巴勒斯坦誓死反击以色列,已致100死900伤 KB谈巴以冲突和正义邪恶
2023-10-08 翻译熊 15432

Are the people of Palestine simply reacting to nearly 80 years of swindling, brutalization, and repression by evil Zionist oppressors? Will Palestinian courage prevail over American supplied Zionist steel?


Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam
It happens
Sometimes you decide it's better to die than live in a certain way
That's when things become dangerous
At this stage you decide, since you have decided to die already, you will take down as many people as you want
Women, Children, Old Women, Old Men, Generals, Wives of Generals, Grandkids of Generals, Ordinary Civilians - you just don't care anymore
That's how Taliban fought


That's how the legendaRy Viet Minh fought The Mighty US Army could frontally kill many Vietnamese but a video of a single US Marine with his belly ripped open and being fed his own intestines would give the Viet Minh a larger win especially as journalists in their own country called these marines murderers
Ready to die but kill as many as possible before doing so
It's why peace is never easy in the middle East


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Most people aren't ready to die
It's unlikely that Taiwanese would be ready to die. They are too practical.
Ukranians and Russians are less practical but still would probably surrender if the going is too tough
It's the Palestinians , because of the Fundamental Islamic belief in Jannat, who are ready to die provided they kill


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

If Israel do brutally crush Gaza , these Palestinians may die, in fact they WILL DIE
Yet their death will anger the Muslims in all of the Middle East and those living in Israel
One day a Israeli Generals 18 year old son, walking to a movie with his girlfriend will be stabbed to death by an angry arab boy, in revenge for his fathers actions in Gaza


Another day, in a Salon, two ordinary women coming for a hairdo would be blown up by another 15 year old girl with a rough IED into pieces
Israelis can never be at peace. Never happily take a meal. Never enjoy life without always fearing some attack somewhere
So they will leave Israel and take citizenships in US and Europe



Plus every Islamic Nation will condemn Israel for destroying Gaza and any hope of peace with Israel will be thrown out of the window
Thus the Palestinians with their death would deliver a huge win for their cause against Israel than keep living without power, concrete in blown out buildings


So my guess is Palestinians know they can't win a conventional war against Israel
Yet they also know that if Israel invades Gaza and kills them all and takes over, then Israels biggest nightmares will start and so will Americas
There are 52 Million Muslims in these Countries and assuming even 1% decide to take revenge for Gaza, that's 520,000 furious Muslims ready to die but take down as many as possible from WITHIN ISRAEL, US and Europe


So my guess is Israel may finally invade Gaza and they may win the battle but with their sacrifice Palestinians will win the war
Unless Israel is smart, decides not to escalate and do their usual bombing to atom routine for 3–4 days and then once Hamas calls a ceasefire , go back to status quo
Or NEGOTIATE A PEACE That would be the best way to keep up survival


Arjun K Vijayakumar
Saudi Arabia was warming up to Israel through unofficial backchannels, reportedly having the US serving as the mediator, as both countries are strong partners of US. At the same time, Saudi Arabia is also one of the mightiest Arab countries to support the Palestinian cause. My guess is this attack by Hamas is to provoke Israel into attacking their civilians and infrastructure to a point of angering Saudi and other Arab countries, effectively undoing the years backchannel diplomatic relationship. Because the moment Arab countries normalize their relationship with Israel, Palestine is a lost cause for generations to come


Varun Raghav
“There are 52 Million Muslims in these Countries and assuming even 1% decide to take revenge for Gaza, that's 520,000 furious Muslims ready to die but take down as many as possible from WITHIN ISRAEL, US and Europe”
Ithellam 1948,1967 laye paatachu.
Israelis are equally ideologically oriented people. They lost 2/3rds of their population to Holocaust, no way they are returning to the same European countries that persecuted them. They are not Indians or Chinese or Europeans who are so used to luxury that they prefer fleeing than fighting
Israelis will do whatever is necessary to crush this rebellion of Gaza people


Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam
No 1948,1967 were wars against armies
Soldier vs soldier
This is ripping the head of an innocent 4 yr old kid and dying
It's different as hell from 67 or 73
It's a different war

不,那个时候的战争是军队对抗。战士 vs 战士。

Should the free world support the Palestinians in their fight against the Zionist apartheid regime?
Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam
Absolutely!!! I mean, I don't exactly call Israel a Zionist Apartheid Regime but sure, if Ukrainians are victims, so are Palestinians
If Russia is an aggressor, then so is Israel
If Ukraine bombing Russia is fine, so must Palestinians bombing Tel Aviv.
The Rules must be uniform


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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