加拿大表示,他们有证据可以证明,加拿大公民 Mardep Singh Nijjar 是被印度处决的。现在,印度跑去删除居住在国外的人,这是可以接受的吗?(下)
2023-09-25 童言无忌 10952

Canada states they have evidence that Mardep Singh Nijjar, a Canadian citizen, was executed by India. Is it now acceptable for India to dexe people living abroad?

加拿大表示,他们有证据可以证明,加拿大公民 Mardep Singh Nijjar 是被印度处决的。现在,印度跑去删除居住在国外的人,这是可以接受的吗?

Aditya Dahiya
is there proof that Indian government did it?


Kaustubh Sharma
Do you have fact that India killed him or do you get you info from ghanta banta langarjeets?


The Observer
Many Afgan people would disagree with your opinion on Bin Laden.


Rick Garber
Quite likely. Just as many Germans would have disagreed about my views of Hitler, Cambodians vis-à-vis Pol Pot, Ugandans regarding Field Marshal Do tor President for Life Idi Amin, etc.
It doesn’t make them right, now does it?


It doesn't, just like it doesn't make Canadian administration right about Nijjar.

不能。就像这也不能让加拿大政府对 Nijjar 的看法是正确的一样。

The Observer
Well most Indians would also disagree with your opinion as you mentioned in your original answer.
Please read the article from an Indian English news website. Most Indians consider Nijjar to be a terrorist and they don't feel bad about the assassination.
Hardeep Singh Nijjar landed in Canada with fake papers; 26 years before he was shot | India News - Times of India
India News: Over the past several years, Nijjar had been actively involved in advocating anti-India actions.

请阅读印度英语新闻网站上的文章。大多数印度人认为 Nijjar 是恐怖分子,他们对暗杀事件并不感到难过。
链接:Nijjar 携带假证件抵达加拿大;他被枪杀前的26年 | 印度时报
印度新闻:在过去几年里,Nijjar 一直积极参与倡导反印度行动。

Rick Garber
Sadly that doesn’t portray most Indians in a terribly positive light, does it?


The Observer
You are not getting my point.
People all over the world don't hold the same opinion when it comes to the assassination of an alleged terrorist.
Your answer seems alright from western countries perspective.


Most people also feel that Bush and Obama are terrorists. That the US government has been carrying out terrorist activities (aka WAR) supported by Canada, UK…etc. over many years.


Rick Garber
A small minority of people probably do share your bizarre, pro Islamic terrorist perspective.


Look guys, India is too busy to build a strong economy. We have little time to worry about any terrorists living in somebody else's backyard. A few Billion dollar trade with a country is like here and there, which doesn't make much of an impact, especially with a country which is becoming not so friendly. Move on….


Dave Gilbert
Fuk India if they actually are behind it, so far they’ve only said credible evidence but we should completely stop all economic and diplomatic activity with that government if they are behind it, that’s completely unacceptable!


Rajan Anil Joshi
Please remember Hillary Clinton statement. If you are going to harbour snakes in your backyard so that they will bite your neighbours, one day they will bite you also.


So you are saying ruin the economy for a terrorist? Are u serious?


Dave Gilbert
If he was an actual terrorist he would’ve been arrested and extradited back to India! He came to Canada in 1997! And our economy is a hell of a lot stronger than relying on India, are you serious? Bottom line is another government could’ve had a hand in killing one of our citizens in OUR country, that’s very serious and shouldn’t be taken lightly, in fact it’s a complete slap to all Canadians faces!!


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

India has been requesting Ottawa for decades to extradite the Khalistan terrorists Canada is harboring to no avail. Either way Canada has no evidence this was done by India, other than strong suspicion based on the persons background. BTW the economy is not very strong, Canadian imports slightly more than their export to India. Either way both countries wouldn't care if trade is cut off, they can deal with other countries to fulfill their needs. Now all i am saying is its not worth cutting out trade and diplomatic relations over a wanted person India is requesting extradition, they just don't ask for random people to be extradited right ? This is all political gimmick that will die down soon. Things wouldn't have been this serious if a white Canadian would have been killed , think about it. Trudeau wants to assure his vote back that he is taking this seriously, just like he does with housing, healthcare and inflation for Canadians. Its a slap on the faces of the Khalistani extremists, not on Canadians. Majority of Canadians are upset with this joker as it is.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Som Mohanty
Yeah came to Canada on a fake passport, got his citizenship twice rejected, was on Interpol red corner notice when he was given citizenship,
and what u keep barking about rule of law , rule of law ?When Talwinder Parmar ,the prime suspect behind Air India Kanishka bombing fled to Canada , the Canadian government behind the Dad of the present Joker , Trudeau sr rejected extradition requests on what reason u know -”India doesn't have the Queen as the Head of state so Parmar cannot be extradited as per the rules of Extradition amongst commonwealth Countries”

你一直在说什么法治,法治?当 Talwinder Parmar,印度航空公司爆炸案嫌疑人,逃到加拿大时,现任小丑之父背后的加拿大政府拒绝了引渡请求,原因你知道的——“印度没有女王作为国家元首,所以根据英联邦国家引渡规则, Parmar 不能被引渡。”

Gris Ramachandran
Please do that we don't want relationships with govt that supports terrorists


Rajiv Khilnani
Najjar was not a Canadian born citizen…..he landed up in Canada on false papers after escaping Indian authorities


Goolge Ggv
If he wasn't a terrorist terrorising USA then he is NO terrorist eg etim OK

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Let's see. A person very publicly indulges in actions against India. Then, in a foreign country, with justice system beyond India's control, 2 men riding on a motorcycle shoot him dead. Clearly, each step, the actions of the person and that of his execution is designed to maximize public attention. I don't think India is stupid. The know well that such events will only make martyrs of the cause which would perhaps gain from it. My own suspicion is that it is either intra-movement rivalry or those who encourage rebel movements for political leverage are responsible for this murder. I was astonished to find social media flooded with people complementing India for the murder. It had a surreal feeling of the whole thing being orchestrated. True enough, Canada accuses India of the murder, soon after they, apparently, did not get what they wanted in trade negotiations. Somebody who should be a suspect is now going to investigate and pronounce judgement? I doubt that any of the western countries who frequently make demands of economic concessions on Global South are qualified to investigate. Stinks of a set up to falsely implicate, discredit and isolate the Indian Goverment and use it to extract economic and trade concessions.


AbhilAsh Das
What makes the case of Nijjar different from that of Laden? How is he an ordinary Canadian?
Its clear that he tried to migrate to Canada with incorrect identity and he was stopped not once but twice.
India government gave extradition request in 2014 and an accused who tried to break into Canada with illegal identity is granted citizenship in 2015. Tell me what did you understand from this? Which other country in the world will give citizenship to a criminal especially when there is extradition request and interpoll lookout notice in place. Dont tell me Canada is too liberal.

Nijjar 的案子和本拉登的案子有什么不同?他怎么能算是一个普通的加拿大人?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

If Laden is a terrorist to you, Nijjar is a terrorist to me. You cannot conveniently decide who is a terrorist and who is not. India gave extradition request multiple times and instead of cooperating with them Canada seems to be protecting the culprits.
Even if he is a legitimate Canadian citizen, He has no right to fight for seperatism in another country. As a Canadian he can ask to carve Khalistan out of Canada and I would call it freedom of expression. When a canadian try to tear apart another country, It becomes Canadas responsibility to control such elements and if not you are silently promoting them. So atleast stop playing victim card.


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