2023-10-01 吕洞宾! 17568


Nh P.
The Dutch Government just cooked their goose when they ban EUV export to the world biggest user of their tech. For good. LOL.


Music L.
While I appreciate the effort and applaud the progress so far, lets don't forget this is still in research stage... you need to build a prototype to be able to focus and function as a lithography machine first to demonstrate the feasibility, then countless of iteration to make it usable and optimal. Using factory in the caption is just misleading as factory implies production, which is not the case here.

虽然我很欣赏中国目前的努力和进展,但不要忘记这仍处于研究阶段... 你需要建立一个原型,使其能够拥有光刻机的功能,首先证明其可行性,然后进行无数次迭代,使其可用和最佳化。在标题中使用工厂只是误导,因为工厂意味着生产,但这不是现实的情况。

Calvin L.
The fun part of this announcement is that they are already shopping for a site to construct a colossal particle accelerator of a lithography machine. While there remains a long way to go... if they're thinking of a site, it's certainly not in the distant future. And the most tantalising part is, if it works, we're looking at not just achieving 3nm and less, but also true mass production of chips. This could totally upend the global chip order. Imagine cutting edge chips at the same price of a 14nm. Quite apart from whether this may work or not, it certainly makes the whole semi conductor space a lot more interesting to follow.

这项声明的有趣之处在于,他们已经在为建造光刻工厂的巨型粒子加速器选址了。虽然还有很长的路要走... 但如果他们正在考虑建造这样一个工厂,那肯定不是在遥远的未来。最诱人的部分是,如果它成功了,我们看到的不仅仅是实现3纳米或更小的芯片工艺制程,而且是真正的大规模生产芯片。这可能会彻底颠覆全球芯片秩序。想象一下,尖端芯片的价格与14纳米芯片相同。且不说这是否可行,它肯定会让整个半导体领域变得更加有趣。

Kevin Y.
Watch out for sanctions or sabatoge by the jelous.


Jorge C.
Let's talk when is done. Everything now is speculation and thanks to articles like this. The individuals/entities involve might sanctioned to make the project fail without even starting.


Siu Lun Y.
@Jorge C. Huawei got sanctioned, look what happened.


Stefan D.
When you accelerate chips, they get fried faster though... ,)


Enju R.
Genuinely hoping America sanctions Tsinghua University for there efforts in researching light source for EUV.


Mehrotra M.
All be theoretical physics is one thing but but producing practical results another! Creating accelerators to focus the light-beams would be the most difficult challenge? However, a very good luck for the advancement of physics; applaud deserving for trying this in practice.

目前一切都还是物理理论,而产生实际成果又是另一回事! 制造加速器来聚焦光束将是最困难的挑战。然而,这是一次促使物理学进步的非常好的尝试,为中国在实践中尝试这一点而鼓掌。

Tluanga S.
I regret to inform you that there have been numerous proposed alternatives to EUV, none of these alternatives have proven to be as practically viable as EUV technology. The SSMB technology under consideration is no exception.


Simon H.
@Tluanga S. What is the voltage required for the DC EMALS?


Jorge C.
@Tluanga S. Yeah, just like leaving people with incurable diseases was the only option until someone found got an alternative working. If humans didn't strive to improve we wouldn't be here today.


Ricky W.
@Tluanga S. US/Japan/Europe reviewed synchrotrons in early 2000's, they concluded it was uneconomical.... however, this is new technology proposed in 2010. Technology evolve over time.

美国、日本、欧洲在21世纪初验证了同步加速器的可行性,它们一致认为这是不经济的方法... 然而,这是2010年提出的新技术。技术是随着时的推移间而不断发展。

Tluanga S.
sorry, there have been loads of proposed alternatives thrown around for EUV, suh as Multi-electron-beam (MEB) lithography, Nanoimprint lithography (NIL), Directed self-assembly (DSA), High-numerical-aperture (high-NA), Photonic - Laser-assisted lithography & Nanoscale direct laser writing (DLW), but none of them hold a candle to EUV. This SSMB thing is just another one on the pile. Don't get too carried away with the hype; you don't even know if it'll actually work out in the real world and be commercially viable

遗憾的是,已经有很多关于EUV的替代方案,如多电子束光刻(MEB)、纳米压印光刻(NIL)、定向自组装(DSA)、高数值孔径(high-NA)、光子激光辅助光刻和纳米直接激光书写(DLW),但它们都无法与EUV工艺相比。这个SSMB技术只是这一堆东西中的另一个。不要被炒作冲昏头脑; 你甚至不知道它是否能在现实世界中发挥作用,是否具有商业可行性。

Ricky W.
@Tluanga S. those were proposed in early 2000's. this synchrotron technology is new since 2010. You can't use what Japan/US reviewed in early 2000's, that is very old synchrotron technology. It has evolved over the past 20 years.


Seow P.
After taking a lead in EV by coming up with the best Batteries to power vehicles replacing ICE , China is using another path using SSMB light source to replace ASML DUV and EUV to lead the world in chip making. The SSMB light source from Tsinghua China is a.revolutionary method to produce powerful electromagnetic waves with wavelength from 0.3 mm to 13.5nm . This range cover the entire spectrum from infrared to UV at DUV and EUV. The pro for SSMB is the low mfg cost and higher power . The con is the size of the Accelerator which is huge. It may take another few years to make it commercially viable. China has the time and patience to build, iterate and fine tune until it is commercially feasible. After all , China is already able to make 7nm and 5nm with existing DUV .There is no hurry to build 2nm to 4nm chips.


J A.
@Seow P. The size of the accelerator is estimated as two basket ball courts, that does not sound huge to me. I think when people hear accelerator, the huge Large Hadron Collider comes to mind and they presume a similar size is necessary. As to costs, TSMC has paid up to $15 billion for its 50 EUV machines that guzzle 6% of Taiwan's electricity production. $1 billion would build an SSMB facility that could provide light source to at least 16 lithography steppers.


Seow P.
@J A. I knew that the SMBB lithograpgy machine will be the size of 2 basket ball courts. Relatively, the size of ASML EUV is the size of a bus. I think 2 basket ball courts is about 10 buses with bigger heights.

我知道SMBB光刻机将有2个篮球场那么大。相对而言,阿斯麦的 EUV光刻机的大小相当于巴士的大小。我认为2个篮球场的大小大约是10辆高度更大的巴士的大小。

Luk E.
In cartoons, good guys always save the secret weapon and use it only after they are forced to by bad guys. I thought this plot was only to keep the kids to watch longer only.


No matter how long it takes, China will catch them. They have nowhere to escape.


As the West wants to derisk from China, China will also derisk from the West.


Felix J.
The US force China to innovate and self-reliance. Thank you, America.


Edmark B.
This is potentially a security threat. The US and EU has to do something about it.


Felix J.
@Edmark B. If only China is as weak as Iraq, the US and its allies might has invade China in the name of national security threat, human right issues, xinjiang lies, Tibet lies, etc. The powerful PLA has create peace, prevent the invasion, saving countless life from both the Chinese side and the foreign sides. The PLA deserve a Nobel Peace Prize in our heart. They are all HEROES.


Lee W.
@Felix J. No way. Nobel peace prize is for Westerners or their sympathisers by Westerners. China has no chance , not that China care .


Erwin H.
Beijing is anxious. Totally understandable. But credibility is important too. Better to tone it down, get to work, finish the work and then talk about the results.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Daniel T.
@Erwin H. Here are the results. The US is fretting more and more about Beijing's progress, its only tool left is more sanctions


Louie K.
@Matthew S. Oppurtunity is self make. Timing is opportunity to explore experience. Result is achivement n self satisfaction. A man with backbone will never waiting for ppl to spoon feed. If U Think U Can, U Can


Whiskers :.
US sanctions helps China double its efforts. Economic harship helps China focus more. As James Cleverly said in his speech a few months ago, China has been one of the world's top economies for 20 out of the past 21 centuries. It is merely returning to its rightful place.


Louis W.
@Whiskers :. A people with a national IQ of 104 and capable of building a 6000 km long wall is capable of anything.


Benjamin Y.
Congratulations on the persistent R&D effect and milestone achievements.

Descendant of 龍.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

For math and science, there are always more than one way to reach the solution.


Just based on plans and intentions, China is the most powerful superpower the universe has ever seen. Take that America!


another PowerPoint "breakthrough"


Seow P.
@da**@****** Oh no. The idea of SSMB light source for chip.making was first brought up by professor Zhao Wu way back in 2010. Professor Zhao was a student of Nobel prize winner Yang Zhenning . A proto type of SSMB has also been.built.


While China still can't make neither DUV nor EUV machine, Western countries are at the end of EUV development phase as transistors cannot be smaller than the size of an atom. The next evolution will be to build chip in multi layers, each is mere atoms thick. This is where China falls even further behind as Applied Materials, Lam Research, Tokyo Electron and KLA shine.


Pepe E.
@Jsh Oh wow, what an unfortunate turn of events! It seems like you had quite a rough encounter with a cat. Ouch, those bites must have really hurt your tongue. Take care and I hope you feel better soon!

哇,多么不幸的事情啊! 看来你和一只猫的遭遇很不愉快啊。哎哟,你那被咬伤的舌头一定很疼吧。多保重,希望你早日康复!

Seow P.
@Jsh China has started the atom thick graphene research a decade ago.


Richard C.
Excellent work to China Chairman xi and his Govt Officials for ‘put their money where their mouth is’ for building a giant chip factory to meet its ‘Self Sufficiency & Dual Circulation’ govt policy, well done! This would teach any country around the world the consequence to their own country economy if they blindly followed US Admin’s policy, no more no less, plain and simple. Finally it is great for China Govt to CONTINUOUSLY condemning Japanese Govt's irresponsibly action of releasing its radioactive nuclear reactor coolant waste water into the ocean damaging the marine lives and polluting/poisoning the environments & possibly human lives.

干得好,中国和他的政府官员“把钱花在了自己说到过的地方”,他们建造了一个巨大的芯片工厂,以满足中国的“自给自足和双重循环”政策,干得好! 这将教会世界上任何一个国家,如果他们盲目地遵循美国政府的政策,他们自己国家的经济将会受到怎样的影响,言简意赅,简单明了。最后,中国政府不断谴责日本政府不负责任地将放射性核反应堆冷却剂废水排放到海洋中,毒害海洋生物,污染/毒害环境,甚至是人类生命。这是很值得称赞的行为。

It was sad and tragic to see ‘US admin, British and South Korean Govts have become the world’s “axis of evil” nowadays for supporting Japanese Govt releasing its radioactive waste water’ That’s might be the main reason why Biden Admin have told Rahm Emanuel (US Ambassador) to shut up in order to deny US responsibility easier in the future when sick cancer-Americans are suing Japanese Govt for causing their lives, say $250m each according to US Court awarded one US thief in North Korea died track record. China Govt shall work closely with other countries & international organisation (Greenpeace, environmental activists, Etc Etc) stopping Japan’s action. PS. I used to like watching Rahm Emanue on PBS News Hour as a guest, but he cross the line that might cause million lives in the future for US Admin's hypocrisy & double standard practice.

注: 我曾经喜欢看到拉姆·伊曼纽尔在PBS新闻时间作为嘉宾出场,但现在他越过了界线,这可能会导致未来数百万人的生命受到威胁,因为美国政府的虚伪和双重标准。

Milandinia M.
@Complete P. Incorrect. The iAEA standard for waste water is nuclear waste water NOT for water exposed directly to the core. It does not measure the other radioactive elements. Japan didn't let anyone else measure it for other radioactivity. And they choose the cheapest. Jusf dump it into the ocean.


Small C.
China is also said to be dumping nuclear sewage into the sea.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Richard C.
@Small C. China is a very large country and Chinese are smart people to know how to manage their nuclear reactor coolants. Same apply to France & USA to put all their nuclear wastes underground if you cared to find out before making any unwise comment.


Panda I.
@Small C. Fyi, there's no comparison between water from properly running nuclear plants and that from a damaged one like in Fukushima. If they were the same, Japan would have done it long ago and there's no need for dilution process. Dilution is cheating, btw. It's still the same level of contamination being disposed.


Panda I.
@Milandinia M. IAEA report, donwloaying the danger was funded by the US. Incidentally Japan has just increased her purchase of US treasury. Quid pro quo? IAEA has a tiny disclaimer stating that while they are trying to be as accurate as possible, they are not responsible for the report. In other words, it's a useless report.

国际原子能机构的报告,它的信任危机是因为这个组织是由美国资助的。顺便说一句,日本刚刚增加了对美国国债的购买。这莫非是交换条件? 国际原子能机构还有一个小小的免责声明,声明虽然他们试图尽可能检测准确,但他们不对这份报告负责。换句话说,这是一份无用的报告。

Willy X.
One day, China can sell chip as cheap as potato chips


Lau C.
@Willy X. Yes. Anything is possible one day, some day. Like one day humans will travel faster than speed of light. One day.


Wbt K.
@Lau C. Another sour grape, suffering the Stockholm Syndrome.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Intel is going to mass produce 2nm chips 1H 2024 then 1.8nm in 2H 2024 while China is researching EUV light source. EUV light source was first commercialized by Cymer USA in 2008. Can we say China is decades behind regarding EUV light source, if not centuries.


Wbt K.
@Jsh Another sour grape, suffering the Stockholm Syndrome.


Bc B.
@Jsh Please provide the source regarding Intel will be mass production of 2nm chips next year because I mostly learn that advanced chips, ie n3e, are produced by TSMC. In order to mass production of 3nm chips, fabs have to switch to adopt GAA instead of FINfet, while both TSMC and Samsung not yet mastered the new technique.


Alistair C.
@Jsh You're completely missing the point. The development of alternative means of producing an euv light source means that China can become self reliant without trying to replicate the multiple cutting edge technologies that are integrated into the ASML machines.


Matthew S.
Well done, Chinese scientists! A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Now, a very important first step has been taken, I can't wait to see you crush US sanctions in the near future!

干得好,中国科学家! 千里之行,始于足下。现在,中国迈出了非常重要的第一步,我迫不及待地想看到你在不久的将来粉碎美国的制裁的场面了!

Hector L.
@Matthew S. I believe many like the word "crush" in your comment.


Egay N.
This is a real game changer. It will make a lot of western technology obsolete and irrelevant. Go ahead put in more sanctions. The more the better for China as they have no alternative but to create their own and do it better


@Egay N. Totally. I also have a plan to make a inter galactic transporter that goes as fast as the electrons in this planned particle accelerator. Total game changer.


LOL “There is still a long way to go before our independent development of EUV lithography machines, but SSMB-based EUV light sources give us an alternative to the sanctioned technology,”


Whiskers :.
@JsH China did the same thing with EVs due to longterm planning and thinking. Now the West is screaming 'subsidies!' Oh the hypocrisy!

由于长期规划和思考,中国在电动汽车领域上也做了同样的事情。现在西方国家在狂喊“补贴!” 哦,真是虚伪!

@Whiskers :. Anyone can make EVs, the only difference is China pays its workers next to nothing.


Fernando G.
@Whiskers :. Don't forget solar panels that were extremely expensive till China started producing them


Whiskers :.
Say what? After Huawei's out-of-nowhere chip, this, however, should not surprise anyone - except maybe those smiling US senators and flawmakers. China will need to post agents around the facility to ensure there is no US sabotage.

你说什么呢? 然而,在华为悄无声息地推出自研芯片之后,这个新闻应该不会让任何人感到惊讶了吧——也许那些面带微笑的美国参议员和缺陷制造者除外。中国需要在这个设施周围部署特工,以确保它们不受到美国的破坏。

Lau C.
Feel sad about scientists who always need to splash big and no real stuff these days. Just to pacify anxiety of C.. leaders. "Plans in progress" to construct and how many decades will it take to complete accelerator , which works to commercialize chip manufaturing (If any)?


Whiskers :.
@Lau C. Decades? I can guarantee you it will be ready long before the forced building of the TSMC plant in the US.

几十年? 我可以向你保证,在台积电在美国的强迫下在美国建设的工厂完成之前,它就会准备好。

Spider L.
No kidding! There is no leap at all between a plan for building a giant particle accelerator and overtaking America in advanced chip making. None.

没有开玩笑! 建造巨型粒子加速器的计划与在先进芯片制造方面超越美国之间没有任何促进作用,一个也没有。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Whiskers :.
@Complete P. Nah, I think the US will fail because Biden said Modi was his new best friend. LOL!


James O.
@Spider L. EUV lithography machine cannot stay at the top forever, something more advanced will emerged and overtake it. Looks like SSMB-EUV light source will be the one emerging


很赞 27