2023-09-04 龟兔赛跑 8647

What''s the biggest reason you think America could lose its standing as a superpower?


Jonathan Buttall
(1) Profoundly incompetent leadership in the executive and congressional branches.
(2) Defeated in war by Vietnam and Afghanistan, two low tech countries, putting the lie that the most military hardware is what makes a military strong. What makes a military strong is if people are fighting for their country and have recent combat experience. Vietnam gave the Japanese a hard time and defeated the French before expelling the US from it’s invasion. Afghanistan previously had defeated the British Empire and the Soviet unx.
It’s irrelevant that Vietnam got help from other countries, as so did the US in all of it’s wars including the Revolutionary war).
(3) Instead of keeping the peace in the world, the US reverted to imperialist wars of aggression starting with Vietnam. We stopped being a “world policeman” by the late 1960s.
(4) The growing rise of China, both economically and militarily.
(5) Future superpowers will be economic ones, not military ones. Imperialism on a world scale is obsolete, the US is the last holdout and was not successful at this as were scores of other countries.


Silk Road
The biggest reason America could lose its superpower status is not China, Russia, or Iran. It's not climate change, cyberattacks, or terrorism. It's not even the pandemic, the debt, or the polarization.
It's something much more subtle, yet much more powerful: complacency.
Complacency is the state of being satisfied with the status quo, without striving for improvement or innovation. It's the attitude of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".
It's the mindset of "we're number one, so we don't need to change". It's the habit of resting on one's laurels, taking things for granted, and ignoring the signs of decline.
Complacency is the enemy of progress, and progress is the essence of superpowerdom.
A superpower is not just a country with a large economy, a strong military, and a global influence.
A superpower is a country that constantly pushes the boundaries of science, technology, culture, and human potential.
A superpower is a country that sets the standards, shapes the trends, and leads the world in solving the most pressing challenges.
America has been that country for decades, but it is losing its edge.


According to the 2023 Global Innovation Index, America ranks 11th in the world in innovation performance, behind countries like Switzerland, Sweden, South Korea, and Singapore.
According to the 2023 World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Report, America ranks 13th in the world in competitiveness, behind countries like Finland, Denmark, Taiwan, and Germany.
According to the 2023 Bloomberg Innovation Index, America ranks 15th in the world in innovation capacity, behind countries like Israel, Japan, France, and China.
These rankings are not just numbers. They reflect the reality that America is falling behind in areas that matter for the future: research and development, education and skills, entrepreneurship and creativity, digital transformation and sustainability.
These are the areas that will determine who will dominate the 21st century and beyond.
America cannot afford to be complacent. It cannot rely on its past achievements or its current advantages.
It cannot assume that it will always be ahead or that others will always follow. It cannot ignore the fact that the world is changing faster than ever and that new challengers are emerging every day.
America needs to wake up from its complacency and regain its sense of urgency and ambition.
It needs to invest more in innovation and education, foster a culture of risk-taking and experimentation, embrace diversity and collaboration, and adapt to the changing needs and expectations of the global community.


H.L. Chastain
How did the U.S. become a superpower in just 250+ years?
We were literally able to expand over a massive landmass unchallenged. Sure, Native Americans did provide some resistance, but the technology and numbers of European immigrants were too great to resist. It gave us a ton of room to populate, which is key to being a superpower.
Yes, immigration. The US became THE destination of immigrants. It was a new land full of opportunity. It was for anyone who wanted to start a new life based on the idea of general liberty. Sure, there were some caveats and issues, but overall it was incredibly different from what the rest of the world was offering. Immigration brought a lot of different minds and cultures to the US which spurred innovation and advancement.
Good farmland
Canada is sparsely populated and confined to the North. We annexed a lot of Mexico’s land in the Mexican-American War too. The rest of the states in the Americas were a mess and or too small to compete which left the US, who was furthest along in economic development, virtually unchallenged in dominating both North and South America.


The US fought a decent amount of wars prior to WWI, but nearly all of them were on their own continent. WWI brought the US the opportunity to engage internationally with other developed nations. While WWI destroyed Europe, the US profited by selling goods to them and swooping in near the end to help break the stalemate. Then comes WWII. Once again, the rest of Europe is destroyed and even the great British Empire has exhausted itself. The new USSR expended millions of soldiers fighting, much more than the US. This leaves the US in a superb position as having no realistic competitor outside the USSR. Come on Cold War!
Money and the Economy
Do you know what the US did during all these years? It advanced. During the 1800s it built a massive industrialized manufacturing base and became and economic powerhouse before war was even a factor. Come WWI and especially WWII, while the world fought, the US sold. WWII made the US a lot of money. Since WWII destroyed Europe, the US was left as the only major power left to produce goods. The US was the developed world for a time after WWII. It spend decades after this cementing its status as the central economy to the rest of the world.
So, in retrospect, a number of factors gave us our superpower status. Money, size, resources, industrialization, war, and good timing led the US to go from a nothing agricultural colony to a global superpower.


Abhishek Kumar
How did America become a superpower?
In November 1928, ten years after the Entente’s victory in the First World War, an official at the Foreign Office sat to compose a stark assessment of the new global order in which Britain found herself. Russia, Germany, France, Japan, Italy and China were all locked in spirals of revolution and repression, and were being crippled by successive financial crises.
Although the UK was “still staggering from the effects of the superhuman effort made during the war . . . loaded with a great burden of debt . . . [and] crippled by the evil of unemployment”, it was better off than most. The empire was still intact – albeit in an altered state – and the domestic polity had survived the arrival of mass democracy in 1918, notwithstanding scares such as the General Strike of 1926. But in 1928, a year before the Wall Street Crash, one country stood supreme above all the others. In the United States, the official wrote, Great Britain was faced “with a phenomenon for which there is no parallel in our modern history – a state twenty-five times as large, five times as wealthy, three times as populous, twice as ambitious, almost invulnerable, and at least our equal in prosperity, vital energy, technical equipment and industrial strength”.


In 1917, Germany’s suicidal U-boat campaign in the Atlantic had finally forced President Woodrow Wilson to drop his position of disapproving neutrality in the war. When the United States finally entered the arena, the door to the American century was not so much unlocked as blown off its hinges – and in came a hurricane.
Tells two stories, neither of which (and this is the point) can be told with-out the other. The first is America’s coming of age as a superpower on a scale that the world had never seen and that frightened Americans as much as anyone else. The second is the way in which the other great powers – winners and losers in the First World War, from Europe to Eurasia – came to terms with the new dispensation.


Tooze is a professor of history and co-director of the international security studies programme at Yale, the intellectual home of “grand strategy” – a form of history, much beloved of statesmen, which abandons the usual “firewall” between domestic politics and foreign policy and examines how states mobilise the totality of their assets to the ends of security and power. This book is the best example of the genre since The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers (1987), produced by another British historian at Yale, Paul Kennedy. Tooze’s own previous book was a world-renowned, prize-winning study of the Nazi war economy, and in The Deluge he brings the same depth of analysis to the interwar period, covering much familiar ground but offering a bold reconceptuali-sation of the making and breaking of the liberal international order.


For Britain, which had paid for the Great War with huge loans from US banks, it was a case of “improvise or die”.It was in the interwar period that the British attempted “feats of intervention, co-ordination and stabilisation to which they had never aspired in the empire’s heyday”. But crucially, rather than push back against American hegemony, they accepted it as a fait accompli. Winston Churchill was among the first to see the selfish strategic interest in what he later called the “special relationship” but there were few dissenting voices; Britain’s first Labour prime minister, Ramsay MacDonald, was as staunch an advocate of an Anglo-American alliance as any. As Leon Trotsky put it, MacDonald “points with pride to this dog collar, calling it the best instrument of peace”.
In Weimar Germany from 1923 to 1927, Gustav Stresemann’s foreign policy was predicated on a similar logic, reconciling himself to US power. Yet others began to obxt to the shackles imposed by the new behemoth on the block, and what they saw as an attempt to impose a stifling status quo. In 1928, the Austrian-born radical politician Adolf Hitler warned that the “threatened global hegemony of the North American continent” would reduce the rest of the major powers to the status of a Switzerland or a Holland. In Mein Kampf, he even called for an Anglo-German alliance to resist it.

对于从美国银行获得巨额贷款以支付第一次世界大战费用的英国来说,这是一个“要么即兴发挥,要么死亡”的问题。正是在两次世界大战期间,英国人尝试了“他们在帝国鼎盛时期从未渴望过的干预、协调和稳定的壮举”。但至关重要的是,他们并没有反击美国的霸权,而是将其视为既成事实。温斯顿·丘吉尔是最早在他后来所说的“特殊关系”中看到自私战略利益的人之一,但几乎没有反对的声音;英国第一任工党党魁拉姆齐·麦克唐纳(Ramsay MacDonald)是英美联盟的坚定倡导者。正如莱昂·托洛茨基所说,麦克唐纳“自豪地指着这只狗项圈,称之为最好的和平工具”。

The 1929 Wall Street Crash confirmed that now, when America sneezed, the rest of the world caught much worse than a cold. Hedging one’s bets on the superpower’s next move was a risky business, however, as the inner workings of American democracy were complex. Woodrow Wilson could convince the world of his vision for a League of Nations, but not the American people.
In 1931, when Congress slapped down President Hoover’s offer of a moratorium on European war debt – which had been made to protect Wall Street investment in Germany, rather than in a spirit of benevolence – the exasperated British ambassador in Washington, Sir Ronald Lindsay, called it an “exhibition of irresponsibility, buffoonery and ineptitude that could hardly be paralleled by the Haitian legislature”.
By the 1930s, for all their differences, the leaders of Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan and the Soviet unx began to unite as insurgents against this oppressive Pax Americana. Indeed, one of the great ironies of the Great Depression era was that it was the rebellious nationalist camp that adopted “positive” economic policies, in contrast to the austerity and deflationary orthodoxy preferred by defenders of the liberal order. As Stalin told factory workers in 1931, at the outset of his Five-Year Plans, “To slacken the pace would mean to lag behind, and those who lag behind are beaten.”

1929年的华尔街大崩盘证实,现在美国打个喷嚏,世界其他地方就会受到比感冒更严重的影响。然而,由于美国民主的内部运作是复杂的,因此对这个超级大国的下一步行动进行下注是一件冒险的事情。伍德罗·威尔逊(Woodrow Wilson)可以让全世界相信他建立国际联盟的愿景,但不能让美国人民相信。
1931年,美国国会否决了胡佛总统提出的延缓欧洲战争债务的提议——该提议是为了保护华尔街在德国的投资,而非出于仁慈之心——愤怒的英国驻华盛顿大使罗纳德?林赛爵士(Sir Ronald Lindsay)称其为“这是海地立法机构难以比拟的不负责任、滑稽和无能的表现”。
到20世纪30年代,尽管存在种种分歧,法西斯意大利、纳粹德国、日本帝国和苏联的领导人开始联合起来,作为反抗这种压迫性的“美国治下的和平”(Pax Americana)的叛乱分子。事实上,大萧条时期最大的讽刺之一是,正是反叛的民族主义阵营采取了“积极”的经济政策,而自由秩序捍卫者偏爱(经济的)紧缩和通货紧缩的正统说法。1931年,斯大林在他的五年计划开始时告诉工厂工人:“放慢步伐就意味着落后,落后就会挨打。”

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Some have seen the collapse of the peace movement, disintegration of the liberal order and insipidness of the League of Nations as the ultimate rebuke to the naive democratic idealism of the interwar years, embodied by Wilsonianism. For Tooze, this is the wrong lesson to learn. In his view, in fact, “the restless search for a new way of securing order and peace was the expression not of deluded idealism, but of a higher form of realism”. Its failure was not inevitable and can be explained in two ways.
The first was the determination of revanchist (fascist and revolutionary) powers that mobilised every resource they had in an effort to escape the “chain gang” of nations marching behind the US. The second, more important, was that America itself remained a reluctant Goliath, hamstrung in its attempt to construct a viable grand strategy by a strange anxiety about its own fragility. Thus Wilson appears as not a naive internationalist, but a Burkean conservative, deeply concerned by the prospect that foreign entanglements with the “Dark Continent” of Europe or the “Oriental races” of Asia would corrupt the health and vigour of the American republic.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Here was the paradox: “At the hub of the rapidly evolving American-centred world system was a polity wedded to a conservative vision of its own future.”
The Deluge leaves us with a picture not of the clichéd brash and unthinking Yankee new imperialist power, but of an oddly insecure superstate: preferring to sit aloof from the rapacious battles and power games played by others; not quite at ease with its own recent tumultuous past; and still coming to terms with modernity having presented it with responsibilities that it had never envisaged.
From the British perspective, as the Foreign Office official put it in 1928, it was always better to have America in the game than out of it. The problem was that “in almost every field, the advantages to be derived from mutual co-operation are greater for us than for them”.


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