2023-09-28 imlrz 8469
Wingsuit skydiver in France decapitated by aircraft's wing moments after jumping from plane: reports


'This has been the tragedy of my life, but I am not at fault,' says pilot Alain C


By Greg Wehner Fox News
Published September 21, 2023 9:57pm EDT
A wingsuit skydiver with over 225 jumps under his belt was decapitated by the wing of an airplane 20 seconds after jumping from the aircraft over South France in July 2018, according to reports.

【under (one's) belt:In one's possession or experience某人拥有的或经历过的。】

The Times of London reported on testimony provided during the pilot’s manslaughter trial, taking place in Montauban, France, this week.

伦敦《泰晤士报》(Times of London)报道了本周在法国蒙托班(Montauban)对这名飞行员过失杀人罪审判期间提供的证词。

Testimony provided showed 40-year-old Nicholas Galy was one of a pair of skydivers who jumped from about 14,000 feet over the town of Bouloc-en-Quercy out of a single-engine Pilatus airplane in July 2018.

提供的证词显示,40岁的尼古拉斯·加利(Nicholas Galy)是2018年7月从Bouloc-en-Quercy镇约14000英尺高空一架单引擎皮拉图斯(Pilatus)飞机跳下的两名跳伞者之一。

A skydiver wearing a wingsuit prepares to jump from the side of a mountain. (Wang Zhao / AFP via Getty Images / File / Fox News)


The pilot of the plane, only identified as 64-year-old Alain C, descended rapidly after the two wingsuit-outfitted skydivers evacuated the aircraft, catching up with them as they glided across the sky.

这架飞机唯一的飞行员是64岁的阿兰C (Alain C),在两名装备了翼装的跳伞者从飞机清空/跳出后,(飞机)迅速下降,并且在当他们于天空中滑行时追上了他们。

But as the plane caught up with the skydivers, the left wing struck Galy, decapitating his head, the publication reported.


Galy’s body landed in a field after his emergency parachute opened.


A Pilatus PC-12/45 (AaronP / Bauer-Griffin / GC Images)


Alain has since been charged with manslaughter and prosecuting attorneys claim his errors led to the decapitation.


During the trial, Alain argued he did not do anything wrong, adding that Galy "did not follow the expected course and should never have been on that course."

【should never have been:本不应该存在:表示某件事或某种情况本来就不应该存在或发生。】

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The pilot later said he thought Galy was further south when he was in fact parallel to the plane.


During the trial, the plane's pilot Alain C argued that he did nothing wrong. (iStock)

在审判期间,飞行员阿兰·C (Alain C)辩称,他没有做错任何事。

"I think my flight path made sense," Alain said. "This has been the tragedy of my life, but I am not at fault."


The pilot also said he did not brief the skydivers about the jump and acknowledged he lost track of the wingsuit duo, assuming he was clear of them. He noted that wingsuit jumpers do not descend much and can be in conflict with the plane.

【clear of:远离:远离(危险、有害等)。】

Testimony also showed Alain was operating a plane with an invalid license after violating restrictions in place from a medical condition.


Jeanne Regagngon, the prosecutor, claimed during the trial that Galy "was the only one who obeyed the rules without negligence" that day and has since asked the court for a 12-month suspended sentence for the pilot, plus a fine of at least $10,000 for his employer.

检察官珍妮·雷根贡(Jeanne regaggonon)在审判中断言,加利是当天“唯一的一个没有疏忽大意遵守规则的人”,并要求法庭判处这名飞行员12个月的缓刑,同时对他的雇主处以至少1万美元的罚款。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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It is interesting that the emergency parachute deployed. I know when I went skydiving a number of years ago they made the emergency parachute sound theoretical. That if my main parachute doesn't open, the speed of me falling would trigger a sensor that would blow the emergency parachute open. Apparently it works.


Yes. I use a cypress unit. Small computer that measures altitude and airspeed. Fires a pyrotechnic charge to release reserve canopy. They do work though mine has never fired.

【Cypress Semiconductor赛普拉斯半导体现更名为英飞凌科技】
【canopy:n. 降落伞的丝质(或尼龙)伞衣,伞盖】

I was a jumper, years ago & had quite a few close calls with horizontal stabilizers.

【quite a few:相当多的,不少的】
【close calls:险些发生的事故或灾难】

Ditto, had several myself. You never get over it. I was special ops in the 87th infantry.

【get over it:3.忘记并继续前进:忘记某件事情并继续生活。】
【special ops:特种部队】

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Typical French person. “Not my fault”. Kinda like our younger generations in US, no accountability


I have a part-time job driving a little shuttle bus taking old people here and there. Today I picked up an old geezer from a retirement home and took him to a small mostly private air field. On the way there he tells me "I can't drive anymore, but I can still fly a plane"

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Testimony also showed Alain was operating a plane with an invalid license after violating restrictions in place from a medical condition.
Well, there's the problem. With that record the guy should be in congress.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

He still needs to convince a flight instructor and medical examiner that he can perform the duties of a pilot in command. Think about all the people on the road that are never re-examined except for a possible eye exam by a state employee.


In aviation, generally speaking, unpowered things have the right of way over powered things. Further, the pilot lost his license because of a medical and should not have been flying. Last, the pilot in command is responsible for what the aircraft does or fails to do. Open and shut case.


things in the air always go in a single direction... DOWN...
why did the plane go down ALSO???
shouldn't a plane fly in a different direction to clear the air space???


The fact that the license was invalid due to a medical reason is simply an administrative restriction, it has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the action operations of the plane. It should not factor into the details of what actually happened. Just because a license is suspended does not mean you suddenly forget how to do whatever the license authorizes you to do. If he is to be fined or faulted for violating the license, then that is separate and distinct from this accident.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

My father was a paratrooper during WWII. If someone ever mentioned jumping out of a plane, his face would just light up! He said that first step out was the best high in the world. Me, I was the intelligent one in the family and joined the NAVY!!!!

我父亲在二战期间是一名伞兵。如果有人提到从飞机上跳下来,他的脸部(表情)就会兴奋起来! 他说迈出(飞机)的第一步是世界上最棒的快感。(而)我,我是家里最聪明的一个,(选择)加入了海军!!!!

I was in the Navy but I'd have to agree with your Dad, jumping out of planes is a big thrill. I was a Marine corpsman, and during training, we did fast roping during HRST (Helicopter Rope Suspension Technique) and it was awesome! But not as fun as jumping out of planes. So, unless you are a Navy SEAL, your dad IS the smart one in your family!

我曾在海军(服役),但我必须同意你爸爸的观点,从飞机上跳下来是件很刺激的事。我是一名海军陆战队医护兵,在训练期间,我们在HRST(直升机绳悬停技术)中做了快速绳降,这真是太棒了! 但没有从飞机上跳下来有趣。所以,除非你是海豹突击队队员,否则你爸爸是你们家最聪明的人!

Myself also, but in the 60's. Loved every jump I made. Would have loved to have met your Dad. Those old brown boots were tough.


It was a fantastic stunt, but he can only perform it once.


Never race a train, or a plane. If it's a tie, you still lose.


I think when someone loses their life in what could be called a “daredevil stunt,” the bar needs to be very high to prosecute any other party.
Unless there was an intentional, malicious act, prosecuting the pilot is a cynically vindictive act…

我认为,当有人在所谓的“不怕死的特技表演”(daredevil stunt)中丧失他们的生命时,律师需要以非常高/重的罪名起诉其他任何组织/团体。【为啥起诉的是any other party?】

Wingsuit flying is becoming almost mainstream. I'm not sure you can call it a daredevil stunt any more. There are a few thousand people doing it regularly. Base jumping is still extreme, jumping from airplanes, not so much.


By not “seeing and avoiding “ the parachutists, the pilot showed gross negligence and a disregard for the most basic flight rules taught from day one. As a fellow pilot, I can 100% support the legal case against the pilot


Flying pedestrians ALWAYS have the right-of-way. It doesn't matter if they were walking or flying wrong - pedestrians have the right of way. Car drivers and plane drivers must remember this.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

At first, I thought this happen upon the man jumping out of the aircraft, which would certainly not be the pilot's fault.
But he "caught up with them". Why was he so close" Could he not see them?
Sounds like he was, indeed, responsible to me.

起初,我以为这是在那个人跳出飞机的时候发生的,这肯定不是飞行员的错。但他“赶上了他们”。为什么他离得那么近? 难道他看不见他们吗?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Defy death enough times & death will get tired of it.


If the Pilot had not flown towards the jumpers, the jumper would still be alive.


很赞 7