2023-10-01 辽阔天空 4954
What are some good characteristics of the Indian culture?


Why is the Indian culture very famous?
Indian culture is actually among the world’s oldest civilization. Some of the things that make Indian culture famous is the architecture, mathematics(invention of zero by Aryabhatta) and introducing medicine Ayurveda.
It is also famous because it is the birthplace of religions such as Buddism and Hinduism which are one of the world’s largest religions. It is also recognized by the largest and most important festival celebrated by the Indian culture which is Diwali in addition to Holi. Indian culture is famous for its clothing including silk sarees, colourful wedding dresses, dhotis, kurtas and so on.


Devender Pal
Hinduism culture proved that we can fight dangerous diseases like corona.
As doctors described us
Don't Shake Hands to minimize physical contact.
Vegetarian food is the healthiest diet for any person ( Infected or Normal person ).
Burn the dead body helps to stop spreading infection in nature.
Worshiping nature is the need of our era
Washing feet before entering the house
Quarantine for 13 days ritual in Hinduism called Terahvi
These all precautions are suggesting by a doctor now… but these points are very normal in culture but saddest things is. Indians forget their own best culture and adapt others.


David Emmanuel
What is a sign that someone is a genuinely good person?
A Genuinely good person is recognized by the following, in my experience.
They keep an open Mind about others Opinions.
They accept when they’re Wrong and try to learn from their Mistake.
They have a Positive energy to them that draws others In.
They’re trustworthy and Dependable not only when it Counts.
They have a Warmth to them, you feel like you can tell them Anything.
They always have a Positive Outlook on life.


They let people have their Moment to Shine.
They don’t try to One up others, sharing about their own personal Experiences.
They give others a chance to Finish their Thoughts and stories.
They have Patience, Compassion, and Empathy.
They also have Amazing emotional Intelligence.
They’re truly Happy about others Success and offer their support.
They’re slow to Speak and quick to Listen.
Just a few things I’ve noticed!


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Anna Stepanova
What is the general perception about India and Indians around the world?
So recently I went to a dentist for casual cleaning. (In Russia, to be precise)
Before starting the procedure she asked me about my previous visits to doctor. I told her that I had just arrived from India where I had lived for almost three years and I visited dentists regularly there.
The doctor became very curious. The first question that came out of her mouth:
“Oh they have dentists there?!”
If I were invisible I would have facepalmed.
But I just replied her:
“Of course, there are dentists there.”
Then I got to the chair and my torture (less physical than intellectual) began.


The lady continued asking me the following:
“How did you live there for 3 years? It must have been so dirty there…”
“You must have gone there for meditation and stuff, right?”
“Did you swim in the ocean every day?”
“I heard that Indians clean their butts with left hand after toilet… Did you do that too?!”
“Did you wear sari always?”
“What is their religion? Christians? Oh wait… I remember, they all are Buddhists, right?”
So I wasn’t really able to reply anything meaningful.
All this time I spent in utter shock that these stereotypical ill-informed ideas about India are still so strong that a well-educated person can come up with such silly questions. I am afraid this is what a common Russian thinks about India, unless they take a special interest in Indian culture and history.


Ketan Pande
What is Indian culture? What do you actually mean by that?
I got a call from the police station.
The SI on the other end:
“Hi! There is a Person in our office and he needs your help.”
Me, “What happened?”
The SI said, “Well! There is a snake in his house.”
Me, “OK! I will be there in 10–15 min.”
As the police station is close to my house. I quickly went there.
I met the man and SI and asked the person to take me to his home.
I was riding the bike, with him sitting on the pillion seat.
After a while with some hesitation, He said,
“Sir! I am roaming here and there for two hours. Thus finally I went to the police station.”


I asked him why he didn’t call anybody.
On which he said, “Sir! I had a diary in which I wrote numbers. But it is lost now.”
As soon as this conversation end, we reached the spot.
He had a typical Indian rural house with thatched roof and mud walls. The person was a labourer and was meeting his ends on daily wages.
His family was sitting outside the house and as soon as they saw me, they were a bit relaxed.
I asked them, “Where is the snake?”
And they pointed me towards a small extension of the house.
And, As soon as I entered the extension, I saw a very appalling scene.
Two chicks of hen were dead with tiny drops of blood around them and a rooster was lying unconscious in a box.


I asked them to describe the snake and my guess was right.
The culprit of this horrible scene was this snake:
I searched here and there, and it was an unsuccessful attempt. The snake was gone.
At this point, you must be thinking,
‘How does it answer the question?’
Well! If you have read carefully:
He is a labourer working on daily wage.
Losing 3 hens might not seem too much, but for a person like him, it’s a huge toll.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Plus, emotional trauma can’t be measure. I mean he saw the snake killing chicks, which many people treat like babies.
At this point,
You must be thinking
Why didn’t he kill the snake?
To which I would like to quote the man himself. He said while I was searching the snake:
We don’t want to do the sin of killing a living being
I mean Imagine,
A living being did harm to him in some way. Still, that person wanted to follow the path of peace and search for help for two hours.
He wanted me to rescue and rehabilitate the snake in the wild. That means he showed respect to the living being.
And I think,
This is what Indian culture is all about. We believe in peace and we respect each living being and that’s what makes us special.


Nicolas de Mauroy
What are some good characteristics of the French culture?
I can tell you what I missed, as a French man, when living for around 2 years abroad in my late twenties and early thirties.
The first thing I missed, especially in the US, is what we call “refaire le monde” (remake the world): going out with friends over a good meal and drinks to have a good talk. In a lot of countries, you go out between young adults merely to get drunk. I do not enjoy getting drunk, I want to be in a good restaurant or bar and talk about politics, life, relationships, whatever. Also, as far as romance is concerned, drunk people are so unattractive.
The second thing I missed is the special way we have to “tease” colleagues at work. The most benign would involve making ironic comments about a colleague new clothes. It also usually involves playing with the border of political correctness. Another big part is making subtle allusions to the participants intimate relationships, implying we are somehow attracted to a colleague or tell sentences with an implicitly explicit double meaning. There is all an art in doing this without anybody feeling harassed. In other countries, especially Northern Europe, this is generally not authorized, though you can still have fun with the absurd ‘Dilbert” situations you encounter in the workplace.


Anders Gabrielsson
What are some of the good characteristics of Swedish cultures?
Egalitarianism and informality. Swedes care very little about formal hierarchies, or formality in general. Everyone adresses each other by first name, except for the royal family and ministers at formal occasions. I work at a police precinct, and nobody uses any formal titles there.
Respect for others. Despite a lack of interest in formality, Swedes generally try to be respectful of each other. This is expressed in many different ways, such as punctuality, not trying to cut in line when queueing, and generally leaving each other alone so as to respect other people's privacy. The latter can be experienced as coldness or a way to distance themselves from each other, but that's a false impression. Swedes are not cold once you get to know us!
However, Swedes generally have little interest in the kind of respect that is associated with "face" or defending one's family honor. You're unlikely to get a rise out of a Swede by insulting their mother, for example, unless you're really obnoxious about it.
Hugging. This is something I hadn't thought of until it was pointed out to me by foreigners, probably because some of my friends aren't bit on hugging, but in general Swedes are huggers! The first time you visit a Swede they will most likely just shake your hand, but the second time you can expect hugs.
Fika! This is the main way Swedes socialize outside their homes as well as when visiting each other. The closest translation in English is "coffee", but fika is so much more. Materially it can be coffee, tea, soda, or some other kind of drink, usually with a cookie or something else on the side, but that's not the important part. Primarily it's a way to meet and talk. At nearly all workplaces, people who work together will take fika breaks together twice a day.


Mansi M
What is the best thing about Indian culture and Indian people?
Indian culture is one of the most diverse cultures in the whole world. As an Indian myself, I know I haven’t explored even 50% of India. I'm from India. I have never seen this much of diversity in any other place. From food to customs, everything changes when you start from north to south or east to west, i wonder sometimes, will I be able to explore all the beautiful places in my motherland itself.
Indian culture is different in different region. It's not about religion or the boundaries. There is a gradual change as the region changes. In general, there is a sharp contrast when you see the culture and food habits of people from north, south, east and west.
FOOD HABITS - It’s the silliest thing. I have ever seen on internet. People fighting VEG vs. Nonveg vs. Vegan diets ( these days ). It’s all about region. Different regions have different food habits. That’s the most amazing thing - there are thousands of delicacies only in India itself. From Dal bati to khar from Assam everything has its own taste.
Indian people cannot communicate with each other without English, because there is linguistic diversity. Gujarati, Bengali, Telugu, Malayalam, many other ethnic tribal groups have their own language like Nagamese, in Nagaland, states like Arunachal Pradesh - don't have one state official language because there are more than 50 languages, including dialects are spoken by the native people.
It is true that Indian people have so much diversity in their culture, yet we all are united. After all, we all are INDIANS.


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