2023-10-01 用功 11338

Thanks Trump and Biden for making China realized the dangers of not being self-sufficiency and self-dependency.


They always knew. Chinese are not stupid.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

China was once a dirt-poor, war-torn, starving country in the past, but fast forward till today and China has since transformed into the world's 2nd largest economy (largest if you go by GDP PPP), the world's factory (i.e Made-in-China), having the world's 2nd largest R&D spending, protected by the world's largest land army, the People's Liberation Army. And its all been achieved under the leadership of the CPC.


The fastest transformation in humanity


Well said and well OBSERVED.


Getting in to the WTO helped. That was a good move on China's part.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

On the blessings of USA and western countries. China just did free ride .


China's rise started immediately after one percent of the Western population decided to offshore their industries in the third world and China for the purpose of better profits from cheaper labor. One could say it was a short-sighted and counter-productive move which is destroying the American hegemony. And, I for one am glad it is.


The reality is you can't blockade 1.4 billion people forever. Well. to be more accurate, you can't blockade 70% of humanity from development, China is just leading that wave. You might take it for granted that you are exceptional, but they certainly won't.


and the second fastest was the Soviet unx.


the globalization started many years before China got into the game, no one could threaten the western dominance in the global supply chain, till China .


"Containing China"..wishfull thinking of the U.S.and it`s "allies"!


It is American's Dreams




At 2:22, what Ursula actually meant "competition is only true [as long as we, the Imperialists, are winning, otherwise we will sanction you]"


So well said and put forward all the important aspects of the Ukraine war and the US government's paranoid views and acts taken against China's advances in almost everything.
A very interesting discussion by intelligent and honest to goodness analysts.
Thank you.


International rule based order? It is always America based order. Even the international organisations, UN, IMF, World bank, EU, etc - all these are agencies which carried out US agenda. Just 2 observation out of many. IAEA recent bizarre behaviour and indifference to Japan dumping of nuclear radioactive water into the seas and World bank and Imf refusal to appoint non American or non European as the head of these 2 institutions, though Asia is having the world most vibrant economic growth.



原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

So true


When you gentlemen talked about India, I had a big smile on my face. Americans/the westerns want India to be the next China, but India wants to be the next America. To me, it is so obvious. I wonder whether those Western politicians don’t actually know, or don’t want to know, or just pretend not to know?


I appreciate Cyrus's independent perspective on China but we live in an increasingly polarized world where everyone thinks they are right. In the west I believe that we are less free than we have ever been.


Would it not have been wonderful if Canada would have given this 160 million to it's citizens instead of Ukraine?


China has 5,000 years of history and is among the world's oldest "continuous" civilization still alive today, whereas other ancient civilizations like Rome, Egypt and Mesopotamia has since succumbed to history.


The US only has 247 years of history and is already history!


And was not involved in wars for only sixteen years.


it is the only one civilitation that has survived in history


The Chinese Government has made a law to ban property speculation and will not bail out property developers involved in speculation. In addition the Chinese Government has closed down the shadow banks funding the property speculators. The Chinese Government made a statement that property was to live in and not for speculation.


UK should do the same, the housing market here is an absolute joke


Thank you guys, you are all wonderful to tell us many things about the world apart from the normal news we always hear. Very informative and very enjoyable, keep it up ... as we need you guys to tell us more about all these news which we all need to hear about the truth and reality in this world. Thank you very much !!! Love to hear from all of you again.




Absolutely and the truth will set you free


Because of you guys, I don't listen to main-stream media again...Well done brothers!


Same! Thankgoodness we have so many independent channels that help spread the truth amongst all the biased western MSM


46:40 China EV: China already have a local 1.4 Billions market plus 5.3 Billions world market thru BRICS+ Thanks US/EU.

46:40 中国电动汽车:中国已经拥有14亿人的本土市场,加上金砖国家等的53亿人的全球市场,这要感谢美国和欧盟。

Evs is a scam.


I once lived in Vancouver too, it’s definitely not a TOP TEN city. It’s can’t even compare to a tier two city in China.


I don't find Canadians are particularly friendly. I guess it depends on what race you are.


Vancouver is a tier1 Tent City though! At least in Canada anyway!


For those not been to China it’s Top 10.


Vancouver is only good for $10 donuts


Sorry to tell you there’s no such thing as “democracy “ in capital countries.


Don't be sorry, I have known it for a long while. I did my field research for my Masters degree here in my own country and saw then that we, ordinary citizens do not matter or count in our governing bodies' calculations.


A day without embarrassment is a day wasted for Trudeau.


Interesting : the majority of french people say exactly the same about his good friend macron


If those manufactured homes from China were stackable it would solve Canada's housing shortage at a very affordable price.


they are stackable. but affordable housing is usually an issue of land value than building cost.


There is no shortage.
Empty homes are everywhere.


Yet somehow prices put them out of reach while wages are stagnant.


China's leading battery company CATL has developed a new EV Sodium iron battery which is superior to Lithium batteries and costs a lot less. Tesla are using the new battery.


We forget the loss of a generation. The longer this SMOcontinues the greater the impact of this tragedy, not only to Ukraine but also to Russia. Peace. PS great seeing the team together.


there's talk in Chinese internet about a potential boycott of the 6 million german cars sold in china every year.


Don't think BRICS want the EU


America, don't worry, just keep printing, plenty of paper and inks together with the printers, of course, power to keep these printers running, cheap labour, plenty of demands from our allies like Japan, UK , Canada still buying America's T Bills.


Russia and China are facilitating the global transition towards a multipolar world, dominated by multiple voices, instead of the unipolar world, dominated by a single voice (namely that of the U.S and its "allies".)


@user-yp4oq6iy7q It's in Ukraine's best interests to be a neutral country, between Russia and NATO. Tibet Autonomous Region is recognized as part of China by countries all over the world. Hong Kong was returned back to China in 1997 and it's only a matter of time for reunification in the Taiwan Strait.


saying it the way it is. Truth hurts and most people can’t accept it or blindly following the western narrative. There’s only one China, so stay strong and defend your territorial integrity and your people.


Important Correction:
Canada's population is over 40 million now.


Great video. It shows how tough and business like the Chinese are and how tough and patriotic and adaptable the Russians are.


A few weeks ago Taiwan made a memorial commemorating volunteers who helped the Japanese in there war efforts during WW2. Then Canada's does something like this... It's like anything thing goes, if they can sticks to China and Russia.

几周前,台湾建造了一座纪念碑,纪念二战期间帮助日本人作战的志愿者。然后加拿大也做了这样的事情... 这就像任何事情都有可能发生,只要他们与中国和俄罗斯扯上关系的话。(译者注:加拿大众议长公开赞扬纳粹老兵,乌克兰总统泽连斯基和加拿大总理特鲁多在内的全体人员都起立为之鼓掌)

China has BRICS (probably South Amecica), Arabic and African markets.


What a gem of a program today!


Canadian parliament could give a medal , speech and pep rally to Boneface Mccelland who volunteered to fight in Ukraine. Grayzone did a segment on this Nazis March for Ukraine headline .

加拿大议会可以为自愿参加乌克兰战争的Boneface mcelland颁发奖章,发表演讲并举行动员会。灰色地带为乌克兰的纳粹游行做了一个专题报道。

Fantastic discussion


forget containing China, the United States needs to focus on addressing its pressing domestic issues. tackle our own challenges first, so we can be strong, united, and effective in addressing global affairs!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The last time this happened was back in the early 1960s. After they bumped off their "King Arthur" (JFK), every successor has contributed to the slow and steady decline of "Camelot".


One observation here. By pew research center, the top 5 descxtions of current state American politics are “divisive, corrupt, messy, polarized & chaos”, whilst 65% felt exhausted, 55% angry, 10% hopeful and 4% excited when asked how they think about American politics. The decline of West, US specifically, is in the making, but the sad part of the story here is the West will continue to go down their living standard until reaching a tipping point by general populace said to their elected political elites ”we need to accept the reality by admitting and offering equal footing and weight in negotiation and power politics with non-Western world”.

这里有一个观察结果。根据皮尤研究中心的调查,对美国政治现状的前五大描述是 "分裂、腐败、龌龊、两极分化和混乱",而当被问及如何看待美国政治时,65%的人感到疲惫,55%的人感到愤怒,10%的人充满希望,4%的人感到兴奋。西方国家,尤其是美国,正在走向衰落,可悲的是,西方国家的生活水平将继续下降,直到达到一个临界点,普通民众对他们选出的政治精英说:"我们需要接受现实,在与非西方世界的谈判和强权政治前,承认并提供平等的地位和分量"。

Starbucks in America instead changed for the worse.
There is no sugar, milk, cream, sometimes no napkins for customers to help themselves.
You have to ask for each one to the busy/idling barristers.
And then the drinks in American Starbucks, now costs 50% more than it used to, before the Russian SMO in Ukraine.
And they ask for "optional" tips, 15%-25%.


That's a lie.


Frankly, if someone told me exact same situation would happen to America 3 years ago, interest rates, inflation, and this optional tips ranging from 15% up to 30% in some places, I'd have said the same thing.


And half the amount of coffee, it's a joke, I wouldn't cast a shadow in their doorway


Sen Rand Paul is the only adult in US government that make sense!


Well, it helps that his father is a true American patriot.


Like father like son, Ron Paul was one of the only few Republicans who voted against the Iraq war and Afghan war. Everyone else fell in line for their paycheck from MIC.


The US to Vietnam: "We are a democracy, you are communist regime, we need to stick together."


and the US at the end will say,......don't worry at the end we will reward you with tons of AGENT ORANGE


Mercedes CEO has refused to ban working with China


OMG best blackmail ever. “If you betray Ukraine, there are millions of Ukrainians in Europe who might be very angry with you”


The cost of the war you mentioned as being the most expensive to date did not include the fathers, sons and innocent that lost their lives.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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