2023-09-22 用功 13228

Internally, he is widely known as "Madman Yu" because he constantly comes up with crazy ideas that make him enemies within Huawei. Externally, he's the man some love to hate, known as "Big Mouth Yu," always boasting and exaggerating. During one product launch event, he famously used the phrase "far ahead" six times to describe Huawei products.


Since childhood, his father always taught him, "Be humble and cautious in life, like wheat: the lower the head, the fuller the grains; the higher the head, the more empty the husk." However, throughout his life, he has presented himself with a different attitude: "His head held high, yet still full."


Born in 1969 in a poor rural family in Huoqiu County, Anhui Province, China, he is now 54 years old. Starting in 1993, this year marks his 30th year with Huawei. During these three decades, he has witnessed Huawei's remarkable rise and stood by the company through numerous crises. Some admire him, while others detest him. He never stopped running, and in every decision, he displayed clarity, unwavering determination, and an absolute refusal to compromise. Yes, he is the person I want to introduce today—Yu Chengdong, a person I deeply respect. Let's begin.


Inspiring story about a young man's tenacity to succeed where weaker individuals would fail. His faith in himself and his team is an inspiration that should make Chinese proud of their character to face adversity and win. It takes leaders like Yu Chengdong to challenge and win in the world that is competitive and swift. The Yu's of China are creating the new China and pioneers in technology that China is striving for. Yu sets an example for all young Chinese to admire and follow to make a mark in the world for China. Perseverance is a characteristic and quality that is found in all great leaders.


Yu Chengdong sounds like another Steve Jobs but with engineering skills on top of it.


Thank you Huawei and Yu Chendong from the rest of the world outside US hegemonic empire.


Mate 60 is in my shopping list. It will forever remind me of what Glory Huawei brought to China and the Chinese people worldwide. Jia you.

Mate 60已列入我的购物清单。它将永远让我想起华为给中国和全世界的中国人,所带来的荣耀。加油。

This guy is amazing, cant believe never listen of him before.


A very amazing and inspiring story. China and Huawei should be proud of him and I believe there are many many more in China who are like him. Some countries are in desperation to stop Huawei further development so Huawei should pay more attention to their personnel movements when in those countries. Don’t forget what happened to MWZ.


A visionary leader indeed.


“Success comes to those who dedicate everything to their passion in life. To be successful, it is also very important to be humble and never let fame or money travel to your head"


He is one Chinese I admire greatly. Most big US multiNational company employ Indian CEO because they are eloquent in english Huawei choose to use their own people though not so eloquent in english but display so much charisma and drive.


China doesnt need english, now a days, people study mandarin


Indians are eloquent in English? That's a first...

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Yes, Huawei has its own character. There is no need to depend on the US and its allies for technology. India, technology, almost all copied from the US.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

they can tell tall stories and Americans like stories.


do you know the meaning of eloquent though? They just know how to BS and Kiss up.


Few man stood his ground against the mighty US Empire and live to tell the tale, rarer still are those who manage to boldly move forward defying all odds.


Amazing story, with his tenacious and resilient attitude he has make such tremendous achievements for Huawei as well as China telecom company into the world stage ... the next battle will be to defeat US and it allies sanction into garbage bin entirely and to lead by example to defeat Western hegemony ... keep it up, Jia You Jia You


Heartwarming story. Great man . Symbol of courage and commitment.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Richard Yu Chengdong is a tech guru and creator of cutting-edge ideas BUT he's a butcher of English language and Huawei really needs to have a CCTV-quality English language speaker to present Huawei international products and not raise alarms against U.S. Congress!


I am glad he butcher everything in his way. Not only he butchered the English language, he also butchered Apple into eight pieces for Huawei. Way to go Warrior Yu.


Elon Musk is also someone who's not a good public speaker. Both Musk and Yu bring far more value than public speaking. In Yu's case English is his native language. So who cares if he doesn't speak English well?


- if Steve Jobs was Richard Yu's boss then he would not have Richard be the public speaker, out of cultural and etiquette sense... Elon Musk can speak with near-native level English, however much he may stumble on his words; there's no mistake as to what he says and is quite humble about his great accomplishments.

如果乔布斯是余承东的老板,出于文化和礼仪的考虑,他不会让余承东做公开演讲。埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)可以用接近母语水平的英语说话,尽管他可能会说错单词;余承东说的话没有错,他对自己的伟大成就也很谦虚。

if you selling gold quality stuff no matter what you say people will buy it. If you're selling shitt no matter how good you talk people won't buy it. People like to listen to smart people like Yu.


I love the way he butchered English, you feel the power of technology over the cultural sensitivities


Yu Chengdong is the jackie Chan of techno world. .


'Out of cultural and etiquette sense', sorry Mr. Yu's boss is not after being cultural rather competition and winning and he has won.


Good luck and much Justice for Huawei's much deserved comeback


If Huawei was a Norwegian/Danish/Italian/western phone, the CEO would be on the cover of westerns magazines, there would be movies about it, the US Congress would give him standing ovations during his keynote speech.


If there's one thing I know about Chinese is that they are very hardworking people. Their determination and perseverance is astonishing. And I always respect them for that...


Yu Chengdong is my hero


Yes Huawei has returned and will soar high with no peer in sight beginning with luanching of mate 60. Yes finally the long cherished dream fulfilled.

是的,华为回来了,从mate 60发布开始,华为将一飞冲天,无人能及。是的,长久以来的梦想终于实现了。

Brilliant mind, dedicated and an owner that had vision to take Huawei to worlds number one. US should be ashamed and fearful that sanctions only spurred China to be totally independent in its products .


He got a phone thrown at his face - that's dedication




Eagle?? Much more appropriate is The Vulture!


,the eagle has landed..


A person comes from a humble background often had 2 attitudes. First he is humble and will stay the same way for the rest of his life second he determine to shed off his humble life by doing everything great often surpass everybody and stays number 1 no matter what risk in front of him..


THANK YOU and forever grateful to your contribution.


What I want to see now is Mate sales overtaking iPhone sales.


am dying to get one of Huawei Mate P60 variants hahaha

我非常想买一款华为的Mate P60,哈哈哈

Yes, the best way is to let the US talk, while we do the walk (i.e., vote with our wallets). This way, the US will further become irrelevant and thus isolated. You must not forget that the US is helping us immensely in this endeavor because it does not seem to be able to get out of the "self-destruct" mode.


Great efford by a good leader. Huawei's future is bright and strong.


Yu is a hero!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Super genius. Madman. Bravo !!


Admirable madman


Go China go, Huawei is teaching USA a lesson .

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

When the West lose and can't win it..they will call other mad man, dictator, terrorist, bully all sort of name.. the whole world is watching US behaviour lately..


What USA has done to Huawei I dont blame him being as you describe


The heart and essence of Huawei Mate60pro, is the kirin9000Scpu and harmonyOS,,such Chinese technology never been before,,Chinese must be tough to maintain their advanced technologies

华为Mate 60 pro的核心和精髓,是麒麟9000s cpu和鸿蒙操作系统,这样的中国技术以前从未有过,中国人必须不懈努力以保持他们的先进技术

Huawei's semiconductor innovation has emerged as a primary economic growth driver. China poses a considerable threat to the United States' high-tech industry. Huawei's recent success in the semiconductor industry exemplifies China's impressive determination and technological prowess. This success can be attributed to their cutting-edge MAT 60 technology, developed in China without any American components or influences. The United States' technical restrictions have substantially impeded China's pursuit of technological independence. The Huawei Mate 60 Pro demonstrates the company's remarkable advancements in cutting-edge semiconductor technology. The company consistently demonstrates its exceptional talent and resources in addressing the technical obstacles presented by the United States. China has proven its ability to surmount the United States' technological obstacles.

华为半导体创新已经成为中国经济增长的主要动力。中国对美国的高科技产业构成相当大的威胁。华为最近在半导体行业的成功体现了中国令人印象深刻的决心和技术实力。这一成功可以归功于他们在中国开发的尖端Mate 60技术,没有任何美国组件或影响。美国的技术限制严重阻碍了中国追求的技术自主。华为Mate 60 Pro展示了该公司在尖端半导体技术方面的卓越进步。该公司在解决美国提出的技术障碍方面一贯表现出卓越的人才和资源。中国已经证明了自己有能力克服美国的技术障碍。

Yu Chengdong sounds like in Star Wars....!


He looking younger than his real age.


Never say die.


they called him "Big-mouth Yu" in China.


But he put his money where his mouth is. The Mate 60 Pro!

但他说到做到。Mate 60 Pro!

Hope he doesn't travel to Five Eye countries, where he might be detained for BS reasons.


Buy a Huawei phone to thank him!!


Thanks for the enlightenment ❤❤


Nobody who is in the right mind will spend RMB6500 on a Phone that is outdated when he can buy one half that price and much advanced.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Huawei is a top Chinese technology,,,their people must be tough ;)

华为是中国的顶级技术公司,他们的人一定很强硬 :)

“Come at me, america.”


Apple is a toast.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Up ! Up ! Up ! Hua Wei !


Huawei first target : iPhone.
Next : Tesla


Tesla already beaten by BYD


Who is he. American wants him.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Nice hit piece. Lowest form of journalism.




Why I always see c.. propaganda?


Modi gang jealous?


How the fuck you know his father tell him to be humble and cautious in life and why he is a madman?


from his bio .




很赞 37