事,比如故意杀人,你会下地狱。这与基督教对死后去向的看法非常相似,但要去地狱,你必须做一些非常坏的事情。

(My hell theory) I believe hell is this place when you get tortured for eternity. If you manage to Escape From Hell somehow you will be a spirit to roam the Earth as an aggressive spiritual entity that may or may not be able to be seen be humans. And the Devil Himself is the person who shall control the torturing, and the demons do the torturing. but alas I don't really have a theory of what else is in hell besides that.
(My heaven theory) I believe Heaven is this place where you can either choose to roam the Earth or go to heaven and rest. And whilst inside heaven itself you just be chilling with other dead people. However even though I don't believe God runs the place I do believe that Angels do God and the devil are the opposite Angels and Demons are also the opposite.

(关于地狱的理论)我认为地狱是一个永远受折磨的地方。如果你设法从地狱逃脱,你将成为一个在地球上游荡的灵魂,作为一种可能会被人类看到的具有攻击性的灵性实体。魔鬼本人是负责折磨的人,恶魔则执行折磨。但遗憾的是,除此之外我没有关于地狱其他内容的理论。 (关于天堂的理论)我相信天堂是一个你可以选择在地球上游荡或者去休息的地方。在天堂里,你只是和其他死去的人共处。然而,尽管我不相信上帝管理那个地方,但我相信天使管理,而上帝和魔鬼则是对立面,天使和恶魔也是对立面。

Tldr: my god is like all maker, he do nothing but create universe. Me die because me choke on saliva while God views


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