2023-09-18 龟兔赛跑 4560

Why are so many veterans homeless in the US?


Jay Dee
Why are there still homeless veterans out there?
I was in the US Marine Corps from 1984 to 1988. There were many people who didn’t serve long enough to get a pension. Perhaps 12–16 years. They were below average Marines and didn’t achieve the required rank to keep reenlisting. Many drank up their paychecks every weekend. They didn’t need to worry about budgeting money because they had a rent and utility free place to live. They didn’t have to budget for food or medicine because we had the chow hall and free medical care. They couldn't get fired for subpar performance because of their contract. They might be an E-4 with 8 years in or an E-5 with 12. But, they really never progressed through the ranks. They may have gone in at 18 and gotten out at 30. Never married. Never had to budget money because rent, utilities, and medical are taken care of. Their only bills are a cell phone payment and perhaps a car payment. Even then, most make their car payment and insurance via payroll deduction. They never have had to budget money. When they get out, it’s like an 18 year old being on his own for the first time. Only worse. Many have picked up a bad habit or 2. Namely alcohol. The military is extremely strict about far more benign drugs like marijuana. So with the military, the only choice is alcohol and cigarettes. In the Marines, pounding beer was like a badge of honor. When they get out, they can’t adjust. Almost like someone who went to prison. The ones who have the easiest time adjusting are the ones whose military job is transferrable to the civilian world such as air traffic controller. The combat jobs like infantry, artillery, or tanker serve no purpose in the civilian world. For those people, the best case scenario is getting on with the police or fire department. For everyone else, welcome to the world of minimum wage.


Mark Hendershot
I’m 30, broke, unemployed, and homeless. Can I join the Marines for food and shelter?
Hi, a couple of things that I need to point out. If we are talking about the U.S. armed forces, as I'm going to assume that you are, then if you are already 30 years old and have no prior military service, then you are already too old to join the Marines. The cutoff enlistment age for the U.S. Marine Corps is 28 years old. In fact, at 30 you are too old for any other military branches except for three. Those would be the U.S. Army and the U.S. Navy and the U.S. Air Force. The cutoff age of enlistment for the Army is 35 years old, and the Navy is 34 years old. The cutoff age for the Air Force is 39! Now keep it in mind that I was not prior service and I joined the Navy at age 34, and in fact the very day I graduated Navy boot camp in Great Lakes Illinois, I turned 35 years old! That was the best birthday present ever. I did quite well there and persevered during Navy boot camp despite a couple of setbacks and plenty of challenges, and I did quite well for myself after boot camp in the Navy fleet, so no not everyone needs to enlist earlier in life to be successful. If I can pull that off at 35 years old, then it’s entirely possible for a mere 30 year old to do it as well, providing they have the right attitude to succeed.


So now that we have this matter out of the way, let's talk about why you are interested in joining. You say so that you can have food and shelter? I can understand your concerns of course, but as compelling as those reasons are you need to know that the military is going to expect a lot out of you, and you need to have the right kind of attitude to make this a success. You need more reasons inside you to join the military other than a need for shelter and food. You will be expected to pass a battery of tests both physical and mental, as well as place reasonably well academically, in order to get in to begin with. As compelling as the need for food and shelter is, there should be more in you than just those reasons to undertake such a drastic step. While joining the military to meet your needs for food and shelter can certainty qualify as valid enough reasons to a lot of people, you must remember that you also need to find reasons to stay in once you have met your needs for food and shelter. You need something within you that compels you to keep pushing forward, and rise to the occasion that the military will undoubtedly demand from you. The military is a whole life changer that you must completely devote yourself to 110 percent, not just a temporary lifestyle change that you take only to find temporary escape from a bad economic situation.


If your primary goal is to join the military to fix such a bad situation and no more, then that reason alone isn't worth considering for you as there conceivably are easier solutions to your immediate problems than taking such a drastic step. Nobody joins the military successfully by doing it for less than a total commitment on their part and a complete willingness to sacrifice everything they have and are inside to be a successful member of the military. You have to surrender any desire to be a individual and must be willing to think and perform as a team player. There is no “me" in the military, but “we". You have to be willing to go the full distance, to fight your way through challenges , and just reasoning that the military will provide you with housing and meals just isn't enough good reason all by itself.


If you are willing to change and sacrifice, engage in a metamorphosis if you will, to be part of something bigger than yourself, then joining the military might be something you should explore while there's still time to enlist in either the Army or Navy or Air Force. When I enlisted at age 34, I was hungry to change my life for the better, as I felt that my life was slowly passing me by in my position as a USPS postal carrier. I had flirted with joining in the past, but put it off almost too long. I had a urgency inside me to beat the clock, and do whatever I had to do to become a Sailor. Within the span of one year’s time, I engaged in a complete metamorphosis and went from being a postal employee to becoming a member of the U.S. military. As I have mentioned earlier, if I can go the distance and put forth all the effort it took for me to become a different and better person in a year’s time at age 35, you can certainly do this as well at age 30! If you are unwilling to give of yourself and go the distance, then look towards other life solutions to solve your problems concerning shelter and food instead of wasting the time of not only yourself, but of the military as well. It's simply not worth it for either yourself or the military to engage in something like this.


EDIT Oct 19th, 2019: Please read if you do not mind. I realize it is a long post scxt, but I have tried to keep this as relevant as possible…
“I really appreciate all the positive reactions to my posting so far! Thank you very much, I am humbled by all the nice things a lot of you have posted in the various wonderful comments posted below regarding my advice concerning the military to this homeless man, and about myself in some cases. Some also raised obxtions to my advice as well, so let me try to further clarify in my comments below…”
“Firstly, I am not against this man attempting to try for a career in the military. I perfectly understand that the military is made up of all types of people who enlist for all kinds of reasons. Obviously among all the endless amounts of reasons, is the idea that more than a few people join the military because their life is at a dead end, and in some cases, these people need the structure that the military environment provides so that they can have shelter and food more or less guaranteed as a result of their being present, doing their assigned duties, and following the rules and respecting the structure that exist in the military for the morale and well being of all involved.”


“However, one point that I strongly stated in my post above is this: This man needs to find within himself something more than the basic human instinct to obtain shelter and food as a driving reason to join the military, or he will inevitably fail at his ultimate mission in the long run. If this man joins the military without any other motivations than to seek food and shelter, he is in danger of not only running his military career aground, he is also fairly likely to end up repeating a lot of the same life mistakes that influenced his state of homelessness and hunger to begin with.”
“I have learned through living and by observation for over fifty years in this society a few things concerning what I stated above: A lot of times people will soon forget the hard life lessons poverty can teach them whenever they finally get in a situation away from their former state of poverty, when they have obtained the basic life necessities that the rest of us who are not in this man’s position take for granted.”
“If this man wants to be a part of the U.S. military, he needs to find a way to find within himself a drive and ambition to succeed, to push like holy hell no matter what. He needs to find or create a sense of wanting to better himself, and if he makes it into the military and gets through his boot camp training, he needs to become and stay vital within the military structure and in how he manages and shapes his life, and he needs to work very hard towards obtaining marketable skills that other will want whenever his military career is over.”


“If he chooses to remain in the military and do a full twenty plus year career and retire with the military, or even if he is one of the many people who only enlist in the military for one enlistment and then go back to being a civilian, I believe he needs to regard his military career as more than a mere “job”. He needs to learn about and gain knowledge and respect about the U.S. military and the branch he serves in. He needs to learn its history and traditions, and use this knowledge to grow and develop as a person. He needs to actively seek out senior mentors where he serves that will influence him, and make him expand his boundaries and develop as a human being. This influence will, if he retains it, can guide him in how he is a a person, positively influence his self esteem and bearing, and how he manages his life from that point forward not only in the military, but in his civilian life after the military as well.”


“Finally, since several people in the comments attempted to belittle my approach and ideas about the military and the approach that I took in my career, let me state this: I deeply believe in what I have written and the positive values that I learned while I was in the Navy. I cared about my duties, I cared about my fellow Sailors and the Marines I worked alongside. I was very proud to serve alongside some very fine Sailors and Marines who I admired very much and felt lucky to be around and that I tried to learn from. I gave a damn about my service, and others around me, and my country. The things I have learned during my military service, due to the fact that I was very lucky enough to have fine senior mentors, have greatly influenced me, not only during my time during active duty as a Navy Sailor, but in my personal life and overall bearing since my time on active duty. The values I learned will last a lifetime.”
Thank you for having the patience to read my very long post scxt!


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