2023-09-28 骑着毛驴到处走 6851

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The UK’s decline has been painful to watch in recent years. Japan is a demographic ticking time bomb that’s destined to blow up in a few decades. Putin has inflicted huge damage on Russia: economic and financial, geopolitical but mostly human since many young educated professionals have fled the country forever.
In the middle of this chaos, the US has been solidly retaining its position as the world hegemon, with only some internal political turmoil. China used to grow enormously but is now facing serious economic challenges and some analysts predict it might never overtake the American economy. The EU overall has lost its ability to compete economically with the US or China, and the Ukrainian crisis has showed some of its weaknesses
India is growing fast but has a long way to go to reach China . Brazil has lost its way, still a regional power but the political chaos inside is making it very unreliable in terms of foreign policy, and the economy hasn’t performed very well


The UK is not a superpower. Neither is Russia.


What do you mean "which" superpower? There is currently only 1 superpower.


I wanted to answer "The United States and the United States" because of this exactly. There is only one single global superpower and all other countries are currently regional powers at best. Not saying it'll be that way forever, but that's the current state of things.


You say Japan is a ticking time bomb but what does that even mean?


It means Japan’s population is shrinking at an alarming rate, as births in the country continue to fall and Japan also refuses to let in more immigrants to fill the gap. Meaning in the following decades the Japanese economy (which has been stagnant for 3 full decades already) will feel the consequences.


10% of their population is 80 years old or older.
Which is completely mindblowing.


In your opinion, why has the US been more resilient than others?


The US system is simply too good and efficient at generating money. It’s a massive country with a massive diversified economy and a large population with some of the most qualified professionals in the world. Nothing guarantees the US will be on top forever, but it’s been a success story for a very long time and there’s no indication that it will change in the foreseeable future.


The US has been the largest national economy since the end of the 1800s, that is more than a century now. WWII is usually considered the moment the US jumped to prominence in the world stage, but by WWII the country was already an economic, industrial and financial powerhouse that had evolved from a strip of land to a massive giant stretching both coasts and with colonial territories from the Philippines to the Caribbean. There’s a reason why Britain desperately tried to get the US involved in both world wars; it was already a big power long before it became a superpower


Americans on any side of their political spectrum can agree on 1 ideology: line go up.
"Line go up" is so hard coded into the mind and soul of Every American. If lines on a graph aren't going up, Americans will riot and change their situation. This kind of dogged determination will keep them on top, especially as China falters.


Wages in the US have been almost stagnant for 40 years while the cost of essentials like housing and healthcare have skyrocketed. American infrastructure has been decaying since the 70s. Not only have Americans not rioted, they continue to fall for culture war bullshit and wedge issues that do nothing to address the fundamentals.
I think most Americans are keyboard warriors and nothing more.


if American wages are "stagnant" what does that make UK/Europe wages?
Healthcare has skyrocketed but so has the quality of health and the incredible innovation with it.
Decaying infrastructure is just doomer talk. Americans don't "fall for" culture bullshit but we know how damn lucky we are.
I've lived in Europe and Americans that talk crap about America don't realize how good they have it.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Healthcare has skyrocketed but so has the quality of health and the incredible innovation with it.
Healthcare quality in the US is fantastic for those who can afford it but middling to poor for most compared to other developed countries that spend significantly less. The most common reason for bankruptcy in the US is healthcare expenses, and medical bankruptcies don't even exist in other developed countries. The US is the only country where you can lose your job and your healthcare at the same time. Retirement savings and future inheritances are often wiped out by EOL healthcare. The high cost of health insurance also acts as a brake on starting new companies, as it's a huge expense for any employer.
As for outcomes, the US has one of the highest maternal mortality rates out of all G20 countries (double that of France) and one of the highest rates of avoidable mortality overall. I work in healthcare, and I see this every day.
If you'd like to know the real picture, you can go ahead and start here.


EU don’t even care about “competing with U.S. or China” lol.


You are absolutely delusional if you think EU is not competing with the US. The euro was also an attempt to replace the USD and failed. It has succeeded in integrating Europe, but the EU has failed to compete with the influence and economic/geopolitical might of the US, and is lagging behind more and more every year in this aspect.


Africa also seems to be on a trend like Asia's in the last few decades, of emerging from a post colonial mess into a highly populated and a powerful economic area. Which African country if any so far looks like it will be the most powerful?


Africa needs political stability first and foremost. There's a reason companies choose to outsource their cheap labor to Asia rather than Africa, despite being closer to the US. You can have an abundance of natural resources, but to turn that into wealth, you need a reliable electric grid, robust transit network, low crime, and political stability.


You also need a society which isn't too corrupt and leaders who practise meritocracy instead of nepotism.


Reduced corruption and increased meritocracy does lead to more political stability though, so I’d argue OP covered that too. No country is free from corruption, but it’s not a coincidence that developed countries have lower levels of it than developing ones: reduced corruption is what allows them to become developed in the first place.


I'd argue it's a chicken and egg scenario. You become meritocratic after some development. But to become developed...
You can see that in some neighborhoods in the US and first world in general. Very difficult to transition a poor neighborhood to a rich on


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Remember that the US was wallowing in corruption as well when it was at the age African countries and India are today. It seems to me that industrial investment is what lifts a country from tatters and gives it the potential to eliminate corruption, which India is in the process of. We saw it happen to the US, to Western Europe, to China, to India, and potentially to Mexico.


Corruption in the US was pretty bad from the Postbellum period until at least 1923 (end of the Harding Presidency), maybe later, around 1933, with the jailing of Capone and the repealing of Prohibition.


I'm not familiar with American corruption in this era, but one needs to differentiate between different types of corruption, esp petty vs. large-scale corruption. In many developing countries almost everything is corrupt from the traffic policeman to the mid-level bureaucrat to the leaders of the country. Sometimes you can't even make a driver's license or obtaining a car registration without bribing someone. Obviously this hinders business development as you not only have to pay off the governor or the mayor, but almost every single employee you encounter when you're building a factory for example. Was the corruption in the US ever this severe?


The thing is Indian legal and political systems were so corrupt and complex a decade ago. Even if Industries did come along then, they had to wait like 5 years just to get all the necessary permissions. The several departments were so uncoordinated that it made is almost impossible to someone from outside to think about India as a manufacturing hub. And also famously corrupt. So much so that everytime 1₹ was sanctioned to get something done, only 0.15₹ from it would actually be put to use and the rest would end up in pockets.


I had a staff member from India who could not travel for a company meeting because the guy issuing the passport wanted a bribe and he refused to pay.
In India i had a driver that broke a traffic law and slipped about $5 to the police officer and he was let off.


These kinds of things are not even notable occurrences in developing countries, they're just part of regular life - you have to either personally know someone or pay them (sometimes both) to get anything done.


Oh yeahh. It's hard to shake the corruption its so deep rooted. The avg man used to dream for govt sector jobs because of all the benefits that came with it like salary, insurance, pension etc and also whatever they can make under the table. The govt officials also used to sell these jobs to the highest payer. Under the table ofcourse. Parents used to force their kids into govt jobs because they could get rich easily getting bribes. It become a way of living honestly. From the smallest office to the highest, it was rooted at every level. Glad to say it's changing rapidly especially after India went digital. Most transaction are done online so there's little room for corruption nowadays. Might happen on higher levels but it's almost completely vanished at the smaller level.


Also too fragmented. For example if you negotiate with China, you are negotiating over a billion person market and labor
Africa has too many countries, lack a strong central government. Most African governments are only in control of the urban centers. The rural areas are the wild wild West


Fastest declining is Russia, for sure. They completely blew up their diplomatic and soft power in Europe, which will be ruined for decades. All of their former subjects in Europe despise them, while the major players like Germany have disassociated. Their own power projection in neighboring Ukraine is embarrassing. They cannot even control squabbles in their own backyard, case in point Armenia/Azerbaijan. Their soft power in Central Asia is waning with every year as China grows in power. Besides that, Russia has a collection of tinpot dictatorships it can boss around (Syria, Eritrea, Venezuela, Cuba, Mali), but these countries are poor and economically irrelevant.
Russia as a state is in terminal decline and has permanently wrecked their global image for the current generation. Their only future now is to be China’s European whore.
Another formerly powerful nation in decline is Italy, which is just going to collapse into irrelevance due to its economic and demographic decline. To a lesser extent, Japan is also suffering this same fate but it has a much more innovative and dynamic economy. Turkey and Iran have both squandered their potential might on Islamism.
Fastest growing in global influence is probably India, as well as Saudi Arabia. Brazil has consigned itself to middle income irrelevance, and peaked in power in the early 2010s. There is no country in Africa or Latin America that I could see becoming a major power ever.


China and India are growing fast in influence and have been since quite a while.
In terms of declining, probably Japan and UK. Their influence in terms of culture atleast is still strong but imo they are declining on many other fronts, economic and geopolitical influence for example.


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