2023-10-01 童言无忌 9354
What are some inevitable recurring patterns throughout history?


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Ahmad Abubakr (احمد ابوبکر)
Rise and fall of Great Powers
What many people do not seem to notice is that no power can remain at the top of the world forever. Time will decay everything. It is inevitable. The second a country or empire becomes a great power, the never-ending fight against decay begins. The result has been and always will be the same. Some hold onto that power for a year, others for a decade, a few for centuries but eventually all empires face that inevitable fall.


The interesting thing to note is that the people of these powers are usually blind to the decay and collapse until it actually sets in. Each at their prime belief themselves to be the greatest and themselves to be exceptional. This is visible even now. At the moment there is only a single superpower, United States of America. Many times you will see US citizens call it the greatest country in human history and the pinnacle of human civilization. Are they wrong? Probably not. However, that does not truly make the US exceptional. It is simply the latest fad and like all the ones before, it will be replaced by another. The same way the US replaced Great Britain. The new power will then become the pinnacle of human civilization, only to be eventually replaced by another. No empire or country is truly exceptional.


Let us focus on some empires of the past so that the pattern becomes apparent. Starting with a recent great power, the British Empire.
This is the British empire at it’s greatest extent. The richest and most powerful Empire in the entire world. A navy that would bring all to their knees. The citizens of this country could never see how such a great empire could possibly decline and fall. They considered it the greatest empire in human history as well. Who can forget the phrase, “the sun will never set on the British Empire”. But time decayed the empire and eventually, the sun did very well set on the British Empire.
Prior to the British Empire, that phrase was actually coined for the Spanish Empire in the 16th and 17th centuries.


This empire was everything that the British would eventually become. the greatest of the colonizers and empire builders. None could stand against the Spanish Armada. Like all other before and after it, the Empire decayed and fell.
One thing becomes apparent. The citizens of each great power have great pride in their country and its power. They are sure of it. Its decay and fall cannot be seen until it is too late. Each views itself as exceptional and different than the ones that preceded it.


What better way to describe this than by showing the Ak-Saray Palace (White Palace) of Tamerlane. Tamerlane carved out the Timurid Empire from the surrounding territories. Each rival fell against this great new empire. The Persians, the Ottomans, the Delhi Sultanate and the Golden Horde. None could match the power of the Timurids. In the city of his birth, Tamerlane had a grand palace built so that all that would come would see the power of his great empire. The greatest and the most beautiful of all palaces in the world. Gates that stood 70 meters tall, making all who would enter feel small and insignificant. On top of the palace was written in large letters, “If you challenge our power— look at our buildings.” Which man could set their eyes upon this palace and ever imagine the fall of the Timurid Empire? 600 years later, this is what remains of this once great palace.


How will the great cities of today stand the test of time? What will New York and Los Angeles look like in half a millennium? Will they really be any different than all of the cities that have preceded them?
In the end, we are all just insignificant beings desperately trying to withstand the sands of time. Not even realizing just how small we are in the grand scheme of things.


Luke Hatherton
Tamerlane’s story is indeed the ur-example of the impermanence of power. He built a mighty empire over the course of 35 years of endless campaigning and wanton destruction. He was bloodthirsty and sadistic, inflicting appalling suffering and death even by the standards of his day. He buried people alive, threw them down wells, cemented them into walls, and built pyramids of skulls - the first conqueror to achieve notoriety for that. (Contrary to popular belief, the Mongols, as bad as they were, did not do this.) His conquests caused the deaths of up to 17 million people, or 5% of the world’s population at the time.


Tamerlane’s last major rival was Ming China. He therefore wanted to destroy it to become the most powerful ruler on earth. This was an impossible dream - the Ming was at its height and too powerful even for him. For instance, Tamerlane had 200,000 troops at his disposal. The Yongle Emperor had *one million* in his standing army, expertly trained and skilled at fighting nomads.


Nevertheless, Tamerlane was so desperate to challenge the Ming, his last great enemy, before he died that in December 1404, at about the age of 70 and in failing health, he embarked on an insane winter march across Central Asia through blizzards and deep snow, while being carried in a litter, wrapped in furs. His soldiers had to dig through four feet of snow and ice to reach water, and many people and animals froze to death.
Tamerlane caught a fatal cold and died in a palace at Otrar, in modern-day Kazakhstan, on February 17, 1405, having toiled only 300 miles and still 1,500 miles from the Chinese border. Shortly before his death, he asked his attendants to pray to God to have mercy on him.


Tamerlane’s body was taken back to Samarkand for burial. His huge empire fragmented immediately after his death, and the last remnants vanished almost exactly a century later, in 1507. It might as well have never been.
Tamerlane wanted to be remembered forever. Today, he is almost completely forgotten outside of Western, Central and South Asia, where his memory survives in all but his native Uzbekistan only as that of a murderous warlord. He left no lasting political or cultural legacy. The vast killings, the bloodbaths, the ruin and devastation - all for nothing. Fittingly, only his tomb, the Gur-e-Amir in Samarkand, remains.

恰当的是,现在只剩下他的陵墓,撒马尔罕的 Gur-e-Amir。

Ahmad Abubakr (احمد ابوبکر)
He never actually fought against the Ming dynasty. He was already too old and became desperate. He invaded China in the winter, something he always avoided in all of his other conquests. His desperation for the conquest of China led to his death.


He may have been able to defeat the Chinese as well had he been younger. The Chinese were powerful no doubt but so were all of the others. The Ottomans too were powerful enough to strike fear into the hearts of their neighbors. The Golden horde had been restored by Tokhtamysh and had retaken their old lands after defeating the Russians and Grand Dutchy. The Delhi Sultanate was the same powerhouse of India that had once before easily repelled the Mongols. Each was considered unbeatable and yet Tamerlane dispatched off them with relative ease.

金帐汗国已经被札兰丁·汗恢复,并击败了俄罗斯人和 Grand Dutchy ,夺回了他们的旧土地。

The man may have been a bloodthirsty psychopath and someone who could make Hitler look like Jesus, but there is no doubting his competence and genius as a conqueror.


Luke Hatherton
I agree with you about Tamerlane’s phenomenal ability to defeat or destroy very strong opponents. Tamerlane knew the Ming would be his most formidable foe, which is why he paid obeisance to the Ming until he had destroyed or neutralized every other enemy he faced and felt strong enough to go to war with them.


But Ming China was on another level compared to all of Tamerlane’s previous opponents. In this case, I believe Tamerlane had finally succumbed to hubris. Tamerlane attacked the Ming in 1405, when it was at the peak of its strength. Unlike Tamerlane’s other enemies, he may have finally met his match in the Yongle Emperor. Yongle was one seriously tough hombre. He was much younger than Tamerlane and rode on fierce and brilliant campaigns with his armies. Tamerlane’s army was 200,000 strong - but Yongle’s was *one million* strong. If Tamerlane’s empire was huge, Yongle’s was gigantic.


Yongle defeated his rivals in China after the death of the Hongwu Emperor and would in 1410 defeat the Mongols of the Northern Yuan Dynasty, so he knew how to fight nomads. His network of spies had infiltrated all of the potential threats around him. He was well-informed of Tamerlane’s plans and had stockpiled supplies and strengthened the massive defenses at the Jiayu Pass in the Great Wall, on the western border of China, far distant from the Ming heartland. The Chinese capital at the time was Nanjing, much more centralized in China than Beijing and as a result much harder to attack.


I really don’t see any way Tamerlane could have won this confrontation, even if he had been younger. The most realistic outcome I can see is that he might have marched as far as the Great Wall, realized he was outmatched, pillaged what little could be found in the region, declared a ‘victory’ and withdrawn.


L Lawliet
Timur always found a way to hve every advantage possible and his favorite tactic to use betrayal would have work and we dont know what was he planing but he always had a plan


Abdigani Sugal
What makes the Ming different is the logistics, going through mountains and deserts for hundreds of miles is tough even for nomads.


Ahmad Abubakr (احمد ابوبکر)
There is no doubt that the war against the Ming would have been Tamerlane’s greatest challenge. He may even have failed completely. But given his past history, I would not have bet against him.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Abdigani Sugal
I'm not a betting man but if i was i would bet against conquest of even Northern China let alone its entirety. That said he would have some chance, if he had decent successors to finish the campaign, eg: Kublai for Genghis Khan.


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