2023-09-20 用功 7289

The UK economy is facing another big financial mess with Birmingham declaring bankruptcy. This is a classic case of spending much more than you take in with a triggering event that sparked the fall of the once ''best-managed city'' in the world. Here''s why Birmingham is in financial distress, how it is affecting Britain and how the biggest domino is actually America''s debt crisis.

随着伯明翰宣布破产,英国经济正面临着又一个巨大的金融混乱。这是一个典型的 "入不敷出 "的案例,一个触发事件引发了这个曾经是世界上 "管理最好的城市 "的衰落。以下是伯明翰陷入财政困境的原因,它如何影响英国,以及最大的多米诺骨牌实际上是美国的债务危机。

There are three solutions to this problem:
1. More migrants
2. More and higher taxes
3. Send more money to Ukraine.

1. 更多的移民
2. 更多的税
3. 给乌克兰送更多的钱

Sean foo talent to explain everything so smoothly with his choice of words in the narration is nothing but genius! ❗️


"Picking up pennies in front of a steamroller". Wow, sums it up perfectly. Thanks for all you do, Sean.


It's the beginning... of the widespread economical woes in the UK in dire straits!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Birminghams debt nightmare is is a real warning that will surely be ignored and no lessons will be learned. Good thing for us in U.S. is that our leaders are brilliant and responsible……. oh yeah…….oh no……oh sh*+! Great stuff as usual Sean.


Not just the UK is in trouble. The US is in trouble, too.


they keep predicting Chinese economy collapsed, yet at their own home it's slowly crumble... none of the western "expert" say anything...


This illustrates what I think is the biggest problem with government: they have monopoly power, and if a government decides to do something stupid, there is no way to "opt out". The worst thing that can happen to those responsible is that they lose their jobs. Hardly seems equal to the damage they can do.

这说明了我认为政府最大的问题所在:政府拥有垄断权力,如果政府决定做傻事,就没有办法 "退出"。对责任人来说,最坏的结果就是丢掉工作。与他们可能造成的损害相比,几乎不值一提。

Yet they bail out their banker buddies, what ever the cost. This is complete incompetence


Yes, a global recession is coming. Inflation is having a devastating effect on low income people.


It’s amazing how the previous global reserve currency lasted so long , took some time tbh. ( spending wealth from colonial exploitation + endless welfare )


No money for Birmingham but plenty for Kiev?


My local council declared bankruptcy with a debt of £2 billion.


That was brilliant and highly enjoyable. Smart guy Mr Sean. 100k well deserved subs just around the corner, keep up the great work.

太精彩了,太过瘾了。聪明的肖恩先生。10 万个实至名归的订阅指日可待,请再接再厉。

0:00: Birmingham, the second largest city in the United Kingdom, has declared itself bankrupt due to a debt of nearly $1 billion owed to underpaid women.
2:59: Birmingham faces a financial crisis due to mismanagement of funds, including spending on failed projects and hosting the Commonwealth Games.
5:57: The UK economy is facing a recession due to bankrupt city councils increasing taxes, declining manufacturing, and global economic slowdown.
9:07: The excessive borrowing and debt crisis in the UK, China, and the US, along with rising interest rates, could lead to economic Armageddon.
12:04: The increasing debt and potential consequences are a global economic issue.
Recap by Tammy AI

0:00: 英国第二大城市伯明翰,因拖欠低收入妇女近10亿美元的工资,而宣布破产。
2:59: 由于资金管理不善,包括在失败的项目和举办英联邦运动会上的支出,伯明翰面临财政危机。
5:57: 由于破产的市议会增加税收、制造业衰退以及全球经济放缓,英国经济正面临衰退。
9:07: 英国、中国和美国的过度借贷和债务危机,以及利率上升,可能导致经济末日。
12:04: 不断增加的债务及其潜在后果,是个全球性的经济问题。
由Tammy AI概括

The chicken has come home to roost. The writings are on the wall for the U.K. and Europe as a whole. It's time to pay the piper


All misfortune and misery that western countries experience is what they brought on themselves.
This is the crucial lesson that crime doesn't pay forever.


YES ! UK can help Ukraine.
But not its people.
" If you do as the Americans say, your economy is destroyed, your standard of living drops, you are joining a war you don't need to fight, against a country who really isn't your enemy ......." Colonel Douglas Macgregor.


How to save: eliminate WEF, EU, WHO, UN, NATO Etc Etc. Halve councils and government.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Excellent Presentation As Always. Sean dude, keep it up .. .. Just keep up the really Great & Good similar News coming through especially on the colonists .. UK... Their KARMA s ... coming home to Roost ... and from that, there's no Escape ☠️


Couldn't pay their women, but can send billions to Ukraine?


Birmingham is likely the first, not the last, city to go bankrupt in this economic down turn.


When you bail out poor decision making , you get more bad decisions


Dollars? We use ££££££'s in the UK. I suspect it won't be the last city going bust either. You just have to look around. Some 'cities' are in a pretty bad way. City centres devoid of shops etc. No real economic growth there at all. And there is no real buzz. One can cite Asia for problems but when I lived there, it had a buzz i.e. people doing things. All we Brits do is waste money, like its gone out of fashion. Be it putting economic migrants up in comfortable surroundings or blowing people up in other countries. Both don't encourage people at home to work hard for a decaying country.


Your videos has been great !! I am part of your viewers and i’ve been watching your videos lately. I’m interested in investing but I still can’t figure out the right investment to engage in . I’ll appreciate any help out here.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Sean ,you are like a watchman of a tower. Love your honest assessment. A rare commodity looking at fake news by the social media and compounding the issue and making matters worse by remaining silent ( Not reporting ) In the midst of this fake world you stand out !!!


Does anyone recall the Lehmann Bro event that was triggered by BlackRock Bank? Birmingham City is the first to fall and hit the rest of the cities in England. Research their financial systems and practices and it will reveal the Lehmann effect.


To solve the problems:
1. send Bojo to Ukraine war front line.
2. Send Bojo and Liz Truss to bring another billions of pounds to Elensky

1. 把鲍里斯·约翰逊送到乌克兰战场前线。
2. 让鲍里斯·约翰逊和莉斯·特拉斯,再给泽连斯基送去数十亿英镑。

A country which LOOTED half the world (45 trillions from India ), just a few decades ago and became the richest, has now reached such a poor state is unbelievable. What could be the reason? KARMA. If people still don’t understand the irrefutable law of Karma, it is only to their peril.


“picking up pennies in front of a steamroller” is such a great line.


These councilers are too busy running around at property developer fairs being wined and dined.
They forget they're councils that should be run for the citizens.


The inevitable finally coming, it warms my heart.


Inflation will go higher with oil price going up


Good one


The financial sector is all that britain has, it's over for them.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

They can raise taxes but there will be no one left to pay them.


Fantastic breakdown. Glad I found you and your channel.


As a capitalist myself, I hate to say Marx predicted this as the ultimate effects of capitalism.


The country of Italy just went bankrupt, too. Ten years ago, Italy was vibrant, productive but didn't host ...


The hapless citizens of Birmingham can take scant comfort in the fact that the UK government has given billions to Ukraine under the absurd pretext of defending democracy or something. If democracy produces outcomes like Birmingham then what’s to defend?

英国政府以 "捍卫民主 "之类的荒唐借口,向乌克兰提供了数十亿美元的援助,但不幸的伯明翰市民对此很难感到安慰。如果民主会产生像伯明翰这样的结果,那还捍卫民主干嘛?

it all depends who they have to pay to. If cooks, cleaners , just the plebians, then they rather declare bankrupt than pay. If banksters, corporate , , ukraine war want the money , no problem they somehow can find the money to give them.


Sean if Russia and Saudi Arabia keeps cutting supplies of oil will the Fed continue to raise interest rates? If so then the US will collapse fast


It’s almost as if organizing a society around privatized profits, instead of humanity and cooperation, was a bad idea.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Send more money to Ukraine and sanction Russia more.


Elensky to Rishi Sunak:.."remember,regardless of what,Ukraine comes first"!
Rishi Sunak:...HMMmm..yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah".
Elensky:..."good boy"!

泽连斯基 对 里希·苏纳克 说:“...记住,无论如何,乌克兰是第一位的”!

I left the UK 5 years ago. The country is falling apart with the greedy tories in charge


Time for Britain to do away with that useless monarchy and use the funds to help balance the books. Free Julian Assange!!!


Does that mean all council tax payments can be suspended too?


Sean so what will happen to any currency holdings like fixed deposits in Ringgit, Pound Sterling? Is it safer to buy physical gold?


I love this guy how he delivers in a crystal clear. Thanks


Fun fact Birmingham is broke. Ukraine is not.


Your analysis are very logical, factual and TRUE. Thank you Sean.


City of Birmingham, run by Labour councillors. I'll be interested to hear Keir Starmer's opinion on this, given his stance of Labour 'rebuilding economic credibility'.

伯明翰市,由工党议员管理。我很想听听Keir Starmer对此的看法,考虑到他对工党“重建经济信誉”的立场。

Of course Bankruptcy should only be seriously considered if a Person rules that they won't be able to pay in full all unsecured debt within 5 years.


I’m live in London, we are in shi+ a lot more Councils in a worse position than Birmingham


Bailouts for financial mismanagement are of course reserved for the banks - screw moral hazard.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

" ' America through military industrial complex can donate weapons to help UK financial as a close ally " '


Wonder if Zelensky is laughing at UK and the US now while counting those billions of dollar in his secret bunker.


Countries past the economic tipping point are likely to due their currencies


That's gonna give a good lesson for the voters on who to vote for in the upcoming elections. Remember folks, you go W.O.K.E you go broke


The show has just started. Soon, you'll get to see some smaller banks and corporation going belly up.


Sean with Britain’s history nobody’s coming to their rescue. Sad for the average person, but, they can no longer think they’re better than anyone else. China’s going through a period tuff period while they change their economy to become more self sufficient. The world’s economies are going through a difficult time, but, l think the emerging economies will come out before the so called advanced economies because they are coming from something they’re used to. Great upxe Sean good luck to you.


Birmingham hasn't gone bust , just the town council which is hardly surprising as , like Slough , it was run by incompetent unqualified councillors who will still not receive a pay cut whatever happens.


When I studied in the U.K., I had the "pleasure" of visiting Birmingham.....As part of my training......

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It is just the beginning, the issue with debt is one day it must be repayed.


I heard that a company in Switzerland only accepts payments in EU Dollars, not in Poundsterlings.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It's the city council and they're the sixth council to issue an section.114 notice in the last five years. The Section 114 notice effictively means they cannot meet current spending commitments. This has largely come about due to the tory governments austerity measures since 2008, they give less and less to councils and councils have to face pay rises plus the cost of services rise too. But there has also beena lot of poor spending decisions. Oracle was meant to set up an IT system for Birmingham that would cost £19 million, in the end it cost £100 million. Shit like that has to be paid for from somewhere and it comes from essential budgets which means there's not enough in the purse to pay for these essemtial services hence the 'virtual' bankrupcy.

这是市议会,也是过去五年中第六个发布第114款通知的议会。第114款通知生效,意味着他们无法履行当前的支出承诺。这在很大程度上是由于保守党政府自 2008 年以来所采取的紧缩措施,他们给议会的拨款越来越少,议会不得不面对加薪和服务成本上升的问题。但也有很多错误的支出决策。比如甲骨文公司本打算为伯明翰建立一个耗资 1900 万英镑的 IT 系统,但最终却花费了 1 亿英镑。 像这样的破事必须从某个地方支付,而这些费用来自基本预算,这意味着钱包里没有足够的钱来支付这些基本服务,因此出现了 "虚拟 "破产。

Thank you Sean, for the great post.


Don’t worry, all those productive and skilled, doctors, engineers, and inventors that have arrived on on our shores and we have housed over our own will surly help shoulder this burden!


Anyone holding municipal bonds for Birmingham has lost their money.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

My advice to anyone who can,is to leave!
I have been living in Asia for,10 years now.
Best thing I ever did!


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I'm more interested in why it cost 50M to get bicycle lanes and hydrogen buses than the projects themselves.
Cycle lanes are ultimately good as it will encourage more bicycling which will improve traffic flow, among numerous other benefits. Public transportation is the same thing. The question really is why it costs so much in the first place.


The only connection I have with the UK is watching football. And it seems as if football fans have no idea what’s happening beyond their bubble. So my question is; will there come a point where the crisis becomes too obvious to ignore?


Dont worry about Birmingham or England. Lets worry about
Ukraine instead lets us keep giving billions to Ukraine every month and billions to Israel as
Well. I don't understand why England is getting bankrupt.
Please leave your comments
What do you think.


It's amazing all these colonial and woke countries are crumbling while the liberated colonies are expanding and progressing.


Perfect conditions for pushing the CBDC....


Wait ✋️ what ???
UK has hundreds of billions to give Ukraine but the citizens who paid those taxes are going broke ???
Yep --- that makes sense ...
Bring in a few million more migrants, that will help ..


Sean, there at least 5 other major Councils in deep Financial trouble in England !


Historically, victory and attaining vast wealth between nations was once found on the battlefield, the advent of nuclear weapons made continuing this practice painfully impractical. Today, the winner is the country that goes backrupt last. A feat that will be accomplished attracting the remaining wealth of other countries by being just a little less bankrupt until the worldwide house of financial cards collapses again.


Did the botched IT business go to sunaks father in law's IT company ?


Well deserved. Their hate has no limit.




Life’s gonna get really crap in Birmingham for those not on the protected groups list or listed as “vulnerable”. I.e. working class men will carry the lot of them. The ”vulnerable” will be fine. That’s how this world works these days.


How many corporations or businesses have gone bankrupt in England the past 20 years. How many government agencies in the past 20 years in England have gone bankrupt in the past 20 years?


Its interesting how EU was so willing to commit economic and political suicide to please their master by supporting and following the whims and personal ambitions of a clown who became a NADO commander. This problem is all of EU.


This is been going on for quite number of time now


" ' Simple Sean, Turn over a new leaf, Quit NATO, Quit five eyes alliance and AUKUS alliances . Be a normal , righteous and helpful country ( like N. Zealand ) and join BRICS + " '


Just thinking: What are the financial experts, economy experts, experts predicting before the pandemic, and have they come up with solutions and steps to overcome this global problems whereby every country will have win-win outcome?
I think the first step is to stop all conflicts and wars. Then, ool the country resources to sustain and maintain the country, especially for the citizens' sake. Next, if possible assist other countries recoveries. Hopefully this will bring permenant PEACE to the world. This leading to UNITED WORLD - not united nations - joyfully.

只是想一想: 金融专家、经济专家、专家们在新冠来临之前预测了什么,他们是否提出了克服这一全球性问题的解决方案和步骤,从而使每个国家都能获得双赢的结果?

很赞 11