国外博主开箱华为Mate 60 Pro 外国网友:它什么时候会在中国以外的地方发行啊,我期待触摸这头野兽...
2023-09-09 种花家一只兔 17104


Loving Huawei very much! Using both Apple and Huawei, Huawei is indeed better from it's physical design and the OS

非常爱华为! 我同时使用苹果手机和华为手机,华为在物理设计和操作系统上确实做得更好。

My Mate20X bought in 2019 is still quite smooth with upxed Harmony OS 3.0, Now i use both Mate 60 pro and Mate20 x, perhaps no need to buy new moble phone in coming 3-5years

我在2019年购买的Mate20X仍然是相当流畅的,刚刚给它更新了的鸿蒙OS 3.0,现在我同时使用Mate 60 pro和Mate20X,也许在未来3-5年里我都不需要购买新的手机了。

I'm waiting to see what they'll be able to do with the Mate 60 Pro+ and Porsche versions. But even this looks good!

我在等着看他们在Mate 60 Pro+和保时捷版本上能做出什么新花样儿。但即使这个版本,它看起来也相当不错!
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

An expert in Hong Kong said Huawei and SMIC used "Black Technology" in the Kirin9000s chip. He said it is between 7nm and 4nm and it is 5.5G. I have the lix.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Mate60pro is also the world's first smart phone with Satellite calling feature.


YUP, Huawei is a real tech company. meanwhile Apple is a design company after Jobs to be honest.


@louiswu6300 that’s the power of Apple. Look at you and other frustrated android user…This is about Huwai phone. If this phone even compete with any company, it will be an Android phone company like Samsung. But you guys are talking about iPhone..!!!! LOL!!!!!

这就是苹果的力量。看看你和其他沮丧的安卓用户,这是关于华为手机的。如果这款手机与任何公司竞争,那它的竞争对手将是像三星这样的安卓手机公司。但是你们却在谈论苹果公司..!!!! 哈哈! !

Only support in East and south Asia right now. They will lanch more stellite to cover middle east and Africa


this phone is not about performance.... this phone is about history...... future historians will use this phone as a turning point of China's tech struggle with u.s

这款手机的性能并非那么重要...这款手机注定将名留青史... 未来的历史学家将把这款手机的发布作为中美科技战的转折点。

Huawei has made a miracle in the context of the US-China hi-tech war. Well done, Huawei!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Everything looks great! I've always loved Huawei smartphones and pretty happy to see the King back in the market. Hopeful for more better things coming from Huawei.

一切看起来都很棒! 我一直很喜欢华为的智能手机,很高兴能看到它王者归来,回归市场。希望华为能推出更多更好的产品。

The screen curvature is perfect! All phones should be like this, remembers me of the old Nokia N9 and original Lumias. The GLASS is curved, not the screen. Finally!

这款手机的屏幕曲率堪称完美! 所有的手机都应该是这样,让我想起了曾经的诺基亚N9和最初的微软Lumias手机。它只有玻璃是弯曲的,而不是整个屏幕。

HTC also tried that on their 2012 smartphones such as HTC One X and 8X.
Edit: I think it was called infinity screen at that time by HTC.
Apple also used this and called it 2.5D screen starting from iPhone 6.

HTC也在2012年发布的智能手机上尝试了这种功能,比如HTC One X和8X。
编辑: 我记得当时HTC把它叫做无限屏。
从iPhone 6开始,苹果也采用了这一技术,并将其称为2.5D屏幕。

​ @yohaneschristianp Huawei has special edge curved tech. make it won't be broken when fall done. meanwhile Apple don't have.


@louiswu6300 Is that Kunlun glass? Apple’s got ceramic shield before Huawei’s kunlun glass.
I am not quite sure about the durability though.
At some countries, Huawei also offered “upgrade” the screen to kunlun glass starting from Mate 30, P40, Mate 40 and so in.
Edit : HTC One X’s screen is quite durable too btw. Pretty durable to scratches and fall.

那是昆仑玻璃吗? 苹果的陶瓷护盾比华为的昆仑玻璃问世的更早。
在一些国家,华为还提供了将Mate 30、P40、Mate 40等手机屏幕“升级”成昆仑玻璃的服务。
编辑: 顺便说一句,HTC One X的屏幕也相当耐用。非常耐用,抗刮擦和跌落。

I understand why US banned them... they felt that Huawei phones will kick their iphones butts sooner or later.

我终于理解了为什么美国禁止华为... 他们觉得华为手机迟早会踢他们的苹果公司的屁股。

more like NO MORE backdoor for Big Bro to monitor....so they {Murikkkka] a're having a mental brekdown now

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Your idea is great, but you also need to know. No private enterprise has ever been able to stand firm and break through sanctions in all aspects after being subjected to comprehensive sanctions from the United States.


Do you really think people will switch from iPhone to Android? How many brands tried so far?

你真的认为人们会从iPhone转向安卓系统吗? 到目前为止,有多少品牌尝试过?

@bikashrghosh I switched after iphone 4s. My wife switched after iphone 5.

我在使用了iphone 4s后切换了。我妻子在使用了iphone 5后也换了。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@awesomejos I wouldn’t consider that a switch. IPhone 4S was launched in 2011 and at that time Android was way behind iOS. Now from a functionality and quality point of view, Android flagships are at par iPhone but its still Android..!!!! Very few people are switching from iOS to Android and many more are switching from Android to iOS. Check the data…

我不认为这是一种转换。IPhone 4S手机于2011年发布,当时安卓系统远远落后于iOS系统。从功能和质量的角度来看,安卓系统的旗舰产品与iPhone相当,但它仍然是安卓!!!! 很少有人从iOS系统转向安卓系统,而更多的人从安卓系统转向iOS系统。所有数据可查...

@bikashrghosh iOS is trash ,makes people feel dumb. Every step on IOS has an unnecessary additional step. I switched from iOS to android this year and I never regretted. I have used every new iPhone that was released and switched after buying the 14 pro max. And yes am a die hard apple fan but facts is fa

iOS系统就是垃圾,它让人们觉得自己很蠢。IOS系统操作上的每一步都有一个不必要的额外步骤。今年我从iOS系统切换到android,我从不后悔。我用过所有新发布的iPhone手机,我在用了14 pro max后就换掉它改用了安卓手机。是的,我是苹果的死忠粉,但事实就是事实。

@bikashrghosh Huawei is not android, Huawei is Hongmeng system, if lixing Huawei mate 60 to a monitor, there is a function to switch mate 60 to a PC system, and the PC system is also Hongmeng OS. some people say that Hongmeng OS 5.0 will be a close system as iphone IOS. within 2 years, China will abandon window system and use Hongmeng OS 5 as desktop platform.

华为手机搭载的不是安卓系统,华为是鸿蒙系统,如果将华为mate 60连接到显示器上,就有一个功能可以将mate 60切换成PC系统,而PC系统也是鸿蒙OS。有人说鸿蒙OS 5.0将是一个与苹果IOS相近的系统。2年内,中国将放弃window 系统,转而使用鸿蒙OS 5作为桌面平台。

The United States blocked China's access to core GPS technology, leading to China developing its own Beidou satellite system. The U.S. restricted China's use of the International Space Station, resulting in China establishing its own Tiangong space station, which will be the sole space station in a few years. The U.S. restricted chip technology, leading to Huawei establishing its own chip industry chain.


Wow... I can't wait to get my hands on this beast. Imagine me and my friends on a mountain and none of them have signal bars and me chatting away on my Mate 60 with the satellite connection.

哇... 我迫不及待地想要摸到这只野兽了。想象一下,我和我的朋友们在山上,他们都没有信号,而我则用我的Mate 60连接卫星实现通话。

One other big selling point is the satellite phone capability. But currently it only covers Asia/Middle East/Africa.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Africa, middle east? I thought it only covered china and east and SEA so far and only available to China telecom subscribers. Or at least that's from the maps I've seen showing the coverage that some Chinese friends showed me.

非洲,中东? 我以为它目前只覆盖了中国、东亚和东南亚,而且这只对中国电信用户开放。至少这是从我的一些中国朋友给我看的新闻报道上看到的。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I still have a mate 9 and works like a champ.....no issues.....that says a lot about Huawei build quality

我还有一个mate 9,它现在工作起来还像个冠军...没有丝毫问题... 这在很大程度上说明了华为手机的质量。

Modem technology is very important, Huawei has done the impossible with its 5G modem. Even Apple failed on their self developed 5G modem and needed to rely on Qualcomm for that.
Nice one, LL!!!


Huawei provide good charger. Good job Huawei. It's not like other phone companies that are so "arrogant" not to provide charger (have to buy it separately).


Finally, a real phone manufacturer came out and told everyone what a smartphone should do. Better signals, more stable systems, more communication technology. You forgot to mention one of the most important, Huawei's nearlix technology on this phone will replace wifi and Bluetooth in the future.


For a smart phone, I do not expect the P60 pro to be comparable to a dedicated zoom camera, but it does appear to be very capable under a lot of shooting conditions...It certainly can do much better than a lot of smart phones on the market....

作为一款智能手机,我不指望P60 pro能与专用变焦相机相提并论,但在很多拍摄条件下,它确实表现得非常出色...它当然可以比市场上的许多智能手机做得更好....

It may turn out not much different from smartphones of other brands, but the point is, it has completely avoided using sanctioned parts that are imposed by the West.


Really great review! Also a correction those are not bloat apps they are some of the most important apps in china and a good reason why most won't mind switching over to Huawei

真的很棒的评论! 更正一下,这些不是臃肿的应用程序,它们是中国最重要的应用程序之一,也是大多数人不介意改用华为的一个很好的理由。

So a poll and guess how many people appreciate it comes preinstalled vs how many considers it bloatware. For some people, even the SMS or calculator app is bloatware. Usually only people in tech wants plain vanilla phones.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I do not regret using Huawei phones while US Sanction hurt my favorite brain. Bravo Huawei .


Great job on getting it so quickly, going by your viewer count there is great interest in this phone outside China. Thank you! The zoom camera appears to be using a smaller sensor according to a tear down video, despite both being 48MP 3.5X. The aperture is also not as good and takes a step back to what they had on the P/Mate 50 Pro. It's not supposed to be an improvement in the camera department over the P-series, so I'm not fussed about it. I'm really excited for the return of the Kirin SOC and the introduction of their domestic chip production. I think we will see rapid development from now on. It's a major achievement to produce a phone with their own CPU/GPU design and domestic 7nm process on the level of their previous Mate 40 Pro with Kirin 9000 on 5nm+ which used ARM cores and Mali GPU.

干得好,这么快就拿到手机了,从你的观众数量来看,中国以外的人对这款手机很感兴趣。谢谢你! 根据一段拆装视频,变焦摄像头似乎使用了一个更小的传感器,尽管两者都是48MP 3.5X。光圈也没有那么好,比P/Mate 50 Pro差了一步。与p系列相比,它在相机方面并没有什么改进,所以我并不为此大惊小怪。我对麒麟SOC芯片的回归和他们国内芯片生产的引入感到非常兴奋。我想从现在开始我们会看到中国芯片的快速发展。这是一项重大成就,能够生产出一款拥有自己的CPU/GPU设计和国产7nm工艺芯片的手机,其水平与之前使用ARM内核和Mali GPU的5nm+麒麟9000芯片的Mate 40 Pro相当。

Mate 30 pros is the best looking phone ever made by any company! VeRy Very beautiful

Mate 30 pro是所有公司制造的手机中最好看的! 非常非常漂亮。

I've had both the Mate60 and the Apple iPhone 14 Pro Max for the past 4 days. Mate60's camera is superior in every aspect. It's night photography is unmatched, so is the OS and the overall feel and operation. I'm in love. Will have to return the iPhone

在过去的4天里,我同时使用了Mate60和苹果iPhone 14 Pro Max。Mate60的相机在各个方面都很出色。它的夜间摄影是无与伦比的,操作系统和整体感觉也是如此。我恋爱了,我将不得不退回苹果手机。

I am amazed by Huawei because the Signal Capture technology is very good


I don't think the signal strength would be that good this time around. Mate 30 pro and mate 40 pro were the peak, mate 50 pro not so much, even a downgrade in term of signal strength, mate 60 pro maybe just a small improvement over mate 50 pro as they've got a new design.

我不认为这款手机的信号强度会那么好。Mate 30 pro和Mate 40 pro才是巅峰,Mate 50 pro没有那么厉害,甚至在信号强度方面有所下降,Mate 60 pro可能只是比Mate 50 pro有一点改进,因为他们采用了新的设计。

Great comeback with your drop test line IMAO. The reason it doesn't show 5G on the Mate 60 nor did Huawei advertise them because they didn't want to give the US hawk a heart attack & going for the silence assassin kill! Huawei FOREVER!

你用你的掉落测试做了次很棒的反击。华为没有在Mate 60上贴上5G的标签,也没有为它们做广告,因为他们不想让美国鹰派心脏病发作,美国鹰派会被沉默的刺客杀死! 华为万岁!

I'm using huawe phone, it's been more than 5 years but still build quality superb...Huawei


I remember my first Huawei Ascend phone 10 years ago. The built quality was built like a tank. Amazing quality.
I used it till it became a fossil and now I am waiting for this beast.


To quote an internal motto of a well-known Chinese multinational company, "Facing competition from your opponents, your choice is to surrender or to be stronger than your opponents."
China's Huawei has given the most correct answer with actions.
The most accurate definition of this mate60 should be that Huawei mate60 is the first 5G mobile phone that cannot be monitored by the US CIA. Therefore, the launch of Huawei mate60 is a nightmare for the US government.


I am always excited to see a new Huawei phone...its from another era, and I hope it will have a roaring comeback with 5G and one day Google services!

看到新的华为手机,我总是很兴奋... 它来自另一个时代,我希望它能在5G技术和谷歌服务的帮助下卷土重来!

I'm always excited to see new Huawei phones... It's from another era, and I hope it makes a comeback with the help of 5G and Google services!


Not quite worth the price at the moment though 6000 for the regular and 7000 for the pro.
It is only worth it because there are still many old Huawei mate's users waiting for upgrade, especially mate 30 and mate 40 users

之所以值得这么做,是因为还有很多华为mate的老用户在等待升级,尤其是mate 30和mate 40的用户。

I think having a satellite phone is a very wise idea, sooner or later, there will be instigated military actions against China, the normal telecommunications system might not suffice for rescue operations.


Echt krass das du das Gerät schonn in den händen hast, bin positiv überascht.
Was ich geil finde, der Bildschirm ist mehr flach, der Kirin prozessor ist zurück und dir Kamera finde ich auch mega, die Farben sind nicht zu satt und das bild ist nicht zu scharf.
Hoffe auf ein Vergleich mit den Mate 50 Pro
Mach weiter so, dein Kanal finde ich sehr interesannt

我希望能你能拿它与 Mate 50 Pro 进行比较。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Being Chinese, I'll definitely get this Matec60 Pro simply becuase it represents Huawei's powerful vindication n victory over Western sanctions! Jiayou Huawei

作为中国人,我肯定会买这款Matec60 Pro,因为它代表了华为对西方制裁的有力反击! 华为加油!

Personally, I prefer the none pro version with its 6.9" screen. Im not sure if you could go over the messaging app and show us what the keyboard is like? Im interested in the none pro version and would totally like to give Harmony OS a try but, I live in the states and I have no idea what it would be like to use a Huawei phone here after all these years.

就我个人而言,我更喜欢6.9英寸屏幕的非专业版(Pro版)。我不确定你能不能帮我检查一下即时通讯软件,让我们看看它的键盘是什么样子的? 我对非专业版很感兴趣,很想尝试一下鸿蒙系统,但是我住在美国,这么多年了,我不知道在这里使用华为手机会是什么感觉了。

Iphone15: Huawei Mate 60 pro, I have 5G do you have 5G?
Mate60 Pro: I have no G but i run faster than you.

Iphone15: 华为Mate 60 pro,我有5G,你有5G吗?
Mate60 Pro: 我没有什么G,但我跑得比你快。

thanks for your efforts , am still wondering why they are using only 3.5x optical zoom in the pro version while the non pro version has 5x zoom , what's the point of it


It is just a smart phone...not a dedicated camera. People normally use it for occasional/social event shooting. For photography, go for the cameras...better/larger sensors, low light capability, more functions, etc...

它只是一个智能手机...不是专用相机。人们通常将其用于偶尔或社交活动的拍摄。对于摄影,去拿相机吧... 它有更好、更大的传感器,弱光能力,更多的功能等等...
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Apple stock lost 200 billion in value over the last couple of days. Just a coincidence that it happened shortly after the release of this Huawei phone. In the U.S. news on the stock drop, they don't even mention this phone.


The Mate 60 Pro Plus and the Mate 70 Pro will be 5G, 5.5G an 6G capable. Will enable user to use Beido, Starlix and Google GPS system, and 200 MP telephoto camera

Mate 60 Pro Plus和Mate 70 Pro将支持5G、5.5G和6G。将允许用户使用北斗卫星导航系统、星闪技术、谷歌服务和GPS系统,以及200万像素的长焦相机。

I am not an expert of semiconductor or sell phone. but the fact that so many people are testing meta 60 pro, there even is not necessary to pay a lot of money to advertising, which is mazing.....

我不是半导体专家,也不是卖手机的。但事实上,这么多人都在测试mate 60 pro,甚至让华为没有必要花很多钱来做广告,这是惊人的现象.....

Huawei mobile phones are not stuck in 5 years. The system responds quickly, takes clear photos, and resists. The reason why the United States suppresss Huawei is unable to monitor the electronic products produced by Huawei!



there's a massive campaign against this phone through out multiple Chinese social media platforms RIGHT NOW, but unfortunately, whoever did this seems not very good at Chinese language, so it makes some big mess on the biggest Quara in China - 知乎, by trolling under the wrong topic to the point of absolute HILARITY such as: "Why does Andy Lau seldom play villains" ( 刘德华为什么很少演反派? ), and "Why did Andy Lau refuse to play Jiang Ziya? (刘德华为什么拒演姜子牙)
because there's Andy Lau's "华" together with "Why" - "为什么", and you have it:"华为", somehow it's enough to trigger the trolling bots' algorithm, and it automatically commenting how bad this phone is, LMAO, best joke in 2023.
因为刘德华的“华”和“为什么”的“为”连在一起是“华为”,你就会看到,不知怎么的,这就触发了网络机器人的算法,它会自动评论这款手机有多糟糕,真是搞笑,这是 2023年的年度最佳笑话。

What I find very interesting is that in the YouTube Chinese speaking area, many people sneer at Huawei, and cannot see any progress in Chinese Mainland.
On the contrary, the English speaking area is quite harmonious, it's really fun


China and the United States could have cooperated, but instead, they pushed China to make breakthroughs.


surprised faces and anger at quallcom, good for them, underestimating huawei was not right and now they will pay for it, literally, because the demand for their CPU will fall and if huawei offers Kirin to other manufacturers, it will be an even better ride. It's just a pity that GMS is missing, after all, the google ecosystem has the biggest boom in applications. it wouldn't be bad to test if it can do 5G even in high-band, 23Ghz and above...for example in the USA...


Gonna be sad in 10 yr the US will not have the best phones anymore and we won’t even be able buy them either since it’s band here


In terms of photo quality p60 pro looks better, but these time pro+ will be back.

就照片质量而言,p60 pro看起来更好,但这款手机的pro+版将会重返巅峰。

It hasn't even released yet so it'll get better with time

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

​ @innocentanthony3324 i mean, p60 pro has more powerfull soc and bigger sensors. Even with upxes p60 should work better.

我的意思是,p60 pro有更强大的soc芯片和更大的传感器。即使这款手机下个版本有更新,p60也应该能工作的更好。

@glutworkout9774 let's wait till after the launch to know how powerful it actually is you know
(the kirin 990 isn't that powerful but it's an ai chip which makes it faster as it gets older, that's huawei chips for you) but the lens yh the p60 pro is way bigger

让我们等到其发布之后再知道它到底有多强大(麒麟990没有那么强大,但它是一个人工智能芯片,随着时间的推移,它会变得更快,这是华为的芯片),但p60 pro的镜头要大得多。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Hello I am curious about 5G Network, I request you to test this. Is it true that the Huawei Mate 60 already supports the 5G network? Can it be used outside China?

你好,我对5G网络很好奇,我请求你测试一下。华为Mate 60是否已经支持5G网络? 它能在中国以外的地方使用吗?

The main and only reason they want to take out Huawei is because they knew this phones and its tech will smash their beloved lphones and Samsung markets.. I love my Huawei and never will use the western crap.. I can access almost all apps via apk and am sure it will be even better with this new model.. I hope one day they release it out od china.


Actually 5 yrs ago I compared a huawai and an iPhone…. I understood why we need to stop them. Better phone in every way better camera and screen. Bigger! But our time maybe running out quickend by closing our door. Like Taiwan they are forced to develop instead of purchase yes… soon dominate

实际上5年前我比较过华为手机和苹果手机.... 我明白我们为什么要阻止他们。华为手机各方面都更好,摄像头和屏幕也更好和更大。而我们的时间可能会因为我们的关门而迅速耗尽。就像台湾一样,他们被迫自己发展而不是购买,因此他们很快就会占据市场主导地位。

Huawei mate 60 pro + , CPU 9100, 5 NM chip, was released yesterday. probably China has made a breakthrough on EUV lithographic machines. ASML DUV can not make 5NM chips, if 9100 is 5NM , the only conclusion is that China can produce EUV

华为mate 60 pro +,CPU为麒麟9100,5纳米芯片,刚于昨天发布。中国可能在极紫外光刻机上取得了突破。阿斯麦的DUV光刻机不能生产5纳米芯片,如果麒麟9100是5纳米芯片,那唯一的结论是中国可以生产EUV光刻机了。

Huawei Mate 60 Pro was sold in a minute it was released. I wonder where you bought it. Can we from outside China can use Mate 60 Pro? Are you using it in China?

华为Mate 60 Pro发布一分钟就被抢购一空了,我想知道你是在哪里买的。中国以外的人可以使用Mate 60 Pro吗? 你是在中国使用它吗?

Can somebody tell me if I can use Harmony OS 4 on the Australian network. I don't need Google services but I would like to be able to use WiFi and mobile services in Australia before buying the Mate 60 pro.

谁能告诉我,我能不能在澳大利亚网络上使用鸿蒙OS 4 ? 我不需要使用谷歌服务,但我希望在购买Mate 60 pro之后能够在澳大利亚使用WiFi和移动网络服务。

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