2023-08-31 辽阔天空 4503

Why are US drug prices getting much higher?


Rick VonderBrink
Why does the US let drug makers set their own drug prices? Does this lead to higher drug prices here in the US?
We let drug makers set their own prices because this is a free market economy.
Tonight you will be hungry. There are three restaurants close to your house: Morton’s of Chicago steakhouse, Outback Steakhouse, and McDonald’s.
At Morton’s you will get a prime cut of meat, aged for 30 days, cooked to order by a highly trained cook, paired with a fine wine, and served with delicious side dishes by highly attentive wait staff. You will also pay over $100 for your meal.
At Outback, you will get a distinctly lower quality cut of meat, aged since this morning, served with Coors Light . You will pay around $30.
At McDonald’s, you will get the world’s most generic hamburger, fries, and a Coke, served by a teenager who’d rather be checking his phone than listening to you. You will pay $5, maybe less if you order from the value menu.
Not that in each case, when you walk away, you will not be hungry and your body will have obtained nourishment. But the experience was vastly better when you spent more.


Maybe you can’t afford to eat at the high-end steakhouse, or maybe you’d like to do it more often. You think it isn’t fair that it is that expensive. You get your local congressman to agree, and a law is passed capping the price of a meal at a restaurant at $20. You triumphantly show up at Morton’s with your $20 bill and prepare yourself for bliss.
Guess what happens? You no longer get a 24 oz cut of aged prime New York strip, because that is too expensive. The steak you do get is no longer cooked to order, the wait staff is less attentive, and the wine list consists of Two Buck Chuck. It isn’t a great experience, and you might not go back. Or you might not get the chance to, as they are likely to go out of business, because they can no longer afford their rent.
You try Outback instead, but even their food is worse. The steak is smaller and the Bloomin’ Onion is gone.
McDonald’s is unaffected, because their meal never did cost more than $20.


This is essentially the drug market. There is always McDonald’s. There are many conditions I can treat effectively with cheap generic drugs. I have many patients who are on half a dozen meds and don’t pay more than $10 per month for any of them. These are mostly older meds that are nevertheless still effective. If it works, great.
However, we like medical progress. There are things I can treat better and more effectively now than I could 20 years ago. Innovation is expensive. Developing a new drug can cost hundreds of millions of dollars and take 10 years. Sometimes that time and money go to waste because the drug is rejected by the FDA over safety concerns (most new drugs do not make it through this process). Drug companies are not going to take the risk of making new drugs unless there is a reward at the end of the tunnel, and that reward is the profits from the initially very high prices. They get those profits primarily from the US market. Congratulations America, you fund drug development for the whole world.
But if you limit those profits with price controls, there is less risk taking, less development, and less progress. A diabetic that I treat with nothing but generic drugs is going to do much worse and die sooner than one I treat with the fancy new stuff.
Yes, it sucks if you are the one spending $$$ on meds. The meal at Morton’s was expensive, but you wanted to go there, enjoyed the meal, and will remember it fondly. Absolutely no one wants to spend $100 on medications. But not dying or losing your vision or having crippling arthritis is good too.


Maureen Boehm
Why are prescxtion drug prices so high in the U.S. compared to the rest of the world?
Because we let them.
Read that again.
Because WE let them.
Medicare Part D specifically PROHIBITS the negotiation of drug prices.
(Some Big Pharma lobbyist, somewhere, broke out the champagne and got a huge bonus for that one.)
Just about every other country in the world, where universal health care exists, negotiates their drug costs. Those countries know that saying that the system pays only X dollars for Y drug means that effectively, that drug won’t go anyone in that country, unless Big Pharma plays ball.
The same cancer drugs that cost thousands here can be purchased in Europe for one hundred dollars.


I have a friend, with type 1 diabetes who rations her insulin because she can’t afford the five hundred dollar cost, each month. Without insulin, she will die.
I have another that can no longer pay for the rheumatoid arthritis drug, that keeps her functional, because her insurance company won’t pay the four thousand dollars a month for Enbril. It is an older drug. It used to cost seven hundred a month.
My son has severe allergies. He used to carry an Epi-pen with him everywhere. Again, a very old drug. Used to cost ninety buck for two. It went up to around eight hundred each.
Because WE let them.
Who is WE?
It’s YOU and ME.
If we don’t take action, we will continue to be like sheep going to the slaughter house.
The sheep aren’t doing anything about because, well, they’re sheep.
Don't be a sheep.


You have the power to vote. You have the power to protest.
There is currently drugs cost legislation being considered, in Washington.
If you are interested, and it’s cool if you are not (bah), go to FightPharma.org/senate.
There you can send a letter to the senators involved in this decision.
Tell your story. Add personal comments.
Let them know that this is an issue that will determine your vote, when they come up for re-election.


It took me fewer than five minutes.
As I uncover more practical steps that you can take, I’ll let all my wonderful Quora followers know.
Anyone that wants to throw blame around in the comments can stop right here.
The point of this answer was to empower and inform, not to bash each other’s political points of view or to throw blame around.
The house is burning down, arguing about who should put it out is a waste of time.


Drew Smith
Why are pharmaceuticals less expensive everywhere outside the U.S.?
There are two main drivers: strict enforcement of liberal intellectual property laws, and political restriction of bargaining power.
The grant of a patent on a drug compound gives its owner a monopoly for the lifetime of the patent, which is now 20 years. During this time the patent holder is free to charge as much as they believe the market will bear without the threat of being undercut by competition.
This is not quite as bad as it sounds - drugs are patented before they receive FDA clearance for marketing, so the effective life of the monopoly is usually on the order of 10–16 years, not 20.
Some countries - India and South Africa are prime examples - are not particularly respectful of intellectual property rights. They have refused to enforce patents when homegrown competitors make generic versions of on-patent drugs, or they threaten to do so in exchange for country-specific reduced pricing.
But pharma companies have gotten very creative about extending their monopolies. One strategy is to pay generic drug manufacturers not to compete[1] . Another is to make very minor - and in my opinion, obvious - changes in formulation that result in new patents and a brand-new patent clock.
The most notorious example of this practice is Prilosec/Nexium for acid reflux disease[2] . The active ingredient in both drugs is precisely the same. However in the original formulation (Prilosec), the drug is a 50:50 mixture of two mirror-image versions of the same molecule. One version is active, the other is inactive.


AstraZeneca, Prilosec’s owner, figured out how to purify the active version away from the inactive one. This was challenging but not any kind of a breakthrough. Patents are supposed to be granted only for inventions that are non-obvious, but the patent office sets a very low bar for non-obviousness, and granted AZ a patent for the purified form, known as Nexium.
Nexium’s clinical benefits over Prilosec are very modest, and mostly result from comparing the two drugs at equal doses, even though Prilosec is only 50% active. But AZ has marketed the hell out of Nexium, and global sales are around $4B[3] .
The other driver of high US drug prices is a lack of bargaining power. Other countries have centralized/universal health care organizations that can and do negotiate with pharma companies on price.
Except that they are specifically prohibited by law from bargaining. Medicare and Medicaid must pay for nearly all FDA-approved drugs prescribed by a physician. But the Republican Congress, when it set up Medicare Part D in 2003, forbade Medicare from negotiating drug prices. Since Medicare must cover all drugs, and cannot bargain, pharma companies are free to charge as much as they like, knowing that Medicare simply has to pay up. This is a legally mandated transfer of funds from taxpayers to pharma companies.
And don’t expect this to change with a Republican Congress and President. US taxpayers will continue to be raped in this way for the foreseeable future.


Cyrille Serdon
Why are drug prices so much higher in the US than in France?
I’m no expert on this one but the explanation I’ve been given in the past is that it comes from a difference in bargaining power between the different actors in the two markets.
As you may be aware of, France has a very socialized health system and, among other things, most drugs prescribed by a doctor will be paid for by our public health insurance system and not by the patient himself.
Now, if you are a pharmaceutical company willing to commercialize a new drug in France, you have two options :
you simply go through the process of getting your product approved for the French market. In this case, if you do get the authorization from the French authorities, you will be allowed to sell your drug in France at the price you wish but it won’t be part of our insurance system either (meaning that your customers will actually have to pay for the drug themselves)
in addition of having your product approved, you make an application to the French administration for it to be registered by our insurance system. In addition of checking that your molecule is in line with all the regular medical requirements, this process will involve a negotiation with the French administration on a fixed commercialization price… but it also means that your prospective customers will not have to pay themself for your product if it is accepted


Practically, any drug would have to be part of this insurance system to get any significant market penetration in France (there may possibly be some cutting hedge treatments so attractive that they could still afford not to be part of it but that would really not be mainstream). Ultimatly, this means that pharmaceutical companies have to negociate with one single body controlling their access to the entire French market. This means that the French administration is in a very strong position in the negociation, thus allowing it to secure low drug prices.
On the other hand, in the US, where my understanding is that the whole health care system is privatized pharmaceutical companies enjoy much more bargaining power and do get to set higher prices.
I believe (though not 100% sure) that most of Western Europe works with more or less socialized health systems and that the price gap mentionned in the question is not limited to France.
At the end of the day, one thing that is sure is that, in this organization, the American customer probably ends up subsidizing the R&D programs (whose costs are massive in drug development) the French (and possibly European) one is ultimately enjoying the benefits of.


Robert Smith
How has the "big pharmafia" impacted drug prices?
They game the patent system. For example they reformulate a medication in a more desirable package (like a longer acting version, or one with less side effects) and repatent it for another decade. I’m not sure why they can get away with this, it seems like a stupid loophole, but it apparently works.
They buy off potential generic makers. If you were a small company thinking of cloning say Ozempic in a few years. You could invest in a production line, buy raw materials, start advertising, fight against the “generics aren’t as good” thought process. Or you could just accept the $3 billion dollars that were offered to just bow out. Which is better for your stock holders? Interesting that Mark Cuban, of all people is trying to disrupt this. He’s buying and eventually going to be making, his own generics and selling them at 15% over his cost, with $5 shipping per order.
They do the absolute minimum research to get something approved. For example, they might use a surrogate endpoint, like blood sugar for diabetes or drop in blood pressure rather than the decrease in cardiac deaths we’re really concerned about. They leave the “does this stuff actually help people live longer or healthier” for the patients to sort out!


In the interests of the above, they’ll often lie to the FDA/CDC and doctors with statistics. They’ll start a clinical trial with a clear goal (does drug X reduce problem Y) and fail, but X reduces something ASSOCIATED with Y, so they’ll rewrite the research to emphasize that. Or they’ll start a project, discover that it only seems to help a certain sub-population, so they’ll find a way to exclude all the folks it doesn’t help. Or they’ll talk about trends, not significant results. Cook the books enough and you can prove almost anything helps almost anything. The new drugs related to Alzheimer’s are a great example-each introduced with great fanfare, despite having almost no positive effect and costing many thousands per month.
They market directly to consumers (you) and provide lecturers to sell their claims. Back in the 00s I treated a lot of diabetes, and I’d started using a fair amount of Avandia, because it was one way to reduce blood sugars when everything else didn’t work. Turn out that it doesn’t help diabetics health (surrogate marker) but we didn’t know that yet. The drug company offered to pay me $100s a night to lecture people on how wonderful Avandia was.


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