2023-10-13 龟兔赛跑 3943
What would a UK-US merger look like?


David James Sheets
It would look like this: Brexit, then Scottish succession. Recession and nationalistic depression would drive England and Wales to US. Wales would be 1 state and England would be four states, each with a population comparable to Ohio. Massive migration of Englishmen to US. 10 new senators. Monarchy - of course - abolished.


Graham Grasdal
If it were decided that it would happen, how would Canada and the USA merge?
Briefly, it won't ever happen but the only way your scenario could happen would be 1) Quebec secedes and is independent 2) Newfoundland rejoins Great Britain


J. J. Grey
If it were decided that it would happen, how would Canada and the USA merge?
The Canadian citizens and provinces would be given all the rights of the US citizens and States , respectively. US citizens and states would would be given all the rights of the citizens and provinces of Canada. The Canadian parliament and US congress would have to merge and be assigned new location - Maybe somewhere in the west or on the great lakes. There would have to be a new election for president. The supreme court/judiciary would have to merge. A new constitution would have to be written for the combined nation, All laws would have to be rewritten for the new constitution.


Steve Gray
Hypothetical scenario: Brexit causes the “special relationship” between the U.K. and US to lead to a new unx of the two. What events could trigger such an event?
There is no way on earth the British would agree to being involved in such a pathetic system as the USA has unless they adopted all British laws, and I doubt the corporations who currently own the US government would accept that.
We would want a full universal health care system as a start, vastly improved environment laws, animal welfare standards, food safety standards, gun law changes etc. Big changes to the welfare system. Stricter laws on landlords.
We would want the electoral system changed so money could not buy a political post as it does now. Strict limits on political advertising, the election period reduced to 8 weeks to make that limit possible and make it easier for new parties to break into the current duopoly.
Police would have to be trained much better and made transparent to public scrutiny. Qualified immunity would be dropped. All police staff would be on a national database where complaints or convictions could be seen by anyone.
Hypothetical or not, it is impossible.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Ben Skirvin
If the US and UK agreed to merge, what would happen to the monarchy?
Hereditary titles of authority are specifically unconstitutional in the US.
No more Her Majesty's Ship, House of Lords, or Royal Marines.
The family might maintain its titles in a non-official capacity, but would not retain any official government standing.
In case you are wondering why the Brits would be forced to change and not the Americans, it's a question of size.
The US is much, much larger than Britain by both population and landmass. Many Americans are also not descended from English ancestors or have ancestors who were outright antagonistic towards Britain at the the time of their arrival in America.
While this past may not now cause feelings of animosity, neither does it engender much enthusiasm for the British crown.


Robert Charles Lee
If the US and UK agreed to merge, what would happen to the monarchy?
There’s going to be a helluva lot of sticking points in that kind of unx or merger.
For starters, the biggest sticking point is the constitution — one’s codified and the other isn’t. What’s more, the U.S. Constitution boils down to how things should be done, whereas the British one boils down to how things have always been acceptably done. If anyone can get those two constitutions meet halfway, I’ll hand by my law degree and licence, and lick the feet of that person. Not gonna happen with the constitutional mismatch.
But the real awkward mess is how the USA will ‘dictate’ its own terms to the UK in such a merger — and the British will just go ballistic at this, just like the American will too if the reverse situation happened. The American and the British are fighters at heart more than anything else, and just don’t like to be told “do it or else.”
As to the Royal Family, I don’t think they will ultimately feel one way or another. Apart from the inevitable sadness (probably not lasting too long, I think) of seeing the loss of monarchy, the royals are out-and-out pragmatists. Facing the prospect of a unx with any country (not just the USA), the royals are going to realistic and hard-headed enough to accept that they’ll be out of the picture in some way. Loss of power and loss of monarchy are occupational hazards with royal families anywhere.


Valerie Hulley
Why are there many posts and questions regarding a US-Canada merger? It's easy to assume that the idea comes from Canadians rather than Americans the most. Theoretically speaking, would a merger of sorts be a good or bad idea for each country?
A2A - By what stretch of imagination do you assume Canadians instigate suggestion of a U.S./Canada merger? This Canadian assures you Canada meant it when defeating America in the War of 1812. I’m sure America would love to get its hands on Canadian resources, abundant supply of fresh water and dominion over vast regions of the Arctic. Americans consumed with delusions of superiority pose tiresome suggestion of a merger - Canadians shake their heads and laugh it off.
Theoretical good or bad idea? Try preposterous
Canadians don’t envy America, truth is we count ourselves lucky not to be born in the U.S.


Luis Rodrigues
Why are there many posts and questions regarding a US-Canada merger? It's easy to assume that the idea comes from Canadians rather than Americans the most. Theoretically speaking, would a merger of sorts be a good or bad idea for each country?
Let’s start with addressing the second part of your question: “it’s easy to assume the idea comes from Canadians rather than Americans the most”.
Wow. Really ? What evidence would you have to suggest that ?
I’m willing to bet a year’s pay that if you took a poll of, say, a million Canadians, you would find about ZERO that would want to merge Canada with that mess called the United States.
I can think of dozens of reasons Canadians don’t want to merge with the U.S., but since I don’t have time to enumerate them, let’s go with these:
We have universal health care and we like it that way.
We have gun control and we like that too.
Generally, Canadians don’t understand the American politics of divisiveness, a culture built on fearing your neighbour that seems to believe that it’s Ok to shoot your neighbour, but it’s NOT ok to pay for their health care
So, to your question:
Why are there many posts and questions regarding a US-Canada merger? It's easy to assume that the idea comes from Canadians rather than Americans the most. Theoretically speaking, would a merger of sorts be a good or bad idea for each country?
I’m guessing that many questions come from Americans, and the question is really the equivalent of “If I’m so great then why doesn’t she love me?”.
Or more correctly, “If we’re as great as we think we are then why doesn’t the rest of the world want to be us?”.
Sorry to be harsh but this question got on my nerves.


Robert Reid
Why are there many posts and questions regarding a US-Canada merger? It's easy to assume that the idea comes from Canadians rather than Americans the most. Theoretically speaking, would a merger of sorts be a good or bad idea for each country?
These questions are not coming from Canadians. You can take that to the bank. This is Americans playing out the Monroe Doctrine's “manifest destiny”, which they take to mean that the US deserves to have all of Canada. This whole thing is stupid and just plain annoying. Canadians absolutely do not want to be Americans. Not now, not ever.

你可以相信这个事实:这些问题不是加拿大人提出的。这是美国人在演绎门罗主义(Monroe Doctrine)的“天定命运”(manifest destiny),他们认为这意味着美国理应拥有整个加拿大。这整件事很愚蠢,很烦人。加拿大人绝对不想成为美国人。现在不会,永远也不会。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Aston Kwok
What would a UK-US merge look like?
Very powerful.
Trade across the Atlantic would increase dramatically.
Its navy, already the dominant in the one, would be even more unchallenged.
Its soft power would be immense.
Heck! What on earth are you guys waiting for?


Joe Roberts
Originally Answered: What would a UK-US merge look like?
Really dumb and so preposterous as to be barely worth thinking about.
It would be a return to the situation pre-1776. Now who is going to go for that? Beyond that, I don't know what it would look like. Both countries already have so many similarities and shared cultural attributes (yes, we do like to bicker about the differences, but they're fairly minor in the spectrum of human variety) and chain restaurants, that a "merger" might not change anything all that much.


Tasilo von Heydebrandt
The chance of the United Kingdom becoming part of the United States approaches true zero. First of all, it currently consists of England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and various other small principalities, not all of which would or could become American. If their prime minister went insane and actually proposed this, it could only be after they dissolved their monarchy. The American constitution actually proscribes titles as they are known in the UK; indeed, part of the reason for the American Revolution was that no person was above anyone else in society, at least technically. So we have no Sirs, Lords, Ladies, Countesses, and very particularly, we have no Kings or Queens. So all of those people would have to renounce their titles.


Mark Jeffrey
About the only thing that is the same in the two countries is a large chunk (far from all) of the English language.
The culture is different.
The accents are different, as is pronunciation of the same words.
The politics are utterly different.
The social classes are different (USA based on money, UK on family and schooling).
The legal systems are different (though both were originally based on ancient English law they are now very much diverged).
The sense of humour is different (some works in both countries, much of it doesn’t).
The health, education, policing, and military systems are very different.
Attitudes to religion are very different.
Sports are different (Britain’s being more aligned with the rest of the world than the USA).
In any case, any merger would upset both countries far too much.
If the British were brought into the American system, the British would obxt to losing their Parliament, monarchy, and personal freedoms, and the Americans would obxt to having their politics shunted massively to the left by hundreds of additional centrist (left-wing by American standards) congresspeople and senators.
If the Americans were brought into the British system, many of them would obxt to having religious freedom, gun control and free healthcare foisted upon them. There is no pleasing some people.


Leon Markham
I have strong views on this, which I have shared on this and other forums many times. There is a great cultural and social opportunity to bring together the West Coast, Northern and North Eastern states of the USA, Canada and the UK, in a broad, inclusive and prosperous nation.
Every constituent part must be recognized and honored. We will therefore be very careful about the naming of this great nation:
From The Dominion of Canada we will take the word “The”
From The United States of America we will take the word “United”
From the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland we will take the word “Kingdom”
This beacon of freedom will quickly become the envy of the world. In order that our friends over the ocean feel included, we will let them nominate a new royal family - we suggest the Schwarzeneggers as an option but are open to suggestions.

从“加拿大自治领(The Dominion of Canada )”中我们取" The "这个词
在“美利坚合众国(The United States of America )”,我们将使用“United”一词
在“大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国( the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland )“的“Kingdom”一词

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