2023-09-17 龟兔赛跑 6180

Why are so many veterans homeless in the US?


John Burgreen
I probably don’t have as many numbers to give you. Quite a few of those answers sound like they came straight off of a news broadcast or what someone read on the Internet, and decided to cut and paste here. There’s nothing wrong with that — but those numbers — are just numbers. I will give you a number, in 1 hour I will be going to bed. I am a homeless Marine Corps veteran, right now, right here in a shelter in Colorado.
Realistically, this is probably going on 5 to 6 years now if you count the time I was between Japan on my way out and during my time in China, and back in the United States. Those were very complicated times


I am currently in Colorado. Am I from here? No. When you are required to exit a country you need to tell them where you are going. Don’t confuse that with thinking they care about you, the reason for that is so when the governments do their “royal rumble”, their is evidence of you safely going from “point A” to “point B”, at which “point” their responsibility for you is no more.
Colorado, was my choice because I heard someone say that there was a VA hospital here, so before they dropped me in the middle of North Dakota or something, I quickly spoke up.
I am going to fast-forward through the timeline.
Arriving at DIA (Denver International Airport), I had nowhere to go. I have not lived in the United States at all during my adult life, minus the few months I did at my final duty station in South Carolina, after which I went back to Japan to serve the Marine Corps as a NAF employee working with Marine Corps Community Services to help service-members and their families, during their time stationed abroad. The Marine Corps pretty much control of the entire Pacific with the III-MEF.

到达丹佛国际机场后,我无处可去。我成年后根本没有在美国生活过,不过我最后一个工作地点是在南卡罗来纳州,在那待过几个月,之后我回到日本,作为海军陆战队的一名雇员,在海军陆战队社区服务部门工作,帮助驻扎在国外的军人及其家人。海军陆战队通过第3海军陆战队远征军(III MEF)几乎控制了整个太平洋。

Stephen Sanford
Why do some war veterans end up homeless?
I got a divorce 2 years after the army forced a medical retirement on me. With no wife, no kids, I didn't have a reason to stay… anywhere. The thought of the freedom of being homeless was very appealing to my mind at that time.
I thought about moving to someplace warm, and just living in a park. I know how to find food almost anywhere, and even now I only eat once a day. Haveing no phone to answer, no bills to pay, no drivers license to renew, no house to constantly repar, no lawn to mow, and never any place to be… sounded like freedom to me.
It's not like I'd never slept ouside before. I wanted to say “fuck off" to society.
I didn't end up getting what I wanted. Before I could carry out my plans to divorce myself from a society I felt betrayed me, I was thwarted.
Yeah, freedom to sleep on a park bench still sounds pretty good somedays.
Sometimes its a choice, and not the worst one in my opinion.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Ralph Watermeier
Should a veteran that never got deployed deserve the same amount of respect that veterans that have deployed get? Does it even matter?
Several years ago, I ran into an old soldier in the Washington Navy Yard food court. When I say he was an old soldier, I mean he was an OLD SOLDIER! He was a veteran of WW2 and Korea! We talked for a few minutes; then he asked if I had also served. I told him I was former Army, a Cold War Warrior. “But I never did anything as important as you did!".
He said, and I quote (I will never forget what he told me); “you couldn't be more wrong, Sir.". He then quoted John Milton to me. “He also serves who stands and waits.".
That a man like he would validate MY service means the world to me.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Timothy Mauch
How come there are many homeless veterans in the USA? Don't they get a decent pension for their service in the military? I am not an American, but I think a country should be responsible for keeping it's ex-military in a good state.
I will answer the second part of the question with a personal experience.
When I was discharged from the Navy, it was as a “Weight control rehabilitation failure.” In other words, they contended that I was overweight because I was a “Compulsive Overeater”. When I claimed I was NOT overeating, and could provide food logs to prove it, they said I was lying and in denial. At the time, I had been a Chief Petty Officer (E7) for five years, and had been battling this problem for nine years. I was physically fit, doing better on the fitness tests than most of the people ten years younger than me, and I didn’t LOOK overweight.
At the time of my discharge, here is what happened:
I was given five days notice to move my family out of Base Housing.
I was denied the usual “discharge rights” and “VA rights” training.
My “discharge code” was RE4, which meant that I could never join any military service in the future, even if I met every requirement (such as weight)
I was discharged two years before the end of my contract, so I had to repay two years worth of my last reenlistment bonus (several thousand dollars)


Because of the above debt, the Navy kept my last paycheck.
I was ineligable for a pension, short by six years.
I was ineligible for unemployment insurance.
I was denied any opportunity to look for a job.
So, there I was, penniless, homeless, and with a family. The only thing that kept us off the street was that my family was nearby. It took us six months to save enough money to rent anything.
Four years later, I was diagnosed with a pituitary gland problem (Cushing’s Disease), which was WHY I had been unable to lose weight. I was NOT lying or in denial. I was also not overweight, because the hormone problem skewed the normal measurements.
Bottom line: The military bureaucracy and most American politicians don’t care a whit about veterans, no matter how much they repeat “Thank you for your Service.” If they did, they wouldn’t allow the many VA Hospital scandals. If they did, they would build many veteran’s homes.
Veterans have EARNED every benefit that could be given to them.


Rocky Bindhamer
It is complicated by the fact that not all veterans are created equal:
Some homeless claiming to be veterans never served.
Some enlisted, but may not have even made it through Basic Training or Tech School before being “Washed Out”.
Some got out on less than honorable discharges because they were F-ups and committed crimes. These ones are going to have a harder time getting employment than a Joe Blow off of the streets.
Some have mental and/or physical issues and some of these had bureaucratic asshats in the VA who decided didn't qualify for treatment.
Some have simply given up, turned to destructive substances and behaviors and don't even care if they go on living. The suicide rates can be alarming.
Some ran into extreme financial hardships, outcast by family or have no surviving family, or may have warrants out for them and are in hiding.
There is no one perfect solution for the problem. Some would be taken in by soldiers and sailor's homes. Some may not know this is an option or not know the location of one.
I am a single, retired vet living on my small fixed income pension barely scraping by. I physically can no longer do the career I was trained for because of medical conditions, but I do have a roof over my head and food even if I don't have the money always available to keep the utility bills paid up. Congress has been a poor steward of he military. They kept our pay less than the cost of living, but will toss money instead at programs that help only a small percentage of us and list them as “Benefits and compensations” while they give themselves excessive raises all of the time.


Sam Morningstar
Veterans are not dramatically over-represented within the homeless population. They are nearly representational, based on their per capita figures (within the larger US population).
About 11-12% of homeless are vets. And vets comprise about 7% of the US population (there has been a sharp decline over the last decade). So, there is just a slight over-representation, somewhere in the 4-5% range. But, while homelessness within this community is declining, along with the population itself, there is an inflated perception that there are dramatically more homeless veterans out there that may have "slipped through the cracks." Certain non-governmental social welfare and advocacy groups tend to promulgate inflated - and unsupported numbers - that say 1 in 4 (or more) homeless are veterans. And panhandlers often use "veteran" status specifically (to garner more sympathy/money/assistance), and consequently, this all helps perpetuate the stereotype of high veteran homelessness.
Here is just the real situation:


See, but in the current socio-political climate it is almost seen as uncouth or mean-spirited to use realistic numbers and reject inflated or exaggerated statistics or claims about "social justice"-related things. Its a modern impulse to exaggerate problems and highlight victim or marginalized status. So, for example, if you say the situation is not as dire as it is being claimed, or generally perceived, its like you "don't care about vets" or are ignoring the problem.
No, that is not the case at all.
Here is the reality:
A certain percentage of people that just so happen to serve in the military become homeless. The same could be said for the civilian population too, couldn't it? There are a myriad of reasons for this, but mental health and addiction issues rank very high in the list of causes or factors. Many of these folks may have even been booted from military service for these reasons. However, those that received Honorable discharges will be able to utilize VA services (however, limited and bureaucratic that may be). But, a higher number left on the street were either those that got shit-canned from the military and received dishonorable discharges, or are lying about serving (maybe they got kicked out of Bootcamp , or did a year or two of lackluster service before being booted). A lot of panhandlers just make it up a "veteran" status whole cloth, and are - in other words, total liars.


Another thing to consider is that being a veteran is not always a matter of having served in combat. In some cases, it is just a job and military status is rather inconsequential. People can join, do some crappy job for a short enlistment, and never be involved in combat. It's not always particularly interesting, actually. In fact, the military can often employ those that have fewer job prospects. So, they attract some real duds from time to time too.
However, there are services for actual veterans that are struggling with homelessness, and the underlying issues that might be involved. My local chapter of the VFW also sponsers vets and veteran families in specific cases where they need assistance. There is a support network that these folks can tap into. However, in some cases it is a matter of hooking them up with these services in the first place...sometimes they may not know what services they could be eligible for. Also, in very hard cases, intense mental illness or extreme drug/alcohol abuse will be harder to treat...and these vets might find themselves out on the streets more consistently.


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