2023-09-06 碧波荡漾恒河水 5403

Sub-Saharan migration across the Mediterranean is on the rise. With Tunisia fast becoming the latest hotspot for departures, the EU has pledged to help avert migrant flows.


Many EU countries are in recession,esp since the war started! There are a lots of unemployed EU citizens,they are sleeping rough and they are replying on doles to live. I don't think it is the right time to bring more people who will only be suffering in freezing weather conditions in Europe,at least in their home countries the weather is nice and sunny.The EU should rather punish and sanction governments who allow and perhaps support illegal migration to use it as a bargaining chip against the West

许多欧盟国家正处于衰退之中,尤其是自从战争开始以来! 有很多欧盟公民失业,他们露宿街头,依靠救济生活。我不认为现在是把更多的人带到欧洲的合适时机,他们只会在寒冷的天气中受苦,在他们的祖国,至少天气晴朗,阳光明媚。欧盟应该惩罚和制裁那些允许甚至支持非法移民的政府,后者甚至将其作为与西方讨价还价的筹码。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Including 3rd world's educated people choose the easy way and flock to the established countries which concluded the fighting for democracy, instead of fighting for the democracy of their own country.
But overpopulation is also a problem for Europe.


lol china will rule Europe and USA


Have you actually watched the video? The EU's population is rapidly declining, so there's absolutely no danger of 'overpopulation'

你真的看过那个视频吗? 欧盟的人口正在迅速减少,所以绝对没有“人口过剩”的危险。

We need a way to send people back on arrival. If we had a deal with Rwanda or a similar country, then people would stop drowning.


Europe needs secure borders to save the lives of indigenous population


@RollcageHiggins-uf9nm Wait, now you care about indigenous populations?

@RollcageHiggins-uf9nm 等等,现在你关心本国人了?

To OP, why would Rwanda or any other country make a deal to hold people intermittently? That would cause problems for them just to save you the problems. What's in it for them? And even if you made such a deal, the human smuggling operations are already in place, why would people follow such procedures if they are already comfortable violating the law?

OP,为什么卢旺达或其他国家要达成间歇性地关押人的协议? 仅仅为了帮你们解决问题,会给他们带来麻烦的。这对他们有什么好处? 即使你们达成了这样的协议,人口走私活动发生了,如果人们已经习惯了违法,为什么还要遵循这样的程序呢?

You'd be better off offering a more functional immigration process that actually accepts or rejects people in a timely manner, with a good appeal process. If you can convince people that the legal process is better, they will do it. Unfortunately the legal process is impossible, and in fact it increasingly punishes those who attempt to go through that route. Now more than ever, people are forgoing it altogether. You cannot win by show of force, human smuggling is a game of wack a mole, it's unwinnable I'm sorry.


If only Africa had a way to send Europeans back over last 500 years


Not our problem.


Good luck on that do u think all those people want to drown


yes, i'm sure the thousands of people who immigrate illegally are definitely perfect fits for the high skill labour that there is a shortage of.


Was good when he said that he is good at repairing electrical stuff. First you need an 3 year education here to be allowed to do that work and 2nd thing is that we do not repair electrical stuff anymore because everything is made so that you can't get the spare parts or repair it.


Yeah, high skilled


In America we need low skill labor to cut our lawns and clean our houses but we have an endless supply of hardworking low skill people from Mexico to help.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@calidude1114 no we don't. Low wage immigration is taking jobs from Americans. It drives down our wages. Thanks alot!!!!

@calidude1114 不,我们没有。低工资的移民抢走了美国人的工作。它压低了我们的工资。太谢谢了! !

That is working as intended in Capitalist Western society.


They most likely pay for more things than they would have to in Germany, but also are most likely still subsidized. They can vote at some point, and direct the flow of governmental money.


@calidude1114 Here companies ain't allowed to abuse workers in the same way as over there. Like the worker has rights over here and being part of an unx is almost a must.

@calidude1114 这里的公司不允许像那里那样虐待工人。就像工人在这里有权利一样,成为工会的一员几乎是必须的。

@BoxcarWillie42 then work hard to compete with them

@BoxcarWillie42 那就努力工作与他们竞争。

Ehm no, truck driving is not considerd a high skill job, neither is assembling solar panels. It's quite obvious that low skill laborers are in demand, since Europe in general is well educated and has a high standard of lowing


Due to recent events even those "rich" countries citizens battle with poverty day by day and are homeless ! Why does European people had to take the brunt of these foreigners competing for jobs in their own nation!!!?

由于最近的事件,即使是那些“富裕”国家的公民也每天与贫困作斗争,无家可归! 为什么欧洲人非要承受这些外国人在他们自己国家竞争工作的冲击!

Could use those ill-crane naval drones.


Such simple minded comments don't help. People reacting with violent fantasies instead of pushing the right political ideas has been an ongoing problem for decades. This is part of what got us here.


Thanks for paying tax to the EU :)


@NoidoDev so what’s a solution, I can understand the morality you got there but what’s the solution, let them stream in? Talking about simplistic comments but offering nothing in return,

@NoidoDev 那么解决方案是什么呢,我能理解你的道德观,但是解决方案是什么,让他们涌入吗? 说别人的评论简单化,却拿不出任何东西。

I'm obviously not on the side of letting them stream in, but such comments don't make a difference anyways, it's just anger talking.

@n7warhound885 很明显,我不支持让他们涌入,但这样的评论无论如何都不会造成什么不同,这只是愤怒的言论。

So in the EU u don’t need low skill labor to cut your lawns and clean your houses?


@NoidoDev actually, using those drones do make a difference. And I am not angry 1 bit.

@NoidoDev 实际上,使用这些无人机确实会产生影响。而且我一点也不生气。

have you seen the pattern Boris? no-one wants to migrate to Russia no matter how bad their life and prodpects are.

你看到这种模式了吗,鲍里斯? 没有人愿意移民到俄罗斯,不管他们的生活和前景有多糟糕。

@soreeyez you couldn't handle Australian cardboard drones...just wait for our paper planes. Australian kids are making them in classrooms for the war effort.

@soreeyez 澳大利亚的纸板无人机你们搞不定……等着我们的纸飞机吧。澳大利亚的孩子们正在教室里为战争做准备。

we should train them to fight for European values against Russia in Ukraine.


@NoidoDev Suggesting violance is just as much politcs as suggesting anything else lol

@NoidoDev 暗示暴力跟政治以及其他任何东西一样,哈哈。

People want to experience democracy why not just help them❤❤


they can expirence it in their own country


@dhyeyavyas6257 they can't due to high resistence of dictatorship

@dhyeyavyas6257 由于高压毒菜,他们不能。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@YarUnderoaker how did Europeans overcome their own monarchy and dictatorships?

@YarUnderoaker 欧洲人是如何克服自己的君主制和独裁统治的?

@dhyeyavyas6257 Infiltrating special agents and helping the opposition

@dhyeyavyas6257 渗透特工,帮助反对派。

@YarUnderoaker then why can't the immigrants use same technique and help their own motherland?

@YarUnderoaker 那么,为什么移民们不能使用同样的计策来帮助他们自己的祖国呢?

For everyone Europe is breaking a part a bit. Save Europe then the world, not the other way around


Obviously it will only increase considering all the coups in west Africa


it will probably increase regardless because they have a massive population of kid's that grew up in the middle of nowhere that are starting to age to adulthood.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

They have explosive population growth and as climate change effects those vulnerable regions more, its only going to get worse... We can't just not help them, but the number of people crossing is going to be absolutely unmanageable.


That's not a deal. That's blackmail!


What you expect when roll out the carpet and give them free money


One day Europeans will have had enough. It will be too late by then.


I feel like Europeans have had enough. They just don't know what they can actually do about it.


@IndustrialMilitia Your name indicates you might know what to do.

@IndustrialMilitia 你的名字表明你可能知道该怎么做。

Tell France to free Africa


With median age of 45 europe would not survive on its own immigration is good to maintain helathy population

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

They need to rebuild their own country and the EU should make that happen


nato is bussy fermenting instability and wars such as in libya whose effect is the rise of islamists and coups through out the region.


Few decades ago 'out with colonialism, we want independance'. Now, ' lemme in, my country's fckd'......


People are risking it all to get into the US, Canada or Europe,
but never China . Why?


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

or Prussia

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

No welfare benefits to foreigners


Too hard work is there….


Shhhh. Don’t give them any ideas about surviving their demographic extinction.


Western bot your 15 cents walmart troll coupon is ready for collection. Bring your troll ID to claim.


@Taara51 bot calling a bot a bot

@Taara51 机器人叫机器人机器人。

What's the difficult part? ...round 'em up and send 'em back. And if you catch a smuggler, jail for life. ...thank me later.


@ladyofspa no problem with that

@ladyofspa 没问题。

That's not the same, since they aren't illegal immigrants which want social welfare. Ask Zimbabwe how well this works out.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Politics and laws. Also, the Europeans caring about this being ignorant. Coming up with strong talk, and even not knowing what would actually be more realistic.


@NoidoDev I am curious, what happened to zimbabwe. I am not too aware of their political history

@NoidoDev 我很好奇,津巴布韦发生了什么。我不太了解他们的政治历史。

Why don't they go in Brics countries they adore so much on the internet.

他们为什么不去金砖国家呢? 他们在互联网上崇拜的要命。

They do.
However the HIMALAYA, mountain ranges Myanmar army and Malaysian COAST GUARDS stops them.


With 1.4 - 1.5 billion "hungry" South Asians and Central America goes to Brazil, Colombia, Mexico. Then the flow to ASEAN is not allowed. Red China, CIS is protected, thus.

南亚和中美洲有14 - 15亿“饥饿”人口,分布在巴西、哥伦比亚和墨西哥。然后流入东盟是不允许的。所以红色中国,独联体受到保护。

EU, USA has less difficult terrain in the Mediterranean Sea and River respectively.


Plenty of Venezuelans and Haitians in Brazil just fyi


⁠ @kongthai... america has difficult terrain too, you’ll have to go through jungles and deserts

⁠ @kongthai... 美国的地形也很复杂,你必须穿过丛林和沙漠。

Difficult Terrain- Try East Los Angeles which has 10,000 gangs


@calidude1114 not even the gangs. Just try coming across, it’s quite dangerous

@calidude1114 甚至不说帮派,试试去那里,相当危险。

No welfare


they do. most brics countries have a higher population density than US or other european countries. except maybe russia.


it would be better to hire people to sink the boats out on the water much easier

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

You cant stop it.unless you stop allowing they work illegally and getpapers easly


Raise the drawbridge


People said one day Europe will have had enough. No. One day, there won't be Europe anymore.


Payback for colonization.


@abhijeetsinghdeora9450 colonization doesn't make one country poor. All East Asian countries had been colonized. They're not poor anymore. One's country is poor whether they're colonized or not.

@abhijeetsinghdeora9450 殖民不会让一个国家变穷。所有东亚国家都曾被殖民。他们不再贫穷了。一个人的国家无论是否被殖民,都是贫穷的。

@abhijeetsinghdeora9450 not really this is happening in the Irish Republic, name me one country that has been colonised by the Irish. Try again

@abhijeetsinghdeora9450 这并不是真的,这种情况发生在爱尔兰共和国,说出一个被爱尔兰人殖民过的国家。再试一次。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@abhijeetsinghdeora9450 What country has Sweden colonized?

@abhijeetsinghdeora9450 瑞典殖民过哪个国家?

Africans on TV : Europe bad, yay Russia.. yay belt & road china best fren
Africans IRL : All going to France Germany & Holland


Africa is 54 countries and 1.4 billion people. It's not wise to generalise


@ryanhunter5594 Do you really think they as a whole put much care into not generalising about Europeans? Unfortunately generalisations work, because masses of people interract with masses of people. Don't be naive.

@ryanhunter5594 你真的认为作为一个整体,他们很注意不把欧洲人一概而论吗? 不幸的是,一概而论是有效的,因为大量的人与大量的人互动。不要太天真。

@ryanhunter5594 france ,germany and holland did and do gratly benefit from exploiting the african countries.france alone holding more than 500 bn usd

@ryanhunter5594 法国、德国和荷兰过去和现在都从剥削非洲国家中受益,仅法国就持有超过5000亿美元。

Most of them are from Asia not Africa.


France,Germany and Holland depends on Africa resources and it owes Africa


@bushlandeast7175 And then left a functioning economy after colonialism. So when did the decline set in?

@bushlandeast7175 然后在殖民主义结束后留下了一个运转良好的经济体。那么,衰退是什么时候开始的呢?

@chillitopo2420 Not anymore. The EU is the greatest aid provider to Africa. West and Central Africa: EU allocates €181.5 million for humanitarian aid in 2023

@chillitopo2420 不再......欧盟是非洲最大的援助者。西非和中非:欧盟在2023年拨款1.815亿欧元用于人道主义援助。

What can possible go wrong with Europeans native...

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Nothing, nothing happened to Native Americans when European arrived. nothing to worry about .


What about native Australians?


@felixkazteyanoz West Europeans *

@felixkazteyanoz 西欧人。

@Taara51 they don't care hypocrisy

@Taara51 他们不在乎虚伪。

We should only allow women in fertile age for a quick period enough to get hysterectomies followed by swift deportation.


There are 1.5 BILLION people in Africa and growing. 800 MILLION are young military age men. Michelle Pace you are crazy. By opening "safe routes" you would guarantee 800 million young men into Europe.


but part of the deal would be that they fight for Ukraine


@C-lp6jb I don't think so

@C-lp6jb 不敢苟同。

Bullets are cheap, whats the problem?


This is one of the benefits you got for killing Gaddafi


A billion euros well burned.


Bobi R
Germany has no more places for these imigrants, even there is no enough apartments here


That’s perfectly fine you all have many empty churches since so many German people have gone weak. Convert the churches to mosques and shelters! Then you can have the call to prayer every day, from Duisabad to Frankbad to Berlinibad

这完全没问题,你们有很多空教堂,因为很多德国人都变得软弱了。把教堂改建成清真寺和避难所! 这样你们就可以每天祈祷,从杜伊萨堡,到法兰克福堡,再到柏林堡。

Camps can be built by the immigrants themselves just like the Americans built prison camps in WW2. We had 500,000 German Prisoners in the USA during WW2. They were all productive working on farms.


We need our combined navies in the water, arresting and returning. No more feet on European soil!


This is legally not possible. You directly fell into the trap of writing "returning" them to the same country. Then courts will state they might get harmed, so it's not allowed.


When the Europeans invaded Africa, were they treated that way? Well, what goes around comes around!

当欧洲人入侵非洲时,他们被这样对待了吗? 好吧,一报还一报!
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Cry harder, cry more.

@EclecticRealist 哭得更用力,哭得更多。

Let them fight in Ukraine!


Sell them to Putler's Russia?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@robertsmith5744 colwnskey fan is here

@robertsmith5744 小丑斯基的粉丝来了。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Coming to a hotel in England near you.


Who thinks illegal migration will solve the labor shortages is MAD


WW3 will reduce this problem.


Britain seems to be a crowded island, so it is better to start with them.


So would Covid-24


Doctors and engineers


Like that man was so lost. With his skills he couldn't even get a job here so what he sees as something he can offer is worth nothing here, would not even be allowed without minimal of 3 year education and electrical permit according to what electricity he plays with(you can get it faster by working at the same time but still its not a 1 month thing).


Seen videos on youtube some telling others what country to go to that has the best benefits atm so maybe we need to remove their right completely to get it and instead encourage em getting an education that is legit here, search for a job and fly here by plane when they are already hired. Like it can't cost that much to educate em before they get here and then let em in when they can support themselves. As I needed to work 13 months before I had any rights to get benefits then why don't apply it to them too. Like on Åland you need to live/work there 5 years before you are allowed to own a house there, would it be too harsh to put a 5 year thing on them too to avoid those that only seek benefits. Working 5 years in a new country also helps you integrate and gives you a chance to get to know the place instead of ending up in those groups that have cultures within our culture, alienating themselves more and more.

在youtube上看到一些视频,有人告诉别人去哪个国家的福利最好,所以也许我们应该完全剥夺他们获得福利的权利,而是鼓励他们在本国接受合法的教育,找到工作后坐飞机来这里。就像在他们来之前教育他们,然后在他们能养活自己的时候让他们进来,不会花那么多钱。既然我需要工作13个月才有权利获得福利,那么为什么不把它也应用到他们身上呢? 就像在(芬兰)奥兰,你需要在那里生活/工作5年才能够得到允许在那里拥有房子,为了筛掉那些只追求利益的人,给他们5年的时间不会太苛刻。在一个新的国家工作5年也会帮助你融入,给你一个了解这个地方的机会,而不是最终在那些与自己文化迥异的群体中,越来越疏远自己。

Better to say in Germany rather then in Europe.


Last time I checked Germany is in Europe


They are coming for freedom and democracy?


How about entering Europe legally?


how about staying in africa ?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@bpj1720 Yes that works too

@bpj1720 是的,那也行。

How about the Europeans never entering Australia, the Americas, Africa, New Zealand, the Caribbean, etc.? Maybe they should all be sent back to their respective European countries, then we will call it even!

那欧洲人从来不去澳大利亚、美洲、非洲、新西兰、加勒比海等地怎么样? 也许他们都应该被送回各自的欧洲国家,然后我们就扯平了!
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

How about politicians doing their job and sending them somewhere, and shutting down any institution that creates or supports critics against that.


@Pou1gie1 Ask the Turks, Moors and Arabs if they entered foreign lands ? Oh wait they did

@Pou1gie1 问问土耳其人、摩尔人和阿拉伯人,他们是否进入了外国领土? 哦,等等,他们是的确有。

@Pou1gie1 how strange. now how did islam spread to malaysia? how come ottoman empire conquer parts of europe?

@Pou1gie1 真奇怪。那么伊斯兰教是如何传播到马来西亚的呢? 奥斯曼帝国是如何征服欧洲部分地区的?

Its works so great for France.Belgium,Sweden …. Germans . Its not that simple.


很赞 1